The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 341 The Son of Luck, the Golden Dragon of Luck, a hundred years later

Chapter 341 The Son of Luck, the Golden Dragon of Luck, the Xuanhuang Sect a Hundred Years Later

"You don't necessarily need to run away."

"According to the disasters shown above, even if the disaster does happen, it will only happen hundreds of years later."

"It won't happen right away."

"In other words, I still have a long time to prepare."

"If you want to deal with the future god-transforming monsters, the best way is to advance to the god-transformation realm."

"Of course I won't be able to advance to the state of transformation in a short period of time, but my Taoist companion can."

"If you get the Qi of the Immortal Source and the God-Transformation Pill, then Ye Feirou's ability to survive the God-Transformation catastrophe will be a sure thing, and it won't be a difficult task at all."

"In addition, it is also necessary to develop the Xuanhuang Sect and recruit a large number of lucky children to increase the strength of the sect."

"In this way, I can gain a lot of luck in a short period of time and enhance the power of the luck Gu."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes and began to think about how to deal with the future disaster.

Although the disaster will not happen now, it will happen sooner or later.

He naturally needs to prepare for a rainy day.

Of course, he has found a way to extract the immortal energy through book Gu.

As for the magic pill, the medicine gardens on Xuanhuang Island also have corresponding elixirs.

It can be said that everything is ready and all we need is the east wind.


At this time, Zhou Sui originally wanted to practice in seclusion, but the luck Gu suddenly moved.

A stream of information instantly sank into the depths of his consciousness.

"Interesting, there is a person with great luck in the Sanxing Island Group, and he is related to the Xuanhuang Sect?!"

"I should go take a look."

Zhou Sui didn't expect that he could attract the attention of the luck Gu. Obviously, this person with great luck was not simple.


Thinking of this, he immediately activated his teleportation Gu, and in a flash, he immediately arrived at Xianxia City.


At this moment, Xianxia City.

An old man and a young man appeared in this city.

They are Taoist Wuwei, the last descendant of Kurong Sect, and Zhao Huaizhen.

At this moment, Zhao Huaizhen has obviously become a real Jindan, and his cultivation level is improving very quickly.

During this period, although the demon clan invaded, there were many disasters.

But they have also experienced a lot, turned bad things into good fortune, and made great progress in their cultivation.

Even Taoist Wuwei has been promoted to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"Master, I really didn't expect that the person who inherited the Kurong Sect would be the Xuanhuang Ancestor."

"No wonder his cultivation has improved so quickly."

Zhao Huaizhen said with emotion.

When he heard the news, he was also very surprised.

Originally, he thought that someone else would get the Kurong Sect ruins, but to his surprise, it was Zhou Sui who got it.

But after hearing the news, he suddenly realized.

All the previous doubts have been explained.

No wonder this Xuanhuang ancestor has made rapid progress. It turns out that he has been inherited by the Kurong Sect.

"Haha, this is such an ungrateful guy."

"You obviously got the inheritance of Kurong Sect, but you actually want to start a new one and create some kind of Xuanhuang Sect."

"If the ancestors of the Kurong Sect knew about it, they would definitely be so angry that they would kill this bastard."

Taoist Wuwei hated him so much that his teeth itched.

Originally, he thought that the Xuanhuang ancestor had inherited the inheritance of the Kurong Sect, and must be the successor of the Kurong Sect. He would definitely revive the Kurong Sect. Who knows what Xuanhuang Sect has become.

This is obviously to abandon the former glory of Ku Rong Sect and start a new one.

He is simply a traitor.

If it were the ancient times, he would probably be hunted down by the monks of the Kurong Sect.

"Master, please keep your voice down."

"This is the territory of Ancestor Xuanhuang."

"It is said that Patriarch Xuanhuang is already a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage."

"He also learned the Kurong Xuanguang Technique and killed three god-transforming dragons. He can be called the number one monk in the Canglan Sea."

"If the other party hears it, Master, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat and walk around in circles."

Zhao Huaizhen said cautiously, looking left and right, for fear that the wall might have ears.

He knew the reputation of the Xuanhuang Patriarch.

Although the two little shrimps, myself and my master, are pretty good.

But compared with such a big shot, he is still far behind.

"I'm so scared."

