The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 571 Conquer Yuhua Sect and become the master of Chuzhou

“I have not taken away any Shikai Taoist heritage.

"The reason why I was promoted to Golden Immortal is just another opportunity."

Zhen Suyan showed a trace of anger on her face, but she still held it back.

As the saying goes, there is no excuse for wanting to inflict a crime.

Even if he takes away the treasures from the Taoist Cave of the Four Seas, then it is naturally his own ability.

But doing so is actually a serious crime in the sect, which is equivalent to stealing the sect's treasure. It is simply unreasonable.

There is no doubt that these are just the charges that the Supreme Elder listed at random, just to cause trouble for her.

"You are so presumptuous that you dare to quibble."

"If you hadn't taken away Taoist Sihai's relics, do you think you could be promoted to Golden Immortal?"

"Hand over all the treasures you have obtained immediately. Maybe you can be relieved of your sins."

The Supreme Elder Taoist Youhai sneered.

There was a greedy look in his eyes.

Obviously, he didn't care whether what Zhen Suyan got was the treasure of Taoist Sihai. Anyway, it must be an incredible treasure if it can help the other party to advance to the Golden Immortal.

If he could get it, it might help him to a certain extent in his promotion to Da Luo.

But he knew that the opportunity this woman got must have a lot to do with Sihai Taoist.

After all, the land of Chuzhou is so big, and all the opportunities have been plundered by the Yuhua Sect.

Where can I find any treasures that can help Xuanxian be promoted to Golden Immortal?

Apart from Taoist Shihai, there are basically no other possibilities.

You know, Taoist Sihai was such a powerful golden immortal in the past, and he didn't even know how many secret treasures there were in the cave.

Maybe there is an opportunity to help Jinxian break through Daluo.

So no matter whether they guessed wrong or right this time, they couldn't miss this opportunity.

If you really miss it, there will be no hope of being promoted to Daluo in this life.

This is something they cannot tolerate.

They are just geniuses, how can they compare with their future prospects.

"Master Nephew Zhen, actually we don't doubt you."

“I’m just saying that this matter is extremely important and cannot be compromised.”

"If you want to prove your intelligence, hand over all the treasures you have."

"Let's take stock."

"If there really are no treasures from Taoists from the Four Seas, then I can naturally clear your name."

Taishang Elder Taoist Huang Feng said with a smile, which seemed to be a bit like hiding a knife in his smile.

He wanted Zhen Suyan to hand over all the treasures on her body and take stock of them carefully.

Obviously, he was also extremely curious about Zhen Suyan's chances of being promoted to Golden Immortal.

Now the three supreme elders are working together.

The other Jinxian elders also looked at Zhen Suyan with great pity. It was obvious that the three supreme elders had joined forces, and Zhen Suyan had nowhere to escape. Regardless of whether she got the Sihai Taoist's treasure or not, she needed to prove her innocence, and she needed to obtain it. Hand over the treasure to save your life.

"I didn't expect the three Supreme Elders to treat the sect's heroes like this."

"The sect master has been in seclusion for many years, ignoring worldly affairs and handing over power to you."

"But you have managed the entire Yuhua Sect in such a messy manner."

"Is this how you manage the sect? No wonder the Yuhua Sect is deteriorating now."

"It's because of old dogs like you who poison the sect and harm the virtuous."

"It seems that today is the day for me to cleanse the sect of cancer and restore the glory of Yuhua Sect."

Zhen Suyan sighed and looked at the many Yuhua Sect elders indifferently.

Although she had long been very aware of the nature of many monks in the Yuhua Sect, she still felt very disappointed.

Sure enough, this sect is already hopeless.

The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

After hundreds of billions of years of development, the Yuhua Sect has long been in a state of decay.

The sect is full of intertwined forces, and the top management is monopolized by these corrupt golden immortals.

No one is allowed to surpass them.

They even often exclude dissidents and suppress geniuses.

After countless years, no second Daluo appeared in the Yuhua Sect. These high-level Jinxian officials can be said to have taken the greatest credit.

In fact, they account for at least 99% of the reasons why the Yuhua Sect is so corrupt.

It's a pity that they are too strong. Jinxian's cultivation has absolute combat power.

Even if knowledgeable people know the drawbacks, no one dares to provoke them, nor can they overthrow their rule.

"Clean the sect's cancer?"

"The tone is quite loud. Who is the cancer of the sect?"

"Does the little Yuhua Sect disciple think that he is invincible because he is promoted to Golden Immortal?"

