The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 380: Promotion to the late stage of divine transformation, fairy root, sixth level tribulati

Chapter 380: Promotion to the late stage of divine transformation, fairy root, sixth level Tribulation Thunder Gu

Three more days passed.

Apparently Zhou Sui still underestimated the aptitude of Bai Sujie, a golden-haired and jade-faced fox. He originally thought that it would only take one day to comprehend the Tao of Yin and Yang, but he did not expect that three days would pass by in a flash.

It is conceivable that Bai Sujie's qualifications are amazing and simply breathtaking.

Indeed, he has left a legend in the spiritual world that can bring disaster to the world.

This can also be seen in Bai Sujie.

Even though it is only the first time that I have understood the way of yin and yang, I am already extremely skilled and talented.

"Congratulations on falling in love with your fellow Taoist."

"Your spiritual root qualifications have been improved to a certain extent."

"Your charm has been improved to a certain extent."

"You have gained a huge amount of pure yin power, and your cultivation level has been upgraded to the late stage of divine transformation."

"The infatuation Gu swallowed up a huge amount of love and was promoted to the sixth level of mid-level."

Suddenly, a huge message was poured into Zhou Sui's mind.


Immediately afterwards, he felt that the magic power deep inside his body had more than doubled compared to before.

The vast magic power was like a river, and the meridians in his body were constantly flowing and surging.

At the same time, his physique was constantly improving under the nourishment of the divine power.

More importantly, he found that the power of the soul deep in his Dantian Qi Sea had more than doubled.

It seemed that dense runes appeared on the soul of his body, blooming with endless golden light.

The soul that was originally illusory has now begun to solidify.

Even golden rays of light bloomed, extremely bright.

Vaguely, golden lines seemed to emerge from the soul on his body, which was extremely sacred.

"No way, isn't this Chunyang Yuanshen?"

"Just by being promoted to the late stage of divine transformation, he actually started to transform into pure Yang?!"

Zhou Sui was pleasantly surprised.

To be honest, even if an ordinary spirit-transformation monk reaches the state of perfection, it is extremely difficult to start pure Yang transformation. Unless he undergoes the baptism and tempering of heavenly thunder and eliminates the impurities of the soul, transformation and evolution can occur. Become a Pure Yang Yuanshen.

The reason why it is almost difficult for ordinary cultivators to advance to the realm of refining the void is because there are too many impurities and yin energy in the soul.

Only by experiencing the Thunder Tribulation of Refining the Void can the impurities and yin energy on the soul be eliminated.

The problem is, what a fragile soul the soul is.

If it survives one or two thunderstorms, it doesn't matter, the soul can barely hold on.

But if dozens or hundreds of tribulation thunders are bombarded, then the god-transformation monk will undoubtedly die, and the soul will be torn into pieces, falling under the tribulation thunder, and his body will die and his path will disappear.

Of course there are solutions.

That is to take elixirs such as Liangyi Poxu Dan, or elixirs, to make your own soul pure and yang-transformed, eliminate impurities in your soul, and accelerate the process of pure yang-transformation.

In this way, before the thunder tribulation ends, the pure Yang spirit can be successfully condensed, thus entering the realm of virtual refining, and the strength will be increased by at least ten times.

Therefore, the probability of successfully overcoming the tribulation will be greatly improved.

However, Zhou Sui didn't seem to need the help of Liangyi Poxu Pill.

He had just been promoted to the late stage of divine transformation when he discovered signs of his soul becoming pure Yang.

Now his soul released wisps of pure Yang energy, which was as hot as the sun.

If he waits for his monk to advance to the perfection of divine transformation, he may have completely completed the pure yang transformation of the soul.

At that time, there is no need for any Liangyi Breaking Void Pills, and you can directly trigger the thunder tribulation and advance to the realm of refining the void.

"I see, is this the benefit of having a deep foundation?"

Zhou Sui clenched his fists and was very excited.

Obviously, starting from the Foundation Establishment Realm, the Golden Core Realm, the Nascent Soul Realm, and the Divine Transformation Realm, he relied on his own strength to break through. He did not need to take any pills at all, and the journey was smooth.

Now that he has arrived at the Void Refining Realm, he realizes how wise his previous decision was.

The later he gets, the more benefits his solid foundation will bring him.

Ordinary god-transformation monks also need various spiritual refining elixirs and various elixirs to transform their soul into pure yang.