“I don’t even know how far Xuanhuang Island is from us.”

"Where can the other party hear it?"

"You really have no guts at all."

"It's just that I don't dare to shout in front of real people, but I don't dare to say bad things behind my back."

"Then what use do you have?"

"Thankfully you are still the successor of my Kurong Sect."

Taoist Wuwei gnashed his teeth, hating that iron could not become steel.

"Oh, you want to say something bad about me."

"I'd like to come and listen."

At this moment, a figure flashed and appeared in front of Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen.

The visitor was none other than Zhou Sui.

Under the guidance of the Luck Gu, he came to Xianxia City, and then came to the two monks.

Then he was attracted to Zhao Huaizhen immediately.

Because the luck in this person was so terrible that he actually formed a golden dragon of luck.

There is no doubt that it was this young monk who attracted the Luck Gu.

Apart from himself, this was the first time he saw a person with such strong luck. He was simply a born child of luck.

Obviously, Qi Luck Gu noticed this and reminded himself.

If I miss it this time, I don’t know when it will be.

Moreover, this Taoist Wuwei is not simple either.

He was obviously extremely unlucky and often encountered bloody disasters. He should have been about to die.

Fortunately, I have survived to this day, always retaining a glimmer of hope.

One has great luck, and the other has bad luck. It is an extremely strange combination.


In an instant, Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen were frightened. They saw this sudden and beautiful man for the first time, as if he was an immortal descended from the sky.

The moment it appeared, the sun and moon lost their color.

If they were women, they would probably fall in love with this man immediately.

But they couldn't help but feel a hint of fear in their hearts.

Because the incomparably handsome man in front of him is the famous Ancestor Xuanhuang.

Although ordinary monks may not know the appearance of Patriarch Xuanhuang, they definitely know it.

It was impossible for them not to recognize this No. 1 Nascent Soul in the Canglan Sea Region.

Even though Zhou Sui did not leave home, his appearance had already spread throughout the Canglan Sea.

If it were normal times, they wouldn't think it was anything.

But just now they said bad things about Ancestor Xuanhuang.

This is serious.

Because they heard that Patriarch Xuanhuang was very narrow-minded, and anyone who offended him would not end well.

Now they also said bad things about Ancestor Xuanhuang, and were personally visited by the other party.

It is conceivable that this time it is already a disaster.

Immediately, Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen wanted to use secret techniques to escape from here.

They experienced many disasters, but they were able to escape easily. It was not that simple.

"If you run away now, I'm afraid you will all die."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

He didn't take action, didn't even intend to stop them from escaping, he just looked at them indifferently.

What? !

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen's hair stood on end. Their sixth sense warned them that what the man in front of them said was true.

If he really escapes, he will definitely die.

No matter how far you go, you will die.

Even if you escape this time, you will be caught and killed next time.

This is how their premonition informs them so strongly.

The man in front of him was an unprecedentedly strong man.

Just standing there, he was like an invincible deity.

The number one monk in the Canglan Sea Region is indeed well-deserved.

There was simply a storm in their hearts.

In fact, their hunch was correct.

Even if they relied on their secret techniques to escape from Zhou Sui's hands.

But as long as Zhou Sui uses the power of the Object-Seeking Gu, he can find them.

No matter where I hide, it doesn't work.

"Fellow Taoist Xuanhuang."

With a plop, Taoist Wuwei knelt on the ground and cried bitterly: "It was indeed my fault just now. I actually said bad things about you, fellow Taoist Xuanhuang. If you want to blame me, blame it on me. It has nothing to do with my disciple. "

He completely gave up escaping and knelt down to beg for mercy.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui's mouth twitched. He was speechless and didn't know what to say.

He had seen shameless monks, but he had never seen anyone as shameless as Taoist Wuwei.

Especially since this guy is still a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Normally speaking, as the ancestor of Nascent Soul, he would be more or less proud of himself.

But this guy really has no shame at all and is flexible and flexible.

"You actually practiced the Ku Rong Jue. It seems that you are also a descendant of the Ku Rong Sect."

"This apprentice of yours is not simple either."

"If I'm not wrong, it should be the Aoki Immortal Body that is rare in ten thousand years, and it also has Tianling Root."

"He is simply a genius that only happens once in a thousand years."

"Where on earth did you find such a descendant?"

