The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 168 Plans and Changes

Latest website: First let’s talk about Li Fan’s tactics this time.

A basic principle of tactics. It is to mobilize the enemy from the preset battlefield and assemble superior forces to annihilate him in an environment unfamiliar to the enemy. Defeat the enemy in motion and kill the enemy in pursuit.

The outline of Li Fan's plan is nothing more than this. Yu Chanpo has been hiding in Leize for so long, and she must have a clear understanding of the secret passages in the terrain near Shui Mansion, and there are at least seventeen or eight escape routes. Such a group of people are like headless chickens and they have to pounce on them to catch them. Only if they can catch them can there be trouble.

Therefore, the Taiping was used to fish out Yuchanpo. The disciples of Mozhushan launched an ambush to trap the target and wait for Yao Xuanzhou's reinforcements to arrive to end it. It's a typical encirclement and support.

The first difficulty in this battle is that we can't really ask Yuchanpo to join Taipingyuan.

Once this cunning demon king and a real person with a lot of magic weapons asked them to join forces, the Jindan disciples in Mozhushan couldn't hold them back at all, and they might even ask them to kill each other randomly.

But fortunately, the beating given to Li Fan at the Taipingyuan was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting. I think this noble princess who grew up in a greenhouse should regret coming out in person at this time. There is a high probability that she will not take the initiative to stand out from the turtle shell formation where she is hiding to fight.

But even so, if the Taipingyuan's spiritual consciousness really detects that there are only a few Jindan monks nearby, and the strong support of Yu Chanpo has arrived, there is no guarantee that trouble will not occur.

Therefore, the first target was Yu Chan Po, and a good ambush location would be outside the Taipingyuan's divine consciousness exploration, but within the scope of Yu Chan Po's divine consciousness exploration.

In this way, Yuchanpo will relax her guard because she finds out that the Taiping incident is true, giving Li Fan the opportunity to attack and severely damage it. After the battle, Taipingyuan couldn't detect who was fighting. It was best to try to lie to her twice in advance so that she would be suspicious and not dare to join the battle rashly.

But starting from here is the second difficulty. It is impossible for just a few Jindan monks to surround a demon king like Yu Chan Po who possesses two escape techniques. If it wants to escape, it can definitely escape. So Li Fan's plan was also to let Yu Chanpo escape smoothly.

There is a saying that goes well, what is overheard is the truth. Active luring cannot lead people into a trap, you have to make it enter of its own volition.

Therefore, the purpose of this ambush was to let Yu Chanpo find out that there was such an ambush, and that someone from Mozhu Mountain wanted to plot against it, so that it could escape smoothly on its own.

Where will it go after escaping? The Shui Mansion where he was hiding before has been found, so naturally it is no longer safe. Where else could it be? Naturally, it would be to get into the cave where Xuantian Sword Intent hid the sword before, and in the cage arranged by Mozhu Mountain. After all, that was the hiding place that it had confirmed to be safe!

So how to ensure that Yu Chanpo will choose to run away when faced with the Golden Pill monk? Simple, use the Dragon Fetus Feathering Pill to bluff, and suddenly three Nascent Souls will jump out to catch people. With the temperament of Yuchanpo and its strength at this time, how can it dare to fight, how can it not escape?

Just let her discover the trap, let her escape, let her escape into the ambush circle, eat a sword beam, then use the magic circle to suppress her, and drag her to the Mozhu Mountain brigade to come to suppress the demon.

In a series of traps, first kill the shrewd toad, and then deal with the hard-to-gnaw turtle.

This is Li Fan's plan.

How about it? Is it feasible? Li Fan asked his two fellow disciples for their opinions and spread his hands, revealing the two Dragon Fetus Feathering Pills in his palms.

Ma Hao stared at him with his jaw open. After a long time, he turned around and asked Liu Qing, ...where did this junior brother come from? Why have I never heard of him?

Liu Qing took a deep look at Li Fan, took a pill and said, You are really similar to the first ancestor of the Li family. I really can't guess who you were in your previous life.

