The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 270 Midfield Substitution

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 270 Midfield Substitution

The new junior brother put up a big formation, protected by clouds and lotus magic weapons. Maybe he really wanted to defend himself from his plasma cannon, or maybe he deliberately used himself as a bait to attract fire, trying to lure Li Fan out. .

In fact, before the other party finds him, he can snipe first and then escape to kill and rob him. However, repeating this will inevitably expose Li Fan's ability to ignore restrictions and freely enter and exit to kill and rob him.

And the main problem is that the power of the plasma cannon may not be enough, nor is it insufficient. The main reason is that the plasma can not only break through the body of the monk, but also directly penetrate it!

This is actually burning a hole in the body. If it does not hit the fatal point, then judging from the current situation, the actual effect is indeed not great. To put it bluntly, I have hit three shots in front of me, my brains have been blown off, and I still can't kill the new head god. It can be seen that even if I shoot a few more shots, if I don't break the opponent's Taoism or hit the life gate, the effect will probably be limited.

Moreover, even if the transformed Taoist body cannot defend against the bombardment of plasma cannons and injures people, as long as the Changchun elixir is taken enough, the shattered Taoist body can be resurrected quickly, and it will be a useless attack. And once Li Fan fired and revealed his whereabouts, the two gods were now squatting on him seriously. If he missed, he might not even have a chance to shoot again.

Of course, the damage caused to the Taoist body will definitely have an effect on the monks. After all, the divine sect that specializes in cultivating the soul method also has to give up the Taoist body. Li Fan has also seen the old demon of transformation die after taking drugs. It can be seen that the body This is the capital of revolution. Therefore, even if you don't know the key flaws of these gods, as long as the firepower is in place and the damage is overflowed, they will be filled with them and blasted into dregs. Even the organs for digesting the elixir will be gone. No matter how awesome they are, they will die.

In fact, it now seems that it is a wiser choice to give up as soon as possible and retreat decisively. However, Li Fan just thought of a tactic and decided to try it. If it didn't work, it would be too late to escape. After all, Sha Jie has made too much money, and there is a chance of winning. It would be unacceptable to just run away without giving it a try.

So he sneaked close to the barrier, ready to escape at any time. He found a corner and turned back into his human form. He had already prepared protective clothing and the invisibility charm was activated. In this way, he was not discovered by the two gods at the first time, which was equivalent to Half the battle is won.

Then Li Fan took out a capsule wrapped in silver metal, which was about the size of an egg. Smart friends have already guessed that this is the metal nitrogen bomb he just took out from the cult's box, the same thing that blew up Rouge Pu last time. The tinfoil-like capsule shell is the anti-detection shell. The explosion just now may have been caused by the monks of Zhenzhen Palace carrying similar explosives, which were detonated by the high temperature of the plasma cannon.

One of Li Fan's plans was to give up his life, use a self-explosion bomb from the Taisu Taoist body, swallow the capsule, rush forward and attack with his own life, deliberately ask the new and old man to capture him, and then blow him up without warning. Even a monk who transforms into a god will be killed. Vegetarian, right?

But it's too reckless to give up a life like this, and it's very painful, and to be honest, Li Fan won't detonate it on time. Can you believe that this capsule shell has fingerprint recognition!

So he also has a modified one.

Li Fan took out a jade bracelet, yes, it was the trial version of the System Flying Sword.

In the last test, the flying sword could be teleported into the tree trunk. Now that Li Fan has a preliminary understanding of the principle of 'crossing the door', it is estimated that the flying sword of this trial system is also teleported using a similar principle.

But he still remembered that the last time the flying sword was teleported back, it was very hot to the touch. Isn't this strange? In theory, if it is the same transmission, why is it not 'hot' at all when the system transmits the prize to him?

Thinking about it carefully, it may be a trial of flying swords, and there are some technical differences between the system and the delivery of prizes.

Li Fan didn't know if his understanding was correct, but he estimated that the system prizes were similar to particles that were transported and then assembled. As for the trial flying sword, the entire object may have been transported directly. Perhaps the high temperature attached was an unsolved problem. Bar?

So Li Fan's idea was to use a trial flying sword to bring these capsules together, transport them to the two divine kings, and use the high temperature after the flying sword landed to detonate the bomb.

Of course, this is fanciful. If you are unlucky, it may explode directly on the spot, wasting Li Fan's life. It is also possible that the explosion will not cause any harm to Shenjun, or it may not be sent out at all.

But give it a try, maybe it will work? System, you say so?

'You are really a fucking genius...'

Well, since the system has been certified in this way, then this tactic is no problem...

Well, it turned out that Li Fan found that there was a problem in the first step. The diameter of the bracelet was a bit large and the capsule was a bit small, so he had to stuff all three capsules in the box to just fit it... Damn it, it fell off again. …

Li Fan is still stuffing eggs, but there are changes in the field.

