The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 395 The human formation unites, the true fire of the sun, the seventh-level formation

Chapter 395 The human formation unites into one, the true fire of the sun, the power of the seventh-level formation, the combined power

At this moment, inside Fengxi City.

Many of the ancestors of the human race, the ancestors of the Void Refining, the venerable gods, etc. had solemn expressions on their faces.

They had received a summons from Tao Qili and others before, saying that a powerful combination was coming and they needed to return to Fengxi City quickly.

But they were more or less dubious.

Because they had not noticed the enemy's incoming aura or whereabouts before.

But out of respect for Tao Qili, they would rather believe that she has it than not.

He quickly returned to Fengxi City.

But who could have imagined that not long after returning to Fengxi City, a seventh-order spaceship actually came through the sky and directly came to the sky above Fengxi City at an incredible speed.

They were also horrified.

If they had not obeyed the orders of Tao Qili and others in time, they might have died outside the city.

After all, no one can resist the attack of a powerful combination.

Once you meet him, he will most likely be wiped out.

"How could there be a powerful combination attacking our Fengxi City?"

"We should be strangers to each other and have no grudges or grudges?"

Some people are very puzzled and don't know why they encountered such an unreasonable disaster.

"Haha, you are so naive."

"No matter how old you are, you are still so ridiculous."

"It doesn't matter if we have no grievances or grudges. The other party wants to kill us just because we are weak."

"I guess they feel that our Fengxi City is weak and doesn't have many strong combined forces to back it up."

"That's why I wanted to kill him and rob him."

"Who wouldn't be happy if there was a chance to make a fortune?"

An Ancestor of Xu Refining snorted coldly.

He understood the psychology of those alien monks very well. There were no rules in this world at all.

Big fists are the last word.

Especially in a lawless zone like the Broken Star Sea, if you don't have the strength, you will be destroyed sooner or later.

If it was really so easy to survive in the Broken Star Sea, many races would have migrated here long ago.

It will not cause many races to change their colors when they hear about the Broken Star Sea.

"Yes, to be honest, it took us such a long time to encounter a fusion of alien races. We are very lucky."

"It represents the island chosen by Lord Fengxi. The location is indeed very good."

"It's not near the sphere of influence of those super races."

"Otherwise, many powerful foreigners would have come to kill us. How could we be allowed to build a city here?"

Another Lianxu ancestor said quietly.

He felt that it took so long to be attacked by a powerful alien fusion, but it proved that Fengxi City was lucky.

Because when Fengxi City was built near the Thunder Mountains in the past, a fusion of alien races came to the door the next day, trying to completely destroy Fengxi City.

However, under the protection of Taoist Fengxi and the seventh-level formation of Fengxi City, they were finally able to defeat the alien fusion power and gain the right to live in the Thunder Mountains.

This is also the reason why only powerful warriors are qualified to build a city.

Without the protection of the powerful body, it would be difficult for ordinary human monks to survive the attacks of alien races.

"But what do we do now?"

"This alien fusion looks extremely ferocious. I will not be his opponent."

"Should you inform Lord Fengxi about this matter?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

After all, only the powerful fusion can compete with the fusion. Void-refining monks like them would probably be killed in an instant if they left the city to fight.

Because the great power of integration merges the laws of heaven and earth, making the body extremely powerful, the body is shrouded in the power of the barrier, and the power of ordinary heaven-reaching spiritual treasures cannot break their body defense.

In addition, the combined power of the powerful soul is extremely powerful. Not only can it master the power of teleportation, it can even slightly use the power of the void to burst out terrifying combat power.

Even if thousands of Lianxu Lords took action, they would still be unable to defeat such a powerful person.

The combined power is a prince in the spiritual world. This is not a lie.

"Right now Feng Xi is still in seclusion to recover from his injuries."

"And it's still at a critical moment. Her healing cannot be affected in a short period of time."

"You can't disturb her unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Otherwise it would also affect her healing process."

"Perhaps a shock will prolong the recovery time for hundreds of years, which is not worth the gain."

