The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 104 Midnight Noodle Soup

If it’s not Mozhu Mountain, it’s not Luo Jiao, who else could it be?

Anyway, there are three major factions.

Although Li Fan still doesn't understand how this conspiracy is planned, how it is executed, and how it will develop. But if someone really organized this huge conspiracy, the ultimate ultimate purpose is obvious.

It is nothing more than a method used by the three traditional forces to suppress the Mozhushan faction, which is currently on the rise.

Maybe it's not necessarily the masterminds of the three major factions, but they are definitely happy to see the results and actively cooperate.

The Nangong family of the Immortal Palace had the biggest motive, but judging from the three incidents of the sword fight in Tiantai Mountain, Nangong Wushuang whipping the Guangling Crown Prince to death in public, and the transformation of the Immortal Army into lambs in the Feishan Mine, it seems that they were calculated by the people behind the scenes. Instead, it was because the motive was too great and could easily be suspected, so he was used as a gunman to attract Mo Zhushan's attention.

Of course, it is also possible that they did participate in the early conspiracy alliance against Mozhu Mountain, but Tiantai Mountain Sword Fighting lost too many cards that could be played, so they were forced to withdraw due to lack of stamina?

The motivations of the nine major Xuanmen are smaller, but the power of Xuanmen has always existed in this chess game.

Because they did bring a large number of people to the South China Sea for training recently. Even if it was for the opportunity to fly the sword, would it be a bit too fussy to bring in so many elites just to destroy the Lu family?

And counting the time, Xuanmen should have leveled the Lu family, suppressed the Nanhai area, and started to return north, right? For a monk, a thousand miles away can come in a blink of an eye, so why not come to Mozhu Mountain to enjoy the autumn breeze?

Or maybe they have other things in mind, or they don't mind the invitation from the Immortal Palace, so they want to suppress Mo Zhushan to avoid the appearance of a second Luo Jiao?

So Xuanmen may be just a helper, just trying to steal a chicken or something, but it is impossible to ignore the masters who are close at hand.

As for theistic religions, theistic religions cannot be ruled out.

After all, hadn't Li Fan seen someone who was suspected to be a candidate for the saint before? She said it herself, It's not easy to make plans when you leave the country. If she didn't have the intention of making plans, why would she have to go all the way across the Kunlun Mountains to talk nonsense? travel?

Or is it that the Divine Sect is also involved in this conspiracy involving all three major sects, and wants to get a share of the pie, or to try and analyze the real details of this new force in Mozhushan?

Here in Mozhu Mountain, there are just signs of differences in the strategic direction between the north and the south. The three major factions have already smelled blood and are gathering like sharks.

I really don’t give him any chance, he is still too old...

Li Fan looked at the flickering Rubik's Cube in his hand and the interconnected squares. It was a bit unimaginable that there was a connection behind so many bad things.

And why did Li Fan bump into him? Could this be the fate of the legendary protagonist?

It's none of my business, right? I'm leaving then. Aguang interrupted Li Fan's contemplation. After all, it stinked standing nearby.

Wait a minute, I only have this money on me. Oh, there is still a lot of rice here. I am too lazy to sort out some messy things. You can take this storage jade pendant. Li Fan dug around and took out Give A Guang two storage jade pendants obtained from monsters.

A Guang accepted it without any politeness at all, You are quite rich, please give me some more magic weapons. Do you have any practice skills? Those of us who have been selected to get started all have some qualifications for practice.

Yuan Houhou didn't teach you the basic skills? Then how did you achieve the foundation-building realm? Li Fan was curious.

A Guang shook his head, I didn't know. In the past, he took us to read scriptures together, and his cultivation level naturally increased. It was not done by myself. We all worshiped my mother together, and our realm also grew together.

Yuan Hou said that this was enough. Although he had no real ability, he could at least scare people so that the bullies would not dare to bully us at will. But I am timid and without the protection of my mother, I still feel unsure.

