The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 145 Jade-faced raccoon dog

Suisui white fox with nine tails. When we have a family and a house, I create prosperity.

White-haired nine-tailed fox!

Li Fan had heard of the famous nine-tailed fox, and he was a little moved.

Nine tails! It’s a big monster that you must meet when you travel to the Xianxia plane! And she still has white hair! Is there still a chance to add it to the collection? It would be a shame to miss it!

'Xuantian Jianyi said, Jie Jie, that's not true. No wonder it doesn't dare to act under the moon. Once its true form is revealed, the entire Lei Ze people will surround it and hunt it!

It's a pity that the nine tails in the Central Plains have been hunted by the Immortal Palace long ago. I have only seen them once in Da Sima's mansion. They are indeed the best spiritual beasts. I have wanted to get a piece of skin to make a coat for many years, but Da Sima is reluctant to part with it. He gave me his concubine and scolded me for being a waste of natural resources. Pooh! You are so stingy that you are reluctant to give me even a tail! ’

This is your fault, right?

Xuantian Jianyi said, in short, this is a rare opportunity. I took advantage of this seat to fixate the nine tails, and first used the golden dragon and white star to pierce its pipa bone. Then I killed the four raccoons behind me and captured this beast. Very simple! ’

Li Fan was really hesitant for a moment. If this was a nine-tailed monster in front of him, of course he would catch it. But these have already reached the Nascent Soul realm, doesn’t that mean they have transformed into human form? If we launch a sneak attack again, wouldn't it be like robbing a civilian girl...

'Xuantian Jianyi said, why are you robbing the women of the people? Several of the women are at the Nascent Soul level. If this kind of beast can follow the right path to practice, it will be its blessing!

Look at that pretty girl over there. She wants to be your teacher but you still won't accept her. Isn't it because she doesn't look good? This fox is so good-looking, why don’t you want it anymore? ’


Li Fan was embarrassed for a while, but suddenly he understood. Could it be that Xuantian Sword Intention was teaching him not to pay too much attention to the appearance of humans and demons, but to pay attention to character and potential, so this is the meaning of the ninth-grade rating! Grandmaster! I understand!

‘Xuantian Sword Intent said, I understand your size! This is already at the Nascent Soul level, so what level do you care about? Wouldn't it be more convenient to capture her and command her directly than to be a little girl who is building a foundation? ’

Li Fan was speechless for a while, but even if his combat power far exceeded the average Jindan level, could the Nascent Soul monster just catch him? Are you willing to surrender after catching it?

‘Xuantian Jianyi said, don’t worry! The virtual moon is in the sky, and it cannot display its cultivation. Later, if you pierce its lute bone with your sword, I will teach you to seize its soul, wipe out its consciousness, beat it into a beast, and lock it under the mountain formation to suppress it. In a hundred years, it can be adopted as a mountain-guarding spiritual beast. Add a restriction to lock the soul and keep it obedient.

Of course, if you find it troublesome, just peel off the skin and keep it for me. ’

Li Fan frowned when he heard this, feeling that something was wrong. If he was allowed to bump into a monster and harm someone, it would be understandable to arrest him and suppress him like this. But the other party is quite friendly and they have agreed not to invade the river. When he heard that the other party was a rare animal, he turned against him and attacked him. Isn't it a bit too much... …

Xuantian Jianyi said, Your boy is here again. He is being polite to you because he knows that Feijian is powerful. Hasn't that Yunyin Leopard never harmed anyone before? He was caught when he came out to play. Why don't you buy it and ride it too? ! Isn't this fox the same thing? Just treat it as a catch and ride it!

Okay, okay, I promise you, why not wait until you get tired of playing? ’

Li Fan still felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, his consciousness suddenly moved and he felt someone approaching again!

'Xuantian Jianyi said, yes, look, someone is coming, and they will definitely snatch the fox from you... Oh, what a bunch of rubbish...

Let's make a bet: I've seen as many as eight thousand monsters, if not ten thousand. I can count all the good people who never harm anyone with one hand. I still can't believe that by such a coincidence, I can meet someone who never does harm to others.

If this fox really doesn't harm anyone, how about letting it live? ’

Li Fan thought for a while and felt that this was okay, so he nodded in agreement, Then let's give this goblin a way to live and see what its fate is.

The three casual cultivators who came this time probably came to Leize for adventure together. There is obviously a harmonious atmosphere between them, and there is no suspicion or guarding. They are obviously partners who have known each other for a long time, but they are quite weak.

