The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 353: Immortal Cave, find the remains of the Immortal, and obtain

Chapter 353: Immortal Cave, find the remains of the immortal, and obtain the Seven Orifices Exquisite Book

The ancient mysterious turtle technique!

In an instant, Zhou Sui thought and immediately used one of his own skills.

With his body as the center, a double-layered black turtle barrier was immediately formed, with densely packed black turtle runes appearing on it, like the texture of a turtle shell, densely covered in it.


The next second, blood-colored branches bombarded the black turtle barrier, causing terrifying lethality, like a strike from a god. This also caused his black turtle barrier to shatter inch by inch, shattering like glass.

But even so, with this defensive technique, he was able to resist the attack of the Blood Demon Tree.

"It seems that the defense of the second level of the Ancient Black Turtle Technique is still a bit weak."

"Facing the attack of a demon at the level of a god, I'm still a little helpless."

"Unless you condense three layers of black turtle barrier, you can easily withstand attacks from the God Transformation Realm."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He felt that the next step might be to practice the ancient black turtle technique.

After all, life-saving techniques like this require more practice.

"A human monk in the Nascent Soul Realm."

"I didn't come to trouble you, but you dared to come to trouble me."

"You are really brave."

The voice of the Blood Demon Tree came out, seemingly extremely angry, and his tone was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

It immediately sensed the threat posed by Zhou Sui.

Although the cultivation level of the human being in front of him is only at the Nascent Soul Realm, his strong energy and blood, as well as his powerful physique, are clearly the physical cultivation level of the Transformation God Realm.

It already has a certain degree of strength that poses a threat to itself.

Even if he can't kill himself, he can't be underestimated.

"It's strange that as a demon in the form of a god, he is willing to stay on this island and not leave."

"Is there any secret about this island that makes you reluctant to leave?"

Zhou Sui looked at the blood demon tree in front of him.

To be honest, he originally thought that after the Blood Demon Tree broke free from the seal, it would immediately go on a killing spree and wreak havoc in the sea area.

But in the past two hundred years, there has never been any news about the Blood Demon Tree.

It seems that the Blood Demon Tree has always stayed on Xianxia Island and never left.

This is very strange.

How could a normal monster settle down in a corner? It would definitely go to the territory where humans are, killing people, devouring blood and food, and increasing its own strength.

Therefore, he believed that there must be something unusual about Xianxia Island that would make the Blood Demon Tree reluctant to leave.

"I originally wanted to spare your life."

"But now you are certain to die."

However, these words aroused the blood demon tree's murderous intention, as if it was afraid that its secrets would be discovered, and wanted to kill the witnesses as soon as possible.

Blood Demon Realm!

In an instant, an invisible bloody field spread instantly, covering tens of thousands of sea areas in a radius.

Zhou Sui was immediately enveloped in this bloody field.

An invisible domain power crushed him down, making Zhou Sui seem to be carrying mountains on his back.


Immediately afterwards, endless bloody mist surged in, and they seemed to come to life, turning into blood demons and rushing towards Zhou Sui.

The fifth level of poison - Blood Mist Curse.

This is the unique fifth-level poisonous mist from the Blood Demon Tree. Once the enemy smells a little bit of the smell, it will immediately invade the internal organs of the body.

These bloody poisonous mists are like parasites, wildly devouring the flesh and soul of the enemy.

Even monks in the realm of gods will be devoured in a moment and become their food.

With the power of this poisonous mist, even if it is attacked by the enemy, it can't be defeated.


It's a pity that the Blood Demon Tree is of no use to Zhou Sui, because he is not afraid of all the poisons in the world.


The next second, the Golden Light Ten Thousand Poison Gu flew out instantly. The Golden Light Ten Thousand Poison Gu, which had been promoted to the fourth-level high-level realm, now had a pair of golden wings growing on its body. With a slight wave, it seemed to turn into a storm vortex.


I saw it opened its mouth wide and began to devour the bloody poisonous mist around it like a whale swallowing food.

This also caused Zhou Sui's body to turn into a vacuum of poisonous mist.

Any bloody poisonous mist that was within a few meters of his body was swallowed up by the golden light poisonous Gu and turned into food for his stomach.