"I have lived for tens of billions of years, and this is the first time I have seen such an arrogant true disciple."

"It seems that I still need to educate you on what an old-style Golden Immortal is."

"It's just that I have just been promoted to Golden Immortal. I still have to be a grandson."

"It's not your turn to make the decision yet."

Taoist Chiyu's face was very ferocious, he was simply furious, he was just a yellow-haired girl.

If you encounter the slightest opportunity, you will think that you are invincible in the world. It is simply unreasonable to completely ignore them, the old golden immortals.

He wanted to tell this yellow-haired girl that in the territory of Yuhua Sect, even a real dragon must stay close to home.

Immortal Technique—Big Fish and Dragon Technique!

This is the natal magic that he is famous for. Once it is performed, it can transform from fish to dragon, from yin to yang, which contains the changes of yin and yang and the five elements. It is infinite in mystery and power.

Suddenly, a terrifying fairy power burst out from his body, and the majestic fairy power suddenly condensed into one hundred and eight real dragons, with densely packed fairy pots engraved on them.

A palm strike came down, like hundreds of real dragons striking at the same time.

This is the half-step Daluo, the invincible power of the Golden Immortal.

It is definitely not something that a rookie who has just entered Jinxian can compare with.

The gap between him and Zhen Suyan is like a chasm.

That's why he can become the Supreme Elder of Yuhua Sect instead of an ordinary elder.

In such a Daluo sect, all worldliness and sophistication are fake, only strength is real.

"Too weak, kneel down."

Zhen Suyan did not dodge or evade, she stood quietly on the spot, motionless.


A vast coercion burst out from her body. Of course, it was not Zhen Suyan who took action, but the clone Zhou Sui.

Even if it is just a clone, it is not comparable to ordinary golden immortals.

Suddenly, a huge Dragon Elephant Cave suppressed the sky, as if many ancient idols and ancient true dragons appeared. It seemed that the hell world descended from the sky and suppressed many demon gods.

At this moment, the entire space and time was trembling and roaring.

What? !

Before the clone Zhou Sui could take action, just the pressure from the Golden Immortal Cave in his body condensed into substance, bombarding the Immortal Technique, the Great Fish and Dragon Technique, like a destructive force.

Immediately, the group of real dragons condensed by immortal power instantly collapsed and became invisible.

It's like a fake encountering the real thing, with no resistance.

Even Taoist Chiyu was crushed by this pressure from the Golden Immortal Cave Heaven, as if a world was crushing him down.

With a bang, Taoist Red Fish's body lay on the ground like a dead dog. His body seemed to be carrying thousands of mountains on his back. All the muscles and bones in his body were shattered, and a large amount of blood sprayed out.

A human-shaped hole also appeared on the ground.

He struggled hard, but he couldn't move.


Taoist Chiyu's face turned red, and he felt extremely embarrassed.

Having lived for tens of billions of years, he is a half-step Daluo, an invincible Golden Immortal, and the Supreme Elder of the Yuhua Sect. He holds a high position of authority. He can be said to be inferior to one person and above tens of thousands of people in the Yuhua Sect.

But now, he was crushed like a dead dog by the power of the young female disciple in front of him. He was lying on the ground, unable to move, and even his own life was in the other's mind.

This is really an exaggeration.

Why on earth would such a ridiculous thing happen?

He felt that he was extremely depressed now.

If this incident were to spread today, I am afraid it would become a laughing stock in Chuzhou.

"Stop it, you audacious maniac."

"You actually committed the following crime, you are seeking death."

Seeing this scene, Taoist Youhai felt that his old face was a bit unbearable. Originally, he didn't want to take action. He felt that Taoist Red Fish alone could easily deal with Zhen Suyan, the new Golden Immortal.

Who could have imagined that in just a moment, Taoist Chiyu would be beaten like a dead dog, unable to move.

This is simply embarrassing to the Supreme Elder.

At this moment, the surrounding Jinxian elders of the Yuhua Sect also had expressions of shock and uncertainty. They began to doubt the strength of the Taishang Elder, wondering if it had been so long that they had lost half of Da Luo's combat power.

Once they are suspected, their authority may be damaged.

It’s hard to say how many people will still listen to them by then.

After all, these golden fairies are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, and if you have a nanny, you will be a mother.

And they are all just grass on the wall. They will fall wherever the wind blows.

If they don't show their absolute strength, I'm afraid they will be kicked out.

This is the rule of the Yuhua Sect where the weak eat the strong.