Li Fan thought for a while and said, There are some weapons used by monsters here. Even though they are garbage, they are better than ordinary ones. Use them for self-defense. As for the skills, I am not qualified to teach them the skills in the mountains. There is only one copy of Guixu that I got in exchange for it. Xuan Ming Inner Breath Cycle, you can only cultivate to the golden elixir stage at most.

However, this method can be used to travel under the water. The river network here in Gyeonggi is dense and the waterways are complex. If you learn this method, you can control the water by yourself. When being chased, you can directly escape from the bottom of the river. It is also an extra means to save your own life. There is no need to enter the water wearing a Shatang flower.

In addition, there may be a drought in the next two years, so stock up on rice.

Aguang took the skill book seriously, bowed and said, Thank you so much for your help, righteous man. It turns out that you are not a member of my Luo sect, but you killed me, the demon, before you came here, and you are still willing to listen to my crazy words. Crazy language, of course he is a truly good person. It would be great if there were more people like you in the world.

Anyway, I hope you can leave the city as soon as possible and avoid the impending disaster.

Before Li Fan could ask again, A Guang turned around and left like a crazy beggar with unkempt hair, singing in his mouth, Tang Di's beauty, E Bu Wei Wei, all people today are better than brothers. The power of death and mourning , Brother Kong Huai, Yuan Xisi is here, brother, I beg you...

Li Fan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much. He just watched A Guang disappear into the shadows of the streets.

I don’t know how long my empty hometown can protect these poor people...

Forget it, urgent matters should take priority now. First find a way to find out the details of these people under Lu Jackal. It is best to find the lamb. If there is enough time, please immediately ask the viewer to take action with the disciples of Mo Zhushan. If the conspiracy of the people behind the scenes succeeds, the best choice is to stop the plot of the three major sects before closing the net.

Now we have to find a way to come up with real evidence. It would be best to capture the whereabouts of the noodle shop clerks and see where they got the lamb's offspring, or when they were pouring the swill, they caught both the stolen goods and the people together. Only when the cub is presented to the viewer can there be solid evidence.

With this thought in his mind, Li Fan dressed up as a dirty beggar and went straight to the stall to queue up for noodles. Not to mention, no one could suspect him when he sneaked in so arrogantly, so Li Fan took a bowl of chopped green onion noodles and squatted at the door of the shop to eat it, observing the waiters in the noodle shop generously.

However, these seem to be just ordinary people, or at most ordinary people who are strong and have learned a little martial arts, that is, the level of gangsters can't be more. And I didn't see any strange behavior in any of the swill buckets in the noodle shop. couldn't be that guy A Guang tricked him, right?

Oh, this noodle soup is really delicious, slurp slurp slurp...

‘Li Fan’s mood has improved a bit’

Bang! Bang!

Li Fan raised his eyes and looked to his side, only to see a beggar lying on the ground in the alley. His head was covered with bricks, and his head was bleeding.

It seems that every beggar in the shop is given only one bowl, but some evil-minded people don't think it's enough after eating one bowl, and don't dare to ask for another bowl, so they squat outside the shop and grab others'. In order to snatch the noodle bowl from the beggar's hand to eat and drink, he actually killed someone directly.

Now that Li Fan had seen this kind of thing, he was really a little numb. He didn't have any mood swings, and there was no need to talk nonsense. Before the sneak attack beggar had time to enjoy the noodle soup in his hand, he had already reached out and flicked a stone. He hit the villain in the back of the head, causing a dent in the back of his head and killing him on the spot.

This time, no one had time to react. It wasn't until the bowl of noodle soup was spilled on the ground that most of it was spilled. Then the beggars around them swarmed up at the same time, rushing to grab the noodle bowl and the noodles that had fallen on the muddy ground to eat. They almost missed it. Fight.

Hey! Disperse! No fighting! Disperse!

The waiters in the noodle shop noticed the commotion outside. Apparently they had encountered this kind of fighting over food and beatings many times. They rolled up their sleeves and shouted to drive away the fighting beggars, took the straw mats and left. He went over and wrapped the bodies of the two beggars who were beaten to death, put them under his arms, and threw them onto the flatbed truck behind the shop.

