The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 349: Promotion to the Divine Body, Dragon and Elephant Muscles, Divine Powers

No. 34, Dragon Elephant Tendon, Divine Power Dragon Elephant Spear

A few more days passed.

The ship finally arrived at Xuanhuang Island.

At the first moment, Xie Huaan discovered that this sea area was too lively, with densely packed large ships everywhere.

Colorful airships also flew in the sky.

This port is extremely prosperous and receives a large number of monks every day.

Although there is indeed a teleportation array on Xuanhuang Island, the problem is that the teleportation array is too expensive and is not the first choice for monks. In order to save costs, they still use flying boats, ships, etc. for short trips.

Of course, if you are going to a place that is too far away, you will still choose the teleportation array.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Immediately, Xie Huaan and others immediately docked and entered the port.

They looked up and immediately saw an extremely majestic city in front of them. It seemed that the city wall stretched for thousands of miles and was hundreds of feet high, with densely packed prohibition formations surrounding it.

Many monks were fully armed and guarding the surroundings of the city, creating a solemn atmosphere.

"This is Xuanwu City on Xuanhuang Island."

"The entire island has a total of four cities open to the outside world."

"They are Xuanwu City, Qinglong City, Suzaku City, and White Tiger City, located in four different locations."

"Each city stretches for thousands of miles, enough to accommodate a large population of monks."

"To this day, every city has billions of people."

A foundation-building monk introduced.

"No way, why are there so many people?"

Xie Huaan and others were all shocked and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

To be honest, this was already equivalent to a very large country, and now it was just a city.

Basically, one city equals one country.

"Naturally they migrated here from the islands in the Canglan Sea."

"You also know that since the phenomenon of world fusion appeared, a large number of monsters have come from the ancient monster world."

"Now the Canglan sea area has become very unsafe. If you are not careful, you will be attacked by monsters and your family will die."

"It is because of this that many monk families abandoned their original foundations, moved their families, and arrived at Xuanhuang Island."

“In the past hundred years, I don’t know how many people have migrated here.”

"And as time went on, the population got bigger and bigger."

The foundation-building monk said with emotion.

At the beginning, there were basically not many people on Xuanhuang Island, and it could be described as deserted.

But with the establishment of Xuanhuang Sect, a large number of monks migrated here.

As a result, Xuanhuang Island became more and more prosperous.

"With so many monks living here, can Xuanhuang Island support them?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

After all, monks need too many resources, such as spiritual rice, spiritual fish, spiritual meat, etc. The daily needs are extremely huge. Sometimes a foundation-building monk needs support from a family.

It is conceivable that it is simply unimaginable how many resources the monks need to consume.

"It's just pediatrics."

"You must know that the Xuanhuang Sect is the God Transformation Sect and occupies a sea area of ​​billions of kilometers in radius."

"I don't know how many third-level islands and fourth-level islands there are in this sea area."

"The monks of Xuanhuang Sect will also go to these islands to cultivate farmland, plant spiritual rice, spiritual medicine, etc."

"When these crops mature, they will be sent back to Xuanhuang Island."

"It can be said that this is gathering resources from a sea area to supply this fifth-level island."

"If you live here, you will find that the spiritual rice, elixirs, monster meat, etc. in this place are more than 50% cheaper than the outside world, or even more."

The foundation-building monk said solemnly.

"No way, how could it be so much cheaper?"

Many casual cultivators were stunned.

They thought that the prices in the city on Xuanhuang Island should be very expensive, but they didn't expect that it was even cheaper than outside.

This is really incredible.

"This is a matter of course, because the volume is so huge."

"Spiritual rice from all over the sea will gather on Xuanhuang Island."

"If the quantity is large and the demand is small, it will naturally be worthless."

"And there are talisman masters, weapon masters, formation masters, alchemy masters and other monks all over Xuanhuang Island."

"They are also crazy about making talismans, magic weapons, formation disks, elixirs, etc., which also results in much lower prices."

"Many monks purchase goods from Xuanhuang Island and then sell them to major islands."

"This also makes Xuanhuang Island a real central island."

"Of course, the truly scarce resources are still quite expensive, such as the Foundation Building Pill, the Gold Liquid Jade Returning Pill, etc."

The foundation-building monk explained.