Immortal Technique——Great Nether Sea Technique!

This is Taoist Youhai's natal magic, which comes from the Nine Nether Sea of ​​the Immortal Realm.

Once deployed, the enemy can be dragged into the Nine Netherworld Sea. The Nine Netherworld Water inside contains terrible destructive power. Even the immortal body of an immortal will be completely corroded.

According to rumors, this Nine Nether Sea is the place where immortals end, and even the Immortal King will fall deep in it.

Even if he only cultivated this immortal art to the level of great achievement, it would still be enough for him to have the combat power of half a Daluo.


In an instant, between heaven and earth, the black water of the Nine Nethers rolled in, seeming to corrode the surrounding space and time with holes, forming a huge black lake around it.

Once enveloped by the Nine Nether Waters, there will be nowhere to escape.

"How dare a newly promoted Golden Immortal act wildly in front of me?!"

"Die to me."

The speaker was Taoist Huang Feng, and he couldn't sit still. Although it didn't sound good to say that two great elders besieged a new golden immortal, it was better than being defeated by the new golden immortal.

If this new Golden Immortal cannot be restrained, then the Supreme Elder's face will be completely lost.

No matter what, they need to completely suppress Zhen Suyan.

Even if it means bullying the small with the big, or bullying the small with the many, it will not be hesitated.

The natal magic - Dahuang Fengshu.

This is a high-level magic that contains the laws of wind, space, cutting and many other laws.

Once cast, it will summon the yellow wind of death.

It cuts everything wherever it goes, like a storm that brings death.

With this magical technique, Taoist Huangfeng killed countless alien immortals.

Once upon a time, he was also a famous murderer in the alien battlefield, and he once made the alien immortals fear him.

It's just that as I get older, I no longer have the courage I had when I was young, but become more and more timid.

In order to save his own life and to break through to a higher realm, he is willing to do all dirty things.


Suddenly, a terrifying yellow storm swept over, like the wind from the sky.

Each yellow wind blade can easily cut through time and space, thus fragmenting the surrounding time and space.

Wherever they go, they simply destroy everything, like a death storm.

Two high-level immortal arts were crushed at the same time.

Even a half-step Daluo has to retreat.

One can imagine the terrifying combat power of Taoist Huangfeng and Taoist Youhai.

"It's over. This Zhen Suyan is completely over."

The surrounding Jinxian elders of the Yuhua Sect said with great regret that the two supreme elders took action at the same time. No matter how powerful Zhen Suyan was, it would be impossible to resist her, and she would almost certainly die.

After all, Zhen Suyan is just a new Golden Immortal.

How could it be possible to block the power of two half-step giants? !

In fact, Zhen Suyan was indeed a little panicked. She could sense the terrifying power of these two high-level magical arts. If she relied on her own strength, she would definitely not be able to withstand them.


But at this moment, the clone Zhou Sui suddenly appeared, stepped out of the void, without joy or sorrow, an invincible golden immortal realm spread out, covering tens of billions of kilometers of time and space, and it was simply shaking the sky and the earth.

It was like a heavenly emperor descending, invincible.

Immortal Technique - Heavenly Emperor Prisoner's Palm.

This is the natal magic from Dragon Elephant Gu, which contains great power.

Although it has been used once before, it was just a small test and not worth mentioning.

Only now, fighting against two half-step giants can be considered as showing the power of this supreme magic.


In the sky, a huge palm appeared, like the palm of the Emperor of Heaven.

Densely mysterious runes were engraved on it, showing mountains, rivers, and countless creatures.

It seems that this palm controls the world and countless sentient beings.

Even this palm contains a world, surrounded by gray aura, like chaotic airflow, containing the aura of immortality.

The moment this giant palm appeared, the time in this space and time came to a standstill. The flow of time seemed to have stopped at this second, and no immortal could move.

Naturally, these also include the three supreme elders.

They felt an unparalleled shock deep in their hearts, feeling like ants.

It was as if this giant palm fell from the sky. If the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die.


In an instant, the two high-level immortal arts of Great Youhai Technique and Great Yellow Wind Technique were completely unable to withstand this palm, and were instantly wiped out, with all their power crushed into pieces.

At the same time, this palm slapped directly on Taoist Youhai and Taoist Huangfeng.

It was as if this square of heaven and earth were falling, shattering the surrounding time and space.

"not good."

Taoist Youhai and Taoist Huangfeng were unable to resist. Their whole bodies flew out and hit the wall of the palace hard, instantly blasting out two human-shaped marks.