In the slums, such things happen everywhere, and the poor people around them don't care about the death around them. They just keep their eyes straight and salivate like zombies in the movie, just lowering their heads to eat their own noodles.

The people around would not take a second glance at the faces of these untouchables who were stepped on the mud bottom and almost stuck to their shoes. It was only then that Li Fan noticed that the beggars who were eating noodles with their heads down had blood in their pupils. Overflowing, crazy and demonic, not at all like the expression that a normal person should have.

Of course, Li Fan doesn't quite know what a normal beggar should look like, but he's definitely not as crazy as a zombie eating human flesh when looking at a bowl of clear noodle soup, right?

Could it be that this side is poisonous? No way, these beggars have been eating for so long...

Li Fan smelled it and couldn't help but take another sip. Although the bowls and chopsticks were dirty, chopped green onion noodles were chopped green onion noodles. Compared with the ones under the ditch, eating this hot food made his stomach feel warm. , feel comfortable all over...

‘Li Fan’s mood has improved a bit’

Well, not bad, my mood has improved... No!

Li Fan's neck stiffened, and he bulged his mouth and secretly spit out the unswallowed noodle soup back into the bowl.

No, he has already reached the Golden Elixir realm. He has passed the novice stage where eating and drinking enough can boost his mood. Now he has to eat immortal food to lift his mood. At the current Golden Elixir stage, the only thing he can afford to eat is fried rice! So there is something really wrong with these noodles!

So Li Fan thought about it and suddenly understood something. He changed his position and secretly looked at the kitchen.

The problem is not the swill bucket, but the noodle pot...

The cauldron was pitch black, and although the outer wall could not be clearly seen, it was at most a low-level magic weapon. It was impossible to use the magic weapon to make medicinal meals in the slums. It would attract too much attention. Or maybe there are other things in the pot besides noodles...

Li Fan thought for a moment, looked up at the roof of the noodle shop, stamped his foot, and released a sword energy to cut off the roof beams of the noodle shop. Instantly, the tiles on the roof collapsed, causing the shopkeepers to run away holding their heads. , of course, a lot of bricks and stones fell into the noodle pot, knocking the cauldron over.

What's going on! Is there a mouse? Maybe it's ants.

Li Fan slapped an invisibility charm, and while the guys weren't paying attention, he blended in with the crowd and took a look at the overturned soup pot.

Sure enough, there were scriptures engraved on the pot, but I couldn't tell what it was. There was also a thick piece of meat on the bottom of the pot. The white surface was tinged with pink, like fat pork belly, and a bit like mushrooms. The umbrella cover was cut into slices, and the meat slices were skewered with an awl-like vajra in the middle and nailed to the bottom of the pot. The oil and water in the pot of noodle soup were boiled out of this piece of meat.

Then the piece of meat seemed to be so different that Li Fan was looking at it, and a bunch of maggot egg-like eyeballs squeezed out from the fat pile and glared at Li Fan.

Ugh, so disgusting...

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

It's bad! The optic nerve is turned out! Quick! Cover it with a pot so no one can see it! Catch it and run away!

This thing can really run! Although most of the meat slices were nailed to the pot, they actually took the opportunity to sprout many tentacles and roots from the meat slices, dragging the pot like snails and running around, as if trying to escape!

The waiter at the noodle shop rushed over to hold down the soup pot, but the bottom of the pot was burnt black by the stew and screamed in agony. Someone actually slipped on the soup noodles on the ground. The scene was chaotic and no one was around for a while. Can grab that piece of meat!

The beggars around him were also frightened by this strange situation and screamed, scurrying away with their heads in their hands, and the pieces of meat were dragging the pot and clinking as they crawled here and there. They were actually sane and knew how to flee in the opposite direction from Li Fan. .

Visual meat? What the hell?