Tao Qili shook her head.

She firmly disagreed with Taoist Fengxi who was currently in seclusion.

Because she knew very well the condition of Taoist Fengxi's injuries, which was probably not optimistic.

Otherwise, it would not have been in seclusion for a hundred years, and no news would have come out.

If you disturb the other party's healing process, it may prolong the other party's recovery time.

Unless it was a matter of life and death, she would not alarm the other party.

"You're right, and we're not at a life-and-death moment yet."

"With the protection of Fengxi City's seventh-level formation, even the most powerful one cannot defeat us."

"As long as we don't leave Fengxi City, there won't be any problems."

An ancestor of Xu Lian nodded.

He felt that if he stayed within Fengxi City, even if the alien fusion power attacked desperately, Fengxi City would not be damaged in any way.

"Foolish, one alien fusion can't do anything to us, but if multiple alien fusions attack at the same time, we will probably die without a burial place."

"That's right. You must know that this is the Broken Star Sea. There is basically no room for casual cultivators to survive. It is basically the territory of all major races. There must be a super race behind this alien fusion."

"Indeed, it is true. If this alien fusion feels that it can't do anything to us and runs back to the tribe to bring reinforcements, then we in Fengxi City will probably die."

"Yes, our Fengxi City is so big and we are not familiar with the Broken Star Sea, where else can we go."

"We could still run in the Thunder Mountains in the past, but now I'm afraid we can't."

The expressions of many Xu Lian Ancestors were very solemn.

They were not worried about the harm this uninvited guest would cause to Fengxi City, but they were worried about the subsequent chain reaction.

The combined powers in this world cannot fight alone. There must be a huge race behind them.

If this super race is alerted, Fengxi City will definitely be wiped out.

Even if they don't die now, they will fall into the hands of other races sooner or later.

"don’t worry."

"Our Fengxi City will not perish."

"And it's impossible for this alien fusion to go back to bring in reinforcements. It will die here today."

At this time, Zhou Sui stood up, spoke, and glanced at everyone.

His voice contains endless majesty and is the voice of heavenly charm.

Such a voice contains huge persuasive power, which is convincing and full of confidence.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, do you have a way to deal with that powerful alien fusion?"

Hearing this, many Lianxu ancestors looked at Zhou Sui curiously.

After spending a hundred years together, they naturally knew how terrifying the man in front of them was.

Not only has he mastered the art of controlling beasts and can tame wild beasts, but he is also a sixth-level alchemist. He seems to have also studied battle tactics, and he is simply an all-around genius.

If his cultivation time had not been too short, he would have already occupied a pivotal position in the human race.

Of course, even if he is staying in Fengxi City now, he is the first person besides the city lord.

At this time, Zhou Sui did not speak. With a thought, he immediately communicated with the Formation Heart Gu.


In an instant, the seventh-level high-grade formation that enveloped Fengxi City, the Nine-Yang Gangsun Formation, came into operation in an instant, and the control over it was seized by him immediately.

His soul was also integrated into the Formation Heart Gu.

Immediately, the formation heart Gu also transformed into the formation spirit of the Nine-Yang Gangsun Formation. It was like a seventh-level formation mage, a combined power. When controlling this seventh-level high-grade formation, it could perfectly exert the power of this formation. able.

This is also one of Zhou Sui's beliefs.

As long as you are in Fengxi City and have mastered the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation, then with the help of the huge energy of the seventh-level spiritual veins, it is not impossible to fight against the combined power.

Immediately, he felt that his soul seemed to be integrated into this seventh-level formation.

One hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred formation nodes also appeared in the depths of his soul. Each formation node was like a star, emitting dazzling light and releasing powerful power and aura.

When this formation was operating, the 129,600 formation nodes vibrated instantly, seemingly communicating with the seventh-order spiritual veins deep in the earth, and infinite spiritual energy from heaven and earth surged in.

Vaguely, the formation was activated, and the power of pure Yang and the power of flames between heaven and earth gathered together, and then formed scorching suns, suspended in nine different positions of the formation.