Immediately, the Golden Light Ten Thousand Poison Gu was very excited, because this was a great tonic for it.

Even among fifth-level poisons, the Blood Mist Curse Poison is quite powerful.

Normally, any person who comes into contact with the Supreme Transformation God will die or be injured.

And he is also quite restrained in his immortality.

It is because of this that the power on its body is constantly increasing, and the poisonous runes are also appearing on the surface of its body, blooming with golden light.

It seemed to form a huge golden ball of light.

"Damn it."

Seeing this scene, the Blood Demon Tree's expression turned extremely ugly. It never thought that one day its methods would completely fail and have no effect on the enemy.

On the contrary, it has become a great tonic for the enemy.

Now this bastard clearly wants to use the poison released from his body to help this strange creature grow.

How could it tolerate this happening?

This is simply unreasonable.


At this moment, the Blood Demon Tree moved its thoughts and instantly dispersed the boundless blood mist. It knew that if it continued like this, it would only help the enemy and would not be able to kill the enemy.

"Is this all your means?"

"It's really too weak."

"Thankfully, I still regard you as an unprecedented enemy."

"I didn't expect it to be anything more than this. I'm so disappointed."

Zhou Sui shook his head and sighed.

Although the various methods of the Blood Demon Tree are very astonishing, it should not be much of a problem against ordinary monks in the early stages of becoming gods.

But if you want to deal with yourself, you don't know how far it is.

Maybe it's not that the Blood Demon Tree is too weak, but simply that his is too strong now.

After years of growth, he is basically one of the strongest monks in this world.

Even the blood demon tree that used to reach all over the world was no longer worth mentioning in his eyes.

How terrifying the Blood Demonic Tree was back then. Its demonic power was so great that just the blood-colored demonic energy released from its body was enough to wipe out an entire place, leaving countless creatures dead without the ability to resist.

It also made him run away in panic.

It's simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

It's a pity that today, the Blood Demon Tree, which was originally like a demon god, is nothing more than that.

What? !

Hearing this, the Blood Demon Tree was shocked and angry, and immediately became furious. This human monk was too arrogant and arrogant. Just now, his methods were less than half of his own.

How dare you underestimate yourself like this.

"Thunder Territory."

However, Zhou Sui was too lazy to say anything to the Blood Demon Tree. With a flash of his body, he actually rushed directly into Xianxia Island, took the initiative to enter the internal barrier of the Blood Demon Tree, and came to the vicinity of the Blood Demon Tree.

He immediately mobilized the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu.


Suddenly, an area tens of thousands of miles in radius was instantly enveloped by endless thunder clouds, seemingly triggering a heavenly calamity. Countless purple thunder flashes in the clouds, like thunder dragons cruising.

"What? You actually mastered the power of thunder?!"

Seeing this scene, the Blood Demon Tree's hair stood up in disbelief.

For the demon clan, there is not much power that can truly restrain them.

But there is no doubt that Jie Lei is one of those forces, and it may even be the most restrained force.

Even though the calamity thunder has not come yet, feeling this aura still makes him tremble with fear, like a light on his back, and he feels like he wants to escape immediately.


The next second, thousands of purple tribulation thunders fell from the sky. Each tribulation thunder was as thick as a bucket and had infinite power. It formed a boundless sea of ​​thunder and bombarded towards the Blood Demon Tree.

There was a destructive aura surrounding it, as if it was going to completely destroy and destroy this Blood Demon tree.

Since the Blood Demon Tree is not a creature of this world, it has slaughtered countless humans and is entangled with countless sins, which makes the power of the Tribulation Thunder even more terrifying.

It seemed that this moment really triggered the catastrophe of annihilation.

The power is several times stronger than usual.

"Blood Demon Barrier."

In an instant, the Blood Demon Tree roared angrily, and countless bloody branches scattered on its body, extending towards the sky, seemingly forming a huge bloody umbrella.

A huge blood-colored barrier enveloped its body, with dense blood-colored runes appearing on it. There were even countless evil ghosts roaring deep in the barrier, filled with an eerie and terrifying aura.

It seems that all creatures that come close to the barrier will be devoured.

