The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 355: Promotion to the realm of divine transformation, divine thunder tribulation, creation

Chapter 355: Promotion to the realm of divine transformation, the thunder tribulation of the divine sky, and the rain of creation

"If the sect leader succeeds, then won't our Xuanhuang Sect have a third god incarnation?"

"A sect with three gods, even the god-transformation sect in ancient times is nothing more than this."

Zhao Huaizhen was shocked.

But he was very excited in his heart, because if the sect leader became a god-transforming monk, it would bring countless benefits to the Xuanhuang Sect.

The Xuanhuang Sect, which was already the overlord, may now be even more unmatched.

As a member of the Xuanhuang Sect, he naturally hopes that the Xuanhuang Sect will be as powerful as possible.

This is the so-called big tree where you can enjoy the shade.

"It can only be said that now is indeed a time of great strife."

"The god-transformation monks who were unable to be born alive or dead before are now being born one after another."

“I’m afraid these are unprecedented times of change.”

"Perhaps there will be a boom in cultivation."

Taoist Wuwei was also very excited.

He sensed that the fate of the entire Xuanhuang Sect was becoming more and more intense, reaching a level unprecedented in ancient times.

As the master of Kurong Peak, he has also been protected by endless luck.

Maybe in the future he will also have the opportunity to advance to become a god.

This is how one person attains the Way, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Sure enough, it was right to surrender to the master of the Xuanhuang Sect in the past. If he had not actively joined the Xuanhuang Sect, how could he have enjoyed such benefits? It would have been better to be from a well-known and upright family.

Why should a person who can be a powerful person become a casual cultivator?


Another Kurong Peak disciple, Song Pingan, is also here.

He has also been a disciple of the Xuanhuang Sect for some time, and has naturally gained many benefits from the Xuanhuang Sect.

It can be said that this is also a wonderful time that he has never had before.

There is no need to worry about various conspiracies, resources, or techniques.

As long as you practice with peace of mind, your cultivation will continue to improve.

There really couldn't be a better time than this.

"Master, do you think the sect leader can be promoted to a god?"

Song Pingan asked nervously, looking at the Xiaoyao Ring in his hand.

Although he has full confidence in the master of the Xuanhuang Sect, he feels that there is no big problem for such a legendary boss to be promoted to a god.

But caring is chaos.

Because if the promotion fails, the blow to Xuanhuang Sect will be simply immeasurable.

Maybe the entire sect will fall apart.

After all, the backbone of the sect is Patriarch Xuanhuang.

If Ancestor Xuanhuang dies, then Xuanhuang Sect will naturally cease to exist.

"Are you kidding me?"

"If such a monster can't advance to become a god, then no one in the world can."

"To be honest, I have seen many amazing geniuses in the spiritual world."

"But this is the first time I've seen this terrifying Ancestor Xuanhuang."

"If this person ascends to the spiritual world, he will definitely be a powerful person in the human race in the future."

The wine connoisseur was amazed.

As a former master of the Void Refining Realm, his cultivation was far more powerful than that of the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods.

Even in the spiritual world, he is considered a big shot.

But he knew that his potential was only in the Void Refining Realm. If he wanted to become a combined power, he still didn't know how far he was away.

However, this Xuanhuang Ancestor has amazing potential, and his future will definitely be more than just the Void Refining Realm.

He might even become a powerful combination, or even an ancestor of the Mahayana realm.

This is the posture of an immortal.

"If you put it this way, it seems that Master Sect Master is sure of his promotion this time."

Hearing this, Song Ping'an immediately felt relieved.


Another place.

A young monk has just arrived at Xuanhuang Island. He is Yang Qianyuan.

Under the protection of the fourth-order spiritual beast Green Winged Fire Eagle, the Yang family also successfully settled on the nearby fourth-order island.

And he rushed towards Xuanhuang Island without stopping.

It happened to happen that Zhou Sui was promoted to become a god.

"We must be very lucky."

"I happened to encounter the scene where the sect leader was promoted to become a god."

Yang Qianyuan looked at such a vision of heaven and earth in amazement, and his heart was filled with shock and admiration.

If he could become such a monk in the future, his life would be considered worthwhile.

"It is indeed not simple."

"I said before that this person has a high chance of becoming a god in the future."