This is the greatest power of this seventh-order formation—Nine Suns Hengtian!

"How can it be?"

"It can actually completely activate the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation."

"How on earth is this done?"

"No, that's not right. The control of this formation is clearly in my hands. When did he take it away?"

Tao Qili's beautiful eyes widened, she was completely confused and didn't know what to say.

Because she holds the command flag of this seventh-level high-grade formation, the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation, and it is precisely because she has the command flag that she has control over this formation.

Being in the formation, she is naturally invincible.

But now, she doesn't know when her control over the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation has completely disappeared.

Even if she tried to activate the formation, she found that it was of no avail.

To be honest, if it wasn't Zhou Sui who controlled the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation, she would have felt that she had been usurped.

The problem is that normally, the control of this formation has been in his own hands for a long time. When did the man in front of him secretly tamper with his control.

After all, it is almost impossible to silently tamper with the control of the formation.

Especially since he is still a seventh-level array mage.

How could there be an array master of this level in the world who could silently seize control of the array?

If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes and experienced it yourself, you wouldn't have believed such a ridiculous thing.

It can only be said that the man in front of him has a more terrifying understanding of the formation than he imagined.

Could it be that this man is already an eighth-level array mage?


Before Tao Qili could figure out how Zhou Sui did this, Zhou Sui immediately controlled the power of the Nine Yang Sun Formation and condensed it into nine suns.

The endless true sun fire gathered together, and dense sun runes appeared on it, releasing endless heat and covering the world, which simply contained the power of burning mountains and boiling seas.

"How is that possible? It's actually a seventh-level high-grade formation."

"Damn it, there's a seventh-level formation mage hidden here, and he's also a powerful combination."

At this time, Xue Wanyan, the combined power of the Blood Moon Clan, was instantly stunned.

He originally wanted to continue to use the power of the high-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure Blood Flame Halberd to blast through this seventh-level formation.

Once the seventh-level formation is destroyed, it will be easy to kill the creatures in this city.

When the time comes, it only needs to open its mouth to instantly refine these weak creatures into a river of blood.

With the help of the power of this blood river, it can not only quickly restore its own cultivation level, but also take its own cultivation level a step further, and maybe advance to the middle stage of the Fusion Realm.

But now, it found that it still underestimated the power of this strange city.

It seems that it is not just as simple as setting up a seventh-level formation, but also a seventh-level formation mage in the Fusion Realm.

The power exerted by the two is simply incomparable.

"You can't fight with him, you must escape quickly."

Thinking of this, Xue Wanyan's expression changed drastically. If it were just a combined power, he could still fight with the opponent a few times, but coupled with the power of the seventh-level formation, it would be completely different.

Competing with a combined power in a formation is simply asking for death.


In an instant, it flashed and immediately wanted to use the power of teleportation to leave this dangerous place.

Once it leaves, it will return to the Blood Moon Tribe's base, and then lead a large number of tribesmen over to wipe out the weak races here.

As for its men, they can only die here.

There was nothing I could do to save them anyway.


But it was too late if it wanted to escape. When the sky was full for nine days, a huge formation barrier instantly expanded to an area of ​​one million kilometers, covering the sky and the sun and cutting off the void.

Suddenly, the space in this area was cut off, forming a void barrier.


Immediately, Xue Wanyan found that he could not teleport out at all, because he was enveloped by the formation barrier on all sides. Even if he teleported out, he would hit the formation barrier and the void barrier.

This is the terror that the seventh-level formation fully stimulates.

Even if you are a powerful combination, don't even think about teleporting away and cutting off everyone's escape route.

"No, this is the real sun fire."

Xue Wanyan's face turned green. It sensed that the nine scorching suns in the sky seemed to merge into one at this moment, and the infinite power of flames gathered together to form wisps of golden flames.

This is the famous True Fire of the Sun.

Even in the spiritual world, the power of the true sun fire can be ranked in the top ten, containing the power of burning mountains and boiling seas.