Unfortunately, for Jie Lei, such a barrier has no meaning.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Thousands of purple thunderbolts easily penetrated the Blood Demon Barrier. Even a three-layer barrier was of no avail. It was as easy as piercing through tofu.

The power of these tribulation thunders struck down, causing countless demonic energies to melt away, making a sizzling sound.

There is no doubt that this yang and strong power can especially restrain the demonic energy.

It is as simple as sunlight melting ice and snow, and the destructive power it causes is extremely astonishing.

Even these tribulation thunders bombarded the Blood Demon Tree, causing horrific damage.


The Blood Demon Tree couldn't help but let out bursts of shrill screams, and was bombarded by thousands of thunders. It was like being tortured. The terrifying purple thunder struck its face, causing thick smoke to emit from its body and making a sizzling sound. .

At this moment, its huge body was also severely damaged, with numerous burns appearing.

Even the soul was traumatized at this moment, causing unparalleled pain.

"Die to me."

But such pain not only did not weaken the Blood Demon Tree, but also aroused its ferocity. The tens of thousands of bloody branches on its body turned into bloody spears.

Like raindrops, they were blasting towards Zhou Sui.

Each bloody branch is like a dragon, carrying terrifying power, no less than a blow from an ordinary god-transformation monk. If it is hit, it will be pierced instantly and no bones will be left.

It knew that only by killing this human monk could it stop the bombardment of thunder.

"I told you a long time ago, you are too weak."

At this moment, Zhou Sui did not dodge, but instead stepped forward and punched towards the Blood Demon Tree.

At this moment, the dragon-elephant bloodline in his body completely burst out. Combined with the power of the dragon-elephant Gu, ten dragons and ten elephants seemed to appear behind him, filled with the power of the terrifying ancient beasts.

It seemed that at this moment, the power of the ancient divine elephant and the true dragon converged on him.

This punch contained the power of a divine beast.

The entire body was shrouded in golden light, and dense dragon-elephant runes appeared on the body.

Deep in the void, bursts of roars of real dragons could be heard.


The power of this punch was simply devastating, as if an area of ​​thousands of miles had been completely exploded and turned into a vacuum.

Tens of thousands of blood-colored branches came into contact with this force and couldn't bear it at all. They shattered instantly and turned into powder.

Even the power of this punch condensed into substance and turned into the Dragon Elephant Seal, which hit the Blood Demon Tree's body hard.


The originally huge body of the Blood Demon Tree was instantly penetrated, a huge hole appeared in the body, countless fragments were scattered, and dense cracks appeared in the huge body.

The entire island roared, and the earth was destroyed by this force. Everywhere along the way, mountains were flattened and turned into deep pits thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, there were no living creatures on the entire island. Otherwise, countless living creatures would have been killed by this punch.


The Blood Demon Tree was completely confused and looked at the human monk in front of him in disbelief.

It can be regarded as a demon that has lived for countless years, and even participated in the battle in ancient times. It has fought many human monks, but it has never seen such a terrifying human monk.

It's as if the power of a divine beast resides in this person's body.

Killed with one punch, it contained the power of a dragon-elephant.

Even if it is based on the power of a demon in the realm of gods, it cannot be compared to it.

This extremely powerful force is enough to completely destroy all matter.

It's really too violent.

It is estimated that even if the demon with the strongest defense in the ancient demon world arrives here, it will probably be smashed to pieces by this human monk.

The brute strength of this person alone is enough to be invincible in the realm of divine transformation.

"Sure enough, now I can crush it to death even with the power of the dragon elephant."

Zhou Sui felt that the dragon-elephant bloodline in his body was boiling more and more, as if the dragon-elephant bloodline was activated. He felt that every cell in his body was emitting endless heat like molten lava.

There are real dragons, and the divine elephant roars inside him.

The dragon-elephant heart in his body was also beating violently, constantly instilling the extremely hot dragon-elephant blood.

The whole body bloomed with golden light.

Countless dragon-elephant runes appeared on every inch of skin, as if countless divine elephants were swimming around the skin.

At this moment, he felt that the power in him was unprecedentedly powerful.

He was also more violent than ever before.

It seems that just with a pair of fists, he can smash the world.