Zhou Sui clicked his tongue in admiration.

He just glanced at Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen, and instantly understood their details.

This is all due to the power of book Gu.

Because the Book Gu has devoured a large number of inherited jade slips and various books to this day.

Including the inherited knowledge of Tianmo Sect, Wuji Alliance, Piaomiao Palace, Kurong Sect, Demon Slayer Sect and other sects, it can be said that he is the most knowledgeable person in the entire Canglan Sea.

With just one glance, you can know the details of the other party.

Of course, the power of insight also helped him a lot.


Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen were shocked. They originally thought that by practicing the Withered Breath Condensing Technique, they would be able to restrain their aura and hide their true identity and cultivation.

But this No. 1 monk in the Canglan Sea Region saw through their details at a glance.

This vision alone surpasses many Nascent Souls.

It can only be said that this Xuanhuang Ancestor is many times more terrifying than the rumors.

Of course, they felt a lot more at ease at the moment.

Because they did not feel the murderous intention in each other.

In other words, the other party is not here to kill them.

At this time, Taoist Wuwei also knew that pretending to be pitiful was of little use, so he stood up and patted the dust on his body, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Fellow Daoist Xuanhuang really has amazing eyesight, and he can see through the little disciple's background at a glance."

"It was only by chance that I accepted him as my apprentice."

"But since Daoist Brother Xuanhuang didn't want to kill us, but he suddenly appeared here, I don't know why."

Taoist Wuwei looked at Zhou Sui curiously.

He felt that the man in front of him suddenly appeared here not for no reason.

He must have appeared here specifically to look for the two of them.

"Today I had a whim and thought I might meet two destined people."

"So I returned to Xianxia City from Xuanhuang Island. I didn't expect to see you two."

"It seems that my hunch is indeed correct."

"You two should be the descendants of the Kurong Sect."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly and looked at Taoist Wuwei and Zhao Huaizhen.

His words were half true and half false.

But he did take the initiative to look for it.

"We are indeed the descendants of the Kurong Sect."

"But Taoist Brother Xuanhuang should also be a descendant of the Kurong Sect."

"I just don't know why fellow Taoist disciples abandoned the name of Kurong Sect and started a new one. What kind of Xuanhuang Sect was this?"

Speaking of this matter, Taoist Wuwei was also very angry.

Even though he knew that the man in front of him was an extremely terrifying monk, but it was related to the inheritance of Kurong Sect, he couldn't bear it at all and glared at Zhou Sui angrily.

"I am not a descendant of the Kurong Sect."

"I just accidentally obtained the inheritance of Kurong Sect."

"And I have a lot of inheritance from the Huashen Sect."

"Does every Huashen sect have to inherit its orthodoxy?"

Zhou Sui asked rhetorically.


Hearing this, Taoist Wuwei was speechless and had nothing to say.

He also remembered that this man seemed to have obtained the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower, and it seemed that he had also obtained the inheritance of the Demon-Slaying Sect.

In addition, it is also possible to obtain inheritance from other Shenhua sects.

Indeed, as this guy said, with so many inheritances from Huashen sects, it is impossible to inherit the traditions of each sect.

It's just that comparing people to each other is really infuriating.

It is extremely difficult for others to obtain the inheritance of a Shenhua Sect.

But this damn pretty boy actually got so many inheritances from the Huashen Sect.

It's simply so unfair.

He was so jealous that his intestines turned green.

"And the Kurong Sect has been destroyed for tens of thousands of years. It is a sect from ancient times."

"This also means that the Kurong Sect has exhausted its energy."

"If we inherit the Kurong Sect's orthodoxy, I'm afraid there will be many disasters."

"In this case, it's better to start from scratch and create a new sect."

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice.

"This guy is also proficient in the art of luck."

In just a few words, Taoist Wuwei's pupils shrank, and he could hear the meaning behind the words of the man in front of him, because he was also proficient in divination, Bagua, and was involved in luck.

Naturally, we know what it means that the Kurong Sect has exhausted its strength.

He is the last descendant of Kurong Sect.

Obtained the inheritance of Kurong Sect, but also inherited the disaster of Kurong Sect.

That's why he has so many bad lucks in his life.

If the name Kurong Sect was abandoned, perhaps it would not be so unlucky.