Once in contact, even a powerful body will be burned to the point of being burned to ashes.

"It can actually completely activate the power of the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation."

"Are you kidding? How on earth did you do this?"

"Obviously this man is just a monk in the early stage of refining the void."

As a seventh-level formation mage, Tao Qili was completely confused and didn't know what to say.

Because Fengxi City has been established for more than a thousand years, and it has only exerted 20 to 30% of its power.

After all, only the powerful combination can activate the power of the seventh-level formation.

The problem is that although Taoist Fengxi is a powerful combination, he doesn't know much about formations.

Naturally, it is impossible to perfectly control the seventh-order formation.

Although Tao Qili is a seventh-level formation mage, she is also a Void Refining cultivator and cannot use her full strength.

Therefore, if all kinds of factors are added up, in the past thousand years, the power of this seventh-level high-grade formation has only been exerted by 30%.

Of course, even so, a seventh-level high-grade formation that exerts 30% of its power is enough to make Fengxi City invincible.

Even if many combined powerful men came to besiege Fengxi City, they could not do anything.

But it's different now.

The Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation was actually mobilized with all its strength.

At this time, Tao Qili truly realized how terrifying the power of a seventh-order high-grade formation operating at full power was, and it could actually activate the power of the true fire of the sun.

Wisps of true sun fire descended, literally burning mountains and boiling seas.

Even if they are powerful in combination, they have to stay away.


Before Xue Wanyan could react, wisps of true sun fire came instantly and turned into golden rays of light, which actually broke through the void and arrived in front of Xue Wanyan instantly.

"Stop, stop it now."

"Do you know who I am?"

"I am the combined power of the Blood Moon Clan, and even a weak race dares to kill me."

"Can you bear the revenge of my Blood Moon clan?"

"Stop it now."

Xue Wanyan's face turned green and he was scared to death.

Originally, it was too lazy to say anything to the creatures of this weak race. After all, to it, these weak creatures were no more than pigs and dogs. They were just their own food and could be swallowed in one bite.

I have never seen humans talking to their own chickens and ducks.

It's the same psychology.

But things are different now. This weak race suddenly shows its fangs and pretends to be a pig to eat a tiger, revealing the strength and majesty of a tiger. The status between the prey and the hunter is instantly different.

So it wanted to ask for mercy, hoping that the other party would spare its life.

Even if it is shameful to ask for mercy from a weaker race, in order to survive, you can't care so much.

Even if the Blood Moon clan avenges themselves in the future, so what.

If he dies, he is dead. Even if it is revenge, he will not be able to survive.

So it doesn't make any sense at all.


It's a pity that Zhou Sui didn't bother to pay attention to Xue Wanyan's words, because he had already known from the power of Luck Gu that only by killing this alien fusion could the future troubles be eradicated.

If we really let go of this alien fusion, it will cause great trouble, with endless consequences.

So no matter how this alien fusion begs for mercy or threatens it, I will never let it go.

Fengxi City cannot withstand such trouble.


In an instant, wisps of true sun fire came, like sharp arrows, easily piercing Xue Wanyan's body.

Even though it was a great power in the integration stage and its body was extremely powerful, it was still unable to resist the true fire of the sun, which was famous in the spiritual world, and was penetrated instantly.

Even the power of the true fire of the sun burned brightly.


Xue Wanyan couldn't help but let out bursts of shrill screams. It felt that its body and spirit were being burned by the true fire of the sun. Now it can be regarded as knowing why the true fire of the sun ranks among the top ten strange fires in the spiritual world. .

The power within it is indeed extraordinary, and even a powerful combination cannot resist it.

In just a moment, its body and soul were burned to ashes and destroyed.

Only this top-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure Blood Flame Halberd is left.

Because it lost its owner, it also suffered heavy damage. It fell from mid-air and hit the ground hard.

"It's over, Lord Wan Yan is dead."

This scene was naturally seen by the remaining Blood Moon Clan monks, and they were all dumbfounded, with their hairs standing on end.