Li Fan smiled and said, It doesn't matter who you were in the previous life. In this life, there is only Li Qingyue, a disciple of Mozhu Mountain.

Acting according to the plan, at dusk, Li Fan's sword light flew to the water island where the toad was hiding.

Although a lot of plans have been made, plans can never keep up with changes. What if in the first step, he couldn't lure out Yu Chan Po with his sharp tongue and the charm of Master Nai's killer, or Yu Chan Po was so cautious that she didn't dare to take advantage of the opportunity in front of him, or maybe he simply didn't If there is a miscalculation, and instead a toad is sent to your doorstep for a feast, then all the arrangements and back-up plans will be in vain.

But life is like this, sometimes you have to take a gamble. If you don’t put the chocolate in your mouth and try it, you’ll never know whether it’s chocolate or something else!

In short, Li Fan also discovered that maybe his nature was to like the excitement of committing suicide and dying, being in danger and being showered with blood. To put it bluntly, if you don’t do it, you will die, but you still have to do it. The more you do it, the better it becomes and you can’t stop.

So this time he put on all the most expensive clothes, including formal clothes, boots, jade pendants, sachets, hair crowns and fairy clothes. There was no shortage of everything. Comb your hair, apply powder, dress up like a human or a dog...ahem! Objectively speaking, it is a bit inappropriate to describe a talent like this. At least it should be worthy of the quality of metal and jade, a rhinoceros head and jade cheeks, extraordinary and unparalleled...

‘Xuantian Jianyi said, do you have some misunderstanding of the meaning of these words? ’

nonsense! Love comes from the heart! As long as you think you are the most handsome! Then you are the most handsome!

'Xuantian Jianyi said,...Well, it's a good thing to have confidence. Oh, it showed up. It's stable and it's as rehearsed. ’

Li Fan also felt the wind behind him, so he took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, turned around, and looked up at the figure who appeared not far behind him.

This is a beautiful young girl. Looking at the Taoist body in front of her, she is only a mortal of seventeen or eighteen years old, and there is no trace of evil in her body. Wearing a light yellow embroidered skirt and a white velvet jacket on her shoulders, she has two shallow dimples on her face when she smiles, just like the girl next door, full of energy and a bit like a toad. No.

Yes, this person's figure and appearance are exactly the same as what Ma'an, Liu Qing and the others said.

She is Yuchan Po.

Li Fan was about to speak, but when he glanced at the thing draped over her shoulders, his heart suddenly trembled, and cold sweat broke out down his back. That's not a fur coat, it's a Persian cat with mandarin duck eyes.

So the lines that had been rehearsed before came out of his mouth and became, Li Yi pays homage to the seniors.

Do you recognize me? The girl smiled broadly and reached out to touch the cat's ears.

The cat rubbed its head, blinked its green and yellow pupils, and purred in its throat.

Li Fan immediately bowed respectfully and held up the soft whip on his waist with both hands, The treasure ship of the Taiping is being besieged by the monks of Mozhu Mountain. The master of Taiping Temple asks you to rescue it.

The girl still smiled sweetly and asked in the same sentence, Do you recognize me?

Li Fan took a deep breath and bowed, This junior has only heard of your reputation...

When did I come to your store and use the name Yu Chan Po, but Mo Zhushan told you? She suddenly put her face in front of Li Fan, took Li Fan's right wrist vein gate with one hand, and bent He raised his eyebrows and smiled sweetly, What, the Wuji Golden Pill you cultivate? It's rare. Where did you get it?

He didn't notice the other party's escape at all, and his sense of energy wasn't even strong, as if a ray of light and shadow suddenly refracted in front of him.

He was beaten as soon as he came up.

Li Fan's pupils shrank for a moment, but he said without changing his expression, Senior, you are really knowledgeable. It is the secret cultivation technique of Emei, the Guizang Dafa! This junior spent 40,000 guan, and then together with Emei Lingyunzi, He became a disciple and obtained this magical double cultivation of the Wuji Golden Elixir!

