The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 335 This man is a charmer, and the two of them almost fell

Chapter 335 This man is a charmer, and the two women almost fell into love

"Why are this bitch's hands so warm?"

Qian Ziyun's pretty face turned red.

She herself practiced Heavenly Demon Ce, and her body contained a huge amount of pure yin energy and Heavenly Demon energy, and her body was extremely cold.

But as for Zhou Sui, his body contains the power of dragon and elephant and the energy of pure Yang.

At the moment of shaking hands, this pure Yang energy passed through her little hands and entered her body.

At this moment, she felt as if her body was wrapped in pure Yang energy.

My whole body was filled with warmth, and I felt extremely warm, as if I was being radiated by the sun.

It was as if I had returned to my mother's arms, and I felt an unprecedented sense of security.

This was the first time she felt protected by a man.

It was just a handshake, but she felt as if she was melted by this man.

"How come Fellow Daoist Zhou smells so good?"

"Is this what men smell like?"

"But why are other men so stinky? Is it possible that only fellow Taoist Zhou is so special?"

Ye Feirou's pretty face turned red.

She felt the fragrance coming from Zhou Sui's body, which was simply refreshing.

Even the perfume produced by Piao Miao Palace cannot compare with it.

This is simply a natural smell, just like male hormones, which have triggered the instinct in the body.

Of course, this is Zhou Sui's body of heavenly charm that was tempered by the power of the infatuation Gu.

The body releases a unique scent all the time.

Basically every woman smells something different, but it's the smell they like.

It is also the most suitable scent.

That's why she felt so heartbroken.

At this moment, she felt as if she was wrapped in the scent of omniscience.

It was as if I was in a field of flowers.

"Give me some face and don't fight."

At this moment, Zhou Sui's voice came over and reached the ears of Ye Feirou and Qianziyun.

"Okay, I, I will give Fellow Daoist Zhou some face and I won't argue with you for the time being."

"But next time, you won't be so lucky."

Ye Fei's face was red and her heart was pounding like a deer.

When she heard Zhou Sui's voice, she felt a tingling sensation in her body, as if she was being immersed in an electric current.

How can she care about Qian Ziyun now?

It can be said that she feels that if she continues to stay with this man, she will completely fall.

This also made her panic and wanted to escape from this place quickly.

Because this man is really too dangerous.

"I, I also want to give fellow Taoist Zhou some face."

"If we meet again next time, I'll hit you once every time I see you."

Qian Ziyun's face was as red as an apple. She also felt weak all over. She was obviously a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, but she was only held by her little hand and heard the other person's voice.

She actually lost all her resistance.

Although this man didn't give any love medicine, he was the biggest love medicine.

There is no doubt that if you continue to stay with this man, your innocence will definitely be at risk.

Although she behaves wildly and seems to be a witch, she is very conservative.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t still be a pure yin body to this day.

Whizzing! ! !

In an instant, the two girls Qian Ziyun and Ye Feirou almost coincidentally ran away from this place without even saying hello.

Even they couldn't detect the other person's strangeness.

Now they just want to leave this dangerous place and this dangerous man as soon as possible.

Otherwise, they might really fall.

This man is really too scary.

"Ms. sir, are you really hooking up with these two sisters?"

The Peach Blossom Master next to her looked at Zhou Sui with a strange expression, because she could see clearly from the side that the two sisters were clearly in love, fell in love, and were passionately in love.

She had never imagined that the two Nascent Soul female cultivators who were famous in the Canglan Sea in the past would act like innocent girls after meeting her husband. It was really unbelievable.

If this matter is told, it will definitely shake the Canglan Sea.

I don’t know how many Nascent Soul cultivators were shocked and dumbfounded.

This is gossip news that is enough to alarm the Canglan Sea Area.

"What do you think?"

Zhou Sui smiled slightly, reached out and gently lifted her smooth chin, without admitting or denying it.

"Even if we do hook up, then I'm still the boss."

"You belong to me this month."

Master Peach Blossom looked at Zhou Sui with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Soon, the two returned to the cave and spent a wonderful night.


On the other hand, Mingguang Island is the center of Dragon City.

This is an ancient altar with densely carved runes, and dragons seem to appear around it, filled with an unfathomable aura.

In the center of the altar, there was a dark green demonic energy that burst out with bursts of light, like a dark green sun.

It is so pure that it is like a demon vein, releasing a steady stream of demon energy to the surroundings.

At this moment, it is pulled by the altar, and seems to want to integrate into this fifth-level spiritual vein, or even replace it.

Once successful, the spiritual veins will be transformed into demon veins.

The level inside will even be further improved, and it will be promoted to the fifth level high-grade demon vein.