Since this palace is made of extremely solid materials, even a full blow from the Golden Immortal will be unable to leave any traces on it, but now there are cracks.

One can imagine how terrifying this blow was.

At the same time, a clearly visible palm print appeared on the ground, and it seemed that this aura would not be erased even after hundreds of millions of years passed.

"As expected of the master, he is too strong."

Seeing this scene, Zhen Suyan looked at Zhou Sui's figure with a pair of beautiful eyes, her heart ready to move.

She knew that her master would not have any problem dealing with the three supreme elders.

But I didn't expect it to be so understated and effortless.

Maybe his master's cultivation level is only that of a Golden Immortal, but in terms of combat power, he may not be inferior to those who have just entered Daluo, otherwise he would not be able to reach this level.

But no matter what, he is his own master, and naturally the stronger the better.

"Traitor, you are indeed a traitor."

"You actually brought an outsider to my Yuhua Sect."

"What do you want to do to Yuhuamen?"

The three supreme elders of the Yuhua Sect were frightened and frightened. They were extremely frightened when they saw the clone Zhou Sui suddenly appeared.

If the other party hadn't been merciful just now, I might have been slapped to death long ago.

After living for such a long time, this was the first time that they felt that death was so close to them.

Obviously I am already half a great person, why am I still so powerless?

Could it be that this person is already a Daluo Jinxian?

The other Jinxian elders also had their pupils contracted, looking at the clone Zhou Sui with great vigilance.

"An outsider? This is not an outsider."

"This is a golden immortal puppet I found from the Taoist Cave of the Four Seas."

"It has half the combat power of Da Luo."

"It seems that the three Supreme Elders are no match for him."

Zhen Suyan rolled her eyes and immediately found a suitable reason for the clone Zhou Sui, which was a golden immortal level puppet. To a certain extent, this clone was actually not much different from a puppet.

And it can also change into various life forms, which is endlessly mysterious.

After all, Zhou Sui couldn't reveal his true identity here, so it was better to pretend to be a puppet.

"Golden Immortal Puppet?"

"Well, Zhen Suyan, you said before that you didn't get the treasure left by Taoist Sihai."

"Now I'm finally done with it."

"I'd like to see how you continue to quibble."

Taoist Chiyu was furious and glared at Zhen Suyan.

He was so jealous that his intestines turned green. He didn't expect that there were so many treasures in the Taoist Cave of the Four Seas, and that such a tyrannical Golden Immortal puppet even existed. It was really unbelievable.

Even if he has practiced for tens of billions of years, he seems to be no match for this golden immortal puppet and is beaten directly.

To a certain extent, it already possesses some of the combat power of Daluo Jinxian.

If I also get this Golden Immortal Puppet, wouldn't I be able to defeat many Golden Immortals?

"Quia? What do I need to quibble with?"

"In the Yuhua Sect, the strong are respected."

"Now I am a Golden Immortal, and I control a half-step Daluo-level Golden Immortal puppet."

"The strength has completely surpassed the three of you."

"From now on, I am the Supreme Elder of the Yuhua Sect, and you all must submit to me."

"You still need me to explain to you, am I giving you face?"

Zhen Suyan sneered and looked at the many golden immortal elders indifferently.

She directly admitted that she had obtained the relics of Taoist Shihai, and had no intention of making excuses.

With the strength she has shown now, no one dares to say anything to her.

What? !

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three great elders, Taoist Chiyu, Taoist Youhai and Taoist Huangfeng, turned completely green. This was clearly a slap in the face.

But they also had to admit that Zhen Suyan, who had already mastered the half-step Daluo puppet, was not only equal to them, but even superior to them.

Even if the other party is willing, he can easily kill himself without any effort.


The three great elders, Taoist Chiyu, Taoist Youhai and Taoist Huangfeng, were about to say something, but suddenly, there was a strange soul fluctuation in the void.

The one who took action was the Golden Immortal level Dream Soul Gu.

Now Zhou Sui was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party and directly took control of the three golden immortal elders.

The Dream Soul Gu that has been promoted to the Golden Fairy Realm can be condensed into nightmare seeds.

This nightmare seed can easily control the Golden Immortal.

Even if the opponent is a half-step Daluo, it is impossible to resist it.


The next second, mysterious nightmare seeds silently entered the bodies of Taoist Chiyu, Taoist Youhai and Taoist Huangfeng, and easily integrated into their souls.

