The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 351 Qian Ziyun dedicated her life and was promoted to Nascent Soul, which is true

Chapter 351 Qian Ziyun dedicated her life and was promoted to Nascent Soul Perfection, the Realm of True Spirit

At this moment, both heaven and earth are sounding.

The entire Ancient Demon Gate was silent.

This blow also completely shocked the demons on the other side of the Ancient Demon Gate.

They're not stupid either.

Knowing clearly that there is a powerful enemy here, how could he come here and die.

So for a while, no demon dared to cross through the Ancient Demon Gate.

"Humans become gods, don't be too arrogant."

"Now is not the time for a decisive battle."

"Wait for the Ancient Demon Gate to grow for a while."

"That's when your human race will be destroyed."

At this time, an ancient and rich voice came from the depths of the Ancient Demon Gate. The speaker was an ancient god-turned-demon, which contained terrifying magic power.

Even if they are separated by a world, it seems that such a magical sound can enchant people's hearts and destroy their souls.

Unfortunately, this has no effect on Zhou Sui's Dream Soul Gu.

Its dream power has long enveloped the surroundings, isolating the opponent's demonic sound.

"Then I'll wait for you to come."

Zhou Sui said calmly, neither happy nor sad.

What? !

Hearing this, many demons and demons gathered in another part of the Ancient Demon Gate. They did not expect that the human demon who took action would say such words.

There was no anger at all, just great peace.

But this kind of calmness is like the sea, containing endless destructive power.

If it doesn't move, it will be fine. If it moves, it will destroy the world and destroy everything.

It must be said that such calm words shocked many gods and demons.

Make them fearful.

"It's not easy to transform into a human being. Are you bluffing?"

A god-turned-demon had a solemn expression.

"It's not like a bluff. The strength just shown is not fake. This is not something that ordinary gods can do."

"Didn't it mean that human beings were severely damaged tens of thousands of years ago? Why does it seem that the strength has not been damaged."

"That's not clear. After all, it's been too long and no one knows what happened to the human race."

"But no matter what, the Ancient Demon Gate has not grown enough to accommodate us now, and it is not suitable for head-on confrontation for the time being. Otherwise, we will just be tortured and killed by the human race, and the gain outweighs the loss."

"Yes, after waiting for such a long time, there is no rush."

Many gods and demons spoke.

It has to be said that the power Zhou Sui showed just now completely shocked this group of gods and demons.

As a result, their evaluation of the human race's strength has been infinitely improved.

After all, they also suffered a big loss in front of the human race in a battle in ancient times, which is still fresh in their memory.

"How about we invade the ancient demon world first."

"Our Ancient Demon Gate appears in the Ancient Demon Realm and seems to be able to accommodate the entry and exit of demons from the Transformation Realm."

"It is indeed a good choice. We first occupy the ancient demon world, demonize these demon beasts, improve the strength of our demon clan, and then bring a large number of demonized demon beasts to enter the immortal world again."

"In this way, with the power of the two realms, I'll see how the human race can stop it this time."

Many gods and demons immediately made decisions.

They decided to temporarily give up attacking the Immortal Realm, and instead chose to attack the Ancient Demon Realm.

First occupy the ancient demon world, and then attack the immortal world.



At this moment, countless monster auras quickly shrank back, and the Ancient Demon Gate was extremely calm.

No more demons seemed to come out of this portal.

It seemed that the battle just now had completely frightened many demons, making them afraid to step into the world of immortality again.

"Ms. sir, are these monsters really scared away?"

Peach Blossom Master and others looked at Zhou Sui curiously.

They originally thought there would be an earth-shattering battle, but unexpectedly it ended in an anticlimax.

The group of demons were not reckless, but actually retreated.

"It's not that they were scared away, it's just that they stopped attacking temporarily."

"It seems that these monsters are not brainless, but have strategies."

"It's really troublesome now."

"Once an attack is launched, it will probably be a general attack."

Zhou Sui's face was very solemn.

Not only did he not relax, but he found these demons even more difficult to deal with.

No wonder the human race was beaten so miserably in ancient times.