And it may not be successful yet.

But as for him, as soon as he was promoted to the late stage of divine transformation, his soul began to transform into pure Yang, without any assistance from elixirs and elixirs. This was a symbol of his extremely strong foundation.

As long as you have enough cultivation, you will be able to break through naturally, as if it comes naturally.

"Once the Pure Yang Soul is formed, I'm afraid that a slight sweep of the consciousness and contact with those Yin Soul creatures will cause those Yin Soul creatures to burn instantly and disappear into ashes."

"Even if the soul leaves the body, it can easily survive in the Jiutian Gangfeng layer. Even if it encounters the scorching sun and the thunder bombardment, it can still be safe and sound."

"Pure Yang Yuan Shen is like an entity, with endless mysteries."

"This is the ability possessed by the ancestor of Lianxu. It is extremely powerful."

Zhou Sui was filled with emotion.

Now he has a slight feeling of the power possessed by the Lianxu Ancestor, especially the power of the Pure Yang Soul, which is more than ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the ordinary Soul possessed by the cultivator.

After all, the soul of the monk who transforms into gods contains a lot of pure yin energy.

At most, it can only leave the body in the middle of the night.

Unable to leave the body during the day, he was burned by the scorching sun.

If you are not careful, you may be attacked by various external forces, causing damage to your soul.

The soul in this realm is still very fragile.

If it is not necessary, it is better not to let the soul leave the body casually.

"But after being promoted to the late stage of divine transformation, the power of the soul is not just that."

"If the soul of a monk in the middle stage of spiritual transformation can condense soul tentacles and split out wisps of spiritual thoughts, then the monks in the late stage of spiritual transformation obviously have this ability that is even more powerful."

"To put it simply, it's to capture the soul."

"After wisps of soul thoughts are derived, they can enter the bodies of other living beings, suppress other people's thoughts, and thereby temporarily control other people's bodies and walk in the world."

"Of course, this is not to seize the body, but to use the thoughts of the soul to control other monks, turning the bodies of other monks into puppets and becoming puppets controlled by the monks in the later stage of the soul."

"This is one of the special means of the power of the soul."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

Although the God-Transformation monks are nothing in the spiritual world, they are just middle-level monks, but to low-level monks, the God-Transformation monks are simply like terrestrial gods.

Even without leaving home, a ray of soul thought can attach itself to other people, and can even control other people's bodies, exerting some of the power of the god-forming monks.

For low-level monks, this is simply overwhelming power and cannot be matched at all.

Although this is not seizing one's body, it is not much different from seizing one's body.

The low-level monks had no power to resist the high-level monks.

It is simply a general method of dimensionality reduction and attack.

"Sure enough, a high-level monk fighting a low-level monk is basically a dimensionality reduction attack."

"The theory of realm that is prevalent in the world of immortality is actually very reasonable."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Obviously, the various methods of the Soul Transformation monk are not very powerful for monks of the same level.

But for low-level monks, it is a general method of dimensionality reduction attack, which is simply impossible to resist.

Just like the Nascent Soul monk, facing the Soul Transformation monk's thoughts, he can only be suppressed and become a puppet.

This ability to seize souls is simply extremely terrifying and breathtaking.


At this time, Zhou Sui's heart moved and he immediately brought up the virtual panel on his body.

[Host: Zhou Sui, Cultivation: Late Stage of Divine Transformation (Progress 1%), Lifespan: 606 (11,000) years]

[Qualification: Tianlinggen (10%)]

[Swordsmanship: Level 5 High Grade (40%)]

[Rune: Level 5 mid-grade (10%)]

[Formation: Sixth-level mid-level (10%)]

[Alchemist: Level 5 Top Grade (99%)]

[Item Refining: Level 5 Middle Grade (10%)]

[Phantom Transformation Technique: Master]

[Five Elements Alchemy Technique: Grandmaster]

[Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons: Demon Seeds, Summoning Demons, Devouring Demons]

[The Exquisite Book of Seven Apertures: The mind’s eye recognizes things, the mind’s eye sees deeply, the mind’s eye understands language, the mind’s eye observes the mind, and the mind’s eye is direct to death (50%)]

[Zhu Xian Sword Technique: The first form is invisible sword light, the second form is killing sword light, and the third form is trapping sword light]