But he was reluctant.

"I wonder why fellow Taoist Xuanhuang suddenly appeared and wanted to find us?"

Taoist Wuwei knew that when talking to such a person, he couldn't beat around the bush, he had to go straight to the point, so he asked straightforwardly.

"It's simple."

"I want you to join the Xuanhuang Sect."

"Although you can't recreate the Kurong Sect, you can establish the Kurong Peak."

"We can still inherit the legacy of the old Kurong Sect."

Zhou Sui also stated his purpose straightforwardly.

Obviously, these two people are the last descendants of the Kurong Sect, and they must have collected a large number of secret books left by the Kurong Sect.

If you accept the two of them, you will not only increase the luck of the Xuanhuang Sect, but also obtain the secrets of the Kurong Sect.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Xuanhuang has a good idea."

"What established Kurong Peak?"

"It's nothing more than wanting to get the secret book of Kurong Sect in my hand."

"Do you think you can get us to join with just your words?"

Taoist Wuwei sneered.

He saw through Zhou Sui's purpose at a glance, and it was clear that he was coveting the various inheritance secrets of the Kurong Sect in his hands.

"Join our Xuanhuang Sect and you will get the fifth level spiritual vein cave."

"You can also buy the fourth-level treasure elixir and the thousand-year-old elixir at a low price."

"Read the inheritance of many Huashen sects."

Zhou Sui spoke.

"Lord Sect Master."

"I would like to become the master of Kurong Peak."

As soon as he finished speaking, Taoist Wuwei bowed his head and showed a flattering smile.

It seemed that the upright monk just now did not exist at all.

"Yes, this is my Xuanhuang Sect token."

"Take it and go to Xuanhuang Island. Someone will naturally pick you up."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly, speaking to the old fox was simple and clear, without any effort.

He threw out a token.

Then he flashed and left this place instantly.

"Teleportation, this is physical teleportation."

"He actually mastered such magical powers of the void."

"No wonder I just thought that if I wanted to escape, I would definitely die."

"The number one monk in the Canglan Sea Region is indeed worthy of his reputation."

Taoist Wuwei sighed, and he was shocked in his heart.

He remembered that this person seemed to be less than two hundred years old, but his cultivation and knowledge exceeded his own by many times.

All I can say is that comparing people to each other is really infuriating.

"Master, didn't you say you wanted to revive the Kurong Sect?"

"Why are you rebelling now? Are you going to join the Xuanhuang Sect?"

"You must have been confused by the secret technique used by Ancestor Xuanhuang, right?"

Zhao Huaizhen looked at his master with suspicion.

He even suspected that his master had a habit of cutting sleeves and was fond of Long Yang.

"Confused ass, you know nothing."

"It is important to inherit the tradition, but your own path is even more important."

"If I join the Xuanhuang Sect, I might have the opportunity to spy on the gods in the future."

"With such a good condition, you would be a fool not to agree."

"Why should you be a commoner when you can be a minister?"

"You think I really want to be a casual cultivator, but I just don't have the chance to enter the orthodox Nascent Soul Sect."

The Taoist of Wuwei despise Tao.

He has been wandering all his life, but who doesn't want to find a big supporter to practice peacefully.

It's a pity that time and fate prevented him from finding a backer.

After being promoted to the Nascent Soul Realm, he became his backer.

There are only a handful of people who can be his backers.

Now I finally met one, that is Ancestor Xuanhuang.

"But master, didn't you say that he wants to covet our Kurong Sect inheritance?"

Zhao Huaizhen asked.

He looked confused.

"That's just a bargaining statement."

"You still think that people are really coveting the inheritance of our Kurong Sect."

"This guy doesn't know how much inheritance he has from the Huashen Sect, so how could he like us?"

“Of course, there will definitely be curiosity, and maybe I’d like to take a look and draw parallels.”

"But after reaching this level of cultivation, even if you want to specialize in martial arts, it will be impossible."

"So for him, our inheritance is useless, tasteless to eat, and a pity to throw away."

Taoist Wuwei said angrily, looking at his stupid disciple.

"But if that's the case, why do you still invite us to join the Xuanhuang Sect?"

Zhao Huaizhen asked curiously.

He felt that according to what his master said, they basically had little value to Ancestor Xuanhuang.