Not only are these monsters amazing in combat power, but their intelligence is also extraordinary.

The reason why we are not attacking now is simply because the transformed gods and monsters cannot enter.

Once the Ancient Demon Gate is large enough to accommodate the transformed gods and demons, they will probably launch an attack immediately and without mercy.

"Ms. sir, what should we do now?"

Hearing this, Master Peach Blossom and others also looked very solemn, realizing the horror of this matter.

"Let's first set up a fifth-level formation here - the Five Elements Thunder Destruction Formation."

"Once a demon runs out of the Ancient Demon Gate, it will immediately be attacked by our formation."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes and immediately gave a solution.

As long as the formation guards this place, even if a demon escapes from here, it will be dealt with immediately.

In this way, the demon will not be able to cause trouble in all directions.

The Five Elements Thunder Destruction Formation is a terrifying formation that can gather the Five Elements of Thunder.

Once arranged, the five elements of thunder between heaven and earth can be summoned.

Thunder concussions can kill demons.

These demons are most afraid of the power of thunder, so he naturally needs to set up a thunder formation.

"Fifth level formation?"

"The problem is that this place does not have fifth-level spiritual veins. How can we arrange it?"

Ye Feirou also knew that her husband was a fifth-level formation mage, but it was difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Without fifth-level spiritual veins, it would be extremely difficult to set up a fifth-level formation.

"Don't worry about that."

"Even if you don't have fifth-level spiritual veins, you can still set up a fifth-level formation."

"Just build a fifth-level array and that's it."

"However, due to the lack of energy provided by the fifth-level spiritual veins, a large amount of top-quality spiritual stones are needed."

"And every time the fifth-level formation is activated, a large number of top-quality spiritual stones need to be replaced, which is very troublesome."

"But no matter how troublesome it is, it is better than letting these monsters wreak havoc in this sea area."

Zhou Sui clenched his fists.

"But our Xuanhuang Sect doesn't have many top-quality spiritual stones?"

Ye Feirou said with great embarrassment.

"This is a matter that concerns the entire Canglan Sea. Naturally, we cannot be the only ones to contribute."

"In the entire Canglan Sea, many forces need to share the top-quality spiritual stones."

“If you can’t contribute, you have to pay.”

"Otherwise, don't blame me, Xuanhuang Sect, for being rude."

Zhou Sui felt that it was time to unify the forces in the entire Canglan Sea area and integrate the resources in the entire sea area.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to compete with the power of the demon clan and the demon clan in the future.

It is not feasible for the human race to be scattered now.

"Okay, sir."

Hearing this, Ye Feirou couldn't help but nodded.

This is a major event that concerns the entire Canglan Sea Area, and other sects cannot sit idly by.

If they don't know dignity, you have to give them dignity.

The world should also know the reputation of Xuanhuang Sect.

With the emergence of the Ancient Demon Gate, the entire world of cultivating immortals.

The sealed gods and demons also woke up instantly.

They could sense the gradually increasing aura of ancient demons between heaven and earth, and they were all ecstatic.

It was like a beast that was about to die of thirst and suddenly encountered rain.

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited for the arrival of the Ancient Demon Realm."

"It's very fast. You can break free of the seal soon."

"Damn humans, I will definitely kill you all this time."

"Little ones, come here quickly and help me unlock the seal."

Many gods and demons roared.

They try to use various means to convey their messages and let their own tribesmen rescue them.

After being imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, they are almost going crazy and can't wait to break free from the prison.

The entire world of immortality was in great turmoil due to the arrival of the ancient demon world.

Many human sects are in panic and are in danger.

Especially the Masters of Transformation God were extremely anxious.

They knew very well how much price these gods and demons would pay if they broke free from the seal.

With their current strength, they cannot stop these gods and monsters.

"I didn't expect that the Ancient Demon Realm would arrive so soon. It's really unexpected."

"There is nothing we can do about it. No one can predict the coming of the melting phenomenon."

"What should we do now? Although the Ancient Demon Gate cannot accommodate gods and demons yet, it will be a matter of time."

"We definitely can't beat them. Even the gods from ancient times are no match for us. How could we be?"