"If that's the case, wouldn't this place be a paradise for monks?"

The eyes of many casual cultivators suddenly lit up, and they all felt very excited.

"Haha, stop dreaming."

"Although prices are indeed low on Xuanhuang Island, the cost of living is still very high."

"Especially the rent here is more than ten times that of other places."

"It can be said that you can afford the food here, but you can't afford the rent."

"And if you don't rent a house in the city, you will be kicked out."

The foundation-building monk chuckled.

He never wanted to live in Xuanhuang Island, but the rent was too expensive.

Once the rent is paid, he will not be able to practice.

"If that's the case, what do we do?"

Many people showed bitter faces.

They didn't expect that the rent on Xuanhuang Island was so expensive. Even if they were monks, they couldn't afford it.

"Well, if you can't afford to rent on Xuanhuang Island, you can go to the nearby Sanxing Island Group."

"It can be said that this island has a large number of islands and can accommodate countless casual cultivators."

"Although the spiritual veins are indeed a little thinner, they can still be practiced."

"If you need any resources, you can take a boat from the Sanxing Island Group to Xuanhuang Island to buy treasures."

"Poor casual cultivators like us can only live in the Samsung Islands."

"As for the four major cities on Xuanhuang Island, at least monks with foundation building skills can afford to live in them."

"And even the poorer ones can't afford to rent it."

The foundation-building monk said helplessly.

This is just like the capital city in Zhou Sui's previous life. Ordinary people cannot afford to rent in the city center, so they can only rent houses in the suburbs, which can also greatly save living expenses.

On weekdays, he would arrive at Xuanhuang Island by flying boat from the Sanxing Island Group.

He didn't even dare to use the teleportation array because he couldn't afford the expense.

But that was enough, he just wanted to come to Xuanhuang Island to buy cheap supplies.

Even if you don't live here, it doesn't matter.

"Let's try it first. We are just here to take part in the Xuanhuang Sect disciple examination."

"If you pass the assessment, you can stay at Xuanhuang Island for free."

"If you fail the assessment, it's not too late to go to the Samsung Islands."

Everyone was talking about it.

"Xuanhuang Sect, I hope to accept me as a disciple."

Xie Huaan clenched his fists and looked at the towering city and the endless islands in the distance with great anticipation.

Stories similar to Xie Huaan's also happened from time to time in the Xuanhuang Sect.

Many monks heard about the reputation of Xuanhuang Sect and came here in droves, hoping to become disciples of Xuanhuang Sect.

But most of them failed.

Only a few monks with good luck can join.

However, they were still unwilling to leave and stayed near Xuanhuang Island, hoping to find opportunities.

But it has to be said that Xuanhuang Island does have more opportunities and treasures than the outside world.

For example, the Foundation Establishment Pill that assists the advancement of Qi-training monks, the Golden Liquid Jade Return Pill that assists the advancement of Foundation Establishment monks, the Yingying Pill that assists the advancement of Jindan monks, etc., can all be sold on Xuanhuang Island.

If it were anywhere else, even if you had money, you wouldn't be able to buy it.

This is also an extremely important reason that attracts countless monks to go there.

What's more, it's also very safe.

No monk dares to go wild and kill here.

Even if there are occasional battles between monks, they will be resolved quickly without causing too much trouble.


At this moment, Xuanhuang Sect, Xuanhuang Peak, is a cave.

Zhou Sui sat cross-legged on the ground.

At this moment, the Dragon Elephant Gu deep in his heart was filled with an inexplicable aura, as if his heart was hosting the Dragon Elephant, and as the heart continued to beat, it produced a tyrannical fluctuation.

It seems that every beat contains terrifying destructive power, enough to shatter mountains.

It is enough to make countless monks' blood boil, and they may even faint completely.

As the mysterious blood energy in Dragon Elephant Gu's body was tempered again and again, Zhou Sui's body also improved to the extreme.

The so-called quantitative change produces qualitative change.

The same is true now.


Immediately, a ray of mysterious blood energy surged out from Dragon Elephant Gu and entered Zhou Sui's body.

It seemed that a certain bottleneck was broken at this time, causing earth-shaking changes in his body.

"Cultivation of the divine body, the tendons of the dragon and the elephant."

Zhou Sui opened his eyes, revealing a terrifying light.

