The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 143 Pretty Girl

The billowing black wind was swirling and fighting over the swamps and forests. Between the flickering treasure lights, there were vague human figures and scattered corpses, falling from the sky and falling into the mire.

These monks who dare to go deep into the hinterland of Lei Ze, as long as the number of people on both sides is not too different, once they meet, they will fly into each other and kill each other. Compared with those truly rare geniuses and treasures, the flesh and blood property on the opposite side is the 'opportunity' that these heretics are eagerly looking for.

Naturally, the winner is not mentioned. The flesh and blood of the loser will continue to nourish Lei Ze's creatures until the next time Lei Ze is opened, it will transform into a new spiritual treasure, attracting a new batch of adventurous travelers and continue to join this reincarnation. of feast.

In fact, it may be unfair to say that they are short-sighted. After all, how many people in the world can have such a high talent as Li Fan, such a good source of blessings, and such a hard destiny? Wouldn't it be better to start from scratch, practice hard life after life, and accumulate property and connections before you can gradually transfer to the authentic Taoist sect? It's good to have a reliable skill to practice by just relying on your own casual cultivation. Who expects to collect a bunch of treasures and refine a seven-turn or eight-turn magic elixir?

The people Li Fan met along the way were generally the same kind of people. If you think about their level, they were really not that good. But if you want to call them rubbish, after all, they were just golden elixir cultivators who finally broke through the threshold. After all their hard work, they were killed casually, which seemed like a bit of a bully.

So when Li Fan watched from a distance and saw a fierce fight near the third spiritual energy point, he thought about it and felt that he had better be kind and stop fishing for law enforcement. Try to avoid some disputes as much as possible. Anyway, seven days have passed in the Immortal Palace. It is estimated that the casual cultivators don't have any information, so they might as well take a detour.

After all, the killing robbery is not activated now, and there is no mood limit. He just defended himself by the spring, which only raised his mood by a dozen points. Except for the sword, which is okay, the others are just a pile of rubbish. His yin-yang gas bag is full, which shows that this map is not efficient at all in killing monsters, and it is not worth the trouble to brush these golden elixir stage white crayfish that may be stung. It's just a waste of energy, but if you kill too much and it affects your Taoist mind, it's not worth it.

On the contrary, the benefits from direct collection were huge, and a lot of messy rare materials were obtained. Even if the Nangong family could not be chased this time, which affected their state of mind and made them unable to break through in a few years, it would not be a big problem.

After all, with so many materials, Li Fan can start trying to hone his skills in alchemy and weapon making. In short, it must be moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, ahem, alchemy array, divination, plus an organ, and the six arts will be fully developed.

So after being fooled by Lei Ze's resources, Li Fan's policy changed from advancing the main line and annihilating Nangong to the main line of following fate and prioritizing collection according to local conditions.

In this way, Li Fan no longer flies in the sky, but travels through the underground swamps, jumping between the trunks of vines, picking an orchid here, and digging out a nest of beetles there. Xuantian Sword Intent is too lazy to explain in detail now. , just like alchemy, weapon, medicine, material, poison, jade, sword, throw... I had to spit it out word by word.

Li Fan also used a cinnabar pen to mark each of his piles of storage jade, and then collected and summarized the various materials into categories.

Alas, when people come to Lei Ze, they have to fight for each fruit. When he comes, they have to harvest every jade pendant. Why is the gap in happiness between people so big?

‘Xuantian Sword Intent said, Fuck! ’

Ahem, okay, don't irritate this guy anymore, causing him to write Fuck on the jade pendant...

After working hard to collect the goods, when the dozen or so jade pendants searching for melons by the spring were almost full, Li Fan noticed that the spiritual veins seemed to be deviating from the map. Where is this going...

So Li Fan sat on the tree trunk, closed his eyes and scanned the surrounding atmosphere with his spiritual consciousness.

Although they didn't find any spiritual vein air pockets marked on the map, the casual cultivators in the middle of the fight found another wave. It seems that this is really as lively as a festival, and the whole Lei Ze is in a state of chaos.

But this time, after looking at it from a distance, Li Fan decided to take action. Because this time it's not a fight among human beings, but a group of monsters besieging humans!

With a quick sweep of his consciousness, he detected eight monsters at the inner alchemy stage, surrounding two human monks in the forest from all directions. One was at the golden elixir stage and was already injured, and the other was actually only at the foundation building stage. The Golden Core cultivator carried the foundation-building creature on his back and fled through the forest. However, the way to escape had already been blocked by monsters, but the trapped beasts were still fighting. If they didn't take action, they would definitely be dead.