"Are you planning to run away? Abandon your disciples and grandchildren? Many years of inheritance?"

"Stupid, the immortal way is selfish. Even if it is passed on, no matter how important the foundation is, it is not as important as our lives."

"That's right. If we are still alive, then the inheritance will still exist. If we die, the inheritance will be gone if it is gone. After I die, I will not care about the flood."

"Indeed, that's true. Let's quickly find a way to find the space node and sneak into the spirit world."

"It is said that there are space nodes in the ancient demon world where you can sneak across. It is better to go to the ancient demon world."

"It's so stupid. If you go to the ancient demon world to ascend, wouldn't that mean you ascend to the territory of the demon clan in the spiritual world? If you are killed as soon as you ascend, what's the point?"

"It seems that we still have to find a way in the world of immortality. Now is no longer the time to hide our secrets. We all need to cooperate sincerely, otherwise the gods and monsters will come to kill us, and you and I will both die."

Many of the god-incarnation venerables were talking about it, their faces solemn.

They don't want to compete with the demon clan and the demon clan at all, they just want to take the opportunity to ascend to the spirit world.

Escape this quagmire.

Although they are the ancestors of various major sects, they do not want to coexist and die with the human race.

Immortality is only selfish.

If there was a chance to run away, they would not hesitate.

As for inheritance, compared with his own life, it is nothing and not worth mentioning.

Of course, there are also some god-incarnation venerables who want to coexist and die with the human race.

Unfortunately, there are still too few such people, literally only a handful.


Of course, the most severely affected is the ancient demon world.

Because ancient demon gates also appeared in the ancient demon world, a large number of demons poured out from them and began to wreak havoc in various parts of the ancient demon world, fighting with monsters everywhere.

For a time, the ancient demon world was filled with wars and wars.

The expressions on the faces of all the god-transforming demon cultivators in the entire Ten Thousand Demons Hall were extremely ugly.

They did not expect that they would actually face such a life and death crisis.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it seemed that the demon clan was about to be destroyed, which was really unbelievable.

"how so?"

"Isn't the ancient demon world mainly targeting the world of human beings cultivating immortals? Why did it come to our world?"

"Six ancient demon gates appeared at once, and we simply can't block so many."

"Oh, there is no way. The demon clan is simply crazy. They don't care about humans or demons. As long as they are not from the demon clan, they will kill them all."

"It has been the human race for tens of thousands of years, and now it is finally our turn?"

"I have known for a long time that this is a disaster that cannot be avoided."

Many demon cultivators gritted their teeth.

They had planned to invade the world of immortality on a large scale and even annex the world of immortality.

Who could have imagined that the ancient demon world would suddenly burst out.

A large number of demons invaded.

Suddenly interrupted their plans.

This also forced them to focus mainly on dealing with the demon clan.

Because if you are not careful, the ancient demon world will be completely destroyed.

When the time comes, let alone annexing the world of immortality, even his own nest will not be able to be saved.

"What's even more terrifying is that the energy of these ancient demons is so corrosive."

"If it is a weak-minded monster, it will be eroded by the evil energy if not careful, and thus transform into a monster."

"In other words, the number of monsters will only increase."

"Even if we kill all the monsters in the world by then, it may not be able to solve this monster disaster."

The demon cultivator who transformed into a god had an extremely sad expression on his face.

They are also aware of the horror of the demon clan.

He is simply the nemesis of all races.

The human race is nothing compared to it.

Those monsters are like locusts, eating everything and swallowing everything.

"How did the human race drive out the demons in the past, and how did they resist so many demons that transformed into gods?"

Many gods and demon cultivators couldn't help but think of this.

They originally looked down upon the human monks from ancient times, thinking that the human race was nothing more than that.

He was actually beaten into such a moral state by the demon clan.

But things are different now.

After they truly saw the terror of the demon clan, each one of them was in awe of the ancestors of the human race.

No one knows how much it will cost to seal these demons away and drive them out.

"No matter what, the ancient demon world is the territory of our demon clan, and they will never be allowed to invade our world."

"Even if we pay all the costs, we must kill all the invading monsters."