[Five Elements Thunder Technique: Proficient, Withering Mysterious Light Technique: Grandmaster, Ancient Black Turtle Technique: Third Level, Void Soul Thorn: Grandmaster]

[Infatuation Gu: sixth-order top grade, clone Gu: fifth-order top grade, wine bug: fifth-order top grade, gold-eating bug: fifth-order top grade, book Gu: seventh-order mid-grade, dream soul Gu: fifth-order top grade, Dragon Elephant Gu: Fifth-level high-grade, Golden Light Ten Thousand Poison Gu: Fifth-order high-grade, fifth-order high-grade Teleportation Gu, sixth-order high-grade Heart Array Gu, fifth-order high-grade Seeking Object Gu, sixth-order low-grade Tribulation Thunder Gu, fifth-order high-grade Medicine Gu, luck and luck Gu Fifth level top grade]

Immediately, a lot of data on his body was immediately displayed in front of him, and it was so detailed that no one was missing.

"A lifespan of 110,000 years is too exaggerated."

"With such a long lifespan, even a Fusion Realm monk can only live like this."

"I don't know if Mahayana monks can compare."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and felt very satisfied.

As his cultivation level improved, the life span he had lost before was instantly made up for.

At the same time, he was filled with strong vitality and ancient aura.

Obviously, the immortality substance in the body is extremely huge, and it has become a complete immortality species.

A life span of 110,000 years is enough for him to live to the end of the world.

Even among the many true spirit-level creatures in the spirit world, it is difficult to compare with him in terms of longevity in the same realm.

And this is just to advance to a small realm.

If you are promoted to the Void Refining Realm, you may experience a surge in longevity.

By then, he doesn't even know how long his life span will be.

"Sure enough, the spiritual root qualifications have also improved a lot."

"If the Heavenly Spiritual Root continues to improve, I'm afraid it will be the Fairy Spiritual Root."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

After he obtained a lot of information from Fengxi City's Sutra Pavilion, he instantly knew what kind of spiritual root was above the Tianling Root, and that was the legendary Immortal Spiritual Root.

Legend has it that once you possess the Immortal Spirit Root, there will be no bottlenecks until you advance to the Mahayana realm.

It is almost inevitable to become an immortal.

The reason why the human race in the spirit world can develop has a great relationship with the first generation of human emperors.

It is said that the first generation human emperor was the owner of the fairy root.

The opponent made rapid progress as soon as he was born. He established his foundation at the age of eight, formed elixirs at the age of twelve, formed a baby at the age of eighteen, transformed into a god at the age of thirty, refined his body at the age of a hundred, merged into a body at the age of three hundred, and became the Mahayana after a thousand years.

It can be said that the speed of progress is outrageous and beyond imagination.

It is precisely because of the astonishing progress of the first generation of human emperors that they brought the human race to a very high height in a short period of time. At the same time, they built the human race's imperial city and deployed an eighth-level formation.

This eighth-level formation has also become the foundation of the human race in the spiritual world.

Since then, the human race in the spiritual world has begun a history of rapid development.

Now it has expanded to 108 human cities.

But fairy roots appear for a reason.

Only the reincarnation of an immortal can give birth to immortal spiritual roots.

In other words, the so-called fairy root is actually the fairy fruit left by the fairy in his previous life.

It is precisely because of awakening the Immortal Dao Fruit that people with Immortal Spirit Roots can practice so quickly.

In fact, it cannot be said to be cultivation, it can only be said to be the restoration of the cultivation level in the previous life.

That's why he made rapid progress, becoming a Mahayana monk in a thousand years, the speed is staggering.

If he practiced normally, it would not be so fast.

"There are actually reincarnations of immortals in the spiritual world."

"I can only say that it is worthy of being in the spiritual world. It has a profound foundation."

When Zhou Sui heard the news, he was filled with emotion. He did not expect that the reincarnation of immortals actually existed. If it were in the previous world of immortality, the reincarnation of immortals was just a fabrication and did not exist at all.

But in the spiritual world, the reincarnation of immortals is a real fact.

And it has appeared many times.

There are many legends about reincarnated immortals.

Because the first generation human emperor of the human race in the spiritual world was the reincarnation of an immortal from the immortal world.

Without this reincarnated immortal, I am afraid that the human race would have disappeared into the spiritual world long ago and would not be able to survive at all.