"But I didn't expect that I still underestimated this person, and he is about to be promoted now."

"Is this the monster born in troubled times?"

Taoist Ten Thousand Beasts, who was hiding in the beast control ring, was also amazed. He recalled that when he was promoted to the God Transformation in the past, the celestial phenomenon of the God Transformation only affected an area of ​​several thousand miles in radius.

No one can compare with this Xuanhuang Patriarch.

Compared with it, it's like living like a dog.

All I can say is that comparing people to each other is simply infuriating.

He feels that this era is indeed full of capable people.


Near Xuanhuang Peak.

Qian Ziyun, Ye Feirou, Chu Dieyi, Xia Shuiyang and other Taoist companions also looked at such a celestial phenomenon.

All of them had beautiful eyes widened and were very shocked.

"That's great. It has activated the spiritual power of heaven and earth and formed a celestial phenomenon."

"The next step is to attract the spiritual power of heaven and earth, bring the spirit into the body, and transform it into the magical power of transformation."

"In this way, it will be considered as a true promotion to the gods."

Ye Feirou was overjoyed.

As a monk in the early stages of becoming a god, she had experienced this before, so she naturally knew everything about being promoted to a god.

Seeing such an astonishing vision of becoming a god, she knew that her husband was almost certain to be promoted to a god this time.

Although she had full confidence in Zhou Sui before and felt that he would definitely succeed.

But who knows what will happen before it happens.

Now after seeing such a vision, she was completely relieved.

"As expected of my husband, he is really awesome."

"It's just that he has just been promoted to God, and he has activated the spiritual power of hundreds of thousands of miles of heaven and earth."

"This is really too exaggerated."

Ye Feirou was filled with emotion.

In the past, when she was promoted to God Transformation, she only activated the spiritual power of heaven and earth in a Wanli area.

This is already a very deep foundation.

In fact, it's not just her, this has been the case for all the cultivators of the gods throughout the ages.

The more ordinary ones can affect an area of ​​several thousand miles at most, while the ones with a deep foundation can affect an area of ​​thousands of miles.

But the men in my family have a shockingly deep foundation, enough to attract hundreds of thousands of miles.

All I can say is that the soul condensed by the men in my family is very powerful, beyond imagination.

That's why this situation occurs.

"If you put it this way, isn't my husband's promotion a success?"

Master Peach Blossom and others asked happily, and couldn't help but look at Ye Fei and Rou Qian Ziyun.

After all, there were only two god-transformation monks present, so they were the ones who knew the situation best.

"Well, I can only say that half of the success is achieved."

"Condensing the soul is just the beginning."

"What's more important are the next two levels, the Heavenly Demon Tribulation and the God Transformation Thunder Tribulation."

"Only by surviving these two tribulations can one truly become a god-transforming monk."

"Although my husband is indeed powerful, you still need to be vigilant before you can completely get over it."

Qian Ziyun said in a deep voice.

"That's true."

"But now we can't help our husband. We can only wait and see what happens."

Ye Feirou also nodded.


At this moment, the colorful spiritual sea in the sky suddenly shrank and poured down, rushing towards the cave where Zhou Sui was. It was so powerful that it seemed to completely submerge the place.

Zhou Sui sat cross-legged on the ground, his soul appeared above the heavenly spirit, and seemed to form a huge whirlpool, swallowing and eating away, and it was the kind that refused to come.

The huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth was like a tide, instantly passing through the soul and sinking into every corner of his body.

His body was like a dry lake, greedily absorbing every ray of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Then the magic power in his body immediately underwent an earth-shaking transformation and evolved into the magic power of becoming a god.

At this time, dragon-elephant runes appeared on his body, covering every corner of his body.

No matter how amazing this spiritual energy of heaven and earth is.

For his body, it was just child's play.

It seems that now his dragon-elephant body is like a bottomless pit, enough to swallow up all the spiritual energy in this world.

"This is the realm of the transformed spirit, which can also be said to be the realm of the soul."

Zhou Sui's eyes revealed a terrifying light.

The power of his soul spread out, covering an area of ​​100,000 miles in radius, enveloping the world.

At this moment, he had absolute control over this world.

It was as if any ray of spiritual energy from heaven and earth could not flow without his consent.

It can be said that this is absolute control.