"But some demon cultivators want to ascend to the spirit world and don't want to get involved in this muddy water."

"Traitors, all of them are traitors. As an ancestor of various tribes, you actually want to run away. Are you worthy of those tribesmen?"

"It's better to destroy the ascension platform so that no one can even think about ascending."

"Stupid, isn't this cutting off our own escape route? If we really can't defeat the demon clan, we will be completely doomed. Do you want to die with those ordinary demon beasts?"

"That's right. If nothing can be done, we can ascend directly. There is no need to die with these low-level monsters. We have tried our best to be worthy of our clansmen."

Many cultivators who transformed into gods and demons were talking about it.

Naturally, they also want to expel the demon clan.

But if nothing can be done, they will not stay in the ancient demon world to die.

As a god-incarnation venerable, no matter how much he sacrifices himself for others, he will still have a certain temper.

One month later.

At the Ancient Demon Gate in the Canglan Sea, Zhou Sui had personally deployed a fifth-level mid-level formation - the Five Elements Thunder Extinguishing Array, which covered an area of ​​thousands of miles and completely enveloped the Ancient Demon Gate.

Many monks are stationed in this place to guard against the demons escaping from inside.

Under the mandatory requirements of Xuanhuang Sect, monks from all major forces need to contribute money and efforts.

Therefore, in a short period of time, many prohibition formations were deployed in this place and it was heavily guarded.

Three layers of barrier formations enveloped it.

Even if some demons escape from the Ancient Demon Gate, they will be strangled as soon as possible.

Of course, Zhou Sui also suppressed some of his clones here.

Once something unexpected happens, he will take action instantly to kill the monster.

Although the appearance of the Ancient Demon Gate was shocking, due to the timely handling, it did not cause much damage in the Canglan Sea.

No demon can escape from the Ancient Demon Gate.

This can be regarded as a great blessing among misfortunes.

However, the appearance of the ancient demon world also caused countless monks in the Canglan Sea area to start to panic.

If you are not careful, it may cause catastrophes in ancient times.

No one knows how many monks will survive.



At this moment, Zhou Sui took the teleportation array and arrived at the Heavenly Demon Sect's Heavenly Demon Peak, arriving at where Qian Ziyun was.

As soon as he arrived, he saw a stunning beauty wearing a close-fitting red dress, outlining her perfect figure, appearing in front of him.

This stunning beauty is clearly Qian Ziyun.

After being promoted to the realm of divine transformation, her lifespan reached three thousand years.

Originally, she was over nine hundred years old, which was considered twilight even compared to the Yuanying monks.

But after becoming a monk in the Transformation of God Realm, it was completely different.

Now she is only one-third of the past.

If she were to be described as a mortal woman, she would be only twenty-seven or eighty years old.

It is in the prime of life.

So this also made Qian Ziyun radiant, and her skin was as fair and tender as a baby's.

Compared with before, it seems to exude more charm now, and it is simply a stunning beauty.

"Gee, I heard that you were severely punished by a Taoist monk after you returned home."

Qian Ziyun chuckled.

Obviously she heard a lot of gossip from Chu Dieyi, and she suddenly felt very proud.

Especially knowing that Ye Feirou was very angry, she was even more satisfied.

"Where did you hear this?"

"Don't you care about the Ancient Demon Gate that appeared recently?"

Zhou Sui said angrily.

"I do care."

"But the Nu family is more concerned about Zhou Lang's affairs."

"Don't blame my sisters and the others, everything is my fault."

"If it weren't for me, it wouldn't affect your family harmony."

Qian Ziyun showed a pitiful green tea look, and her beautiful eyes made me pity her.

I'm afraid any man will feel soft-hearted when he sees her big watery eyes.

It seemed that no matter what mistake this woman made, she would be forgiven.

There's nothing you can do about it, this woman is so beautiful.

A woman so beautiful could do no wrong.

"Why are you pretending to be young? You are older than them."

Zhou Sui was speechless.

"Bah, dog man."

"You bastard who doesn't have enough food and salt. I'm really old, so what's the matter?"

"I'm not only older, but also everything about me is older. What's wrong with me?"