He found that every tendon in his body was penetrated by the power of Dragon Elephant Gu. The originally small tendons were now transformed into Dragon Elephant tendons.

Every muscle is like a giant dragon, covering every corner of the body.

You need to know why the real dragons and divine elephants are so powerful. This has a lot to do with the tendons in the body.

For example, dragon tendons are the key parts of a real dragon.

The existence of dragon tendons allows every inch of the real dragon's muscles to be used perfectly to form a whole.

If the dragon tendons are lost, then the real dragon will be a useless dragon, losing all its power.

"It's too strong. Is this the tendon of the dragon and the elephant?"

Zhou Sui was amazed.

He felt that every muscle in his body had been fully tempered, covering every muscle and even every bone in his body.

This also makes his body form a perfect whole, integrated and unified.

It was as if a plate of loose sand had come together to form a huge sphere.

The power that can be exerted is simply not comparable to that before.

The strength alone has increased by at least a hundred times.

It is definitely beyond the imagination of many monks.

Vaguely, he felt that every muscle in his body seemed to be dormant, as if real dragons were inhabiting his body, making his body's strength endlessly improve.


At this moment, Zhou Sui punched lightly, without using any magic power, but it easily broke through the speed of sound, created a sound barrier, and erupted with terrifying invisible punching power.

A clearly visible fist mark instantly appeared on the originally very strong cave wall, and dense cracks appeared on the entire wall, which seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

It is conceivable that his power is so terrifying now that he is almost like a young dragon.

"This is not a good place to experiment with the power of the body."

"It's better to go somewhere else."

With a whoosh, Zhou Sui flashed and immediately arrived at a teleportation array on Xuanhuang Island.

Then he took the teleportation array and teleported to a secret place instantly.

This is the secret realm of demon slaying.

Since all the demons in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm were killed, this secret realm has become empty, like a deserted land.

So this has become the best place for him to experiment with his power.

No matter how big the movement is, outsiders have no way of knowing.

And he won't worry about other things being affected or even destroyed by his power.

"I must have evolved for the fourth time now."

Zhou Sui stood on the ground, silently realizing the surge of power in his body. Now he was not just as simple as giving birth to dragon-elephant tendons, but his body had evolved in all directions.

For example, the Elephant Skin has three layers of Elephant Barriers, and the entire body seems to be wrapped by an invisible barrier force. No external force can destroy his skin.

It was still the dragon bone in his body. Every inch of the bone had been completely evolved, showing a dark golden color, with densely packed true dragon runes appearing on it.

The most terrifying thing is his heart, the heart of dragon and elephant.

It seems that the dragon elephant deep in the heart has grown stronger. It has grown from a young true dragon to a young true dragon, and the young divine elephant has grown into a young divine elephant. The power of the heart has also become more terrifying.

This also caused his body's recovery power to be more than ten times stronger than before.

If the body is injured, it will probably heal quickly within a few minutes.

Except for a few special toxins, ordinary toxins cannot harm his body and will be rejected by the powerful blood in his body, or even evaporate completely.

"By the way, this seems to be the realm."

"It belongs to the unique domain power of the monks who transform themselves into gods."

"This is the realm of dragons and elephants."

Zhou Sui clenched his fist, and he felt an invisible force of blood spread out, seemingly fused with the power of spirit, energy, and spirit, covering an area of ​​100,000 kilometers in an instant.

A terrifying dragon-elephant realm covers an area of ​​100,000 kilometers.

All the aura of heaven and earth in this area is for his use.

It seems that with a single thought, the spiritual energy in this area will stop flowing.

"too strong."

Zhou Sui made a palm with his backhand, and a terrifying force of heaven and earth crushed him down, hitting the mountains in the distance fiercely.

Suddenly, the huge mountains were completely flattened by this palm.

It's as simple as smashing tofu.

A huge, clearly visible giant palm print immediately appeared on the entire land.

The surroundings are filled with the terrifying power of dragon and elephant.

Wisps of dragon-elephant aura were released, creating unparalleled gravity.

Any ordinary creature that comes close to it will be instantly crushed to the ground, unable to move.

If some creatures with weak mental strength would be frightened by this dragon's power, they would faint in an instant.

He couldn't wake up in a short time.

The power of this dragon-elephant realm was simply beyond Zhou Sui's imagination.