They had been seriously injured by Zhou Sui and had many flaws on their bodies, so they could not stop the invasion of the nightmare seeds.

Almost instantly, the three supreme elders were controlled by the nightmare seeds.

For a moment, it seemed as if nightmare marks appeared inadvertently in their pupils, and then their souls were controlled.

"We understand."

"From now on, Lord Zhen will be the young master of the Yuhua Sect."

"He is the crown prince of our Yuhua Sect."

"Master Zhen is the only one among us who follows the lead."

The three supreme elders, Taoist Chiyu, Taoist Youhai and Taoist Huangfeng, immediately surrendered and expressed their complete surrender to Zhen Suyan, and would never disobey Zhen Suyan's orders from now on.

What? !

Many Jinxian elders were completely stunned and looked at the three Supreme Elders in disbelief. They did not expect that the rebellious Supreme Elder would actually surrender, and he would surrender so thoroughly that it was as if he had no bones. .

But if they think about it carefully, they think it is quite normal.

It is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes.

It turns out that the three supreme elders bully the weak and fear the strong.

Now he was beaten to the point of paralysis by Zhen Suyan's golden fairy puppet and almost died.

If you don't surrender, I'm afraid you will be killed.

Moreover, in the Immortal Realm and the Yuhua Sect, it is a place where the weak eat the strong and the strong are respected.

Now that Zhen Suyan has the strongest combat power, she can naturally control the Yuhua Sect.

So what if Zhen Suyan really got all the treasures of Taoist Sihai? Now that she has absolute power, no one dares to say anything and can only acquiesce to this fact.

It can be said that Zhen Suyan is the one who rules the Yuhua Sect now.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you have any objections?"

"If you feel dissatisfied, feel free to speak up."

Zhen Suyan looked at the other Jinxian elders with a smile, as if she was hiding a knife behind her smile.

She felt very comfortable inside, and it felt good to be in a position of superiority.

Relying on the power of his master, he has been able to do whatever he wants in the Yuhua Sect.

Originally, these aloof Golden Immortal elders could only bow their heads in front of themselves.

Don't even dare to say a word.

"We all obey the orders of the Young Master."

Seeing Zhen Suyan's dangerous eyes, many Jinxian elders couldn't help but shudder. If they stubbornly resisted, their fate would not be much better than that of the three supreme elders.

Even the three supreme elders were beaten into such a state of virtue, let alone them.

Therefore, they also expressed their surrender one by one and were willing to recognize the position of Young Master Zhen Suyan.

Anyway, surrendering to such a golden immortal is not a shameful thing.

Even though Zhen Suyan is very young.

But age is nothing in the fairy world. It doesn't mean that the older you are, the more respected you are.

But the stronger you are, the more respect you will receive.

Zhen Suyan now has such tyrannical strength, enough to make every golden immortal present surrender.

But just after saying these words, many Jinxian elders instinctively had a hint of ominous premonition, as if they felt that what they said was a disaster.

It doesn't seem to be a good thing for them.

It's a pity that no matter what you say now, it's too late.


When they surrendered, the power of Dream Soul Gu came down instantly, and the nightmare seed easily got into the gaps in their hearts, completely parasitic in the depths of their souls.

At this moment, no matter what they thought before, whether they were pretending to surrender or had other plans.

But none of that matters now.

Under the control of the Nightmare Seed, these golden immortal elders were all enslaved by the Dream Soul Gu and became its puppets.

"There are eighty-one golden immortals in total."

"Now most of the Golden Immortals of Yuhua Sect are enslaved by me."

"In other words, the Yuhua Sect is basically under my control now."

"From now on, the Yuhua Gate will be mine."

Zhou Sui felt very satisfied

Obviously, the golden immortals who appear on Feitian Peak are basically the majority of the golden immortals in the Yuhua Sect.

Even if some of them are away from home or practicing in seclusion, it doesn't hurt.

As long as they return to the Yuhua Gate, they will naturally be controlled by him.

There is no doubt that from now on, the Yuhua Sect will also be a force in his hands.

But I have to say that the Yuhua Sect is worthy of being a Daluo Sect, with so many Golden Immortal elders.

If it was a sect like Tianyin Sect, there would be at most one or two Golden Immortals, which would be the limit.

How could it be like the Yuhua Sect, where dozens of golden immortals were actually cultivated.

No wonder it can easily suppress Chuzhou.

