Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 311 So-so

Now Li Fan's bald head is covered with sweat. You fairies and witch masters, please be human. Although he looks like a middle-aged bald man now, in his bones he is a young man who has just passed his prime period! It's too much to use drugs or something strong!

Could it be that if you inherit the karma of the true inheritance of the God Lord, you will encounter a large group of yandere who love him to death? Alas, it’s all because of the poor monk’s damn charm.


Hello system, which side are you from?

But then again, if what Gu Panpan said is true, and if you become acquainted with him and practice dual cultivation, you will have the opportunity to achieve enlightenment, what's going on? Could it be that among the techniques he currently masters, is there anything that can help female cultivators achieve breakthroughs and enlightenment?

Is it his improved Lingshu? It would be too unreliable to rely on dual cultivation to help people realize enlightenment. He is not Amao, and this is not that kind of story...

Or What about the changes in Moshan Taisu? Then you won’t be a human being after you refine it, right? It’s not the true inheritance of Beichen Sword Sect, right?

Although Xuantian didn't say that women can't practice, the three Xuantian disciples in front of Li Fan are all senior brothers, and it seems that the heads in the Sword Sect's ancestral temple are all male, except Xuannv and a monkey. Door...

I don’t understand. Anyway, let’s go to Qingtang Sect and find out what their algorithm is. Someone is plotting against you behind your back, no matter what the purpose is, it's always quite uncomfortable.

However, although Li Fan wanted to go to Wangwu Mountain to see things, and after the experience, he went to Donglaishun to eat hot-boiled mutton, but Gu Panpan, who had sneaked out, was not in a hurry to return to the mountain, and now she was going crazy.

Hey! It's actually Zhu Guo! Come and give me one for you.

Well! Look, senior! It's Millennium Ganoderma lucidum! Don't want it? Don't even want Ganoderma lucidum?

Oh, senior, senior! Look at what a big piece of amber there is!

Oh oh oh! Five-color deer! Antlers! Senior, help me break off a section of antlers!

Ooooh! Butterfly!

Hey, hey, hey, how old are you when you have to catch butterflies? Li Fan reached out and grabbed the gold ring on Gu Panpan's ankle and pulled it back to her.

Gu Panpan was so anxious, That's the Magic Scale Thousand-leaf Butterfly! It's a pity that we have it! The secret medicine of the Magic Formation is very useful for weaving feather clothes! It's about to run away! It's invisible and can't be found! Senior, help catch a few of them! !”

Oh, it's so annoying... Even as he said this, Li Fan still escaped and moved. With a flick of his sleeve, he caught all the butterflies in a net and threw them to Gu Panpan.

Wahahahaha! Master, you are really my noble person! I didn't encounter anything on this road when I came here! Now I actually bumped into a lot of fairy fate! Wowhahaha!

Before, Gu Panpan pretended to be Xiaojiabiyu, speaking softly, sometimes pretending to be evil and sometimes pretending to be cute, but now her demeanor was completely gone, and she just laughed wildly.

Li Fan just looked sideways, wondering if Xuanmen disciples only have this kind of knowledge... Well, this girl's knowledge is actually pretty good. If you don't recognize the treasure of genius, you will naturally miss it, but it seems to others , the key is to meet by chance.

But Li Fan is different. After all, he is protected by the Five Mountains Divine Body. There are a lot of materials and stuff wherever he goes, and he doesn't bother to pick them up. It was naturally the first time for Gu Panpan to experience this kind of collection-type aura. Her eyesight was quite good. She had collected a lot of messy gadgets and she was so happy that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear. .

The storage jade is also full. These are all things at your door. Come back when you have time. Let's go. Li Fan was impatient. Shopping was really boring.

What you taught me is that you can't take all your fate at once. Thank you for taking care of me, senior! Gu Panpan managed to hold back his smile and bowed seriously to Li Fan. He rolled his eyes again and smiled as if he thought of something. Come up, By the way, senior, there is one more thing...

What do you want? Li Fan was wary.

Gu Panpan changed his face, and made a three-point shy and seven-point sad expression, Panpan has lost her parents since she was a child, and she grew up alone. Except for the master, master, uncle, uncle, and sister of the Qingtang Sect... she is a master. You are the best to me...

...Well, it sounds like there are a lot of people who are kind to you...Although the orphan plot is quite pitiful, isn't it quite happy to see you messing around...

Panpan and Senior hit it off as soon as we met, and I always feel that you are like my closest relative, so I have a heartless invitation, Gu Panpan knelt down in front of Li Fan and said, Panpan hopes to worship the master as his adoptive father!

Li Fan, ???