It turned out that Junior Brother Xintou was throwing magic weapons at him, but couldn't attack for a long time, so he threw four talisman flags from the Qingyun, and surrounded the remaining protective air barrier of Yuanying Zhenren at the core. Then the talisman was activated, and the four flags were seen rising in the wind, swaying in all directions, the earth, fire, wind and thunder roared and exploded together, and infinite power rolled in, as if the heaven and earth were cracking open, blasting straight towards the people in the center.

It was obvious that this move was a powerful formation. The air shield was compressed and shrunk by more than half, leaving almost only a layer of white aperture, which shrunk above the four people's heads.

Humph, you refused to take action when you had the opportunity just now, now you are wearing it down little by little. If you don’t fight desperately at this time, why don’t you wait for death?

Li Fan ignored them and continued to squat and wait for the opportunity.

It's not a good time to make a move now, so the new junior brother is standing there to read the message. When he was beaten by Li Fan before, his reaction was a little worse. At first glance, he looks like an academic who doesn't often pvp, probably an older version of Zhou Chengxue. , the threat level is slightly lower. The troublesome thing is the senior brother.

Even at this time, the old fellow was still moving around in circles under the sword light the whole time, without stopping, and there was no shadow to be found! It looks like he is experienced in sword fighting and knows how to stay mobile at all times. Moreover, the opponent just attacked with swordsmanship and air sword, and the flying sword never left his body. This is not to underestimate the enemy, but to be as stable as an old dog. He must have a trump card, at least in the realm of god transformation, he must be able to turn into a sword rainbow, so This person must not be given a chance to make the first move.

If even the teleportation bomb doesn't work later and can't kill this old guy, then really don't hesitate and just turn around and run away.

So Li Fan squatted and waited for the opportunity, and the two gods also squatted back. But the four monks in the formation really couldn't sit still. Seeing that the magic weapon was about to lose its support, the four flags were blown to pieces, and they all started calling for help and begging for mercy.

Master Shizai! Why do you want to plot against us!

Yi Nian Shenjun! We all belong to the same sect, why are we killing each other!

Could it be that Penglai really can't tolerate me?

Who gave the instructions? Let us find out who gave the instructions!

It seems that they are really at their wits end and are starting to run away...

Stop talking nonsense! A bunch of evil bastards from the Demon Cult! Do you really think that no one can figure out how to sneak into my mountain gate with such arrogance!

The senior brother remained silent as the sword light surrounded him, but from the auspicious clouds, faintly like thunder, the roar of the new junior brother could be heard.

Today our Lingzhen Palace will clean up the door for Taishang Jiuzhen Sect! None of you evil heretics can even think of leaving alive!

Oh, so these two old men are on Penglai's side? Wait, Lingzhen Palace?

It's unfair, uncle! We are loyal to our sect! Where do we start talking about the demon sect!

This is clearly someone who framed the situation and wants to harm Senior Brother Xu! Senior, please be more careful!

Humph! It's too ugly to beg for mercy here after the matter has come to an end! They came to kill them. It was obvious that their disciples were dead, so they wanted to kill us all too! Maybe they even blamed us for the dirty things they did. Head! I think these two are the demon sect!

Wait a minute! Senior Lingzhen Palace is not such a person! Two masters and uncles! If there is evidence, it is better to show it and identify it! Chengyang will be convinced and die with nothing to say! But if the leader is really selfish, If you arrange this method of killing with a borrowed knife to get rid of me, then Chengyang will not accept it even to death!

Li Fan also curled his lips. He didn't expect that the new guy and the old guy were both from Taishang Lingzhen Palace in Fanghushan. Didn't it mean that the line of inheritance was about to be cut off? Yet he could still produce two old monsters who transformed into gods. Well, he is worthy of being the second child of ten thousand years. He really has a profound background.

No wonder they were so ruthless in killing the inner ones. The main losses were borne by their Lingzhen Palace lineage. Anyway, all their disciples were dead, so there was nothing to worry about...

But now that it's time, the four over there still don't admit that they are traitors. In fact, think about it, this is not a TV series. How can one climax the plot and reveal the details of his family and confess all the bad things he has done? Those who are spies must grit their teeth and not let go even if they are beaten to death...

The new junior brother Yun Duan obviously understood this and snorted coldly, You don't need to say anything. Although we don't like manifestation, it's mainly because he is not a toy. But this matter concerns the master, so it's not bad. On top of the head of the sect. Xu Chengyang, considering that you have also refined a lot of elixirs for the sect, I will make you understand.

In fact, we here have always known that you are smart, qualified, capable, and scheming. I have also known for a long time that someone in your small circle in Yingzhou is having an affair with Waishan. However, everyone is hesitant about this kind of thing, and the Xuanmen have been peaceful for a long time. It’s so noisy that Yuntai Feng doesn’t look good on his face, so everyone just turns a blind eye.