Now he can truly feel the power of the God-Transforming Monk.

"The dragon-elephant realm contains characteristics such as suppression, shock, slowness, etc."

"When entering the Dragon Elephant Domain, any monk will be under great pressure, like carrying a mountain on his back."

"And it can also perfectly control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of 100,000 kilometers, and exert an attack power that is more than a hundred times its own body."

"So with one blow, it is like the power of heaven. This is the Lord Transforming God, like a god."

Zhou Sui was amazed.

Although he had met the Reverend Transformation God before and fought against Transformation God, before he was promoted to Transformation God, he still didn't know much about the power possessed by this realm.

But now that he has been promoted to become a God-forming body cultivator, and after mastering the Dragon Elephant Domain, even if he knows the power possessed by the God-forming body, after all, he himself is equivalent to possessing the combat power of the early-stage God-forming body.

After a little experiment with the power of the realm of transformation, he immediately understood why the transformation was a human god.

An existence of this level can easily control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in an area thousands of miles away.

The power that erupted from every move caused the earth to shatter, like a falling meteorite, containing the power of world destruction.

Even the Nascent Soul Sect would probably be destroyed by the palm of the Lord Huashen.

This is the terror of the Reverend Transformation God.

The difference of one level is simply a huge difference that is unimaginable.

The Dragon Elephant Realm is more powerful than the ordinary God Transformation Realm.

If other realms of transformation and transformation collided with it, they would definitely not be a match for the dragon-elephant realm.

With a slight impact, you can tear apart the enemy's territory and gain an absolute upper hand.

"Tsk, tsk, this kind of power is simply a magical skill to torture vegetables."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He felt that fighting against gods of the same level in the realm of transformation might not be very effective.

But for Yuanying monks, it must be crushed.

Once the realm of transformation comes out, the Nascent Soul cultivator has no chance to fight and will be suppressed instantly.

No matter how many Nascent Souls took action, it had no effect.

Unless he uses the power of the formation, it is impossible for the Nascent Soul cultivator to compete with the Lord Transformation God.

"And when I fight within the realm, I am invincible."

Zhou Sui had an idea.

He operated the dragon-elephant realm within himself and spread it over a hundred thousand kilometers.

At this moment, countless spiritual energies in the sky gathered together and seemed to condense into ten real dragons and ten divine elephants.


Immediately, under Zhou Sui's control, mana dragons and mana idols bombarded in the distance, instantly shattering mountains and razing the area to the ground.

This also caused devastating damage to this area.

Fortunately this is a deserted place.

Otherwise, it will definitely attract the attention of countless monks.

"Well, it seems that a bloodline magical power has been born."

"This bloodline magical power is called Dragon Elephant Spear."

In an instant, Zhou Sui felt a huge message pouring out from the depths of his blood, sinking into the depths of his consciousness, and seemed to form his instinct, just like breathing.

He also instantly mastered this bloodline magical power.


Suddenly, Zhou Sui thought, and the power of the dragon and elephant in his body surged out, entangled with each other, forming a terrifying whirlpool, like a dancing dragon and elephant.

A dark golden spear appeared out of thin air, with dense dragon-elephant runes appearing on it.

And this spear is filled with terrifying edge power.

Even the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Technique is nothing more than that.


Immediately, Zhou Sui held the dark golden spear and smashed it towards the mountain in the distance.

This dark golden spear blended into the void silently and moved forward at an astonishing speed.


The next second, the dark golden spear instantly penetrated the mountain, and the entire mountain was shattered into pieces.

Even its offensive continued unabated and penetrated hundreds of peaks one after another.

It literally destroys everything in its path.

A crack stretching for tens of thousands of miles also appeared on the earth.

All the surrounding rocks were shattered into powder.

Sharp, armor-piercing, powerful, and extremely fast.

This is the Bloodline Divine Power Dragon Elephant Spear.

"This is one of Dragon Elephant Gu's most powerful attacking powers."

"It is condensed from the magic power of the Dragon Elephant Vortex and turned into the Dragon Elephant Spear, which contains the power of the Dragon Elephant."

"A spear blasted out is invincible and contains armor-breaking power."

"Even if you are wearing a defensive magic weapon, it will be penetrated instantly."

"Even if it cannot penetrate, the impact will shock the enemy to death and turn them into meat."