After hearing this, Qian Ziyun stopped pretending and looked at Zhou Sui with gritted teeth.

She just wanted to bite Zhou Sui hard.

This bitch man is simply incapable of picking up and lifting any pot.

It is completely unreasonable to know that women care most about their age, yet they still reveal it.

Moreover, all her charm methods seemed to be ineffective on this man, which also made her extremely discouraged.

I originally wanted to gain the upper hand, but I didn't expect to be bullied severely by this man.

"Well, I really can't refuse to accept it."

"You are indeed gifted, it's undeniable."

Zhou Sui nodded.

To be honest, among the many Taoists around him, Qian Ziyun was the most righteous and had the best figure.

It is simply one of the most perfect masterpieces of the Creator.

It's enough to make any man salivate and fall under her pomegranate skirt.

"That's right, you have some insight."

Qian Ziyun was very satisfied and felt happy inside.

It seems that she is quite attractive, and this man will be eaten up by her sooner or later.

As long as he uses some tricks, wouldn't this man be easily captured?

I can't get rid of my Wuzhishan at all.

"By the way, I heard you really shined this time."

"With just one strike, thousands of monsters were wiped out."

"Many of them are Nascent Soul demons."

"As expected of the man I like, he is indeed quite capable."

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui with a pair of beautiful eyes.

To be honest, she wanted to see her man show off his power with her own eyes.

It's a pity that she was practicing in seclusion to consolidate her cultivation and was unable to leave the seclusion.

I missed this scene.

"It's still far from enough. It's just showing off in the Nascent Soul Realm."

"If we face the transformed gods and demons, we are still far behind."

"So I wanted you to give me a helping hand."

"After all, there is no time to waste now."

Zhou Sui looked at Qian Ziyun and said straightforwardly.

If he practices step by step, he will definitely be able to advance to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

But it will take at least more than a hundred years.

For such a long time, I didn’t know what would happen.

If the ancient demon world had not invaded, this would actually not be a big problem.

But now a large number of monsters are invading, and they may come to the city at any time.

So naturally, the faster your cultivation level improves, the better.

In this way, we can face many crises in the future and prevent them before they happen.

Otherwise, if the army presses on the territory and many demons and demons come to attack him, he will have no choice but to flee for his life.

It is true that now with his strength, he can indeed surpass the challenge and compete with the gods and monsters.

The question is, if you can crush someone in the same realm, or even attack with a reduced dimension, who can challenge you beyond the level?

Challenging beyond the next level is a last resort.

If possible, he would even more like to reduce the dimensionality and attack, with more people bullying fewer people, and those with higher realms bullying those with lower realms.

"hug me."

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui with charming eyes, exhaled like a blue breath, and just said two words.

Although it is only two words, it contains everything.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Sui immediately hugged this charming beauty without saying a word.

Everyone is a monk.

After living for hundreds of years, I am too lazy to engage in these rituals.

Whether you agree or not is just a matter of a word or a look.

Zhou Sui was familiar with this kind of thing.

Soon, bursts of mysterious Taoist sounds came from Qian Ziyun's cave, and it seemed that they could not stop for a long time.

It was just three days of wandering around.

The night passed.

"Acquiring strong love, the power of infatuation Gu will be improved to a certain extent."

"Your cultivation has reached the perfection of the late Nascent Soul stage."

"Your spiritual root qualifications have been improved to a certain extent."

"You have gained a certain degree of monastic experience as a god-transforming monk."

"You have acquired some of the secrets of magic."

Suddenly, messages from the infatuation Gu resounded from the depths of Zhou Sui's consciousness.

Obviously this time of practice, Zhou Sui gained huge benefits, at least saving hundreds of years of hard training.

After all, this is the pure yin power of a female cultivator in the early stage of the Divine Transformation Realm.

One can imagine how huge this energy is.

If it were an ordinary monk, he would be completely exploded by this energy and fall apart.

But Zhou Sui was completely different. He cultivated the Gu nerve.

Originally, the richness of the mana in his body was not comparable to that of Nascent Soul at the same level.

This also results in more energy that he needs to devour.