Well, even if you put them in the golden elixir rubbish heap, they are quite weak. I don’t know whether it is a congenital defect or a rubbish technique. Although the three of them have reached the realm of the golden elixir, their spiritual consciousness is very weak, and they are actually completely weak. He didn't sense the existence of Li Fan and the fox, so he just flew to the spiritual acupoint to adjust his breath and cultivate himself. It was obviously a heretic.

Li Fan didn't show up either, so he had to use his spiritual consciousness to detect the movements of the three casual cultivators from a distance. After all, these three people are so weak, they probably won't take the initiative to provoke the nearby Nascent Soul monster.

But who would have expected that the monster over there started to act first before even waiting for a stick of incense. Looking with his spiritual consciousness, he saw a maid actively making contact and approaching the three casual cultivators.

'Xuantian Jianyi Dao, it's the same old routine. She first pretends to be a weak woman who has been separated from her companions or is being hunted down, to see the cultivation of these people, and to test the Taoist heart of the other party. If I could hook one...'

Before Xuantian finished explaining the sword intention, a casual cultivator in his spiritual consciousness stopped adjusting his breath, stood up and left with the maid.

Xuantian Jianyi said, that is, people who wish to take the bait, you love me, and according to the rules, you can't interfere. ’

Li Fan couldn't help but frown.

You said that you are also from the Golden Core stage. In the deserted mountains and wild mountains, you met a lonely woman and you actually followed her?

Xuantian Jianyi said, foxes always have a way of seducing people. Zuo Dao, who is not very good at it, can't control himself when he sees it. Look, here it comes again. ’

Sure enough, another maid came. After calling her a few times from afar, she seduced another monk.

However, the last person's concentration was still good. The remaining two maids called several times but were not hit. However, he came to his senses and suddenly found that the two Taoist friends around him were missing. He immediately jumped up and looked around.

Of course, the lives of the other two monks were not in danger. Li Fan could find out with just a glance of his consciousness. The first two maids were just having sex with the prey they had seduced. The remaining third person with the best concentration was guided by the call and went in the direction of the Nascent Soul Monster.

'Xuantian Jianyi said, Jiejie, this big fox is quite picky about food. Don't let him be too frivolous and easy to pick on. ’

Li Fan frowned, Are you going to sit back and watch the three of them get killed?

'Xuantian Jianyi said, if they encounter any harm, they might think they have made a profit. It doesn't matter whether people with such rubbish cultivation are saved or not, they will die sooner or later, so you don't have to worry about them.

Hehe, so you have seen it, what kind of good things can come to Leize at this time? Do you think it is harming people by charming passers-by to take supplements? ’

Monsters are indeed monsters. It's useless for you to survive, Li Fan shook his head and said to Chen Asha next to him, Sit in this circle and don't move around. I'll catch some raccoons... You can use this flag. Take it, if your life is in danger, wave the flag and I will come to save you immediately.

Chen Asha took the talisman flag with the ink portrait of Qiongqi in her arms and nodded obediently.

Li Fan flew into the forest, swung his hands and put the Guixu Taoist robe on his body. The purple light flashed and disappeared, passing through the branches of the forest leaves and the two dew couples who were practicing intensely in the bushes below. Sneaking to the place where the big monster was staying, I saw from a distance a square-faced bearded man dressed as a warrior and holding a pair of iron guns, staring at the sedan with caution.

Two jade-faced raccoon maids stood beside the sedan to wait on them, but the nine-tailed fox did not get out of the sedan.

Monster! Where are my two brothers! The bearded man had clear eyes and shouted angrily, holding two guns.

Li Fan silently turned his head to look at the two friends who were sitting on the lotus cart not far away and having a great time... This bearded man has a strong Taoist heart, but his Taoism is really a bit lowly. Such a little trick has blinded him. …

A maid said, Sir, please forgive me. My wife wants to inquire about something from you. It's just that the knight's two friends have evil intentions and are afraid that they will be rude in front of my wife, so I asked them to take a rest elsewhere. We don’t mean any harm, and I ask for your forgiveness.”

Not only the bearded man frowned when he heard this, but Li Fan was also a little surprised. Could it be that he was tricked into taking dual repairs?

Xuantian Jianyi said, Huh, you are trying to be mysterious. According to me, the fox must have met him and disliked the bearded face because he looked too old and lost his appetite. ’

Li Fan,...

The bearded man frowned, What tricks are you playing! If you have something to say, please tell me! If you hurt my brother's life, I won't spare you!

The maid did not argue with Hu Hu, and listened to the lady in the sedan for a few instructions, then stood up and said, My lady would like to ask who is in charge of leaving the country now. Is it the Nangong family or General Zhennan.