"Well, if I guessed correctly, he should have taken a liking to you."

Taoist Wuwei narrowed his eyes.

"Falling in on me? Isn't that Xuanhuang Patriarch also capable of Longyang?"

Zhao Huaizhen's face turned pale.

"What are you thinking about? How can it be possible to be as good as Longyang? There are more than a dozen Taoist monks, and maybe the child is about to be born. How can such a thing be possible?"

Taoist Wuwei was speechless: "I think he was interested in your qualifications and felt that you had the ability to strengthen the Xuanhuang Sect, so he invited us master and disciple to join. Don't think so much."

"If this is the case, then joining the Xuanhuang Sect seems to have great benefits."

Zhao Huaizhen's heart suddenly became excited.

"Of course there are big benefits."

"It is said that this fellow Taoist Xuanhuang is also a fourth-level high-grade alchemist, and he has refined many fourth-level elixirs."

"Plus the thousand-year-old elixir left by the Kurong Sect in the past."

"If we want to obtain elixirs to improve our cultivation, it is best to join the Xuanhuang Sect."

"After all, the higher your cultivation level, the more difficult it is to obtain elixirs."

"If you are not a monk from a big force, there is basically no other way to get it."

"And you will also be promoted to Nascent Soul in the future, so you must prepare the Soul-Jointing Pill."

"If you are still a casual cultivator, it may be difficult to obtain it."

"But if you join the Xuanhuang Sect, the situation will be completely different."

Taoist Wuwei also considered many issues, not only for his own future, but also for the future of his disciples.

"But master, have you given up on reviving the Ku Rong Sect?"

Zhao Huaizhen knew that reviving the Kurong Sect had always been his master's wish, but he never thought that he would give up completely just after meeting the Xuanhuang Patriarch.

"Yes, I gave up."

"That fellow Taoist Xuanhuang just reminded me."

"The Kurong Sect was destroyed in ancient times, and its strength has been exhausted, and there are many disasters."

"If we try to revive it reluctantly, it won't do any good. Instead, it will bring disaster to us."

"No wonder I encountered many disasters before, and I'm afraid it has a lot to do with wanting to revive the Kurong Sect."

"The cause and effect of Kurong Sect is too great, and we cannot bear it."

"So instead of reviving the Kurong Sect, it is better to start a new lineage. Anyway, it is the inheritance of the Kurong Sect, just change the name."

"It's like the change of secular dynasties. Although the name of the country has changed, it is actually the same. I believe the ancestors of the Kurong Sect will understand us."

Taoist Wuwei said quietly that now he has completely let go of his knot and is no longer obsessed with resurrecting the Kurong Sect.

This actually doesn't make much sense.

Of course, the most important thing is that he actually doesn't have much affection for the Kurong Sect.

It was just to repay his master that he wanted to resurrect the Kurong Sect.

"I understand, Master."

Zhao Huaizhen nodded.

"Okay, let's go to Xuanhuang Island first."

"This is a fifth-level island."

"There are fifth-level spiritual veins on it."

"I don't know how fast one can practice in such a holy land of cultivation."

Taoist Wuwei was very excited.

Thinking of this, the master and apprentice flew towards Xuanhuang Island to start a new life and a new journey.

At this moment, the ancient demon world.

The Hall of Ten Thousand Demons.

This is a transcendent organization that rules the entire ancient demon world. It is united by many great demons who have transformed into gods and belongs to the United Nations.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Palace does not have absolute control over all races, it affects all aspects of the ancient demon world.

At this time, they also learned about the disastrous defeat of the Dragon Clan and the Demonic Phoenix Clan in the Canglan Sea Area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation World. They even lost two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, a ray of ancient demon energy, and a large number of fourth-level demon beasts.

For the ancient demon world, this is also a big loss.

"It seems that although the human race has declined, it still has a profound foundation and cannot be underestimated."

"I didn't expect that even without the Lord Transformation God, we would be unable to conquer the Canglan Sea by sending so many fourth-level demon cultivators. The human race is really powerful."

A god-incarnation venerable said quietly.

It originally thought that this battle was foolproof, after all, so many fourth-level demon cultivators were dispatched.

He even owns two Tongtian Lingbao.

No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of failure.