However, the reason why there is no reincarnation of immortals in the world of immortality is actually quite normal.

After all, the reincarnation of immortals just wants to be resurrected, restore their cultivation level again, and ascend to the immortal world.

If he were reincarnated into the mortal world, he didn't know how long it would take him to regain his former cultivation.

For immortals, the longer the delay, the slimmer the hope of recovering one's cultivation.

It is said that the reincarnation of immortals is also very dangerous.

If the fairy root cannot be awakened and the memory of the past life can be restored, then the fairy root will fail and cannot be activated.

Then this immortal is equivalent to death.

According to the information left by the first generation Human Emperor, there are also some reincarnated immortals in the spiritual world.

But there are actually very few who can truly awaken.

For immortals, reincarnation is impossible unless it is absolutely necessary.

It was because at the critical moment of life and death, in order to live a new life, that he chose to reincarnate in the lower world.

Practice again.

"No wonder it's so difficult to improve your Tianlinggen."

"It turns out that the next level is the fairy root."

"If you really have immortal spiritual roots, doesn't it mean you will become an immortal?"

Zhou Sui touched his chin, very excited.

Obviously, if he has the immortal spirit root, then there will be no bottlenecks in the remaining realms, and he will almost certainly become a Mahayana realm monk. Such qualifications are really too incredible.

However, judging from the speed of improvement in Tianlinggen qualifications, I am afraid that promotion to the Immortal Spiritual Root is not something that can be achieved overnight.


"It seems that the Gu insects have also improved to a great extent."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

As his cultivation reached the late stage of divine transformation, it was obvious that every Gu insect on his body had been promoted one after another, rising to a small level, and no matter how bad it was, it would also increase a lot of power.

Of course, among the many Gu bugs on his body, the one that has improved the most is the Tribulation Thunder Gu.

The current Tribulation Thunder Gu has been promoted to the sixth level low-grade realm.

This is simply a leap forward, and the strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The reason why it has improved so much is naturally because the Tribulation Thunder Gu helped Bai Sujie swallow up a large amount of energy from the Void Refining Thunder Tribulation.

As a result, the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu has experienced a huge leap.

And now it benefits from the improvement of the host Zhou Sui's cultivation level.

The superposition of the two finally promoted Tribulation Thunder Gu to the sixth level of low-grade realm.


He sensed that dense tribulation thunder runes and purple thunder patterns appeared on the body of the Tribulation Thunder Gu. It seemed that there was a huge thunder sea space in the body, storing countless tribulation thunders.

The Tribulation Thunder Gu, which was promoted to the sixth level of low-grade, also gave birth to its own unique form of heaven and earth - the form of thunder and sea.

Once activated, it can summon an endless sea of ​​thunder to drown everything.

Like a god who controls all thunder.

"too strong."

Zhou Sui clenched his fists.

Although the body shape of Tribulation Thunder Gu is not much larger, it is obvious that the power in his body has undergone a qualitative change, and it is no longer much different from the ordinary monks in the early stage of the Void Refining Realm.

Because he has mastered the power of thunder, his combat effectiveness is obviously better.

It is simply not comparable to the monks at the same level in the early stage of virtual refining.

Now he doesn't need to use the Withering Mysterious Light Technique to fight against the Void Refining cultivator.

Just using the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu can kill the ancestor of Lianxu.

"It seems to have given birth to a magical power."

"Its name is Emperor Thunder Palm."

Zhou Sui sensed a huge telepathic message coming from the depths of his consciousness. Like a tide, it submerged into the depths of his consciousness and was instantly grasped by him.

It was like his body's instinct, and he learned this bloodline magical power in an instant.

He had previously obtained a magical power from the Tribulation Thunder Gu, called the Thunder Sound of Heaven's Wrath.

Now this magical power is called Emperor Thunder Palm.

It is a peerless palm magic power. With one palm blast, it can gather thousands of thunders, just like an emperor controlling countless thunders, and give the enemy a fatal blow.

Often a single palm strike can destroy thousands of miles of land in an instant.

Such destructive power is simply not comparable to the magical powers of ordinary monks.

Now he found that every cell in his body seemed to contain huge thunder energy, crackling, and there were countless thunders floating around in his body, turning his body into a body of thunder, able to accommodate thousands of thunders.

To be honest, he is just ready to make a move now. He just wants to fight for 300 rounds in the outside world to vent the destruction in his body.