"It's like being trampled by a dragon and an elephant. There is no way to resist it."

Zhou Sui's eyes shone brightly, and he was very excited.

He could feel the tyranny of this bloodline magical power. It could condense the dragon-elephant spear and blast it out instantly, enough to instantly nail the enemy to death in mid-air.

If combined with the power of the Dragon Elephant Domain, it would be invincible and invincible.

"Now I'm afraid I can kill a fourth-level high-grade dragon with one slap."

Zhou Sui clenched his fists.

Extremely terrifying power surged from deep within his body, and every inch of muscle in his body contained huge power. A slight explosion would cause unparalleled destructive power.

As his physical cultivation level has advanced to the level of God Transformation, his physical evolution is now becoming more and more terrifying.

Vaguely, he has become an inhuman creature, and his physical fitness is incredibly strong.

With a slight punch, the surrounding air can be pushed away, forming a vacuum zone.


At this moment, Zhou Sui's heart moved. He raised his head and looked at the sky. It seemed that countless calamity clouds began to pour out of the void, covering thousands of miles in radius.

Even these calamity clouds are pouring out faster and faster.

There were even more cracks in the sky, and it seemed that the power of thunder was pouring out from the cracks in the void.

"No, this is the God Transformation Thunder Tribulation."

"You must not be impulsive. Now is not the time to go through the thunder tribulation of the God of Transformation."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

Obviously, the aura on his body is too powerful and has triggered the mechanism of this world.

It seems to have triggered a thunder catastrophe.

If this continues, then a tribulation will definitely be needed.

But he wasn't ready yet.

If you can barely survive the tribulation, it will definitely be a disaster.

He could sense that once the God-Transformation Thunder Tribulation came, it would probably be more terrifying than Ye Feirou's eighth-level Thunder Tribulation before.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui thought, and immediately used the magic of phantom transformation to restrain the aura on his body, so that the aura of his body cultivation was reduced, and he seemed to be transformed into an ordinary person.

After losing Zhou Sui's aura, the calamity clouds in the sky seemed confused and could no longer find the target person.

They still stay in the sky for a while, seemingly unwavering.

But after all, I couldn't hold on for too long.

Soon the calamity clouds in the sky quickly subsided and disappeared into the sky.

A thunder disaster was also eliminated.

"You still have to use the magic of phantom transformation. If it weren't for this secret technique to restrain your aura, you might really encounter the thunder disaster of transforming into a god." Zhou Sui was very satisfied. Fortunately, he had already practiced this secret technique to the master level. .

Even the breath-condensing technique of the Master Transformation God cannot be compared to his own.

Half an hour later.

Zhou Sui returned to the cave in Xuanhuang Peak from the Demon Slaying Secret Realm.

After all, this little time is enough for him to become familiar with the soaring power in his body.

No matter how much time is wasted, it actually doesn't make much sense.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui thought and immediately summoned the virtual panel on his body.

He wants to see how his physical data is now.

[Host: Zhou Sui, Cultivation: Late Nascent Soul (Progress 78%), Lifespan: 2 years old]

[Qualification: First-grade spiritual root (75%)]

[Swordsmanship: Level 4 High Grade (99%)]

[Rune: Level 4 top grade (99%)]

[Formation: fifth level top grade (99%)]

[Alchemist: Level 4 Top Grade (99%)]

[Item Refining: Level 4 Top Grade (99%)]

[Phantom Transformation Technique: Master]

[Five Elements Alchemy Technique: Grandmaster]

[Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons: Demon Seeds, Summoning Demons]

[The Exquisite Book of Seven Apertures: The mind’s eye recognizes things, the mind’s eye has insight, and the mind’s eye understands language]

[Zhu Xian Sword Technique: The first form of invisible sword light, the second form of killing sword light]

[Five Elements Thunder Technique: Proficient, Withering Mysterious Light Technique: Grandmaster, Ancient Black Turtle Technique: Second Level, Void Soul Thorn: Grandmaster]

[Infatuation Gu: fifth-order high-grade, clone Gu: fourth-order high-grade, wine bug: fourth-order high-grade, gold-eating bug: fourth-order high-grade, book Gu: fifth-order low-grade, dream soul Gu: fifth-order low-grade, Dragon Elephant Gu: fourth High-grade Golden Light Ten Thousand Poisons Gu: fourth-grade top-grade teleportation Gu, fourth-grade top-grade teleportation Gu, fifth-grade top-grade Heart Array Gu, fourth-grade top-grade Seeking Object Gu, fourth-grade high-grade Tribulation Thunder Gu, fourth-grade top-grade medicine Gu, fourth-grade Qi Luck Gu Top grade. 】

"Is the life span fifty thousand years? Sure enough, after becoming a god body cultivator, the life span has been further extended."