Therefore, even if he took a large amount of fourth-level treasure pills, he could only just compare with the cultivation speed of monks of the same level.

Without the fourth-level treasure pill and the help of his Taoist companions, his cultivation speed would probably be extremely slow.

"The magic power on his body now is at least 30% stronger than before."

Zhou Sui felt that the rich Nascent Soul mana in his body was flowing through every meridians in his body, like a river, forming a perfect cycle. Every time it circulated, it seemed like the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers were rushing.

It was as if the magic power in his body turned into a sea.

And this time the pure yin power from Qian Ziyun has not been completely digested.

It's just the digestion part.

After all, this is the power of pure yin coming from the cultivator of the Transformation of God, and the energy contained in it exceeds that of ordinary fifth-level elixirs.

So one can imagine how vast this energy is.

"Is this the Nascent Soul Consummation?"

At this moment, Zhou Sui's consciousness merged into his Dantian Qi sea, and he immediately discovered that the Nascent Soul in his Dantian Qi sea had grown into an adult.

It's exactly the same as what he looks like now.

Equivalent to another self.

It is completely mature.

Hunyuan Ruyi.

Even this Nascent Soul is almost like his soul.

It can be said that this is the true state of Nascent Soul perfection.

Whether it is mana, consciousness, or body, they have all reached absolute perfection.

It seemed that at this moment, his mana, consciousness, and body resonated to a certain extent.

His control over the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has reached an unprecedented level.

Vaguely, he felt that he had a glimpse of the prototype of the realm of divine transformation.

Able to perfectly control every ray of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"I see, the so-called Yuanying perfection is the birth of the Yuanshen seed."

Zhou Sui suddenly realized.

He immediately discovered that the Nascent Soul in his Dantian Qi Sea was different from before. A Nascent Soul seed was beginning to grow in the Nascent Soul, and it seemed to be growing continuously.

When it grows to a certain level, it will break out of the shell, shatter the Yuanying, and give birth to the true Yuanshen.

This is the birth of Ying Sui Yuanshen.

It can be said that this is a natural process.

However, only Nascent Soul cultivators with extremely perfect foundations can do this.

If a Nascent Soul cultivator does not have a solid foundation, he will not be able to give birth to a perfect Nascent Soul.

There may even be a failure in condensing the soul.

In this way, the monk will die physically and mentally.

Of course, ordinary Nascent Soul monks will use the power of spiritual objects to help them speed up the process of condensing the soul.

This was the case with Qian Ziyun and Ye Feirou before.

"Once the soul is conceived, it will be the true state of spiritual transformation."

"In ancient times, this realm was also called the Yuanshen realm."

"After reaching this state, your soul can leave your body and live in reality for a long time."

"So to a certain extent, monks in this realm can also be called gods on earth."

"Almost has the characteristics of a god."

"Even the soul can travel thousands of miles in an instant, see fire like fire, see through the land thousands of miles away, and listen to the sounds of every place."

"Even without leaving home, you can know everything in the area thousands of miles away."

Zhou Sui also learned something about the abilities of monks in the realm of gods through his Taoist companions. In essence, they are just the abilities that come with the soul.

Whether it is the ability in the field, the ability to perceive, or the ability to move, they are all closely related to the soul. All essential power comes from the soul.

For monks, the importance of the soul can be imagined.

But the body is also very important.

If the soul is the captain, then the body is a ship.

If you want to cross the sea of ​​suffering, it is useless to have a captain, you also need a treasure ship.

If the soul is separated from the body for too long, it will still be damaged.

After all, there are many toxic substances and toxic gases in the world, which will still corrupt the soul.

Over time, the soul will be polluted, lose its rationality, and become a demon soul.

"If you want to advance to the realm of divine transformation, you need to strengthen your soul seeds."

"But now it seems that it still takes a certain amount of time to grow the soul seeds."

"So we can't start transforming into gods now."

"But there is a high probability that it won't take too long. It is estimated that a few years will be enough."

"In such a short period of time, I believe there won't be too many surprises at the Ancient Demon Gate."

Zhou Sui was very satisfied. This time he had obtained Qian Ziyun's pure yin power, which was of great help to him.