What? ? You said you wanted to sleep with me earlier, and now you actually want to ask me to be your godfather? There doesn't seem to be any conflict... No! Can a foster father be considered a serious Taoist couple? Does this account for a number? Then according to Xuantian, isn't Kun also his Taoist companion? Does Kun account for a certain number? After all, how many numbers are there? !

Li Fan looked confused, his mind was racing and all kinds of confusion.

Gu Panpan said cautiously, Senior, do you disagree? Panpan is sincere. If senior is in trouble...

Ah I...huh?

Suddenly, Li Fan's expression changed. He raised his hand to stop what he was saying. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the sky behind him. A master is coming. People from the north, hide yourself with this invisibility charm and don't move.

Gu Panpan understood immediately that the northerners did not refer to people from Genzhou, but to people from the ice fields in the north. Nodding, he took the spell and hid it.

Li Fan flew into the air and looked at the two strong men who caught up to him in a moment.

They are all in the Nascent Soul realm. One is taller, two feet long, and the other is shorter, ten feet tall. They are both made like copper blocks. They are so strong that they are inhuman. A, one holds a ring-shaped sword and the other holds a mace. It is obvious that he is a tribal shaman warrior under the command of the Great Chanyu, who came to avenge Fuli Bojin.

Li Fan took out the steel whip and patted it in his hand, Are you here to see Fuli Bojin?

With the assistance of the system, Li Fan directly uttered nonsense, causing the two big men who came with murderous intent to be stunned. They looked at each other. Apparently they did not expect that the other party was speaking in a local accent, so they both stopped and did not take action for the time being.

Well, it seems that knowing another foreign language is not a bad thing.

The short man held the mace horizontally and stared at Li Fan without saying a word, while the tall man raised the ring-shou knife and banged his heart with his fist. The buzzing sound was like muffled thunder and said, King Zuo Xian’s army is under the command of thousands of horses and Changwu borrows the capital! Who is the Zen Master! Where is Bo Jin!”

Li Fan saw the blood baby burrowing into the back of the short man's head, so he casually said, Fake, a dead member of the Sa family, whose common name is Fuli Aruba, and Bo Jin is playing with women.

Is there a way to death... Wu Jidu frowned his thick silkworm-like eyebrows and said in a muffled voice, Bojin is dead.

Li Fan shrugged, Oh.

The two big men from the North slowly turned their heads and looked at each other. Wuji even frowned, I said Burkin is dead!

Li Fan spread his hands and said, How can I still let him come back to life?

Wu Ji was choked and trembled for a while, and it took him a long time to recover, But you are from the Fu Li clan! Bo Jin is dead! It's your job to do his job! I asked you to arrest the monks from the Central Plains to prepare for the blood sacrifice! But I caught a few. Got it!

Li Fan frowned, feeling that it was not simple at this time, so he thought about it and told Xue Ying not to do anything yet. He took out the confused Luo Jiao monk Wang Hong from his sleeve and said, Catch him. one.

What! There's only one! He's still in the Nascent Soul stage! It's not like he wants a boy... Wu Jidu was about to get angry, but he was stunned when he looked carefully, Uh, it's true, then... okay then...

Wow...it's so miserable...

Li Fan looked at Wang Hong with a look of Kill me and stuffed it back into his sleeve.

Wu Jidu said, Please Zen Master catch a few more. As long as they are practicing gold body cultivation, boys and girls, and building foundations.

Wait a minute! Li Fan took the opportunity to explode, I have been living in the Central Plains for a long time and have kept my name anonymous! I came to help for the sake of Fu Lishi. What on earth are you going to do? How many will you arrest and whom will you give to! Tell me about the mission as well. It’s clear!”

Wu Jidu frowned for a moment, then hesitantly looked at his companion again.

The companion Blood Infant nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that his 'companion' agreed to speak clearly, Wu Jidu hesitated for a moment, What did Bo Jin tell you?

He said that the Nine Banners Seventy-Two Division was appointed as the Great Chanyu by the Xianbei Division and was preparing for the Northern Expedition. He asked me to arrest a few people and come back for interrogation. There was no mention of blood sacrifices.

Wu Jidu seemed to have no doubt about him anymore, so he nodded and said, The army in the Central Plains has a chanyu who personally took action in Wang Zhang. It's no big deal. We and other tribes in King Zuo Xian's tent will take advantage of the lack of troops in the Central Plains to send troops to harass and prevent their return. Road. You don't have to worry about anything else, just collect six boys and six girls each, and send them to Yehuling in six days, break the Xuanmen seal, and let my army enter the pass!