Now the power of his domain surpasses all the god-transformation monks in the world.

It’s like multiple fields are superimposed.

As long as the domain expands, even if the demons appear here, they will be suppressed instantly and unable to move.

"Sure enough, only by stepping into the realm of divine transformation can one be considered a top monk in the human world."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

Now the Yuanying deep in his Dantian Qi Sea has also disappeared, replaced by Yuanshen.

It's like evolving from a baby to an adult.

At this moment, there is a god living in his Dantian.

This kind of god is naturally your own soul, your own soul.


At this time, the soul that originally appeared above his heavenly spirit instantly turned into countless light points, followed the pores on his body, instantly submerged into his body, and then entered the Dantian Qi sea.

And this soul is also sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​​​qi, as if it is the only master of this sea of ​​​​Qi in Dantian.

With a single thought, one can control the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of one hundred thousand miles.

At the same time, he can also use his celestial eye to see through the sky and gain insight into all surrounding environments, as if he were seeing fire.


At this moment, Zhou Sui's heart moved. He immediately sensed dense void cracks appearing in the sky, and his aura immediately triggered the catastrophe.

The entire sky was covered by countless black calamity clouds, which were extremely thick and covered the sky with a radius of millions of kilometers. It was so dark that no sunlight could penetrate it.

From the cracks in the void, terrifying extraterrestrial demons emerged immediately.

Compared with when Qian Ziyun and Ye Feirou passed through the tribulation, the extraterrestrial demons that appeared were more terrifying and more numerous.

In the sky, a hundred thousand heavenly demons appeared for the first time.

They gathered together densely and seemed to form a huge demonic cloud, filled with deep, strange, evil and other auras. They also instantly locked onto Zhou Sui's soul.

"Oh my god, it's so great that there are such delicious souls in the world."

"Eat it and immediately eat this human spirit. As long as we can eat this human spirit, we can be promoted to become the devil king and become the devil king who controls countless demons."

"The opportunity is simply unprecedented. Let's take it together."

Many demons from outside the territory could not help but become excited when they sensed Zhou Sui's soul aura.

To them, Zhou Sui's soul was simply a ten thousand-year elixir.

It is an extremely rare and unique medicine.

The human monks also launched a war to fight to the death for the ten thousand-year elixir.

The same goes for extraterrestrial demons.

In order to devour the powerful soul, they are willing to pay any price and are willing to fly into the flames.

They simply cannot resist the temptation of this soul.

One by one, they emerged from the cracks in the void, turned into black demonic winds, and rushed towards Zhou Sui.

I want to tear Zhou Sui's soul into pieces as soon as possible.

"Is this the second level of demonic calamity?"

"There are so many extraterrestrial demons appearing. It seems they really think highly of me."

"But to me, these extraterrestrial demons are just food."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

He has already had experience in dealing with these extraterrestrial demons.

Although the demon outside the territory is indeed quite powerful, it is invisible and silent, making it almost difficult for ordinary people to defend against it.

It's a pity that for him, the extraterrestrial demons are just food for the dream soul Gu.

Especially after the Dream Soul Gu is promoted to the fifth-level low-level realm, hunting the demon becomes even more powerful.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~

In an instant, the extraterrestrial demons turned into wisps of black air, trying to get into Zhou Sui's sea of ​​consciousness as soon as possible, trying to eat up all Zhou Sui's soul.

But they soon discovered that the moment they approached Zhou Sui, it was as if they had entered a black hole.

They were simply powerless to resist and were instantly absorbed into a dream world.

The next second, a terrifying monster opened its mouth and swallowed the demon alive on the spot.

Now Zhou Sui has become the bait.

Specifically fishing for these extraterrestrial demons so that they can be swallowed by the Dream Soul Gu.

In almost a few minutes, tens of thousands of extraterrestrial demons all became the food for Dream Soul Gu.

I saw black bubbles immediately appearing in the nightmare world of Dream Soul Gu.

Every black bubble is condensed from the soul of the demon.

The moment they entered the Dream Soul Gu's body, they were melted and became part of the Dream Soul Gu.

Become one of the dream worlds.

The Dream Soul Gu that has been promoted to the fifth level is many times more powerful than before.

Especially for soul-like creatures, it is simply a natural nemesis.