Zhou Sui felt very satisfied.

In fact, he also felt that his life breath was getting longer and more powerful. Now he was simply an immortal species. Even the long-lived races among the demon clan could not compare with him.

Fifty thousand years, that is simply an eternity.

And now he is less than three hundred years old, which is extremely young.

Although I don’t know how many years monks in the spiritual world can live, it is estimated that few can compare to him.

"Haven't the various arts of cultivating immortals and various magical powers improved much?"

Zhou Sui looked at his various skills and found that they all seemed to have reached a bottleneck.

Unless you are promoted to become the Divine Transformation Master, these skills will not be improved.

After all, the ability to cultivate many immortal skills is actually closely related to cultivation.

If one's cultivation has not reached a certain level, it is impossible to master the corresponding abilities.

Therefore, in the past ten years, his various magical powers and techniques, as well as the various arts of cultivating immortals, have not made much progress.

At most it's just an improvement in proficiency.

There was no general qualitative improvement.

But he is not in a hurry, after all, these abilities are enough for now.

Looking at the entire world of immortality, I'm afraid there really aren't many who can compare to him.

"It's a pity that my cultivation level hasn't improved much."

Of course, what Zhou Sui regretted most was that his cultivation level had not improved much.

He originally thought that during the past ten years, he had been practicing hard and his cultivation would improve a lot.

But it only improved to 78% progress.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

The practice of the late Nascent Soul itself is very slow, often taking hundreds of years as the unit of calculation.

It's only ten years, it's just a snap of the fingers, it's nothing.

There are even some monks in the late Nascent Soul who will not improve even a little bit even if they practice hard for ten years.

"If you want to improve your cultivation efficiency, I'm afraid you still have to improve your spiritual root qualifications."

"Once you have the qualifications of Tianlinggen, your efficiency will probably be several times higher than it is now."

"Don't look at the difference between first-grade spiritual roots and Tianling roots by just one level."

"But this is simply the difference between Nascent Soul and Transformation God. They are worlds apart and cannot be compared at all."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, his spiritual root qualification has reached 75% progress.

If you can find some thousand-year-old elixir that can improve your spiritual root qualifications, then it is not impossible to be promoted to the heavenly spiritual root.

However, his spiritual root qualifications are already quite good.

It would be very difficult to find the elixir to improve the spiritual root qualifications, not that simple.

But this is not impossible.

"By the way, maybe we can use the power of Taoist companions."

"If I can get Qian Ziyun's help, I might be able to upgrade my spiritual root qualifications to the realm of heavenly spiritual roots."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and thought of this path.

This is not impossible.

After all, Qian Ziyun has Tianling root qualifications and profound cultivation.

If you practice dual cultivation with them, you can not only upgrade your spiritual root qualifications to the level of the Heavenly Spiritual Root, but you can even upgrade your cultivation to the realm of Nascent Soul perfection.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

"Calculating the time, Qian Ziyun will almost start to advance to become a god."

"The location for overcoming the tribulation is Tianmo Island."

Zhou Sui thought for a while.

You must know that with the emergence of the phenomenon of world fusion and the acquisition of energy from the ancient demon world, the spiritual veins in various parts of the Canglan Sea have been improved to varying degrees.

Some fourth-level high-grade spiritual veins have been promoted one after another, rising to the level of fifth-order low-grade spiritual veins.

Among them is the spiritual vein of Tianmo Island.

During this time, it has been promoted to the fifth level of low-grade.

Although it is not as good as the fifth-level high-grade spiritual veins of Xuanhuang Island, it is enough for Qian Ziyun to be promoted to the Reverend God Transformation.

That's why Qian Ziyun chose to be on Tianmo Island.

Of course, coming to Xuanhuang Island is naturally the best choice.