Li Fan rolled his eyes, How many soldiers and horses do you have, traveling thousands of miles and going deep alone, and you actually entrust me with key matters? What if I can't get the boys and girls together? Don't mention that Wang Wushan is watching from the side. , even if Ten Jiedu swarms up, wouldn’t it be asking for death?”

Wu Jidu snorted nonchalantly, Don't worry! Of course a hundred thousand troops will not only go to your place, just be prepared! What's more, King Zuoxian has made an agreement with the Central Plains forces! Other vassal towns will not take action, as long as they deal with Hengye The army is sufficient, but their troops are empty. This battle will be won. When the time comes, the looting will be over and they can withdraw. After the success, your reward will be indispensable!

Is there really a traitor? Moreover, it seems that the main route for the Hulu army to invade is more than one Yehuling. Are there other passes that are planned to be opened all at once to disrupt Xuanmen's view?

Li Fan rolled his eyes and asked, I heard that the Henghai, Jinglue, and Hengye armies have been unstable recently. Could it be that the allies of King Zuo Xian are in trouble?

Of course Wu Jidu refused to continue, Zen Master, just do your own thing well and send people to Yehuling. If you don't come by the time limit, huh! Think of your people in Fuli! Da Shanyu Military Law This is no joke! Let’s go!”

The companion Blood Baby continued to nod, and then spurted blood from the corners of his nostrils and eyes.

Wu Jidu was shocked, Anda! What's wrong with you...

There was a sound of wind in his ears, and Li Fan had already escaped, reaching out to grab his head. Wu Ji subconsciously dodged, and his right ear was ripped off, and most of his face was torn open, and his face was filled with ferociousness!

court death!

This Northland monk cursed! The fierce pain of blood aroused the ferocity! The muscles all over his body bulged, and the long knife in his hand suddenly exploded into a ball of black fire. He stabbed Li Fan in the chest, but missed!

It turned out that Li Fan had just rushed forward to hold the head in his left ghost hand and pointed at the acupuncture points with his right hand, hoping to capture all the Wuji alive. However, he did not expect that this man's Taoist body was very powerful. The acupuncture points of the Heavenly Finger remain standing!

Therefore, seeing that he missed a hit, Li Fan immediately escaped and turned back, directly dodging to the big man with dull eyes, bleeding mouth and nose, and a dull face like an imbecile. He covered his head with Qiankun Sleeve and took him away!

Anda! Bastard! Do the Fu Li clan want to rebel? Everyone in your family is dead! Wu Jidu yelled angrily, waving the long knife wreathed in black flames in his hand, creating a large fire!

Kill if you want! The men of the Fu Li clan are not afraid of death! Li Fan made random remarks and threw out the Qiankun Feilong Sword Qi to test. The Qiankun Double Dragon Jianlan was actually cut off by the black crescent-shaped flaming blade. ! Burnt out!

Is it the flame combined with the evil spirit? Could this be the secret weapon that Shanyu in the north relies on? Are you planning to use evil energy to restrain Xuanmen Tai Chi Immortality?

Li Fan dodged for two rounds and saw that this beast's sword skills were very powerful. It was purely a battle formation technique with no technical changes, so he suddenly escaped and suddenly appeared in front of Wu Jidu. , suddenly transformed into six clones, and attacked together!

Yes, this method is Xuan Ming's Splitting Light Apparition, which uses Xuan Ming's true energy to transform into water vapor clones. It is not a big deal, but it is taught by Xuantian, so it is naturally used to kill people.

Wu Jidu was really shocked, thinking that Li Fan had unleashed some big move. The blade danced wildly, and the evil energy exploded. He used all his strength to crush the six phantoms that suddenly appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye! And the moment he panicked and retracted his sword, Li Fan deceived him. He took advantage of the opportunity and rushed in front of Wu Jidu invisibly. He used his fingers as a sword and stabbed out with a sword energy! One blow blinded Wu Jidu's left eye!

Ahh! Despicable villain——!

Wu Jidu lost his left eye, and his right eye was also fascinated by blood. He howled wildly, the long knife in his hand was dancing wildly, the sword was curled up, wild flames were lingering, and the evil spirit was overflowing!

However, Li Fan hid behind the opponent's body, moving left and right. Even the corners of his clothes were not swept by the blades in the sky, and he was still calculating the opponent's aura in his mind. From time to time, he would stick to him and feel his pulse, silently test his muscles and bones, and test his breathing. In conjunction with his previous research on Fuli Bojin, Li Fan also saw the other party's Taoist knowledge.