Even if the Yuhua Taoist is often in seclusion and never comes forward to deal with various affairs, the Yuhua Sect is still the well-deserved overlord of Chuzhou, and no one can challenge the Yuhua Sect's status.

"In addition to these golden immortals, there are also many mysterious immortals, heavenly immortals, and even earthly immortals from the Yuhua Sect."

"Everything needs to be under my control."

"In this case, the immortals of the Yuhua Sect will be completely controlled by me."

"At that time, with the help of the power of Yuhua Sect, we can gradually encroach on the entire land of Chuzhou."

"Completely take over the other Jinxian sects and Jinxian forces as your own."

Zhou Sui clenched his fists and thought of his next move and plan.

He didn't expect that his actions would go so smoothly.

It's just that he has just arrived at the Yuhua Sect, and he has easily conquered the entire Yuhua Sect.

Perhaps this is the protection of luck, which reduces many accidents.

It was almost effortless to complete his plan.

"By the way, the most important thing is the master of Yuhua Sect, Master Yuhua."

"Only by completely eliminating this person can we control the Yuhua Sect."

"I don't know what happened to this Yuhua Taoist."

Zhou Sui set his sights on Yuhua Peak in the distance, because Taoist Yuhua practiced retreat on that mountain peak, but he had not appeared for a long time, and he did not know whether he was dead or alive.

The entire mountain peak is also shrouded in forbidden formations, at least six-level immortal formations.

So if you want to break in, it's basically impossible.

But he is not in a hurry. As long as the formation heart Gu controls the sixth level immortal formation of the Yuhua Sect, he will naturally be able to control the entire Yuhua Sect and thus know the current situation of the Yuhua Taoist.

So now he just needs to wait peacefully.

"Tsk, tsk, if I master the Yuhua Sect, then all the treasures accumulated by the Yuhua Sect over the years will be mine."

"There are also many immortal arts and Taoist monuments, which will be food for book Gu."

Zhou Sui felt that his operation was a complete success, and it was a huge profit.

No business can compare to this.

After all, this is the Daluo force that has occupied the land of Chuzhou for hundreds of billions of years, and the treasures it has obtained are simply countless.

However, until the Yuhua Taoist is solved, we still have to keep a low profile.


Half an hour later.

"Very good, it seems that you are also very aware of current affairs."

"In that case, from now on, I will be the Young Master of the Yuhua Sect."

"Control all affairs of the Yuhua Sect, above the three supreme elders."

"All major matters in the Yuhua Sect will be left to my Qiankun to make my own decision."

"If there is no problem, you can go down and tell the other immortals my will."

Zhen Suyan stood with her hands behind her hands and looked at the many golden immortal elders.

"Yes, Young Master."

Many Jinxian elders said respectfully, and then they left quickly.

The three supreme elders also returned to their respective peaks to heal.

This time, the turmoil can be considered to have stopped silently.

No one knew that the Yuhua Sect had already begun to change its dynasty.

As for Zhen Suyan, she took Zhou Sui back to the mountain peak where they originally lived.

As a true disciple, he naturally has his own independent mountain as a palace.


At this moment, after returning to the mountain palace, the main body Zhou Sui swapped with his clone, and came to Zhen Suyan in the blink of an eye. He looked at this woman condescendingly: "You know how to use the power of a fox to pretend to be a tiger. You just became the young master of the Yuhua Sect, and you have mastered the power of the tiger." How does it feel to have great authority?”

"Everything I have is given by my master."

"Whatever the master wants me to do, I will do it."

Zhen Suyan knelt beside Zhou Sui, raising her head slightly, her beautiful eyes were misty, and her brows were full of spring.

She knew that as long as she served this man well, she would get whatever she wanted.

What does it mean to be the young master of the Yuhua Sect?

To be honest, she has a greater ambition, which is to become a Daluo Golden Immortal, or even an Immortal King.

Only by staying with this man can she hope to realize this ambition.

At this moment, she was no longer a superior fairy, but just a little maid who longed for her master's love.


The two stunning maids Zhu Baoer and Jiang Ling'er also looked at Zhou Sui lovingly.

They had the same idea.

To them, Yuhua Gate is no longer an important place.

The most important thing is the man in front of me.

After being together for such a long time, they were completely committed to each other.

As we get along with each other during this period, we have already become close to each other.

No matter which aspect it is, it fits perfectly

"come over."

Zhou Sui looked at the girls.

Not long after, the palace door was closed.

It seems to be filled with a faint breath of spring, like a hundred flowers blooming, which is extremely mysterious.

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