As for your great name, senior, which is so powerful in southern Xinjiang, I naturally mentioned it when I was having a drink with fellow Taoist Lu Yu from Mozhu Mountain.

Yuchanpo was stunned and looked at the silent Persian cat on her shoulder suspiciously, ...I actually know someone from Emei...and I also know Lu Yu...what is your relationship with him?

Li Fan was so calm that he raised his head and glanced at the cat, This junior and Mr. Lu Daoyou have a friendship that has led to death together.

... Grandma Yu Chan hesitated and let go of her hand, hugging the Persian cat on her shoulder. After petting it for a while, there was no response, so she could only say, Okay. Then follow me.

Li Fan just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly realized, what's going on? This development is wrong!

Senior, Taiping is under siege...

Yu Chanpo looked at the dozing cat in her arms, then glanced at Li Fan with a smile, Do you know why your master came to Leize?

Li Fan frowned, his heart pounding. He looked at the whip that Yuchan Po had taken out of his hand at some point and said, I guess I am here to give something to my senior.

Yuchanpo's smile did not change, It's no wonder she didn't tell you clearly, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to deliver it to your door... As for me, I didn't buy this whip with Taiping, but a person. But one code equals the other. Ma, the goods from the Taipingyuan can't be delivered, and you still ask me to take action. By sending you here, you are giving me as a deposit for her to ask for help.

Buy someone? If the goods in the ship refer to people, it really cannot be transported with storage jade. But what happened to the eunuch’s statement before? And how could Yu Chan Po, a monster who cannibalize people, pay for it?

Li Fan couldn't understand for a while.

The girl tilted her head and looked at Li Fan, Why, don't you try to resist? I'm seriously injured now, maybe you can escape?

Sword intent, how to say it.

Xuantian Jianyi said, she lied. At least the human Taoist body in front of me is on the verge of reaching the perfect state of becoming a god, with no damage at all. ’

Damn it, playing with a ball...and the cat didn't even meow when the master lied, that's too much...

Li Fan spread his hands and said, I don't dare to show off my three-legged cat skills in front of my seniors. I only ask you to swallow the jujubes wholeheartedly when you eat them. Don't chew them raw. I'm the most timid person because I feel dizzy and afraid of pain.

The Persian cat rolled his eyes and purred.

Okay, I will remember you.

However, Yuchanpo seemed relieved and laughed, Do you think I like to eat people? Those are just lies from Mozhu Mountain to taint my innocence. There is so much meat in this big mountain and lake, it's hard to eat What do people do...

Really don’t eat people? Didn't you also say that you were seriously injured? You are so clever and full of lies...

...Besides, human flesh is sour and astringent, so it's easy for a boy to eat it if it has thin skin and tender flesh. Now I need the best furnace cauldron to take supplements to restore my strength. Eating it raw is a bit wasteful.

Li Fan was glanced at by Yu Chan Po's eyes on his face, and he lamented in his heart, oh, my damn charm...

But your appearance is really average, and I don't want to force myself. Since I'm afraid of pain, I got you drunk to death. How about you pickle it and eat it?

Damn it, what a toad, you still dislike me? ? ?

'Xuan Tian Jianyi said, hahahahahahahahahaha! ’

Yuchanpo was not surprised when she saw Li Fan's face changed color, But, I remember hearing people say that God has the virtue of good life, and you should leave a chance of survival in everything, and don't take it all away. It's all in vain. Life, you must be unwilling to do so.

It just so happens that I have a near-death errand at this time and need help. I originally wanted to ask your master for help, but it seems that she arrived too late. However, your cultivation is quite solid. After all, it is Xuanmen's righteous method, so it may be suitable for you.

As long as you are willing to help me. Not only did I let you live, I also gave you a chance. If you can grasp it, you may still have a chance to break through to the realm of Nascent Soul. When the time comes, I will also be willing to sacrifice some, and join hands with you to practice together, and we will achieve mutual benefit and win-win, even more than before. How?