‘Looking at the meat, it looks like meat. It is often attached to big rocks and has heads and tails, so it is a living thing. Also known as Ganoderma lucidum, Tai Sui. ’

Oh oh oh! This is good stuff! But that’s not right? How could it be Tai Sui? Isn't it the meat of lamb or lamb?

Li Fanzheng was surprised, but he noticed that in the chaos, a small boss got into the noodle shop, brought out a puppet wrapped in a cloak, but judging from the exposed arms, it was clearly a wooden puppet, and then patted the wooden puppet on the head. Open a spell and cover your face.

The wooden puppet immediately came to life, leaping up as if its limbs were being controlled by someone's strings, and rushed straight towards the snail-like Tai Sui. He spread his fingers to grab the pot on its back, and pulled the puppet who wanted to get into the alley to escape. Tai Sui grabbed him.

Judging from the speed and strength of the puppet, this kind of machine man is at least as strong as a foundation-building monk who has mastered the Overlord Body Kung Fu. Moreover, the puppet's limbs have hidden spring knives, and the blades seem to be coated with poison, but only on the face. The yellow talisman on it spontaneously ignited without fire and was about to burn out. It was obviously just a temporary loan to deal with ordinary martial arts people who wanted to cause trouble.

But this delay was enough. Da'anfang was Lu Jackal's lair, and there was a big commotion. As expected, four men in faceless black robes immediately appeared, darting and leaping from four directions of the slum. , surrounded Tai Sui who was about to escape.

The tall man in black robes in front came up and overturned the pot with a slap, punched Tai Sui, hammered it back to the bottom of the pot, and sealed it with a lid.

The second man in black robe reached out farther and blew away the yellow talisman on the puppet's face, and the puppet automatically stopped functioning and lay down on the ground.

What's going on? Why use puppet soldiers! Another man in black robes flashed in front of the leader and asked.

Yes, we were having dinner just now. The rats probably chewed through the beams and the house collapsed. Tai Sui escaped. Fortunately, it's dark now and there's no one around...

The leader was explaining submissively, and Li Fan hid in the dark and observed.

It's not simple. None of these four are living people. They are all clearly machine puppets. However, the production is obviously more flexible and more realistic than the puppet soldiers who can only move with talismans on their faces. By talking like this with their faces covered, even the guys can't tell that they are not real people, right?

Trash! You can't even do such a small thing! The man in black robe thrust his hand into the leader's eye socket, gouged out one of his eyeballs and threw it to the ground.

A group of guys immediately knelt on the ground, too frightened to speak out.

The leader endured the severe pain on his face and said, Please, please give me another chance! I will catch all the beggars who see their flesh and kill them!

No need, UU Reading They won't live for a few more days. Clean this place up! Don't make any more unnecessary trouble!

After the four black-robed puppets finished speaking, they held up Tai Sui's cauldron, turned around, abandoned everyone, and flew away.

Li Fan also confirmed Si Nan's direction and immediately flew to follow.

There weren't many people on the street at night, and there was such a big pot flying ahead. You couldn't lose it, right?

Before they could chase him two streets away, Si Nan swayed violently, and Li Fan also squinted his eyes and realized something was wrong.

Why is his skill so poor with other people?

It's okay if you can't keep up with someone, but why are you chasing after them? The four black robes in front of you suddenly turned into five?

So he subconsciously looked at his feet one by one.

Oh, there are four wearing official boots, and one is wearing the straw sandals issued by the disciples of Mozhu Mountain.

That one should be Lu Yun.

After all, although the terrain in this workshop was complicated, flying in the sky with a pot on his back was still too big a target, so she was finally found.

So under the night sky of Changsi City, five puppets inherited from the Lu family were flying between the shacks of Da'anfang, chasing each other.

Perhaps this is the so-called coincidence, fate, fate, and unexpected encounter.

For many things, as long as you find Lu Jackal, you may have an answer.

And probably tonight, the children of the Lu family will definitely decide the winner.

Look who is the real heir of the Lu family.

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