The problem is, Qian Ziyun doesn't want to meet Ye Feirou, and she wouldn't want to come to Xuanhuang Island even if she were killed.

She even wanted to scare Ye Feirou severely after being promoted to the God Transformation.

She, Qian Ziyun, has never lost to anyone in her life.

At this moment, Zhou Sui's communication token suddenly rang, and it was Qian Ziyun who sent it.

"Zhou Lang, I'm going to be promoted to Transformation God, come and help me."

A message came immediately.


Zhou Sui smiled slightly and immediately sent a message.

Although Tianmo Island is very far away from Xuanhuang Island, he had quietly gone to Tianmo Island before and even built a secret teleportation array on Tianmo Island that could directly lead to Tianmo Peak.

After all, with the master of the Heavenly Demon Sect secretly helping him, such a thing is too simple.

Therefore, he could arrive at Tianmo Island in an instant without wasting any time.


Not long after, Zhou Sui left his cave, took the teleportation array on Xuanhuang Island, and arrived at the Tianmo Peak on Tianmo Island, the headquarters of the Tianmo Sect.

In the blink of an eye, his figure appeared in a palace on Tianmo Peak.

And a graceful and beautiful figure also appeared in Nuo Da's palace.

This person is none other than Qian Ziyun.

The other party was wearing a long red dress, showing off her graceful figure. The truth was simply unreasonable and created a visual impact.

Because my figure is so good, wearing such a tulle long skirt looks like I'm not wearing it at all.

Even though he had seen her countless times, Zhou Sui's heart was still pounding, his blood was boiling, and it was hard to suppress. This guy was definitely a witch.

Seeing Zhou Sui's expression, Qian Ziyun was very proud. Sure enough, she was still very charming, but with just a few tricks, the man in front of her was fascinated by her, even fascinated.

Bah, you bitch man, you were so prude before.

In the end, I didn't fall under my mother's pomegranate skirt.

"I'm about to be promoted to a god, but I still do these little tricks."

"Aren't you afraid that I will execute you on the spot?"

Zhou Sui stepped forward, hugged Qian Ziyun's slender waist, and looked at her with aggressive eyes.

What? !

In an instant, Qian Ziyun's pretty face turned red, and she felt a strong aura instantly spread throughout her body, as if it was wrapping herself up all at once, making her unable to move.

She could feel Zhou Sui's strong arms containing explosive power.

This also makes it impossible for him to break free.

She was like a princess kidnapped by a giant dragon, with no power to resist.

It seems that in the next second, as long as this man is willing, he can execute himself on the spot.

And he couldn't make any moves.

There won't even be any resistance.

"You monster, you actually became a spiritual body cultivator."

"How can it be?"

At this moment, Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui with a pair of beautiful eyes in disbelief. She sensed that Zhou Sui contained extremely terrifying power, as if an invisible realm of divine transformation was spreading.

As the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, she is naturally well-informed.

The first thing he noticed was that the man in front of him might have already reached the realm of spiritual transformation.

To be honest, to a certain extent, the man in front of me is a deity-incarnation-level venerable.

How long has it taken for him to actually improve his cultivation to this level?

Even if she knew that this man was an immortal, it was too exaggerated.

Even in the historical records of Tianmo Sect, we have never seen such a man, which is really unbelievable.

And this man is still less than three hundred years old.

A transformed god who is less than three hundred years old is extremely scary no matter where he is placed.

Even in the ancient times, there probably would not have been such a young Lord Transformation of God.

Perhaps it can only be found in the spirit world.

The problem is what kind of cultivation environment is in the spiritual world and what kind of cultivation environment is in the immortal world. There is no comparison between the two.

"Oh, your perception is very keen."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

"Mr. Zhou, I made a mistake. Please forgive me this time."

Qian Ziyun immediately gave in and looked at the man in front of her pitifully.

She knew that she had gone too far this time.

If this man wanted to eat himself, he would probably eat himself clean.

Even if he is really promoted to the God Transformation, he may not be this man's opponent, let alone now.

Of course, she wouldn't care much if this man succeeded.

However, she still wanted to advance to the level of becoming a god, but she couldn't lose her pure yin body at this time.

"I'll spare you this time, don't play with fire next time, you know?"

Zhou Sui was very satisfied.