"Something's wrong, something's very wrong. Why has our companion disappeared?"

"Damn it, it's a trap. This human being has the power to kill us."

"Hurry up and run. If you don't run, you will be dead."

Many demons from outside the territory were heartbroken and completely frightened. Tens of thousands of demons were swallowed up in an instant, without the ability to fight back. None of them had ever seen such a weird and terrifying method.

They are here to devour human souls, not to become human food.

Without saying a word, a bunch of heavenly demons came forward immediately, trying to get out of the gap in the void and escape from this world.

Unfortunately, their movements are too slow.

Dream Soul Gu flew over in an instant and cast Nightmare Realm, covering the area.

The demons were caught off guard and were instantly sucked into the belly of the Dream Soul Gu.

"Sure enough, the Heavenly Demon Tribulation is very easy for me."

Zhou Sui opened his eyes, feeling very calm inside.

The calamity of the demon outside the territory is naturally a calamity that is difficult for ordinary monks to resist.

After all, they had just condensed their souls and encountered an extraterrestrial demon. How could they resist it.

But he is different, he has mastered the power of Dream Soul Gu.

These extraterrestrial demons are nothing more than food.

It can be said that this can be regarded as one thing reducing another thing.

The most difficult thing is the third level of the God Transformation - the Thunder Tribulation of God Transformation.

He could sense that the lightning disaster he encountered this time was extremely powerful and beyond imagination.

Because the calamity clouds in the sky are dense and thick, covering an area of ​​millions of miles, and are vast and majestic.

The huge tribulation thunder energy gathered deep in the clouds, forming a huge tribulation eye, which was frightening.


At this time, Zhou Sui flashed his body and immediately left the cave and arrived at the top of Xuanhuang Peak.

Welcome this thunderstorm.


At this moment, Qian Ziyun and others were watching this scene very nervously.

Especially when they saw the increasingly thick calamity clouds, they instinctively realized that something was wrong.

This is an unprecedented disaster, beyond imagination.

Even if they were not the ones to be robbed, they were still trembling and feeling the destructive aura just watching from the sidelines.

It seems that if a tribulation thunder strikes down at random, he will be wiped out in ashes.

"Oh no, this isn't the eighth level of thunder tribulation, it's as simple as the ninth level of thunder tribulation."

"If I'm not wrong, it may be the strongest thunder catastrophe that has ever appeared in the world of immortality - the thunder catastrophe of Shenxiao."

Qian Ziyun's face was extremely solemn, and she looked nervously at the calamity cloud above.

"Shenxiao thunder tribulation? Isn't the ninth level thunder tribulation the strongest thunder tribulation?"

"How can there be a thunder calamity more powerful than the ninth level thunder calamity?"

Master Peach Blossom and others opened their beautiful eyes and looked at Qian Ziyun in disbelief.

To be honest, they thought that the nine-fold thunder tribulation was already quite terrifying, but they did not expect that there would be another tribulation above this, which was really unbelievable.

"The so-called ninth-level thunder tribulation is nothing more than ordinary thunder."

"Perhaps for ordinary god-forming monks, this is a very powerful thunder."

"But in the spiritual world, this kind of thunder is nothing at all."

"As for the Shenxiao Thunder Tribulation, even in the spiritual world, it is considered a quite terrifying thunder tribulation."

"It is said that it only appears on those who have committed heinous sins."

"It's the kind of person who has slaughtered hundreds of millions of living beings and has countless karma. Only then will the heavens descend and strike this person to death."

"This is no longer a thunderstorm, but a divine punishment."

Ye Feirou said in a deep voice.

"But my husband is not the kind of person who commits heinous crimes. How could he trigger the lightning disaster in the sky?"

Master Peach Blossom was very puzzled and couldn't figure it out.

After all, she knew her husband-in-law best. It was impossible for her to kill all sentient beings, and she didn't have much karma to speak of.

"In fact, besides the heinous crime, there is a second possibility."

"That is because my husband's strength is too great and cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth."

"That's why the Thunder Tribulation from the Divine Sky came as a test."

Qian Ziyun expressed her guess.

"Is it wrong to be too strong?"

Many Taoist companions were in disbelief and didn't know what to say. Their husband was too good and had reached a point where heaven and earth could not tolerate him. He was even about to suffer a thunder catastrophe from the heavens.