Even if they were killed, they would not have expected that Xue Wanyan, the famous member of the Blood Moon Clan, would die tragically on this unknown island.

Originally they thought this nameless island was just a source of food for them.

Who would have thought that the weak race living on this nameless island would kill Xue Wanyan.

The results can be imagined.

Even a powerful combination like Xue Wanyan can't please him, so how can they be the opponent of each other?


They didn't say anything, didn't even intend to utter a threat, and immediately took control of the spacecraft and tried to escape from here.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Zhou Sui has long been eyeing this group of foreign monks, and naturally he cannot let the tiger go back to the mountain.

This is absolutely irresponsible behavior for Fengxi City.


Suddenly, Zhou Sui felt that his soul was integrated with this seventh-order formation. It seemed that at this moment he could master the power of the seventh-order spiritual veins and transform into a powerful body.

As soon as he thought, the infinite power of the formation gathered together and condensed into a big hand that covered the sky. It was made of the power of flames. It could be said to cover the sky and the sun, and countless flame runes emerged.


The next second, the giant flame palm slapped over, arriving in an instant, and slapped on the huge spacecraft in an instant.

A terrifying force passed through the restricted formation of the spacecraft and affected every Blood Moon monk inside.


Immediately, these Blood Moon Clan monks were caught off guard. They immediately felt the power of flames begin to burn in their bodies. It seemed that their souls and bodies began to burn at this moment.


Many Blood Moon monks didn't even have the strength to resist. In just a moment, their bodies turned into torches and began to burn.

It didn't take long for them to be burned to ashes, and not even the soul could escape.


After losing the control of the Blood Moon Clan monks, the seventh-level spaceship also fell from high altitude and hit the ground hard. A huge pit immediately appeared, with mud flying and smoke billowing.

With just one blow, all the remaining Blood Moon Clan monks were killed, leaving no one behind.

"No way, just die like this?"

"Is the power of the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation so powerful?"

"With just one strike, he actually killed a powerful body. It's too exaggerated."

"It can't be that someone modified the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation and promoted it to the eighth level, so its power has been improved."

"Stop talking nonsense. If it is really an eighth-level formation, its power will be much more than that."

At this moment, many Lianxu ancestors were stunned and looked at Zhou Sui in disbelief.

It's not like they haven't seen the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation being activated.

Although the power shown by the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation is indeed good, it does not show such devastating power. At most, it can withstand the attack of the powerful combination.

As for killing a powerful combination, it is almost impossible.

After all, the combined power has too many escape methods, and it can also teleport physically.

It can be said that it is easy to defeat a fused monk, but it is almost impossible to kill a fused monk.

But now, they actually saw a living combined power being beheaded, which was really unbelievable.

It can be said that the power displayed by the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation has completely refreshed their understanding of the seventh-level formation.

It turns out that the seventh-level formation can really kill the combined power, and this is no joke.


Tao Qili was also shocked, and her heart was in turmoil.

Although she is also a seventh-level formation mage, she has never seen such a terrifying seventh-level formation.

It's like being an automotive engineer.

Although the other party can indeed build a racing car and knows that the performance of the racing car is very good, the racing car also requires a driver to give full play to it.

If someone who has just obtained a driver's license drives a racing car, it will be no different from an ordinary car.

At most, it can be used to walk in the city and commute to and from get off work.

But if you are a professional racing driver, you can at least exert 70% to 80% of the performance of a racing car. Various drifts and various snakeskin movements will naturally show completely different vehicle performance.

After being integrated into the Formation Heart Gu, it is equivalent to adding artificial intelligence to the racing car. It can be said that there is one more powerful driver in the world driving it, and it can naturally bring out the performance of the racing car 100%.

After all, the gap between champion racers and ordinary racers is huge.

Same thing.

Under the control of the Formation Heart Gu and Zhou Sui, the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation exerted 100% power, and naturally showed the power of the formation beyond that of many monks.