Who would have thought that it was not just a simple failure, but a miserable failure.

There are also very few fourth-level demon cultivators who can escape.

This is simply a blow to the demon clan.

"I have already said that the human race cannot be underestimated."

"Even if it was invaded by the ancient demon world due to a war in ancient times."

"Resulting in the destruction of a large number of spiritual veins and the disappearance of inheritance."

"But the human race has a profound foundation after all, and geniuses emerge in endlessly."

"If it was really that weak, I'm afraid the human race would have been wiped out by demons long ago. How could it survive to this day?"

Another god-incarnation venerable said in a deep voice.

It is always wary of invading humans.

It's a pity that there are still a few cautious fifth-level demon cultivators like it, and they can't affect the overall situation.

Only if it fails can it shout a few words to prove its foresight.

"The human race is indeed not simple."

"But it's just because we, the venerable gods, can't get through."

"No matter how powerful the human race is, there are only very few deity-forming venerables in the entire world of immortal cultivation."

"If we kill them, the world of immortal cultivation will definitely be destroyed by our Ten Thousand Demons Palace."

"If we can successfully annex the world of cultivating immortals, the benefits we will gain can be imagined."

"There is no doubt that we can all advance to the perfection of divine transformation and then ascend to the spiritual world."

There was a hint of coldness in the eyes of many god-transforming venerables.

Even if this operation is frustrated, they will not give up their plan to invade the world of immortality.

Because according to the information they inquired about, the total number of God-Transforming Lords in the Eastern Barren Continent, the Western Barren Continent, the Northern Barren Continent, the Southern Barren Continent and other places does not exceed twenty.

As for the God-Transforming Venerables in the Canglan Sea Region, there is not even one.

Compared with the Lord Transformation of God in the ancient demon world, the difference is really far.

It is simply not comparable to the world of immortality.

It can be said that now is the weakest moment for the human race.

If you don't seize this opportunity, there will be no next time.

None of them want to give up.

Once the plan is successful, the Ancient Demon Realm will be able to annex the Immortal Cultivation Realm, causing the area of ​​the Ancient Demon Realm to expand several times.

This is of great benefit to every demon cultivator.

"If this is the case, what should we do now? Should we continue to invade the Canglan Sea?"

A demon cultivator asked.

After all, the demon clan is now powerful, wealthy, and powerful, so they can still dispatch a large number of fourth-level demon cultivators.

This battle will not break the demon clan's muscles and bones.

"There's no need for a massive invasion."

"Although there is no Venerable God Transformation in the Canglan Sea."

"But they have mastered the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, which is equivalent to being the first to become a god."

"If we send a large number of fourth-level demon cultivators there, we will only die, and the gain will not be worth the loss."

"Don't launch a large-scale attack for the time being."

"We need to wait for the opportunity and wait for the power of the Realm Gate to further expand."

"The other realm gate is enough to accommodate the Lord Transformation of God."

"When the time comes, we will take action collectively to destroy the world of immortality."

"There is no need to send a fourth-level demon cultivator to die at this time."

Many god-incarnation venerables said solemnly.

After this battle, they have completely recognized that the strength of the Canglan Sea Region is equal to the strength of other human regions, and has a combat power at the level of the God Transformation Venerable.

For such strength, they still need to give considerable respect.

Although they are very arrogant, it does not mean that they are stupid.

If you act rashly, you will only suffer heavy losses.

"But this time the Dragon Clan and the Demon Phoenix Clan suffered heavy losses."

"Not only did we lose a large number of fourth-level demon cultivators, we also each lost a piece of spiritual treasure."

"I wonder what your plans are?"

Many god-transforming demon cultivators looked at the chiefs of the Dragon Clan and the Demon Phoenix Clan with gloating eyes.

Although everyone is a member of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, in fact they are not as united as they imagined.

On the contrary, they often have civil strife.

There will be fighting and racial wars at every turn.

This time, it was only the emergence of the Immortal Cultivation World that temporarily freed them from internal fighting.

So seeing the Dragon Clan and the Demon Phoenix Clan being unlucky, they were naturally very happy.

Because the strength of these two major races is damaged, it means that other races have the opportunity to rise to power.

"Hmph, our Dragon Clan has indeed suffered heavy losses this time."

"But this is only temporarily placed in the hands of the human race for safekeeping."