But now they can't do anything, they can only quietly watch the coming of this thunderstorm.

I just hope that my husband can survive this thunderstorm safely.


"It's actually the Thunder Tribulation of the Divine Sky?!"

"This Fang Tiandao really thinks highly of me."

Zhou Sui was naturally the first to perceive the terrifying extent of this thunder tribulation. This was a divine thunder tribulation that surpassed the ninth level of thunder tribulation. It was equivalent to the power of heavenly punishment and was boundless in terror.

What is Shenxiao? It is the highest among the nine heavens. It can also be said that the gods disappear and are invisible.

Therefore, this is also known as one of the most powerful tribulation thunders, containing terrifying power.

Normally, such a calamity thunder would be enough to kill an immortal.

However, since it appears in the world of immortality, this is just a weakened version, with only a trace of its power.

It can also be said to be a copycat version.

It is equivalent to the thunder of the gods in the mortal world.

After all, no matter how powerful the calamity thunder is, it cannot surpass the limits of the world of immortality itself.

But even so, this time the thunder tribulation of Shenxiao is more terrifying than the ninth level thunder tribulation.

The power has been increased several times.


At this moment, the sky was covered with tribulation clouds, forming a huge black vortex.

Seen from a distance, this huge black vortex looked like the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, filled with a terrifying and destructive aura, and immediately locked onto Zhou Sui's aura.


Without any warning at all, an invisible tribulation thunder fell from the sky, and a lightning-shaped ripple in the void appeared. The speed was so fast that even the divine consciousness could not catch it.

"How come it's so fast?"

Zhou Sui was stunned for a moment. He couldn't even react. Although he used the power of his mind's eye to capture the traces of this thunder, he could see it but couldn't dodge it.


This invisible tribulation thunder struck hard on his body, instantly sending his entire body flying away and hitting the ground in the distance, creating a huge deep pit.

Suddenly, Zhou Sui felt a surge of energy and blood.

But fortunately, the skin on his body is the skin of the divine elephant, which contains three layers of divine elephant enchantment, with dense elephant runes emerging, and a golden energy shield blooming.

The defense is even stronger than that of ordinary high-grade spiritual treasures.

The power of many tribulation thunders bombarded his skin and was blocked instantly.

But even so, many tiny thunderbolts roamed over his body, causing him to feel numb all over.

"I see, is this Shenxiao Lei?"

"This is a calamity thunder that cannot be perceived by the naked eye or spiritual consciousness. It is an invisible thunder, a thunder of the void."

"Often when they are blasted out, the people who are going to be robbed don't know what happened. They will be instantly hacked to death and turned into ashes."

"I can only hear its sound, but not see its form."

"This is Shenxiao Lei."

Zhou Sui's eyes revealed a terrifying light, which was obviously an unprecedented horrific disaster he had encountered.

A thunder of heavenly punishment like this is enough to kill a head of gods and monsters.

But now it's actually used to hack him.

To be honest, if he were not the body of a divine elephant, he would have the blood of a divine elephant in his body and his body would be outrageously strong.

The thunder from the divine sky just now was enough to seriously injure him.

Any other monks in the early stages of becoming gods would definitely die if they encountered such a calamity thunder.

"But that's a good thing."

"For Tribulation Thunder Gu, this is the best food."

"If these divine thunders are swallowed, it is equivalent to the Tribulation Thunder Gu also mastering the divine thunders."

"In this way, I also have a huge trump card."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

Not only was he not afraid, but his fighting spirit was aroused and his blood boiled.


Invisible thunders from the sky struck down one after another, causing invisible fluctuations in the void all around, producing terrifying destructive power.

Even if you can't see these divine thunders, you can feel this devastating fluctuation.

Ordinary god-transformation cultivators would probably die from a single blow and disappear into ashes.

"Well come."

Zhou Sui's eyes shone with excitement.

At this time, the Tribulation Thunder Gu on his body immediately jumped out, and it was seen sitting on top of his head, like a toad, with its mouth open, seeming to form a huge whirlpool.

As soon as the lightning strikes from the divine sky, it will be swallowed up immediately and taken as its own.

A few of the divine thunderbolts landed on Zhou Sui before they could be swallowed up in time.

But Zhou Sui's divine elephant skin easily blocked it.