No magic weapon, no armor, no flying sword, all of them are useless.

Nothing compared to his fists.

His body is the most powerful magic weapon in the world, and he is invincible.

"not good."

At this time, the blood demon tree's hair stood up. It felt the increasingly terrifying aura being released from this human monk, and a huge domain was crushing it.

At this moment, it found that it was suppressed by the power of the domain.

His huge body is now restrained by the power of the domain.

It can't be said that it can't move, but it makes its body extremely slow.

It's like many sealing formations are imposed on it.

At this time, it felt an unprecedented crisis.

Because the human monk in front of him can really kill himself, instead of just sealing it.

"Stop, human monk, stop it immediately."

"Don't you want to know why I stay on this island?"

"Don't you want to know the biggest secret in the world, don't you want to know the secret of becoming an immortal?"

"If you stop, I can tell you."

The Blood Demon Tree shouted loudly, it was already giving in.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

Although being submissive is an extremely shameful thing for a demon who transforms into a god.

But if it's to save your life, it's nothing.

But Zhou Sui was too lazy to pay attention to what the blood demon tree was saying. No matter how eloquent the demon was, he would die today.

No matter how big the secret is, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, according to the resources he has, it will be a matter of time before he becomes an immortal, and there is no need to listen to the other party's nonsense.

Bloodline magical power - Dragon Elephant Spear.

In an instant, Zhou Sui waved his hand, using his body as a bow, bending it slightly, and endless dragon elephant mana surged out of his body, instantly condensing a dark golden spear.

Dense dragon and elephant runes appeared on it, like countless dragon elephants swimming among the spears.

An invisible pressure was released, as if it were the strongest spear in the world, containing a terrifying edge.

At this moment, he felt that the Dragon Elephant Spear had locked onto the soul of the Blood Demon Tree.

It can be said that this is the terror of the bloodline magical power Dragon Elephant Spear, which can lock the enemy's breath.

No matter how the enemy dodges, this blow is sure to hit.


The next second, the dark golden spear in Zhou Sui's hand was thrown out instantly and merged into the void, silently, without any ripples, and at an incredible speed, like teleporting.

In an instant, the Dragon Elephant Spear appeared in front of the Blood Demon Tree.

"so funny."

"What kind of magical power is this?"

"Why can't I feel it and can't resist it?!"

The blood demon tree's hair stood on end. It never expected that this human monk was so cruel, that he was not interested in the secrets on his body, and still chose to kill him.

At this moment, it had no time to dodge, because such an attack was too fast.

Even the divine consciousness cannot detect it.


Suddenly, the Dragon Elephant Spear instantly penetrated the body of the Blood Demon Tree, and a terrifying power of the Dragon Elephant completely erupted, spreading throughout the Blood Demon Tree's body.

This huge body was instantly shattered and turned into powder.

What's even more terrifying is that this power directly penetrates the demon soul of the Blood Demon Tree.

Because this is not only an attack on the body, but also an attack on the soul.

Even having immortality is useless.

If the soul is destroyed, it will be completely dead and no bones will be left.

This is the terror of the Dragon Elephant Spear.


The Blood Demon Tree let out a shrill scream, showing an expression of reluctance, regret, and disbelief, as if it couldn't believe that it was actually killed by a human monk.

Obviously it has escaped countless disasters and broken free from the seal.

Who would have thought that he would still be killed by a human monk.

If it had come a little later, its cultivation would have recovered even more, and it would be impossible for this human monk to kill him.

Unfortunately it's too late to say anything now.


Immediately, the Blood Demon Tree was instantly killed by this blow, and its body was shattered into pieces.

The bloody barrier and bloody mist that originally enveloped Xianxia Island suddenly dissipated and disappeared without a trace.

A huge pothole covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles immediately appeared in the central area of ​​Xianxia Island.

There were dense cracks on the ground.

This destructive aura will not dissipate even if it takes thousands of years.

"It's a pity that Xianxia Island is completely destroyed."

Zhou Sui sensed the situation of the entire island, and he found that Xianxia Island had been completely destroyed by the Blood Demon Tree. All the mountains in the past had been reduced to nothing, and there were no living creatures on the island.