Strictly speaking, this is not a practice that combines Tai Chi and Tai Su. It is more like protecting and isolating the brain, bone marrow, and nerve centers with a special layer of Qi, and then gradually insulating the internal organs, muscles, skin, and other parts of the body. The body parts gradually became too plain, mutated and replaced, and finally, like the Demon Wolf God, it became an incomplete mutant that was a Tai Chi creature on the inside and a Tai Su Dao body on the outside.

It can be regarded as the evolution of the Taisu Dao body through gradual mutation and replacement. The method of protecting the brain and central nervous system is still a little bit similar to using the evil octopus to get into the brain and parasitize to control the evil spirit.

Of course, this method has a prerequisite, which is that the physical body must be very, very strong, with extremely high vitality and endurance, and the physical body must not be affected by evil spirits and mutate disorderly. And it must be combined with special exercises to protect the brain, so that it can endure the erosion of evil spirits and gradually replace the organs in the body. And this evolution obviously has to be done step by step and slowly. For example, exercise one arm first!


Wu Jidu screamed loudly and fell to the ground, but no matter how loud he screamed or how hard he struggled, it was useless. His right arm holding the knife had been twisted by Li Fan and torn off.

Li Fan looked at the thick arm in his hand. It looked like a live fish that had just been caught. You could see the muscles at the torn fractures, still like living things. It was as if the octopus tentacles were twisting wildly, and the whole arm was struggling desperately. Injecting endless evil flames into the long knife, the blade lit up into a black torch.

You shamans are quite interesting together. You should go and have a look.

Li Fan stepped on Wu Jidu's neck, sniffed the severed arm in his hand, and said, Hiss-- He inhaled the black evil fire on the knife into his mouth and nose, and then skillfully took out a black bamboo mountain. Lou Guandao's talisman was packed into a broken arm like a ham and put away in his sleeve.

Stop yelling. Man, be strong and learn from other gods.

Li Fan squatted down, held down Wu Jidu's head, and smashed his jaw and teeth with one punch to prevent him from biting his tongue and killing himself. Then he raised his fist and beat him all over his body, breaking his muscles and bones, and touched him again. Use a talisman, disembowell him with a knife, and send it all into his muscles and organs, thus destroying his entire body.

After tidying up in this way, he finally prepared half of the Xuanfei Purple Gold Pill, stuffed it under Wujidu's tongue and held him for a while. Only then did Li Fan feel relieved. He had captured this barbarian alive, and directly stuffed it into Qiankun's sleeve. surmise.

Then Li Fan skillfully took out the lotus and sprinkled it, washed his hands, wiped his bald head, and wiped away the blood on his body, then straightened his robe, showed a warm smile, and said to Gu Panpan who was shaking into a sieve beside him,

Don't be afraid, it's safe now.

Li Fan thought she was scared, so she wouldn't mention anything about becoming a godfather. UU read www.uukanshu.net

Unexpectedly, this girl rushed over with her cheeks flushed, her face full of admiration, and she said in rapid succession, Thank you so much for saving my life! I knew it! My adoptive father is amazing! His methods are unpredictable! What Panpan admires the most is you. A master! Clean and neat attack! Don't deal with those weak ones!

Sure enough, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is a sky beyond the sky! Today, these barbarians must have seen the power of the Central Plains! The world is so big! No wonder, foster father, you think Panpan’s skills are so-so. I would say that compared to you, Wangwushan’s skills are just so-so!

By the way, foster father! It is rare to have the opportunity to meet a master like you. This is the Blue Clouds and Ziwei Heavenly Clothes True Secret that I am practicing. Please taste it and point out the shortcomings of Panpan's practice?

By the way, stepfather, you were as fast as a ghost just now. Frankly speaking, Panpan didn’t see it clearly at all, but this movement was too cool! Can you teach Panpan this superb escape technique? Please”

Li Fan looked at the jade slips of Kung Fu skills presented by Gu Panpan. In addition to the Heavenly Clothes True Secrets, there was also a Ziwei Dou Shu and a Tianhe Shen Shu.

...Good guy, you just accepted your godfather and exchanged all the secret skills from your master. No wonder this guy is so popular in the famous Green Tea Sect. Seeing the flowers bloom, you are really thick-skinned...

But it’s okay, anyway, the skill of Fengyun Longjing was not inherited from him, and there is nothing Li Fan can’t change. Xuanmen has always cherished his own unique skills. Penglai’s one can’t get it, and Wangwushan’s one has a chance to get two copies. Not bad.

You're quite good at choosing. I have so many abilities, so I just choose the best escape method. But let me make it clear in advance that this is the Qingcheng Mountain Xuanming Escape Technique. It's none of my business if you can't learn it.

Gu Panpan immediately beamed, Of course! Thank you foster father!

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