Countless rays of lightning crackled on the skin of his body, and the thunder flashed, but it could not hurt his roots.

"As expected of the skin of a divine elephant, its defensive power is really strong."

"Now my skin is equivalent to a divine elephant armor, containing powerful defensive power."

"It is rumored that the skin of the ancient divine elephant cannot be broken even by various immortal weapons, and it has reached the point of being invulnerable to all means."

"Although it's not as powerful as the rumors say, my skin is showing some signs of improvement now."

"Even the thunderbolt bombardment can be blocked."

"Don't even think about hurting my skin with normal force."

Zhou Sui felt full of security.

He felt that he was now simply a humanoid beast, extremely ferocious.

The whole body is like a powerful spiritual treasure that reaches the sky, blooming with golden light, which is extremely bright.

The skin on his body shone with golden dragon-elephant runes.

Although Shenxiao Lei is indeed terrifying, there is nothing he can do about it.

Seven days and seven nights.

This time, Shenxiao's Thunder Tribulation lasted for seven days and seven nights, with continuous bombardment.

Huge pits were blasted out of the surrounding earth, and many mountain peaks were shattered and leveled.

The energy of countless thunders permeates the depths of the earth, and it seems that it will not disappear for thousands of years.

Even a valley turned into a thunder valley, with many thunders flashing around it.

The entire Xuanhuang Island was also roaring, and violent earthquakes were heard from time to time.

Due to such fluctuations, naturally no monks can practice in such an environment. They can only wait quietly for the end of the tribulation before they can start practicing.

Zhou Sui's clothes had long been chopped into pieces, and he was completely naked, but at the same time, his bronze skin and perfect muscles were revealed.

Every muscle is filled with explosive power, like a dragon and elephant, exuding the beauty of power.

Even though he encountered thousands of divine thunders, his body was still unscathed.

Instead, after being tempered by the Tribulation Thunder, his body became stronger and stronger, bursts of precious light bloomed from his body, flawless, like a heavenly spiritual treasure.


In an instant, the last thunder from the sky fell from the sky. Like a strike from heaven, a terrifying crack appeared in the void, as if the heaven and earth were separated in two.

It was as if an invisible force tore apart the sky for millions of miles.


This blow hit Zhou Sui hard, as if he had been punished by heaven.

But a real dragon and a divine elephant appeared on Zhou Sui's body, standing in the void and condensing into substance. Countless dark golden talismans appeared in his body. They looked up to the sky and roared, releasing unparalleled divine power.

Immediately, the two forces collided together instantly, erupting with terrifying destructive power. An invisible wave swept in all directions, swept towards the outside of Xuanhuang Island, affected millions of miles of sea, and caused a terrifying tsunami.

At this moment, dense cracks suddenly appeared on Zhou Sui's skin, and a large amount of dark golden blood poured out. His whole body seemed to have turned into a bloody man.

Obviously, the power of the last divine thunder is extremely terrifying.

Even his divine elephant body was severely damaged, and his divine elephant skin was broken.

Fortunately, he still has the heart of dragon and elephant.

This special heart can speed up the recovery of the body, allowing the body's injuries to heal quickly.

It only takes a moment, as the heart beats again and again.

The scars on his skin healed quickly and returned to the same state as before.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his skin returned to perfect condition, without even any damage.

A lot of thunder power poured into his body, and was swallowed and absorbed by the dragon-elephant blood in his body, turning into pure energy.


At this moment, the calamity cloud covering millions of miles of sky finally dissipated.

After exhausting all the energy of the Tribulation Thunder, no more Thunder from the Divine Sky can descend.

The dazzling sunshine appeared again in the whole sky, falling down, and the sky cleared after the rain.

"Finally survived the Thunder Tribulation of the Divine Sky."

"Now I am already a god-transformation monk."

Zhou Sui showed a smile, his face was full of joy, and he was extremely excited.

From then on, he was an invincible existence in the world of immortality.

Even if he encounters a monk in the late stage of spiritual transformation, he can still compete with him.

He felt the divine power in his body, extremely powerful, flowing through his body like a sea.

Even the power of his own soul can spread out invisibly, covering a hundred thousand miles.

A tyrannical domain enveloped the surrounding area, suppressing all directions.