Not even plants can survive.

The earth is completely dry, and all the nutrients have been absorbed.

It is estimated that even food cannot be successfully grown on this land.

In addition, the spiritual veins of Xianxia Island have completely disappeared.

It can be said that this has become a deserted island.

There is no doubt that this is the terror of demons. They not only kill humans, but also destroy the ecological environment of the Immortal World, turning the various places in the Immortal World into desperate places that are no longer suitable for human survival.

If it is fully invaded by demons, then human beings will definitely become extinct.

But he didn't feel any regrets either.

Because I was just a foundation-building monk in the past, so what could I do against the Blood Demon Tree?

Even if he stays on Xianxia Island, there will only be one more corpse.

Instead, he fled Xianxia Island and waited for his cultivation to be complete before he came back to take revenge.

This is the right thing to do.

Otherwise, the Blood Demon Tree would not only wreak havoc on Xianxia Island, but also wreak havoc on the entire Canglan Sea and even the world of immortality.

"The damn Blood Demon Tree, finally get rid of it completely."

Zhou Sui felt very comfortable in his heart, and his thoughts were clear.

The hatred caused many years ago was finally fully avenged today.

The soul seeds deep in the Dantian Qi Sea are growing rapidly and seem to be about to break out of their shells.

He felt that he could try to advance to become a god now.

But he still endured it. After all, there was no fifth-level spiritual vein in this place, so there was no need to take risks here.

If you want to advance to become a god, you still have to be foolproof.


At this time, Dream Soul Gu also took action, swallowing the souls of the blood demon trees scattered everywhere.

When Zhou Sui took action to kill the Blood Demon Tree, the soul of the Blood Demon Tree was shattered and torn apart.

However, they were all swallowed up by the Dream Soul Gu in an instant and merged into countless soul fragments.

The reason why he didn't ask anything about the Blood Demon Tree just now was naturally because of the Dream Soul Gu.

As long as you have the power of Dream Soul Gu, you can gain insight into all the memories of the soul of the Blood Demon Tree.


At this moment, Zhou Sui's heart moved, and he immediately obtained bubbles of memory. Countless memories and messages about the Blood Demon Tree poured into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, displaying countless memory scenes.

"It turns out that this Blood Demon Tree is indeed one of the survivors from the ancient times."

"It was also one of the strongest demons in the past, and its cultivation has reached the late stage of becoming a god."

"But when many human gods joined forces to kill him, he was beaten into pieces and almost died."

"But the Blood Demon Tree also has a bloodline magical power called Blood Demon Rebirth."

"It can cause the blood demon tree to instantly turn into a blood demon seed when it dies."

"In this way, even if you die, you can use the blood demon seed to be reborn countless years in the future."

"Tens of thousands of years later, the Blood Demon Seed absorbed countless energy and finally revived again. Then in order to revive, it parasitized the Blood Shadow Ancestor and started killing."

"As a result, too many people were killed, and the ancestor of Xianxia Sect united with many Nascent Souls to seal them in Xianxia Island."

"But it was a blessing in disguise. The Blood Demon Tree actually found the immortal corpse in the place where it was sealed."

Zhou Sui was shocked when he sensed this message, his pupils contracted, it was simply unbelievable.

Actually found the immortal corpse? !

Upon sensing this message, Zhou Sui was completely shocked.

Because in ancient times, the demon clan invaded the world of immortality with all their strength, just to find the corpses of immortals hidden in the world of immortality, and an unprecedented war broke out.

But even so, no one has ever found the immortal corpse.

This is simply one of the biggest secrets in the world of immortality.

But who would have thought that the immortal corpse was actually found by the Blood Demon Tree, and it was at the place where the Blood Demon Tree sealed it.

"The place where the immortal's corpse is located is Xianxia Island."

"It is hidden deep in the earth of Xianxia Island, hidden in the dimensional space."

"The roots of the Blood Demon Tree extended infinitely deep into the island, and it sensed a dimensional space. Only then did it discover the place where the immortal's corpse was, which also made it overjoyed."

"It's a pity that because it is in a sealed state, even if it finds the immortal corpse, it cannot enter that mysterious space. It can only be greedy and unable to make any moves."