But now you actually dare to collude with the Demonic Cult to ruin our affairs in Xun Kingdom, Fang Hushan! It even harmed many of my disciples in Lingzhen Palace! This time your subordinate Liu Chengzong actually assassinated Zhizhen Daozi and blew up the alchemy workshop! The witnesses and evidence are here! It’s simply bullying me that there is no one in Jiuzhen Sect! I can't tolerate you both publicly and privately!

Xu Chengyang obviously couldn't argue. After all, he was the only one among the top three losers. He was obviously the biggest beneficiary.

Uncle Yi Nian! Chengyang can swear to God! The brothers who are part of the Lingzhen lineage in Xunzhou have absolutely nothing to do with us in Yingzhou! It was definitely not us who revealed the news!

I also figured out the remnants of the demon sect! Haven't you already sent the person to Master Xianfa for questioning? I am also going to Penglai on this trip to explain the cause and effect in public regarding the inheritance of the clan...

However, Shenjun had just been beaten three times and was furious. He couldn't restrain his anger and burst out, Shut up! How dare you mention the remnants of the demon sect! Do you really think we are blind! Now you are still lying to us! That bastard He is simply a mortal!

No need to say more! Although I still can’t figure out which one of you it is, but it’s definitely not out of your small circle! Our Taishang Jiuzhen Sect, which has been passed down to the twenty-first generation today, must not be destroyed in the hands of a few of you! Just kill them all, there will always be a clean one!

Li Fan was also stunned when he heard this.

I'm sorry, Penglai's logic is really ridiculous... I have to say, it's actually quite effective when done right...

Xu Chengyang was also speechless, but someone still had something to say.

Uncle Yi Nian Master! What about me! I am Sun Chengchi from Tianzhen Palace! I am also from Fang Hu! You also taught me formations, have you forgotten?

I must have remembered him, but he actually appeared from the clouds holding four command flags, pointed at his nose and cursed, You also know that you are from Fang Hu! How did our Lingzhen Palace treat you so badly! Licking! The face is so close to Yingzhou! Now I remember that I am from Fang Hu! Bah! Eat everything inside and outside! Die!

But the moment he showed up! Four sword rainbows soared into the sky! The sword light flickered, heading straight towards the head of the God Lord Yi Nian!

Hmph! I knew it! You juniors have long been tired of seeing the old man, and you all want to turn the world upside down!! God Lord Yi Nian roared, waved his flag, and the clouds immediately surged, and the brilliance blocked the four sword rainbows. He opened the door and couldn't get close, Come on! Come up with the hidden rat! Since you've come in, you're doomed! Let's have a fight today! Let's settle the grievances!!

Well, from this point of view, Li Fan really had a share in this murder. After all, he had indeed killed a real person from Lingzhen Palace.

Moreover, Li Fan watched for a while and found that the strength of these four people had increased significantly compared with before. No, strictly speaking, they were already very strong, but they were injured at the beginning and almost overturned. But Li Fan disrupted the situation for a while, and they obviously did not lack the Nine-turn Eternal Spring Pill. UU Reading Although they were not as fast as Shenjun to regenerate, they have now recovered a certain strength and joined the second half.

However, things have changed. Just now Xu Chengyang and the other four didn't take action, and now Li Fan doesn't take action either. Because that master, Lord Shizai of Taishang Lingzhen Palace, has no fate now.

Even Xu Chengyang and the others were forced to the point of death. Tu Qiong saw them and risked their lives, but Shenjun Shizai still did not take action. He continued to move around the field with his sword in a sullen mood, never stopping for a moment and never getting involved in the fight. He didn't say a word just now, allowing the Divine Lord Yi Nian to fight alone against the four Nascent Soul cultivators who turned into sword rainbows.

Marder, these old Xuanmen are really difficult to deal with. Their judgment in sword fighting is ridiculously accurate, and they are very clear about the targets that really threaten them. They really don't reduce the difficulty at all...

Not only were the two divine kings squatting against Li Fan, but Xu Chengyang also shuttled between the swords and rainbows, entangled among the auspicious clouds, and shouted angrily through his voice, You must have tried it just now! There is no chance for one-on-two! At this time, there is no chance. How long will it take if we don’t take action!”

Li Fan rolled his eyes, he must be stupid, he could still escape without taking action.

But Xu Chengyang was really smart. When he saw that he couldn't shout out Li Fan in three sentences, he immediately changed his tactics and changed the target of verbal escape.

Yi Nian Shenjun! We have no intention of rebelling against our master! Now we are just human beings and I are fish and meat, so we have no choice but to resist with all our strength! Are you so sure that the traitor is among our group of people! So many people have died now Man, maybe the traitor is already dead! Is it the right thing to do in vain to kill a fellow sect member out of anger? Please think twice and don’t do things that make your relatives happy and your enemies happy!”

Of course, saying that, the momentum of his sword rainbow did not drop at all. In an instant, he swept away the surrounding Qingyun, and four rays of blue shining sword light surrounded the lotus altar of Yi Nian Shenjun.

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