After all, it was impossible for him to take action. He could still tell the difference between a Nascent Soul female cultivator and a Divine Transformation female cultivator.

Food still takes time to cook.

He will not ruin his previous plans just because of impulse.


Qian Ziyun nodded obediently, like an obedient little daughter-in-law.

"Have you chosen the place where you will escape the tribulation? Where should you put it?"

Zhou Sui asked.

"I've chosen it, it's here at Tianmo Peak."

"The area with a radius of thousands of miles is an absolutely forbidden area, no one dares to enter."

"I have told the disciples and elders of the Heavenly Demon Sect not to come near me while I am in seclusion."

"So this place is absolutely safe."

Qian Ziyun immediately said that she was very confident and was fully prepared to survive the catastrophe of becoming a god this time.

It can be said that everything is ready now, all we need is the east wind.

"Very well, in that case, let's get started."

"With me here, you will definitely go well."

Zhou Sui looked at Qian Ziyun very seriously.

He didn't even ask Qian Ziyun if she was ready. She had been preparing for ten years, so how could she not be ready yet.

So he won't talk nonsense.


Hearing this, Qian Ziyun didn't know why, but her confidence immediately increased. She had such a man behind her to support her. If she fails, then she is really useless.

She flashed, bid farewell to Zhou Sui, and returned to her cave.

As for Zhou Sui, he was outside the cave, protecting Qian Ziyun.


A few weeks later.

The entire Tianmo Island was covered with clouds of calamity and there were bursts of thunder.

Obviously, Qian Ziyun, who was fully prepared, successfully transformed into a god.

Moreover, with Zhou Sui's help, he also successfully survived the Heavenly Demon Tribulation and the God Transformation Thunder Tribulation.

This thunder catastrophe of transforming into a god is also an eighth-level thunder catastrophe, with unparalleled power.

However, they were all swallowed up by the Tribulation Thunder Gu, weakening the power of the Tribulation Thunder.

Moreover, Tribulation Thunder Gu also gained huge benefits this time.

Vaguely, there seemed to be signs of promotion to the fifth level.

"I didn't expect the God Transformation Thunder Tribulation and the Heavenly Demon Tribulation to be so terrifying."

"No wonder no one has successfully transformed into a god in the past tens of thousands of years."

"If it hadn't been for Zhou Lang's help, I'm afraid I would have been in trouble this time."

Qian Ziyun was still frightened.

Now her clothes are in tatters, her face is disgraced, and she has just survived the eighth level of thunder tribulation.

Thinking of the Heavenly Demon Tribulation and God Transformation Thunder Tribulation she had passed through before, she was also filled with fear.

Many of the methods I had prepared before had no effect at all.

It was completely trashed from the start.

Fortunately, he still had a man to help him, so he successfully survived the disaster of becoming a god without any danger.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhou Sui with great gratitude.

If it weren't for this man, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to succeed in becoming a god in this life.

"Haha, I already told you that you don't need to worry."

"Although the catastrophe of becoming a god is terrible, with my help, there will definitely be no danger."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly, reached out and touched her head affectionately.

"Last time Ye Feirou was able to successfully overcome the disaster, I'm afraid it was you who helped her."

Qian Ziyun didn't believe that Ye Feirou was really that powerful. If she could successfully overcome the tribulation with her own strength, she must have successfully overcome the tribulation with the help of this man's strength.

"Yes, I did take action."

Zhou Sui nodded.

"Humph, I knew that woman wasn't that powerful."

Hearing this, Qian Ziyun felt relieved all over. She was indeed not inferior to that woman.

It's just relying on men to become gods.

What's so great.

Now she also has a man to help her.

"Zhou Lang, now that I have been promoted to the Incarnation God, don't you want to have fun with me for a night?"

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui with charming eyes.

With a thump, Zhou Sui flicked her smooth forehead with his finger and said angrily: "You have just been promoted to the Transformation God. If you don't quickly consolidate your cultivation, do you want to regress in your cultivation? You are still thinking about other things."

"I just want to be with you."

Qian Ziyun covered her red forehead, pursed her lips, and looked aggrieved.

But for some reason, she felt happy inside.

"Stop talking nonsense and go to retreat quickly."

Zhou Sui said with a straight face.


Qian Ziyun had no choice but to obey.

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