The bearded man spoke for a while, do I know this! General Nangong! I only know the captain in the capital!

The maid couldn't help but frown for a while, turned around and confirmed with the sedan chair a few times, and then asked, Then let me ask you, is it still the master of the temple who makes the decision at Mozhushan?

The bearded brow knitted into a knot, You should ask Mozhushan about Mozhushan. We are not from Mozhushan!

The maid sighed, I haven't been able to leave the mountain for a long time. I just want to ask about the world's major events. Then please tell us what you know, knight.

The bearded man was dissatisfied and said, How can you ask for information like this? Just bring my two brothers back and ask them if you have anything to do. I'm a martial artist who only knows how to practice kung fu and doesn't know anything about world affairs.

The maid could only shake her head towards the sedan.

Mrs. Fox obviously didn't expect that the casual cultivators she met on the road were either extremely vicious and would fly their swords to behead their heads when they came up, or they were lustful ghosts who would take off their pants after just a few words. It was okay to have some concentration, but He was a martial artist who couldn't communicate at all. He couldn't even find anyone who could speak normally, and he was speechless for a while.

Stop talking nonsense! Give my brother back!

But the bearded man couldn't wait any longer. He suddenly exerted force with one step, raised his breath, flew towards the sedan, with two guns in his hands like black dragons coming out of the abyss, and shot straight towards the door curtain of the sedan! To capture the thief, capture the king first!

Bold! The two maids immediately pulled out the soft swords from their sleeves, jumped out and worked together to swing the iron spear away.

The bearded man also swung his two spears and clashed with the two maids' soft swords, clinking and clanging into a battle.

It seems that although this person's magical power is low and he must have attained Taoism too late, his martial arts foundation is quite solid. The iron gun blows like wind when he sweeps it, and it is powerful and heavy. Although the two maids have the advantage of cultivation, they still have a solid foundation. He attacked from both sides with swordsmanship, but his martial arts skills really couldn't defeat the bearded man. He was one against two, but he still managed to survive.

Li Fan looked on, a little strange, didn't it look like he was taking supplements...or something like that. Do you need to warm up first and stretch out your muscles?

'Xuantian Jianyi said, no matter what, take this opportunity to catch him first... Oh, you see it's all your fault, someone else is here! ’

Li Fan was stunned and noticed that two more monks were flying in. They were attracted by the fighting here and flew directly over.

The two monks obviously came together for the adventure, and their cultivation level was very high. After watching in the sky for a while, although they did not find the invisible Li Fan, they saw that the two maids were goblins, so they immediately took action and shot them from mid-air. Zhong cast a magic weapon to help the beard.

Seeing the two maids being locked in a fight with Beard's two spears and unable to escape, and two rays of light falling straight from the sky and hitting their skulls, the nine-tailed fox certainly couldn't just sit back and watch the two maids die.

The two clanking string sounds stirred, and the sound waves passed through the air, smashing the precious light in the sky to pieces!

The two monks in the sky were immediately injured and screamed, blood spurted from their mouths and noses and fell into the clouds, all in vain.

Huzi was also shocked, and then he realized that the lady in the sedan was so highly cultivated that he couldn't handle it by himself! He immediately feinted with a backhand shot, and while the maid was parrying, he jumped out of the encirclement. The horizontal spear protected the two passers-by behind him who were beaten to pieces. UU Reading

The two maids over there did not chase him, but turned around and stood in front of the sedan to guard him with their swords.

After a while, two other disheveled maids also stunned the two bearded friends, and flew over to protect their wives with swords in hand.

The scene was stagnant for a moment.

Some of you have misunderstood. We don't mean any harm...

But without waiting for the first maid to explain, the bearded man stared at the two maids behind him, eyes wide with anger, Monster! Where are my two brothers! But you have caused harm to me!

The monk who had his magic weapon destroyed struggled to get up, wiped the blood from his mouth and roared, How dare the monster destroy my magic weapon! Call someone! Call someone!

The other person biu——! I have to light a fire charm and shoot it into the air, wow! A firework exploded, marking a lifelike firebird in the night sky.

Seeing the firebird signal, the four maids immediately changed their colors, their beautiful faces twisted into animal faces, and their fangs screamed, Immortal Palace!

Li Fan's eyes also lit up, Immortal Palace? Great!

But wait...what's wrong with this firebird? And why is it purple? Isn’t the Nangong family Zhuque?

Xuantian Jianyi said, the five phoenixes of the southern country and the purple eagle are the flags of the Sunda country. ’

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