Li Fan immediately took out the yellow jade sword box and pinched the sword secret. The Pitian Sword turned into a white line and flew into the air with a blazing light. It pulled out a bright light in mid-air and fell straight into the dense forest. It fell straight towards the eight-headed monster locked by Li Fan's consciousness, and in an instant, it penetrated the chest and beheaded it, wiping out the eight monster consciousnesses in Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness. Then Li Fan hooked his fingers again, and Pitian turned into a bright light and flew back into the sword box. It only took a total of...more than ten seconds, right?

Well, yes, that’s the end, that’s how the flying sword is’s really boring...

Li Fan stepped on the branches and jumped towards the battlefield, collecting the corpses of the monsters. Then he stepped on the forest leaves and stood on the treetop to look at the two people he had rescued.

An old woman, her body was black and dirty as if she had been burned, the blood vessels on her face burst out like centipedes, her mouth and nose were covered with blood, she was paralyzed on the ground. It seemed that she was seriously injured in the fighting, and she was probably surrounded by monsters. , the oil has run out and the lamp has dried up.

The other is a child, gray-headed, skinny like a monkey, a little malnourished, but his dark pupils are energetic, and he doesn't look frightened by monsters. And for someone who can build a foundation at a young age, his qualifications should be pretty good... right?

‘Xuantian Sword Intention Road, eight. ’

It's eighth grade. It's okay if it can be ranked as high grade, but it's above garbage.

Thank you to the Immortal for rescuing me. The old woman carried her back, kowtowed to Li Fan on the ground, I beg the Immortal to take my disciple out of Leize. I have nothing but an inner elixir. I repay you for saving my life!

As she spoke, she actually inserted it into her belly and took out a golden elixir that bloomed in four colors, and she died immediately.

Li Fan had no time to react and couldn't help but frown slightly. This woman was so cruel. She knew she couldn't be saved and cut out the golden elixir...

In fact, the golden elixirs cultivated by humans and the inner elixirs cultivated by monsters both contain spiritual energy and are precious materials that can be used in elixir making. However, there is no shortage of demon elixirs, and genius and earthly treasures can also be substituted. Serious monks are still rare. He uses human elixirs to make medicine.

Li Fan wrapped his palm with wind and took the four-color elixir to take a look. It lacked Shengang Qi and had a lot of red evil gas impurities. The other three colors were okay, but this was obviously because he wanted to refine the five-qi golden elixir but failed to refine it. It was mixed. Impure, the five qi are out of balance, and it is garbage.

Li Fan looked at the child next to his mother-in-law again. He was neither crying nor making a fuss, so he knelt down beside the old woman quietly and helped her trim her hair.

Hey, what's your name?

The child looked up at Li Fan and bowed to him, I'm hungry.

Li Fan, ...

System translation translation...

‘Chen Asha said that her name is Chen Asha. ’

Li Fan frowned, Are you a girl?

The child looked at Li Fan and said, Dead.

Li Fan, ...

‘Chen Asha said, yes. ’

Okay, okay, I understand this...

Li Fan frowned. Hey, this is another burden, but he can't leave her in this mess, otherwise she will definitely die. It seems that it will be difficult to catch up to the Immortal Palace this time... Forget it, let's just treat it as an escort mission...

Li Fan fell in front of the girl and casually threw the mother-in-law's golden elixir to her, Your master's things will be returned to you. Do you have any other relatives? Are the bodies going to be buried for you?

Chen Asha shook her head, bowed to her master three times, took out a brocade bag from her waist, and took out an incense burner from the brocade bag. The lid of the incense burner was opened, and a black snake crawled out, and it burrowed into her master's mouth and nose. He sucked up all the essence and blood from the corpse and turned it into a skin bag scattered on the ground.

Li Fan frowned, what kind of evil skill is this?

‘Xuantian Sword Intention Dao, Gu. ’

Oh... Gu... By the way, can you be more detailed?

‘Xuan Tian Jian Yi Dao, I don’t know how to be more detailed. I heard that some barbarians in Kun Country can cast poison. This is probably a barbarian girl. ’

Southern barbarian? Li Fan looked at Chen Asha, who was wrapping the black snake around her hand and stuffing it back into the incense burner along with her master's golden elixir. The clothes looked dirty, like a beggar's, but there was no trace of any national characteristics.

Are you from Kun country?


Is your place taken over by the cult?

Senjiao is like a hot pot wobu knows.

What about the Immortal Palace? You know the Immortal Palace...forget it, have you ever seen a Qingyun?


...You are only in the foundation-building realm. Why did your master bring you to Leize?

If you use the blade and sprinkle it with your mouth, the medicine is strong and the family has to pay for it, and the grandma comes to Penan to beg for the pot on behalf of the family.