This huge thunder energy also caused excitement in his blood.


At this time, Bai Sujie finally woke up, opened her beautiful eyes, and felt the slight pain coming from her body for the first time. She immediately recalled what happened before, her pretty face couldn't help but blush, and her golden furry hair The ears twitched slightly, looking extremely cute and charming.

She felt a huge void-refining magic power flowing through her body.

Originally, the Void Refining Magic Power in her body had not yet completely stabilized, but after comprehending the Way of Yin and Yang this time, her cultivation in the early stage of the Void Refining Realm was completely stable, and her foundation was extremely solid.

And it's not just that.

The virtual refining magic power in his body has also been greatly improved.

This practice alone at least saved her hundreds of years of hard training.

One can imagine how great the benefits of this practice were to her.

This means that the time it takes for her to advance to the middle stage of Void Refining can be shortened a lot.

There is no need to be like other Void Refining monks who can only struggle hard and fail to make the slightest progress after thousands of years.

"Mr. Sir, you are so proficient in the practice of Yin and Yang. Have you practiced a lot in the lower world? Are you rich in experience?"

Bai Sujie blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhou Sui.

She felt more and more that this hateful man was a veteran, otherwise he wouldn't be so skilled.

This is simply a master among flowers.

Even though she has the blood of a golden-haired, jade-faced fox, she still feels that the other party's methods are extraordinary.


"It's just natural talent."

"I don't have any experience with this kind of thing. I've only read about it occasionally in classics."

Zhou Sui said without blushing, saying that he was just a boy and had never experienced anything like this. It could be said that Bai Sujie was his first Taoist companion.

To be honest, his face is thicker than the city walls now.

Even if he lies, he won't do any rough drafting.

"Bah, do you think I will believe you?"

"You're also gifted. You can be gifted for something like this."

Bai Sujie bit Zhou Sui hard. She was not a fool. How could she believe what this dog man said? She was so skilled, how could she still be a novice?

She would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than believe that this man is still a boy.

I can only say that I got on this bastard’s pirate ship and there is no way I can get off.

But who asked this man to pretend to be innocent, to look like a gentleman, and to be harmless to humans and animals?

Only then did he fall into this man's trap and hand himself over.

Now that the wood is done and the rice is cooked, it's too late to regret.

You can only marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog.

Who makes her a traditional woman.

"Wait a minute, your cultivation has actually reached the late stage of divine transformation? How come it's so fast?"

At this time, Bai Sujie was suddenly surprised.

She sensed that the aura on Zhou Sui's body had undergone earth-shaking changes, and was several times stronger than before.

Obviously, the other party's cultivation level has made a huge breakthrough and he has been promoted to the late stage of divine transformation.

You must know that when this man first ascended to the spirit world, he was only in the early stages of becoming a god.

How much time has passed now, and I have broken through two realms in a row and been promoted to the late stage of divine transformation.

This speed of progress is beyond imagination.

You must know that this man is only five or six hundred years old now.

Normally, some people at this age are still in the Nascent Soul realm, let alone being promoted to the late stage of divine transformation.

It can only be said that this man is indeed extremely talented.

"Well, of course, I came to some understanding when you meditated on the Tao of Yin and Yang."

"That's why I achieved a huge breakthrough in my cultivation and gained a lot."

"If I practice more, I'm afraid it will be of great benefit to me, and I will soon be able to step into the realm of refining the void."

Zhou Sui said seriously.


Hearing this, Bai Sujie's pretty face turned red and she smacked the man. If she could step into the practice of practicing Xu by doing this, I'm afraid there would be ancestors of practicing practice everywhere in the human race.

But she found that she couldn't refuse, and was pulled by this man to comprehend the way of yin and yang.

Soon, bursts of Taoist sounds sounded in the bedroom, and countless golden talismans flashed, intertwining to form a barrier.

Another month passed.

Basically, Zhou Sui and Bai Sujie lived together, they were like glue, and they would never be separated again. They stayed in the manor of the Eighty-Eight Taoist Courtyard, meditating on the Tao of Yin and Yang day and night.

At this time, he also discovered the power of Bai Sujie's golden-haired and jade-faced fox bloodline.

When he understood the way of yin and yang, his cultivation progressed at a rapid pace, which can be said to be a thousand miles with each passing day.