It feels like I am a god and in control of everything.

"Fortunately, we still have the Tribulation Thunder Gu to assist us."

"Otherwise, I may not be able to withstand the last divine thunder."

Zhou Sui was very emotional.

He could sense the terrifying power of the last divine thunder, which contained the power to destroy both form and spirit.

Apart from him, any other cultivator who encounters him will definitely die.

Fortunately, the Tribulation Thunder Gu on him took action in time and swallowed a large amount of Divine Thunder.

At least two-thirds of their power has been reduced.

And then coupled with his own physical strength, he can withstand it.

Otherwise, this time of tribulation will really be a disaster.

"It is indeed the divine thunder that is like a punishment from heaven."

"Although it is just a weakened version, a copycat version, it is not the divine thunder of the fairy world."

"But even so, this power is enough to run rampant in the human world."

"Now the Tribulation Thunder Gu has swallowed up a lot of divine thunder, and it has mastered a powerful trump card."

"Even if you encounter a demon transformed into a god, you can still kill it."

Zhou Sui was extremely satisfied.

It can be said that the benefits he gained from this tribulation were too great.

Not only does it use the power of Shenxiao Thunder Tribulation to help temper his body and promote the evolution of the dragon-elephant body.

At the same time, it can also swallow the energy of Shen Xiao Lei and increase the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Other god-transforming monks don’t have so many benefits when they go through tribulations.

Not only does it have no benefits, but it also has many disadvantages. If you are not careful, you may damage your foundation and make it impossible to progress in your cultivation.

far away.

Qian Ziyun, Ye Feirou, Leng Yuexi, Xia Shuiyang and others also saw this scene, with their beautiful eyes shining brightly as they looked at the naked Zhou Sui in the distance.

"Finally passed through this divine thunderstorm."

"As expected of my husband, he can even survive this legendary thunder of punishment from heaven. It's really impressive."

Ye Feirou was very emotional.

She couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her husband survive the lightning disaster in the sky.

After all, any monk would not be frightened by the thunder of punishment like this. Any accident is possible.

Even though she had great confidence in Zhou Sui, she was still worried about whether something unexpected would happen.

Now the thunderstorm is finally over.

This means there won't be any surprises.

My husband has finally survived the God-Transformation Thunder Tribulation and has become a true God-Transformation monk.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect my husband's figure to be so perfect."

"It's like a gemstone, carefully crafted."

"If other female cultivators see it, I don't know how many wild bees and butterflies it will attract."

Xia Shuiyang sighed in admiration.

She felt that she was in love now. When she saw Zhou Sui's perfect body, her heart beat so fast that she couldn't live up to expectations, and her pretty face turned red.

Even though I have seen this man's perfect body countless times, seeing it again makes me blush. This is simply a perfect masterpiece created by heaven.

"Bah, that's so shameless."

"Forging your body to be so perfect, you don't even know how many female cultivators you have to seduce."

"Is there any way to feed my fat husband so that he doesn't attract bees and butterflies?"

Master Peach Blossom also had a pretty face and was slightly red. She covered her face with her hands, but spread her fingers and still looked at the man in front of her who was bathed in the sun and looked extremely sacred.

She also felt her heart pounding.

Whenever I see this man, he is so charming and drool-worthy.

"This is impossible. My husband is a spiritual body cultivator, and he doesn't have any fat on his body."

"But it's a man like this who is worthy of me."

"I'd like to have ten if I could."

Qian Ziyun chuckled.

She felt very satisfied.

If not for such a man, how could he conquer a witch from the Heavenly Demon Sect like himself?

"It seems to be raining."

At this time, Leng Yuexi's heart moved and she couldn't help but look up at the sky.

At this moment, the sky was covered with colorful clouds and the sun was shining.

Light rain fell from the sky, covering an area thousands of miles in radius.

"No, this is not ordinary rain."

"This is the raindrop formed by the condensed air of creation."

Ye Feirou couldn't help but show a look of surprise on her face, which was simply unbelievable.

"No way, how come there are so many raindrops formed by the condensed energy of creation?"

Leng Yuexi and others opened their beautiful eyes wide and were stunned.

They naturally know the importance of the breath of creation. This is a special breath that can only be produced when going through tribulation, and it is of great benefit to monks.