"Without the Tongbao Jue, human monks can't even hope to refine our clan's Tongtian Spiritual Treasure."

"When we, the Dragon Clan, enter the world of cultivating immortals again, we will definitely wipe out all the cultivators in our clan."

The leader of the Dragon Clan was filled with murderous intent, and his body was filled with terrifying murderous intent.

After all, the Tongtian Lingbao is also very important to the dragon clan, and can greatly enhance the strength of the god-shaped dragon.

Who would have thought that it would be lost in the world of immortality.

And it was also succeeded by human monks.

Of course it won't be too worried.

After all, it is not that simple to master the Dragon Clan's Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, and specific Tongbao techniques are required.

Otherwise it would be nothing more than a pile of scrap metal.

Has no effect at all.

As long as they enter the world of cultivating immortals again, sooner or later they will be able to snatch the Five Dragon Guillot back from the human monks.

Now it is just temporarily placed in the hands of human monks for safekeeping.

"That's right, next time we, the Demon Phoenix Clan, will enter the Canglan Sea area of ​​the Immortal Cultivation Realm."

"I will definitely let that human kid try the power of Qingluan True Fire."

The leader of the Yaofeng Clan is also murderous.

It simply wanted to rush into the world of immortality as soon as possible.

It's a pity that it can't pass through the boundary gate at all.

Even if he could pass the fourth-level demon cultivator, he still couldn't do anything to Zhou Sui, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect.

So it can only tolerate it temporarily.

When the time comes, he will definitely kill that kid and take revenge.

"Let's prepare for war first."

"When the time comes, we demon clan will attack in a big way."

"Completely annex the world of immortality."

Many gods and demon cultivators have already made their decisions, which can be said to be inevitable.


time flies.

A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

Since the defeat of Jiaolong City and the defeat of the monster allies, the entire Canglan Sea has entered a long-lost period of peace. Many monsters have also begun to hide and no longer dare to attack the islands ruled by humans at will.

Of course, they are still scattered in various corners of the Canglan Sea, breaking into pieces and hunting down lone human monks from time to time.

In short, fights between humans and demons still occur from time to time.

It's just that there has never been such a large-scale war as a hundred years ago.

During this time, Xuanhuang Sect also developed rapidly.

Centered on the sea area of ​​​​the Samsung Island Group, it expands to the sea areas in all directions.

Almost every year, Xuanhuang Sect recruits disciples to expand the scale of Xuanhuang Sect.

After all, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect is the number one monk in the Canglan Sea, and his reputation is throughout the sea.

This also attracted monks from all over the Canglan Sea area to flock here.

They all want to join Xuanhuang Sect and become disciples of Xuanhuang Sect.

Song Pingan is one of the qi training disciples who wants to join the Xuanhuang Sect.

He was just an ordinary fisherman's child.

But one day I picked up a simple ring, the Xiaoyao Ring, and discovered that there was actually a soul in this ring. The person claimed to be a wine Taoist from the spiritual world and was once a great master of virtual refining.

However, due to a disaster, he fell into the mortal world, leaving only a trace of his soul.

Thanks to the help of this wine Taoist, he was able to embark on the path of spiritual practice.

"Master, can I really join the Xuanhuang Sect?"

Song Ping'an was a little uneasy. After all, he only had a fifth-grade spiritual root qualification, which was equivalent to a medium spiritual root and was not very outstanding at all.

For a Nascent Soul sect like Xuanhuang Sect, a medium spiritual root is nothing at all.

"Don't worry, although you only have fifth-grade spiritual roots now."

"But in fact, you have a bitter spiritual root, a late blooming spiritual root."

"The harder you practice, the faster your cultivation will progress."

"Perhaps your progress was slow in the early stage and you couldn't compare with other monks."

"But the further you get to the later stages, the faster you become."

"If anyone can ascend to the spiritual world in the future, you must be one of them, as long as you don't die midway."

"So as long as the Xuanhuang Sect's people are capable, they will definitely let you join the Xuanhuang Sect."

The bartender said lazily.

"But why does Master want me to join the Xuanhuang Sect?"

"I don't lack skills either. It's great to be free."

Song Pingan patted his head honestly.

"Stupid, what do you think freedom is."