Not even a powerful combination can survive the seventh-level formation.

This made many of the ancestors of the human race dumbfounded and looked at it with admiration, feeling that this was not the same formation at all.

"All the gains obtained after the death of these alien monks belong to me. Do you have any objections?"

At this time, Zhou Sui smiled slightly and looked at the many ancestors of Xu Refining.

"No objection, of course no objection."

"Since these foreign monks were killed by Fellow Daoist Zhou, the harvest will naturally belong to Fellow Daoist Zhou."

"That's right. Anyone who dares to snatch it from fellow Daoist Zhou will naturally be our enemy."

Hearing this, many of the Xu Lianxu ancestors nodded their heads like garlic, and they were all very well-behaved.

They also had to be well behaved.

Because Zhou Sui, who controlled the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation, was so terrifying that killing the combined power was like killing a chicken.

Now Fengxi City's seventh-order formation is under the opponent's control.

If the other party is willing, they will be wiped out with just one thought.

Many ancestors of Xu Refining are human spirits among human spirits, so naturally they will not do such stupid things to seek death.

Although the treasures left by these foreign monks are indeed mouth-watering.

But they also have to survive to get these treasures.

What's more important is that Zhou Sui, who is able to fully exert his seventh-level formation, the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation, has a status comparable to that of a veteran fusion power such as Taoist Fengxi.

Such an existence is equivalent to the patron saint of Fengxi City.

It's too late for such a strong man to curry favor with him, so he would say something to offend the other party.

"That's good."

Zhou Sui nodded, and in a flash, he immediately left Fengxi City and flew outside.

Seeing Zhou Sui leaving, many of the ancestors of Lianxu had complicated expressions.

"I didn't expect that Fellow Daoist Zhou could actually control Fengxi City's seventh-order formation to this extent. It's beyond imagination. This is no less powerful than any other combined power."

"It's not just as powerful as an ordinary fusion, I'm afraid it's even more powerful. Didn't you see that alien fusion was killed instantly? It's enough to prove how powerful Daoyou Zhou is."

"There is no doubt that Fellow Daoist Zhou's formation cultivation has reached at least the seventh level. Otherwise, it would be impossible to control the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation to such a superb level."

"I think it's not just a seventh-level array mage, maybe it's already an eighth-level. To be honest, Tao Daoyou is also a seventh-level array mage. She even built the Jiuyang Gangri Formation. Why didn't Tao Taoyou convert Jiuyang Gang Has the Japanese formation been used to such a superb level?"

"Ahem, you can't say that. There are actually differences between formation masters and formation masters. Some formation masters are only good at refining formations, but some formation masters are good at manipulating formations. Each has its own strengths. "

"Indeed, this is true. The eighth-level formation mage is really an exaggeration. This is a realm that only Mahayana monks can achieve. No matter how talented Zhou Daoyou is, he will not reach this level."

"But it's also a good thing for us in Fengxi City. This is equivalent to having one more combined power. Even if it can only play a role in Fengxi City, it is quite remarkable."

"That's right. If Fellow Daoist Zhou hadn't taken action this time, our Fengxi City would have been in danger."

Many Xu Lianxu Ancestors talked about it with emotion.

If the gap between them and Zhou Sui is very small, they may still be jealous and dissatisfied.

But they are so different from each other that they won't even feel jealous, only sigh and wonder.

Especially after experiencing the despair of being invaded by a powerful alien fusion, they will no longer be jealous. Instead, they will feel that it is a blessing for the human race to have such a genius.

It is natural for a genius like this to obtain more treasures.

They even felt that they should gather a large amount of resources to help fellow Taoist Zhou improve his cultivation quickly.

The best thing is to quickly become a powerful combination, and then their Fengxi City will be considered safe.

Of course they are just wishful thinking.

After all, Zhou Sui had only just been promoted to the Void Refining Realm, and it was impossible for him to be promoted to Fusion so quickly.

Without thousands of years, there is a high probability that he would not be able to become a combined power.