I don’t know how many times faster it is than practicing hard on my own.

It can only be said that the golden-haired jade-faced fox is indeed the top bloodline creature in the spiritual world, and it is indeed of infinite use in assisting the yin and yang.

Of course, Zhou Sui's help to Bai Sujie was also huge.

Wisps of mysterious aura entered Bai Sujie's body, and actually helped Bai Sujie purify the blood of the golden-haired jade-faced fox in her body. You must know that she was originally half-human and half-demon, not a pure golden-haired jade-faced fox.

But it's different now. Due to the mysterious aura coming from the Infatuation Gu, her bloodline is constantly being purified, and she seems to be advancing towards a higher realm.

This also greatly increased Bai Sujie's cultivation and bloodline power.

It can be said that this month's hard training will have endless benefits for both parties.

"Ms. sir."

"Sister Fengxi, Sister Hua, Sister Tao and others sent me a lot of congratulatory gifts."

"There are also many gifts from the major Lianxu families."

Bai Sujie was very excited and looked at the gift with interest.

After she was promoted to the early stage of Void Refining Realm, she became one of the few Void Refining Ancestors in Fengxi City.

Both identity and status have been improved geometrically.

This also made many Lianxu families come forward to curry favor and gave them a large number of gifts.

And these gifts suddenly filled the house, it was so dazzling that the treasures shone everywhere.

"There are so many treasures?"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui's lips twitched because the value of these gifts was too exaggerated.

Any gift given by the Lianxu family is worth at least 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

In addition, there are many fourth-level elixirs, fifth-level elixirs, etc.

There are even many fifth-level materials and sixth-level materials.

Just receiving these gifts is enough for an ordinary Void Refining monk to struggle for many years.

Although Bai Sujie was just a daughter of the Human Emperor who was not taken seriously, it was completely different when she was promoted to the Void Refining Realm.

With such strength, coupled with the identity of the Human Emperor's daughter, she definitely has a pivotal position.

If it were an ordinary Void Refining cultivator, it would be absolutely impossible for him to receive so many gifts.

It can only be said that the identity of the Human Emperor's daughter, coupled with her strength, has produced a qualitative change.

"Oh my God, Sister Tao actually gave me a bottle of sixth-level treasure elixir - Qixia Lotus elixir."

"This is a sixth-level treasure elixir that no one with money can buy."

"Taking one pill can save the monks' hundreds of years of hard work."

Bai Sujie was very excited.

Because after being promoted to the Void Refining Realm, there are fewer and fewer pills suitable for Void Refining monks.

Every sixth level treasure pill is valuable.

It is impossible for ordinary shops to sell sixth-level treasure pills.

If you want to buy it, you can only go to a large auction site and compete with other Xu Refining Ancestors.

Stunning prices are achieved at every auction.

If you have an average wealth, you can't even think of buying a sixth-level treasure pill.

After all, for Void Refining cultivators, if pills can save hundreds of years or thousands of years of hard work, then no matter how many top-quality spiritual stones are consumed, it is a matter of course and worth it.

Even for a Void Refining cultivator, longevity is very precious.

To a certain extent, it is using the best spiritual stones to exchange for longevity, which is completely earned.

"Sister Hua actually gave me a bottle of Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk."

Bai Sujie was amazed.

Obviously, this is also a treasure of astonishing value.

For Void Refining cultivators, if they lose their mana, it will take a long time to recover.

The problem arises when there is a big battle, where will the enemy give you time to recover your mana?

Naturally, I will kill you while you are sick.

The Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk is such a treasure that can quickly restore the mana of refining the void. Just one drop of the Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk can instantly restore all the mana of the ancestor of the Refining Void.

If you carry a bottle of this ten thousand year spiritual milk with you, it will definitely be a life-saving treasure.

If you put it at auction, you don't know how many monks will be chased after it.

As you can imagine, this is indeed a generous treasure.

"Wait a minute, sister Fengxi actually gave me a hundred fairy crystals."

"This is really an exaggeration."

At this time, Bai Sujie finally opened the gift from Taoist Fengxi. Inside was a hundred fairy crystals, filled with a rich fairy spirit, which was unfathomable and mysterious.

It seems that just a little breath can prolong your life and quickly improve your cultivation.

"What is Immortal Crystal?"

Zhou Sui asked curiously.