"Heaven and earth are like prisons. No one has freedom, only relative freedom."

"If you want to improve your cultivation quickly, you still have to consume a lot of resources."

"Otherwise, your longevity will be exhausted and you will die before your bitter spirit roots grow."

"But this sea area is controlled by Xuanhuang Sect. If you can join Xuanhuang Sect."

"Not only can you get the protection of a big force, but you can also use this force to obtain various cultivation resources."

"You can even get the inheritance of this sect, which has many benefits."

The bartender said that he hated iron.

"Yes, Master."

"But master, you won't be discovered by the Xuanhuang Sect, right?"

Song Pingan is still worried about this.

After all, this Xiaoyao Ring is his biggest secret. He doesn't want anyone to discover this secret, otherwise it will definitely lead to death.

"Don't worry, it's just a sect in the lower realm, how can you find me?"

The wine connoisseur said with great disdain.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Song Ping'an immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his master, the Taoist Master, was almost omnipotent and even more amazing than any monk he had ever seen.

Since the other party said they couldn't find it, then they definitely couldn't find it either.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and immediately came to the Xuanhuang Sect's affairs office in Xianxia City, Sanxing Island Group.

At this time, a large number of Qi-training monks have gathered here.

Obviously they are all monks who want to join the Xuanhuang Sect.

After all, if you can join the Xuanhuang Sect, you will reach the sky in one step.

The person in charge of this place is Liu Jun, a foundation-building monk of the Xuanhuang Sect. He is wearing a Taoist robe with the word "Xuanhuang" engraved on it. This is already the standard clothing of the Xuanhuang Sect.

Only Xuanhuang Sect disciples can wear it. If an outsider wears it and is discovered by Xuanhuang Sect, it will be regarded as a serious crime.

"Master Liu, can we really join the Xuanhuang Sect? Regardless of our origins and identities?"

Some monks couldn't help but ask.

He wanted to know if this was true.

After all, other Nascent Soul Sects have many requirements. If you want to join one, if you are not a family monk and do not have a great background, it is almost impossible.

Xuanhuang Sect is one of the few Nascent Soul Sects that recruits casual cultivators.

"Yes, this is the purpose of our Xuanhuang Sect, teaching without distinction."

"Whether you are a casual cultivator or a family cultivator, you will be treated equally."

"We don't care about your identity, background or origins."

"As long as you join the Xuanhuang Sect, you will be part of us."

"Even we don't care about your spiritual root qualifications."

"Even those with ninth-grade spiritual roots have a chance to join our Xuanhuang Sect."

Foundation-building monk Liu Jun smiled slightly.

As soon as these words came out, many monks immediately burst into an uproar, it was simply unbelievable.

They didn't expect that Xuanhuang Sect would recruit disciples regardless of their spiritual qualifications, which was really unbelievable.

After all, the ordinary Yuanying Sect's condition for recruiting disciples is that they all must have at least medium spiritual roots.

As for those with lower spiritual roots, they have no chance of becoming a disciple of the Nascent Soul Sect.

"Master Liu, is it true or false? Doesn't Xuanhuang Sect have any threshold?"

But there are also many monks who don't believe it.

After all, if there really was no threshold, then Xuanhuang Sect would have no idea how many disciples it would recruit.

It’s not like now that Xuanhuang Sect’s disciples are still so rare.

"This is it."

"Although our Xuanhuang Sect recruits disciples, we don't care about background, qualifications, or spiritual roots."

"But I care about one thing, and that is whether there is fate."

"If we are destined, we will naturally be a disciple of the Xuanhuang Sect."

"If you don't have the chance, then we won't recruit you even if you have the Tianlinggen qualification."

Foundation-building monk Liu Jun said in a deep voice.

What? !

Many monks were confused. They didn't expect that Xuanhuang Sect's conditions for recruiting disciples were so weird. They actually looked at whether they were destined to be disciples. If they were not destined, they would have no chance to join.

If you are destined, you can join.

The question is whether there is fate, who knows, there is no standard at all.

It's all about freedom of mind.

"Anyway, if you want to try it, you can sign up for the test."

"One hundred low-grade spiritual stones for each person."

"And each person can only participate once, and cannot participate a second time."

Foundation-building monk Liu Jun ignored the doubts of many monks and continued.

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