At this time, Zhou Sui was extremely fast, and he also arrived outside Fengxi City.

He suddenly arrived at the place where the group of alien monks had fallen.

From a high position, he looked at the signs of destruction around him.


Immediately, Zhou Sui collected the seventh-level spaceship and the storage bags left by many alien monks and put them into the space of the Immortal Artifact Mountain Sea Pearl.

This kind of action is already familiar to driving.

After all, he has acquired countless enemy treasures over the years, and he has become accustomed to it.

"Not bad, not bad, the harvest is still great."

Zhou Sui was very satisfied. With a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, he immediately knew that he had gained a lot this time. It was simply a dazzling array of things.

However, the reason why he wanted to obtain the treasures of these alien monks was naturally not just because he was interested in the rare treasures left by these monks, but also to solve hidden dangers.

Through the power of Luck Gu, he could know that in the storage bags of these alien monks, there were also some tracking marks left by this seventh-level spaceship.

If it is obtained by other human monks, then sooner or later the aliens will come looking for it, thus exposing the specific location of Fengxi Island.

Fengxi Island will welcome not only powerful masters, but even Mahayana monks will come.

If he wanted to survive then, he would have no choice but to run away.

There are probably only a few human monks who can truly survive in the future.

So Zhou Sui did this to protect Fengxi City and the human race.

Sometimes treasures may not necessarily represent opportunities, but may also be the source of disaster.

If you are not careful, you may encounter the crisis of genocide, which is extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, he has mastered the power of Qi Luck Gu. Through the perception of Qi, he can know which treasure can be left behind and which treasure may bring disaster.

Therefore, he took the initiative to obtain these treasures and put them all into the Shanhaizhu space.

With the isolation of the power of the fairy weapon, even if the alien race has many tracking methods, it will be of no avail.

It can be said that only if these treasures are obtained by him, there will be no safety risks.

"The power of Luck Gu is not just that."

"It can also isolate the enemy's divination and tracking techniques."

"Even if you want to use the art of divination and cause and effect to trace the cause of their death, it is still wishful thinking."

"Because Qi Luck Gu can deceive the secrets of heaven, and even confuse the secrets of heaven and cause and effect."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

The last time he killed some Void Refining cultivators in Fengxi City, he used the power of Luck Gu to confuse the heavens.

As a result, the enemy mistakenly believed that their deaths were caused by other enemies.

He hid his figure and hid away from cause and effect.

Of course, the reason why this can be achieved is not just the power of Qi Luck Gu.

Or it's because he has great luck.

If there is no huge luck, no matter how powerful the luck Gu is, it will not be able to do this.

This is why a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice.

It can be said that his huge luck, coupled with the power of Qi Luck Gu, is simply even more powerful.

"By the way, the soul memory fragments of these alien monks must also be devoured together."

Zhou Sui thought of this and his thoughts moved.

In an instant, he activated the power of the Dream Soul Gu and swallowed up the soul fragments scattered around. Suddenly, the soul memories of these alien monks were also submerged into the depths of his consciousness.

It seems that these soul memories have turned into dream spheres and integrated into the body of Dream Soul Gu.

"So that's it, these alien monks are from the Blood Moon Clan."

"Fortunately, Fengxi Island was not exposed. They just arrived here accidentally."

"This way, the Blood Moon Clan will not be disturbed."

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

Obviously, the memories of these alien monks are too precious.

Not only can they get their purpose of arriving at Fengxi Island, but they can also get some information about this sea area.

After all, as a local creature in this sea area, he must know more information than the human race.

Before, he was still thinking about how to find local creatures to understand the situation in the Broken Star Sea.

Unexpectedly, this group of foreign monks came to the door.

It can be said that it helped him solve a big trouble.

It's not much different from the boy who gives money.

Of course, if he does not have enough strength, then they will not be money-giving boys, but gods of death.


At the same time, Broken Star Sea, an eighth-level island, Blood Moon Island.

This is the headquarters of the Blood Moon Clan.