It not only helped his cultivation level rise to the realm of Nascent Soul perfection.

At the same time, it also helped him breed the soul seeds.

It can be said that it paved the way for him to advance to the realm of gods.

The benefits are endless.

"It's a pity that I still can't break through the spiritual root qualifications."

"Although it has reached 99% of the first-grade spiritual roots."

"But it's still just a little bit closer to being promoted to Tianlinggen."

Zhou Sui felt a little regretful.

He originally thought that with the help of Qian Ziyun's power, he could help him raise his spiritual root to the level of the heavenly spiritual root. Unexpectedly, he was still a little short of success.

However, this is a huge challenge, and I don’t know how long it will take to achieve it.

It's like the perfection of Nascent Soul Realm and the Divine Transformation Realm.

Although there is only a thin line between them, it is a world of difference.

The same is actually true for first-grade spiritual roots and heavenly spiritual roots.

If he could achieve a breakthrough, the sky would be the limit for him, and he would become the most qualified monk in the world of cultivating immortals.

Therefore, it is very difficult to break through this bottleneck, which is actually a matter of course.


At this time, Qian Ziyun, who was sleeping next to her, finally woke up. She opened her beautiful eyes, like stars, enchanting and full of endless charm.

She exudes infinite charm now than before.

It seems like every part of her body is perfect.

"It actually happened."

Qian Ziyun looked at the man lying next to her, her expression suddenly in a trance.

She thought this was incredible.

Originally, she thought that she would definitely die alone and that no one would be worthy of her.

Who would have thought that he would be handed over to the man in front of him.

Although the age gap between them is indeed a bit big, to the monks, it is actually nothing.

Especially with the improvement of cultivation level, age is not really a problem.

To be honest, she almost thought she was sleeping.

But feeling the vague pain coming from her body, she felt that she was still in reality.

"Well, my cultivation has improved so much?!"

At this moment, Qian Ziyun was suddenly surprised.

She felt that the magic power in her body had been improved astonishingly, and it was much higher than before.

You must know that the cultivation speed of the monks who transform into gods is slower than that of Yuanying.

If Nascent Soul monks cannot make progress for hundreds of years, then it is normal for Soul Transformation monks to not make progress for thousands of years. This is the cruelty of the current world of immortality.

As time goes by, it has become increasingly difficult for the world of immortal cultivation to give birth to god-transforming monks.

If this continues, maybe their generation will be the final gods.

But now after a night of practice, she found that her magic power had been amazingly improved.

It can be said that this is equivalent to saving her hundreds of years of hard work.

It is also equivalent to taking many fifth-level elixirs.

The reason why this happened was naturally closely related to Zhou Sui.

She obtained huge pure Yang power from Zhou Sui.

He also gained power from the Infatuation Gu and Dragon Elephant Gu.

As a result, her body underwent earth-shaking changes, which was obviously a huge opportunity for the cultivator.

More importantly, she also gained many insights from Zhou Sui on cultivating Taoism and cultivating immortals.

This also gave her a deeper understanding of spiritual practice.

"Sure enough, this man is special."

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui lovingly. When she smelled Zhou Sui's breath, she suddenly felt a sense of security, as if the breath wrapped around her whole body. She felt warm and comfortable all over her body.

She knew how ordinary cultivation could improve her so much.

The man in front of him must be special to bring him such great benefits.

Sure enough, following this man was the right thing to do.

If it hadn't been for this guy, he wouldn't have had the chance to be promoted to a god and become the second god in the Canglan Sea area in tens of thousands of years. This was a realm that all the previous heads of the Heavenly Demon Sect had dreamed of.

But now he was actually broken through without any danger.

If the previous sect masters of the Heavenly Demon Sect knew about it, they would be jealous and crazy.

"Well, are you awake already?"

At this time, Zhou Sui also felt Qian Ziyun's awakening breath and smiled slightly.

His hand touched her black hair, which was smooth and soft.

"I didn't expect you to be that powerful."

"No wonder that old woman Ye Feirou never forgets you."

"Even my apprentice Chu Dieyi is reluctant to leave you."