Although he obtained the information of many Scripture-Depository Pavilions in Fengxi City, he did not start reading them all. It would still take some time to digest the knowledge of the entire Scripture-Depository Pavilion.

Therefore, he still knew nothing about things like Immortal Crystal, but he felt very familiar with it.

"Xianjing, as the name suggests, is the crystallization of fairy energy."

"This is not a treasure that our spiritual world can produce."

"Because the fairy crystal is the most precious treasure from the fairy world."

"In our spiritual world, every piece of fairy crystal is priceless."

"Even Mahayana monks are extremely eager to get it."

"This is hard currency that surpasses the best spiritual stones."

Bai Sujie explained.

"If this is the case, then where does the fairy crystal come from?"

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

In fact, he could also detect the mystery of the fairy crystal. It was indeed a treasure that did not belong to the spiritual world. It seemed to be an energy crystal from a higher latitude world.

Even if it is just a piece of fairy crystal, the energy contained in it is beyond the imagination of the best spiritual stone.

"The origin of Immortal Crystal is very complicated."

"Some immortal crystals come from the Immortal Mansion."

"You must know that in the spiritual world, some fairy mansions will occasionally appear."

"These fairy mansions are the mansions of immortals. For unknown reasons, these fairy mansions actually fell into the spiritual world."

"You must know that this is the mansion of an immortal. No matter how ordinary things it contains, they are supreme treasures to us."

"The appearance of every immortal mansion will cause a sensation in the spiritual world, causing many super wealthy families to flock here."

"Many fairy crystals come from the fairy mansion."

"After all, there have been many immortal mansions in the spiritual world in history, and the number of immortal crystals in them is not small."

Bai Sujie said in a deep voice.

"Even so, the Immortal Mansion contains a large amount of Immortal Crystals."

"But after such a long time, the Immortal Crystal must have been consumed long ago."

"It is impossible that there are still a large number of fairy crystals circulating today."

"Is there any other way to obtain the Immortal Crystal?"

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

"As expected of my husband, I really noticed it."

"The reason why Immortal Crystals appear in endless streams is that there are other ways to obtain them."

"In fact, Mahayana monks can condense fairy crystals."

Bai Sujie smiled slightly.

"What do you mean? A Mahayana monk can actually condense immortal crystals?"

Zhou Sui was surprised.

"That's right, monks in the Mahayana realm are also called loose immortals in the spiritual world."

"In a way, they are prepared immortals."

"It's just that I haven't survived the catastrophe and can't ascend to the immortal world."

"It is said that when they practice, they can communicate with the fairy world and obtain the fairy spirit energy from the fairy world."

"When the energy of huge immortal spirits is condensed, the energy of these immortal spirits can be condensed into immortal crystals."

"In fact, many fairy crystals circulating in the spiritual world are refined by Mahayana monks themselves."

Bai Sujie explained.

"It was actually made by a Mahayana monk? This is too exaggerated."

"Isn't every Mahayana monk a vein of fairy crystal?"

"If they are willing, I'm afraid there will be immortal crystals everywhere in the spiritual world."

Zhou Sui blinked.

He felt that a Mahayana realm loose immortal with this kind of ability was no different from a money printing machine.

"No, no, no, things can't be that simple."

"Even if they can refine the Immortal Crystal, they can't do it casually."

"It often takes hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years, to condense a certain amount of fairy crystals."

"The problem is that ordinary Mahayana monks often have no time to practice, so how can they spend their lifespan to refine some fairy crystals? Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

"For a Mahayana monk, nothing is more important than your own cultivation."

"And for beings of their level, if they want any treasure or wealth, it's just a matter of words."

"No need for fairy crystal at all."

Bai Sujie said in a deep voice.

"So, is there a third way to obtain Immortal Crystals stably?"

Zhou Sui heard the implication of Bai Sujie's words.

"Yes, there is indeed a third method."

"That is to use the power of fairy weapons."

"It is said that those true spirit races in the spirit world seem to have a powerful fairy weapon in their clan."

"These fairy weapons are not only infinitely powerful, they can also communicate with the fairy world and absorb the spirit of the fairy world."

"Often when an immortal weapon absorbs the spirit of the immortal spirit, it can create a large number of immortal crystals."

"These fairy crystals are passed down from the True Spirit Race and are specially used to exchange treasures from other races."

"But a large amount of fairy crystals are consumed internally by themselves, and often only a part can be spread out."