To be honest, they had more or less devoured a little bit of the energy of creation before and gained quite a lot of benefits.

But where have I seen such a scene?

The energy of creation was so abundant that it condensed into liquid, forming the rain of creation.

If you tell me, few people will believe it.

"It must be that the thunder catastrophe that my husband passed through was so amazing, it is simply unprecedented."

"So the amount of the energy of creation that came this time was astonishing, forming the rain of creation."

"Great fortune, this time is great fortune."

Xia Shuiyang was pleasantly surprised and extremely excited.

She felt that as long as she swallowed some raindrops of creation, her cultivation would improve by leaps and bounds.

Maybe it won't take too long for him to be promoted to Nascent Soul Consummation.

When the time comes, you will be able to create a promoted god.

Maybe she is the third among many sisters to become a god.

"Hurry up and collect these raindrops."

"If you miss this village, you won't have this store."

"This is the good fortune our husband has brought us."

Qian Ziyun said impatiently.

After all, if these rains of creation fall on the earth, they will melt instantly and merge into the mountains and rivers.

Therefore, if they want to obtain these creation liquids, they must collect them and put them into special bottles.

Otherwise, it will definitely evaporate quickly and cease to exist.


Of course, it was not just Qian Ziyun and others who noticed this opportunity.

There are many Yuanying elders in the entire Xuanhuang Sect.

For example, Taoist Wuji, Taoist Wuwei, Taoist Liufeng, Taoist Xuyun, Taoist Xuancheng and other Yuan Ying ancestors.

They are also well-informed people, and they are unaware of the huge opportunities brought by this heavy rain.

"Haha, it seems that my son-in-law has finally succeeded in becoming a god."

Taoist Wuji laughed, very happy.

He also sensed the end of Shenxiao's Thunder Tribulation in the distance and immediately became ecstatic.

Now Zhou Sui became a monk of the Transformation of Gods.

It is equivalent to the three gods of Xuanhuang Sect. Such a grand occasion is simply unprecedented.

Even among the God Transformation sects in ancient times, not many could do this.

It can be said that even if new gods appear in other sects.

If you want to compare with Xuanhuang Sect, that is simply a fool's errand.

If nothing else, the Xuanhuang Sect could flourish for at least three thousand years.

"Wuji old ghost."

"The rain of creation is actually the rain of creation. It's really incredible."

"The energy of creation was so abundant that it condensed into raindrops."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, no, it should be the sect leader's promotion to the gods, which actually brings such a huge opportunity. How on earth did he do it? It's really an exaggeration."

Taoist Liufeng was stunned, and his heart was inexplicably shocked.

He had only seen similar scenes from ancient books.

But I never thought it would actually happen in reality.

And it was really unbelievable that they happened to meet them.

This feeling is like living in the history of ancient times.

The miracle seems to have happened again.

"This is normal. The sect leader has survived the legendary thunder tribulation of the gods."

"This is the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment that surpasses the Nine Levels of Thunder Tribulation, and the energy of creation it brings is naturally extremely astonishing."

"There is no doubt that this is a great opportunity for us."

"As long as we swallow a little bit of the liquid of creation, our cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds, saving us decades or hundreds of years of hard work."

Taoist Xuyun said with emotion.

He is now completely convinced and is sincerely convinced of Zhou Sui.

Before, he regarded Zhou Sui as a junior.

But now, Zhou Sui has become the Reverend God Transformation, and his cultivation far surpasses him.

It is estimated that he will never be able to catch up with this banished immortal in this life.

Fortunately, he decisively joined the Xuanhuang Sect and abandoned the Wuji Alliance.

Otherwise, how can you enjoy such benefits?

"It's not just as simple as the improvement of cultivation, it seems that these creation liquids can extend our lifespan."

"Although it's not a lot, it's probably only a dozen years."

"But it's also amazing."

Taoist Xuancheng was pleasantly surprised.

He was already very old, but now he has actually increased his lifespan, which is equivalent to increasing the vitality in his body.

If there is a chance in the future, we may be able to spy on the Avatar.

For a time, many monks in the Xuanhuang Sect were ecstatic and went to collect the liquid of creation.

Feel the mourning of the book friend's dream, and the reward from the book friend Ren Fanghua

Another 10,000-word update, please vote for me

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