"I'm already a member of your Xuanhuang Sect now, and I won't come back to the Tianmo Sect at all."

Qian Ziyun hugged Zhou Sui and said lazily.

She felt that after experiencing this incident, she seemed to have grown up and become completely mature.

Women still need to go through this kind of thing before they can live a happy life.

Otherwise, it still feels like something is missing.

Of course, she was quite satisfied with this experience.

"Oh, are you willing to leave me?"

Zhou Sui said with a smile.

"Bah, dog man."

"Don't think you are really powerful. If I think about it, I will kick you away in a minute."

"Wait until you advance to become a god and then you can take advantage of me."

Qian Ziyun pouted at Zhou Sui, her pretty face turned red.

This bastard man is so thick-skinned that he just follows the stick when he hits the snake.

He was said to be fat, but he actually started to pant.

I don’t know how to be humble.

"It doesn't seem to be very far away."

"It is estimated that in a while, I will be able to try to advance to become a god."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

"Has your cultivation reached Nascent Soul Consummation?"

"It seems that he has indeed been promoted to God Transformation very quickly."

Qian Ziyun also sensed Zhou Sui's aura.

She was very moved in her heart. When she first met this man before, he was just a golden elixir monk.

Who could have imagined that he would become a Nascent Soul almost in the blink of an eye.

Now he is about to be promoted to God Transformation, and his cultivation speed is really too fast.

But she also knew that the Divine Transformation realm could not stop this man.

"If you advance to become a god, maybe we have to find a space node and sneak into the spirit world."

"It is said that once we ascend to the spiritual world, our lifespan will immediately increase to six thousand years."

"The lifespan is much longer than in the world of immortality."

Qian Ziyun sighed.

In fact, this is why so many god-transformation monks want to ascend to the spirit world.

Not to mention the hope of advancing to a higher realm.

Just the length of lifespan is not comparable to the world of immortality.

After all, who doesn’t want to live longer?

"Do you know why the lifespans of creatures in the spiritual world are longer than ours?"

Zhou Sui asked.


Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui curiously. She knew that the spiritual world was special, but she didn't know what was special about it.

"That's because the spiritual world contains huge amounts of creation energy and special life substances."

"If living beings practice in the spiritual world, monks can absorb the energy of creation and increase their life span."

"Furthermore, our world of cultivating immortals does not have such a special aura, which is why monks who transform themselves into gods can only survive for three thousand years."

Zhou Sui explained.

He obtained some information and information about the spiritual world from the secret books of Hehuan Sect and other places.

After all, in ancient times, there were still people who ascended to the spirit world.

There are even messages coming down from the spirit world.

Therefore, there is still a lot of information left about records in the spiritual world.

Of course, it's just rough information, some rough descriptions, and the specific information is unknown.

"I see."

Qian Ziyun nodded and suddenly realized that she had no idea that the spiritual world was so special. No wonder it could increase the lifespan of monks and make them live longer.

"But the spiritual world is not a stable place either."

"It's not easy to know the origin of the name Spirit World."

"Its full name is the Realm of True Spirits."

"Later the monks shortened its name and called it the spiritual world."

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice.

"Why is it called the Realm of True Spirits?"

Qian Ziyun looked confused.

"That's because the strongest person in this world is the Tou Tou True Spirit."

"They are the supreme rulers of the spiritual world, possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth."

"The human race seems to be just an ordinary race in the spiritual world."

"So if you really ascend to the spirit world, you may not be able to live well."

Zhou Sui explained.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be impossible to ascend to the spiritual world?"

Qian Ziyun blinked.

"You can't say that. After all, you can still gain a lot of benefits by ascending to the spiritual world."

"It's just not as good as I imagined."

"If you want to go further, you will definitely need to ascend to the spiritual world."

"Because only the spirit world has more cultivation resources to help us continue to advance."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

Even if he becomes a god-forming monk, he is not in a hurry to ascend to the spiritual world. He must be fully prepared before he chooses to ascend.

As for the space nodes that ascend to the spiritual world, they can definitely be found easily with the power of the Object-Seeking Gu.

So he's not worried about that at all.

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