"Even so, it can also swallow up wisps of immortal aura escaping from the space of the immortal corpse from time to time, which also greatly improves its cultivation."

"So when the seal is lifted, it is completely liberated, and its cultivation level continues to improve."

"Not only has he returned to the Nascent Soul Realm, but he has even returned to the Divine Transformation Realm."

"In order to break through that mysterious space, the Blood Demon Tree chose to occupy Xianxia Island and make this island its own territory."

"So for more than two hundred years, it has not left Xianxia Island, nor has it wreaked havoc in the Canglan Sea."

"After all, compared to the corpses of immortals, mere mortals are nothing."

"Even if you kill all the humans in the world, it will still be nothing compared to the corpse of an immortal."

"If this immortal corpse is swallowed, the cultivation level of the Blood Demon Tree will probably be raised to an unprecedented level."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes, his heart was shaken and a storm arose.

He never expected that the Blood Demon Tree would actually know such an astonishing secret and discover the immortal corpse.

If it weren't for the powerful forbidden formation contained in that mysterious space, I'm afraid it would have broken open the mysterious space long ago, snatched back the immortal corpses inside, and evolved into an unprecedented monster.

"No wonder Luck Gu reminded me that I must come back to Xianxia Island before I can advance to become a god."

"The Blood Demon Tree must be dealt with."

"Once the Blood Demon Tree succeeds, I'm afraid it will be an unprecedented disaster."

"Perhaps this is also the guidance of the power of luck and the early warning of heaven that allowed me to return here."

"Solve this world-ending crisis in advance."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Now he also realizes the power of Luck Gu.

Normally, even according to the current seeking object Gu, it is impossible to find the location of the immortal's corpse.

After all, the level of this treasure is too high, surpassing the ability of the Seeking Object Gu.

But the power of luck can guide you to find many opportunities in this world.

Even the immortal corpse is just a chance.

Now he is the son of luck in the world of immortality, and he has found countless treasures and many opportunities.

Fortunately, Zhou Sui founded the Xuanhuang Sect and recruited a large number of children of luck as apprentices, thus improving his luck exponentially.

This also gave him the luck to become the strongest monk in the world of immortality.

That's why we found the place where the immortal's corpse was.

No matter what you do, you can turn bad luck into good luck.

Even if you go to any ordinary place, you can find treasures.

This is how children of luck are treated.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui flashed and immediately came to the huge hole where the Blood Demon Tree used to be.

He immediately sensed that there was a seed left in the pit, which was the seed of the Blood Demon.

It was filled with an aura of evil, darkness, and blood, and dense blood demon runes appeared on it.

Apparently, when the Blood Demon Tree was about to die, it once again used the Blood Demon Rebirth Technique and transformed into the Blood Demon Seed.

If Zhou Sui had not obtained the memory of the Blood Demon Tree, I am afraid that the Blood Demon Tree would be reborn again tens of thousands of years later.

"These monsters are really difficult to kill. Even if they die, they can be resurrected."

"Fortunately, I knew its methods in advance."

"Otherwise, this blood demon tree may come back countless years later."

Zhou Sui waved his hand and immediately put away the blood demon seed.

He has no plans to destroy this blood demon seed for the time being, and it may be of great use in the future.

If you want to destroy it, you can do it at any time, there is no rush.


After solving the hidden danger left by the Blood Demon Tree, Zhou Sui continued to go deep into the hole. His body seemed to have fallen into an abyss, and he did not know how many kilometers he had dropped.

Finally he flew to the deepest part of the earth.

This is also where the roots of the Blood Demon Tree used to be.

It is also the place where the mysterious space of the immortal corpse is located.


At this moment, Zhou Sui made a thought and used the power of the mind's eye, and the invisible power of the heart spread in all directions.

At the first moment, he sensed that deep underground, there was indeed a special space of nothingness.

A white door appeared in front of him, with densely packed mysterious forbidden formations engraved on it.

There was an unfathomable aura surrounding him.

Obviously, only through this white door can one enter the special space.

But getting through this door is not that simple.

In the past, the Blood Demon Tree tried every means but could not open this void portal.