Many of the elites of the Blood Moon Clan are staying here, including powerful ones and even Mahayana monks living on this island. Their strength is terrifying.

At this moment, many blood moon clan monks suddenly woke up.

They sensed that one of the Fusion Realm tribesman's soul lamps went out.

"Damn it, Xue Wanyan is dead."

The faces of many Blood Moon Clan fused monks changed drastically.

There were expressions of disbelief on their faces, as if they couldn't believe that Xue Wanyan was actually dead.

If it were an ordinary fusion monk from the Blood Moon Clan who had exhausted his potential, that would be fine, but Xue Wanyan was different. He had endless potential, and he was still in the early stages of fusion at a young age.

It can be said that he is very hopeful to become the next Mahayana Realm Immortal of the Blood Moon Clan in the future.

But now the promising genius suddenly died. For the Blood Moon Clan, it was an unimaginable loss.

This is like a true disciple of a sect being killed by an enemy. It will definitely cause an uproar in the sect.

"how so?"

"Why did Xue Wanyan die suddenly? It had so many means of escape, how could it die?"

"Who killed it?"

Many Blood Moon Clan fusion monks frowned.

They felt that this incident was really surprising. After all, a peerless genius like Xue Wanyan was favored by the Mahayana monks in the clan and had many life-saving means.

Even if he is attacked by the enemy, he will not lose his life.

But the other party just lost his life.

It was indeed beyond the expectations of all the Blood Moon monks.

"It was the Silver Wolf Clan who took action."

"They arranged for a lot of powerful combined forces to secretly attack and kill Xue Wanyan."

"Although Xue Wanyan escaped, he still died because of his excessive injuries."

A fusion monk from the Blood Moon Clan narrowed his eyes, and he immediately used the divination technique to find out the cause and effect of Xue Wanyan's death, and traced the cause of Xue Wanyan's death.

Although the heavenly secrets were chaotic and the causes and effects were complicated, it still somehow sensed the cause of Xue Wanyan's death.

It definitely has a great relationship with the Silver Wolf Clan.

"Well, it was indeed the Silver Wolf Clan who took action."

"Just now I used my clan's secret technique to try to detect Xue Wanyan's seventh-level spaceship."

"But we lost contact and couldn't sense it at all."

"Except for the Silver Wolf Clan, no one has such special means."

"Xue Wanyan must have died in their hands, and the treasure also fell into their hands."

Another fused monk also said categorically.

Obviously, various factors indicate that Xue Wanyan died at the hands of the Silver Wolf clan.

"Damn Silver Wolf Clan, they have become more and more arrogant recently."

"During this period, they often assassinate the geniuses of my Blood Moon Clan."

"Although there are not many successes, most of them fail."

"But I didn't expect that this assassination would actually succeed."

"Even the seeds of a Mahayana Realm Loose Immortal from our clan fell into their hands."

"If this continues, how many more days will it take for us, the Blood Moon Clan, to die in their hands."

A Fusion Realm elder was furious.

It felt that it could no longer bear it.

In order to take the overall situation into consideration, I tolerated what the Silver Wolf Clan did before.

But now, Xue Wanyan's death has exceeded the limit of the Blood Moon clan's tolerance.

If they continue to tolerate it, they will really become a coward.

Who else in this sea area would think highly of the Blood Moon Clan.

"Report it to ancestor."

"Since the Silver Wolf Clan wants to go to war with our Blood Moon Clan, then we will go to war."

"If the Silver Wolf Clan is not beaten thoroughly, they will continue to be arrogant and do whatever they want."

"It seems that if our Blood Moon Clan doesn't show its strength, the world will not know how tyrannical our Blood Moon Clan is."

Many of the combined powers of the Blood Moon Clan were furious.

They could no longer tolerate the successive provocations from the Silver Wolf clan.

This was like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Xue Wanyan's death was the trigger that triggered the war between the two clans.

Since you can't bear it anymore, there is no need to bear it anymore.

Let's see who is stronger and who is qualified to survive in this sea area.

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