‘Xuan Tian Jian Yi said, hahaha! What an opportunity! What an opportunity! Oops, it’s a pity that the mother toad looked down on her and she was unwilling to do so. Hahaha, I died laughing! ’

Li Fan's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, If you have something to do, please give me your instructions, senior. I dare not fail to do my best.

The damn cat meowed again. Gan!

Grandma Yuchan didn't mind either, and she led the way with a smile, Just agree. But speaking of it, Taipingguan has always preferred to use eunuch slaves, and in the past hundred or so years, there have been few clansmen in Liguo who can be used. . This time she was willing to take you out and give it to me. It seems that she really suffered a disaster over there...

...Or is it because your dealings with the Lu family are too involved, and now that they have collapsed, the Taipingyuan just wants to use the knife to kill people? But it’s the usual style of those princes, keke, kill three birds with one stone, their calculations are very good, keke…”

Li Fan followed her expressionlessly, using the Water Avoidance Technique to sneak into the water mansion, If it is true as senior guessed, there is a huge conspiracy and trap on the Taiping. Since senior is seriously injured, for your sake, I still Stop meddling in Taipingyuan’s business.”

The cat continued to 'moo'.

Yuchanpo pursed her lips and smiled, Why don't you call the master by his first name? He has a bad temper. You don't have to be so angry. I am the most trustworthy. Taipingguan kept its promise and delivered what I wanted. Yes, I will naturally help your master later.

The same goes for you. If you can seize this opportunity, it might be a huge turning point. Since you still have friendship with the Lu family, there is something I can use you for.

Maybe, I can also help you go one step further and become the master of Taipingguan. Cluck cluck...

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuchan Po, ...I heard that senior has a huge grudge against Mozhu Mountain. Do you want to control Taiping Temple as a medium to unite the forces of various countries to destroy Mozhu Mountain?

Yu Chanpo nodded and smiled, Not bad.

Li Fan added, I know that my chances of survival this time are slim. Before I die, I just want to ask, I don't know what kind of hatred my senior has with Mo Zhushan. You already have such a level of cultivation, wouldn't it be nice to go far away and be free and at ease?

Your name is Li Yi? You do have the courage of the ancestors of the Li family. There are too few people who smile at life and death without changing their expressions. No wonder the Taipingyuan dare not keep you... Yuchanpo did not answer, but led the way. He came to a stone door in the cave.

This is it. When I discovered this ruins of the ancient immortal, I was only in the Golden Core realm. I owe everything to where I am today.

Grandma Yuchan took off the Persian cat from her shoulder and told it to run away and play by itself. With her hands flying, she unlocked countless restrictions and pushed open the stone door to enter.

Li Fan frowned and stood in front of the stone door. He could see that there was a secret passage in the cave. The most eye-catching thing was that the rock formations in the cave were densely covered with white and green crystals, which seemed to be some kind of natural crystal veins. Naturally, this mineral vein has not been marked on Tianshuzi's map, and it is not known where it leads.

But Li Fan could clearly feel the surging true energy flowing in the tunnel, and it had dual attributes of Xuanming and Guichen. Probably this is the area where Yuchanpo has always practiced well.

This was great. Not only did we not catch the big fish, but UU Reading was dragged to its home court by the fish.

At this time, the changes in the situation have deviated from the trajectory of Li Fan's original plan. In any case, his current single strength is no match for Yuchan Po. If it takes too long, I'm afraid that Mozhu Mountain will also activate Plan B in acknowledgment of Li Fan's failure, which is to follow the original plan and come to Shuifu to encircle and search for Yu Chanpo's traces.

The toad will still be alarmed by then, and will probably kill him instantly and escape, right? How to do it……

Yuchanpo turned around and saw him hesitating, and smiled, Are you afraid? It doesn't have to be like this. This is not a trap, but a huge opportunity. I always keep my word, and I will give you a way out if you help me. , I will never break my promise.”

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and glanced at the old toad, then stepped into the mine vein.

What a coincidence. I, Li Yi, also keep my word and am an honest and honest person...

The Persian cat squatted on the ground and looked at him.

What's your size! If I can come back alive, I won’t arrest you and take you to the Discipline Academy for breeding!

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