Otherwise, it would have devoured the immortal corpse long ago.

"Wait, it seems I can open this portal."

At this moment, Zhou Suifu's mind was at ease. He sensed a message coming from the Qi Luck Gu, and then he found that he had a slight sense of intimacy with this portal.

The next second, the power of his mind's eye gently touched the white door.


Suddenly, the white portal seemed to sense something and instantly turned into a huge whirlpool.


Zhou Sui immediately felt an irresistible force, and his whole body was instantly absorbed.

There was no way to resist at all.

This power of void simply surpasses the limit of this world.

Not long after, Zhou Sui found himself in a small world.

His feet stepped on the hard earth.

And his figure appeared in a quaint courtyard. There was a stone tablet standing in the open space in the distance, with the words "mountain and sea" written on it, filled with an unfathomable aura.

There are lush trees growing all around.

But what shocked Zhou Sui even more was that in an open space in front of him, an old man wearing a white Taoist robe was lying quietly, his body filled with a strong aura of immortality.

The moment he entered this space, Zhou Sui realized that this space contained a huge amount of immortal energy.

The immortal energy that could only be extracted from the fifth-level spiritual veins was actually everywhere in this place.

This is too exaggerated.


Before Zhou Sui could carefully examine the scene here, a light ball sank into the depths of Zhou Sui's consciousness at lightning speed.

Suddenly, he felt a huge message sinking into his soul.

Vaguely, Zhou Sui felt that the old man in white robe seemed to be alive.

Then a loud voice came over.

"My name is Taoist Changchun, and I am an immortal from the Qingyun Sect in the immortal world."

"Because of the catastrophe, I had no choice but to sneak from the fairy world to the mortal world."

"It's a pity that the injuries were too serious and there was nothing we could do to save him."

"In order to avoid the loss of the Qingyun Sect's inheritance, we deliberately left the Qingyun Sect's inheritance."

"I hope that those who come after me can inherit our Qingyun Sect's lineage, ascend to the immortal world, and bring back the Qingyun Sect's inheritance."

It didn't take long for Zhou Sui to digest the information immediately, and he immediately knew what happened.

The fallen old man in white robes before him was named Changchun Taoist.

It was an upper-level immortal who suddenly appeared in the world of immortality a million years ago.

Because of the disaster, he took refuge in the world of immortality.

It's a pity that because the injury was too serious, even the immortal died.

So he left his own lineage in the world of immortality and recruited many disciples.

It can be said that this Changchun Taoist opened up a path for cultivating immortals for the human race in this world and gave birth to a civilization of cultivating immortals.

If Taoist Changchun had not descended to earth, this world would still be an ordinary world.

"The Immortal-killing Sword Technique, the Qing Emperor's Immortality Technique, and the Seven Orifices Exquisite Book."

"Is this the inherited technique left by Changchun Taoist?"

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes, revealing a glint of light.

He was shocked inside.

He had noticed before that these three techniques were very unusual and did not look like techniques that could be created in the world of immortality.

Looking at it now, it turns out that it is indeed the case. This is a technique from the fairy world.

That’s why it’s extremely difficult to practice, and very few people can actually practice successfully.

In the past, in order to recruit suitable disciples, Taoist priests in Changchun spread some of the techniques.

It is a pity that no one is in line with the wishes of Taoist Changchun.

After all, the disciple he wanted could ascend to the immortal world.

If you just ascend to the spiritual world, you are completely unqualified.

Among them, the most important skill among Changchun Taoists is naturally the Qiqiao Linglong Book.

If someone can successfully practice this technique, he must be an unparalleled genius.

As long as you don't die on the way, you will definitely have the opportunity to ascend to the fairy world in the future.

After all, the Qiqiao Linglong Book is of great help to immortal cultivators.

Even if you were ordinary before, as long as you condense the seven eyes of the mind and possess the exquisite heart of the seven orifices, you will definitely become a genius.

Even a pig can become an immortal.

It is because of this that this immortal space sensed the traces of cultivation in Zhou Sui's Seven Orifices Exquisite Book, and also condensed three eyes, so it immediately recognized Zhou Sui as the successor of the immortal, and took the initiative to invite Zhou Sui to enter. In the space, obtain the inheritance of the immortals.