Bai Sujie explained.


Hearing this, Zhou Sui was very emotional. It seemed that the True Spirit race was so rich in the spiritual world that they could actually produce fairy crystals in batches, and then use these costless fairy crystals to exchange for treasures from other races. .

It's a huge profit.

But there is nothing we can do about it. Who would let someone have an immortal weapon?

In the spiritual world, the number of immortal weapons is even less than that of Mahayana monks.

For a true spirit race to have one celestial weapon, it was considered quite extraordinary, and there was no way it could have a second one.

It is said that the human race does not have immortal weapons to guard it.

That's why the human race is so weak compared to other true spirit races, and is just one of the weaker races.

"If this is the case, why are other races willing to give up many treasures in exchange for fairy crystals?"

Zhou Sui asked curiously.

Other races clearly know that the cost of Immortal Crystal is low, but they still flock to it, and even enjoy it.

This is very strange.

"It's very simple, because the fairy crystal does have this value."

"Many fairy crystals are equivalent to sixth-order treasure pills, or even seventh-order treasure pills."

"If we can digest the energy of a large amount of fairy crystals, we can speed up our practice."

"If you have a large amount of Immortal Crystals, you can save hundreds or even thousands of years of hard work."

"More importantly, the energy contained in the Immortal Crystal has a miraculous effect on helping us break through the bottleneck."

"Bathing in the spirit of the fairy for a long time can even have the effect of cleansing the marrow and improving the spiritual root qualifications."

"Some people can also use immortal crystals to make elixirs, and the success rate of elixirs will often increase."

"It can even be used to refine magic weapons, which can increase the power of magic weapons."

"It can also be used as the source of the formation, which can drive the formation for a long time."

"The benefits are endless."

"So many high-level monks are willing to exchange various treasures for fairy crystals."

"And don't think that those true spirit races have fairy weapons that can make fairy crystals, but the number of fairy crystals they make is actually not very large, and they can't meet the cultivation needs of the creatures in their tribe. Unless they have incredible treasures, they will Take out the Immortal Crystal in exchange, so over time, the value of the Immortal Crystal will continue to rise."

Bai Sujie said in a deep voice.

Obviously, many racial creatures are not stupid.

If fairy crystals didn't have unique effects, they wouldn't be sought after by all races and become hard currency for high-level monks.

"If that's the case, how many top-quality spiritual stones can be exchanged for a fairy crystal?"

Zhou Sui wanted to know how much a fairy crystal was worth.

"Well, there is no standard at all."

"Because no one will exchange fairy crystals for top-quality spiritual stones."

"There are many high-level treasures that can only be exchanged for fairy crystals."

"The best spiritual stones will not be ignored by high-level monks at all."

"After all, in the spiritual world, there are many high-quality spiritual stones, and they are not valuable at all."

"That's why Sister Fengxi gave me a hundred fairy crystals."

"With a hundred fairy crystals, I'm afraid I can buy various virtual refining level treasures at the auction."

Bai Sujie sighed.

For a Void Refining cultivator, one hundred fairy crystals is already a huge amount of wealth.

The ordinary Xu Lian Ancestor probably doesn't even have a piece of Immortal Crystal.

One can imagine how amazing the value of this gift presented by Taoist Fengxi this time was.

Added together, the other treasures are most likely not worth a hundred fairy crystals.


Zhou Sui touched his chin.

To be honest, he also has two immortal weapons on his body, one is the Mountain and Sea Pearl, and the other is the Emperor Demon Hammer.

If these two immortal weapons can be activated, perhaps they can also communicate with the immortal world and condense the immortal crystals.

At that time, he will be a vein of immortal crystal, the richest cultivation base in the spiritual world.

Use the number of fairy crystals in exchange for a large amount of treasures.

Of course, his cultivation is still relatively weak now, and he cannot activate the immortal weapon.

There is a high probability that he will have to wait until he is promoted to Lianxu, or even merged, before he can do such a thing.

"Rich woman, Taoist Fengxi is indeed a rich woman."

Zhou Sui was very emotional.

As the Lord of Fengxi City, he is also a powerful person in the Fusion Realm. Ordinary people cannot imagine how wealthy Fengxi Taoist is.

It was just a matter of congratulations on being promoted to Lianxu, so he casually took out a hundred fairy crystals, which was really too exaggerated.

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