While answering, Chen Asha held up the incense burner in her hand and showed it to Li Fan.

How should I put it? It can be seen that this girl is quite smart. She can barely answer questions in Chinese. She is not afraid of strangers and her qualifications are not bad. However, the tone of the dialect is too heavy and it sounds too awkward. Li Fan really had to look at the system translation to communicate with her.

Keep your magic weapon by yourself. I have my own business to attend to, so I'll give you a ride first.

More fresh food to make wine. Chen Asha thanked her.

What about making wine with fresh food... and making wine with soy sauce...

The extra oil bottle makes it inconvenient to collect genius treasures, but Li Fan is not in a hurry. Lei Ze has a long day to drive anyway. He has no clues about the Nangong family at the moment. He can even go back to Zhonggu first. , threw this girl to a safe place, and happened to find a merchant to buy a few sacks of storage jade. It would not be a loss to come back and harvest it again.

Li Fan thought about it and summoned the ghost demons, wrapped Chen Asha in sword light and took her to the sky. This pretty girl had shown quite a lot of courage just now, but now she was very nervous when flying. The sword light flew high and fast, frightening her so much that she couldn't help but hold on to Li Fan's Taoist robe, as if she was afraid of falling. of.

So Li Fan had no choice but to slow down the speed of his sword light to prevent the child from getting airsick and vomiting.

But in this way, the sword light was too eye-catching. Less than ten miles after this, Li Fan immediately felt that a group of people were spying on him with their spiritual consciousness, and they immediately flew in his direction.

He tried to turn around several times, but was locked by his spiritual consciousness. He simply didn't bother to hide. He found an open area and fell down. He pointed to the bushes next to him and said to Chen Asha, You hide over there.

After asking the barbarian girl to hide, Li Fan waited for a while until six monks flew in front of him and cupped his hands, What do you do for me?

Hand over both the flying sword and the storage jade! The monks, like Li Fan, also wore curtains and masks to cover their faces, shouting like bandits.

I would like to advise you not to seek death. Li Fan politely advised.

Then the people who were robbing them burst into strange laughter, threw away their hands, and made a secret gesture, sacrificing a bunch of magical treasures.

Li Fan had no choice but to sigh, and made a stroke with his sword. The Pitian Sword flashed and slit the throats of six people, exploding six bloody flowers, and all the figures in the sky were suffocated. , as if the monkey was suddenly electrocuted and died instantly, and then fell from mid-air into the mire one after another. A bunch of magic weapons were scattered on the ground without being able to show off.

Chen Asha, who was hiding in the bush, almost dropped her jaw.

Alas, there is no way. Li Fan doesn't want to be so fierce, but he is really unstable. The Five Luo Sword Ghost has to control his divine body, and he can't be distracted while flying in the air while wielding the sword. He doesn't dare to deal with garbage. It took too long, so when I came up, I used Bitianzhusheath for a full second.

But these casual cultivators were also strange. Seeing that they really approached them, Li Fan thought they were here to ask for directions. Since he really wanted to rob, why didn't he have to get close to visual distance before releasing the magic weapon to attack? If this isn’t to extend your neck to kill him, is there any way to survive?

Xuantian Jianyi said, UU Reading So it is said that the golden elixir stage soul is not enough, magic weapons and flying swords require a lot of spiritual control. If you can't keep an eye on the target with your own eyes, throw out the inferior garbage. It's easy to smash him away... Besides, it's weird that your kid can kill people outside the visual range...'

Oh, so in one word, he is awesome, right?

‘Xuan Tian Jian Yi said, Damn! What are you pretending to be, that brat! Quickly stabilize your Taoist mind! Really annoying! ’

Ahem, okay, I accidentally pretended to do it, and my Taoist mind is a little wandering, so I have to pay attention.

Li Fan quickly cleaned up the battlefield. When he turned around, he saw the pretty girl still lying on the ground. He coughed and said, It's okay. Come out. They're just a few thieves.

Then Chen Asha jumped out like a monkey, threw herself at Li Fan's feet and knelt down,

The fresh food of Qiuqiu is sitting on the bottom of the table! I'm looking for a grandma's treasure!

Li Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes, but come on, there are enough people around him who can't communicate without using translation software, not to mention that he has only been practicing for a long time, and he has accepted a disciple. Wouldn't it be funny to tell him?

My cultivation is shallow and I am not qualified to teach. You don't need to worship me. When you get out of Leize, go to Mozhu Mountain to find your destiny.

Ignoring Chen Asha's pleas at the moment, he wrapped her in the wind of his palm and flew away with her in the light of his sword.

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