This is also the disciple that Changchun Taoists dream of.

"No wonder it's so difficult to practice the Qingdi Immortality Kung Fu."

"It turns out that you need to practice in the immortal world."

"If it were in the human world, it would naturally be difficult to succeed in cultivation."

"The same is true for the Immortal Killing Sword Art and the Qiqiao Linglong Book."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

If he hadn't had the help of Book Gu, he probably wouldn't have been able to successfully practice the Zhuxian Sword Art and the Seven Orifices Exquisite Book.

As for the Qing Emperor Immortality Kung, he was not interested.

After all, he has Gu nerve, which is his main skill, and there is no need to exchange it for other skills.

Of course, his three Taoist companions could just get the complete version of the Qingdi Immortality Kung Fu.

If it were the previous incomplete version, it could at most be cultivated to the state of transformation into a god.

"The difficult part of the Qing Emperor's Immortality Technique is that one's own spiritual plant cannot move."

"But Qingyun Sect has long found a solution, that is to find a space fairy weapon."

"The place I am currently in is not actually a secret world, but the inner space of the Immortal Artifact Mountain and Sea Pearl."

"In the past, Taoist priests from Changchun transplanted their own natal spiritual plants into mountain and sea pearls and carried them with them everywhere. Therefore, they avoided all the shortcomings of the Qingdi Immortality Kung Fu and were able to walk everywhere."

"Wait a minute, Taoist Changchun's natal spiritual plant is actually the evergreen vine. Did he bring the evergreen vine down from the fairy world? The same goes for the piece of Taiyi fine gold."

Zhou Sui suddenly realized.

No wonder spiritual plants from the immortal world appear in the world of cultivating immortals.

It turned out that it was all brought by this Changchun Taoist.

It was the arrival of this immortal from the upper realm that gave birth to a splendid age of immortality in the world of immortality.

These are also the many techniques taught by this immortal.

This led to the birth of the Beast Controlling Sect, the Kurong Sect, the Demon Slaying Sect, and other Shenhua Sects.

Obviously, this immortal from the upper realm is the source of everything in the world of immortality and the ancestor of many immortality practitioners.

"No, it's true. It turns out that the integration of the ancient demon world, the immortal world, and the ancient demon world was all caused by this Changchun Taoist."

Zhou Sui blinked his eyes. He continued to explore the inherited knowledge and immediately learned the secret of the fusion of the three realms.

A million years ago, a Taoist from Changchun could not find a suitable disciple and was extremely anxious.

He felt that the reason why immortal seeds could not be born in the world of immortality was because the level of the world of immortality was too low and too weak.

In this way, this world naturally cannot breed too strong a genius.

In order to enhance the power of the Immortal Realm, he used his great magic power to absorb the Ancient Demon Realm and the Ancient Demon Realm from the depths of the endless void, hoping to forcibly merge the three realms.

Once the integration is successful, then this world of cultivation will combine the power of the three worlds of humans, monsters and demons to become a powerful world in the endless void.

As time goes by, the world of cultivating immortals will continue to grow, and will eventually grow into a huge world comparable to the spiritual world.

At that time, the creatures in this world will not need to ascend to the spiritual world at all.

Just by practicing in this world, you can still cultivate to the level of ascending to the immortal world.

If it succeeds, then the world of immortality will naturally continue to breed top geniuses and immortal seeds, and finally the inheritance of Qingyun Sect can be brought back to the world of immortality.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated the extent of his injuries.

Before this plan was implemented, he died.

Therefore, this also led to disasters in the world of immortality and disasters in the human race.

"If Changchun Taoist's plan is really successful, then the world of immortality may really be comparable to the spiritual world."

"It can even be said that the world of cultivating immortals is the spiritual world. There is no need to ascend to the spiritual world."

"It's a pity that Changchun Taoist's plan failed."

"Well, no, it doesn't seem to have failed."

At this moment, Zhou Sui squinted his eyes, and he sensed the message coming from the Changchun Taoist.

It seems that Changchun Taoists have also made backup plans.

Even if he dies, it will be possible to merge the three realms in the future.

This is also his backup method.

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