And around the altar, there were four-level high-grade demon cultivators sitting there, all filled with a terrifying demonic aura.

They are responsible for guarding the altar and preventing enemies from invading and destroying the formation here.

After all, this is the demon clan's grand plan, and no one is allowed to ruin this plan.

The leader is naturally Jiao Wuwei.

"Master Fearless, according to intelligence, that group of humans is about to attack our Dragon City."

"This time the human race may really be coming out in full force."

A demon cultivator immediately stepped forward to report.

Its face is very solemn, even though the demon clan now has a huge advantage.

But human monks should not be underestimated.

Even a counterattack before death may cause huge harm to them.

Even if the demon race wins in the end, it means nothing if they die under the human race's counterattack.

"Not bad, not bad, finally they took action."

"Just come here and let these stupid human monks know what it means to come back and never come back."

"Then they will know the terror of our demon clan."

Jiao Wuwei's face was calm, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Don't worry, Lord Fearless."

"We have long made this island look like an iron barrel."

"It is simply wishful thinking to destroy our ancient demon transformation formation."

Many demon cultivators were very proud.

They looked forward to watching the group of human monks arrive at Mingguang Island and then smash their heads and bleed.

After all, this place has long been built like an iron barrel by them, creating many traps.

If the human race attacks, they won't be able to get into Mingguang Island unless they pay a certain price.


Time flies so fast, a month has passed almost in the blink of an eye.

The Canglan sea area is very calm this month.

Perhaps both the demon race and the human race had expected it and knew each other's plans, so they stopped fighting in unison and waited for the storm to come.

The outer area of ​​Mingguang Island.

At this moment, the eight Nascent Soul forces of Wuji Alliance, Tianjian Sect, Sunset Sect, Piaomiao Palace, Xuanbao Tower, Tianmo Sect, Xuanyin Sect and Heisha Palace appeared in the sky of this island.

They set off from Piaomiao Island and arrived directly at Mingguang Island.

After a month of preparation, they were already ready.

I saw huge airships appearing in the sky, with forbidden lights flashing on them, filled with colorful lights.

Many monks stepped on the magic weapons and floated in mid-air. Their faces were very serious and they were ready.

The eight major sect forces separated in four directions and collectively attacked Mingguang Island.

As for the island, there are countless monsters with fur, horns, or scales of various colors gathered. They are so vast that their number has exceeded tens of millions.

Above the sky, there were monster birds flying, and the sky was as dark as dense clouds.

They are the famous Kuva Flying Eagle clan of the demon clan.

Unlike the Thunder Eagle clan, they are a demon clan that has mastered the magical power of the poison system, and can release endless poisonous mist from their bodies.

It can be said that wherever they go, everything is turned into a desert and no one can survive.

They are also one of the main combat forces this time.

The entire island was filled with a strong demonic aura, as if the island was surrounded by a huge barrier, with densely packed demonic runes flashing on it, unfathomable.

Obviously, this place has long been built like an iron barrel by the demon clan.

This can also be regarded as the base camp of the demon clan in the world of cultivating immortals.

At this moment, Zhou Sui, Taoist Chongxu, Taoist Tianshu and others naturally stood together.

They are all the main force in this war.

The other monks were just doing some tinkering work.

"Is this the fifth-level low-grade formation, the Heavenly Demon Slaying God Formation?"

"Although it is not as good as the Four-Elephant Kurong Sect of the Kurong Sect, as a formation for a fifth-level island, it is already quite good."

Taoist Chongxu said with emotion.

He sensed that the island's fifth-level formation was extremely powerful, connected with the fifth-level spiritual veins, contained infinite power, and inspired a triple barrier with unfathomable power.

If we attack by force, we will definitely suffer heavy losses.

The faces of many Nascent Soul cultivators were also very solemn.

Obviously, the defense of this island is no less than that of any Nascent Soul Sect headquarters, and is even more terrifying.

You must know that the demon clan has only arrived in the world of immortality for decades, and they actually built such a huge fortress.

If it is not stopped and continues like this, sooner or later the Canglan Sea will be occupied by the demon clan.

Of course, it is not that simple to conquer this island.

"Don't worry, I brought the Heavenly Treasure Golden Xu Mirror."

"No matter how powerful this fifth-level formation is, it can't stop us."

Taoist Tiansuan said proudly.

The heaven-reaching spiritual treasure in his hand can reflect the world, and with a single glance, he can understand the reality of the formation.

Know where the formation's eyes are.

Once the formation eye is destroyed, even the fifth-level formation will be easily disintegrated.

"Fifth level low-grade formation? It's just ordinary."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

For ordinary monks, the fifth-level formation is naturally so profound that it is unimaginable and impossible to understand.

But he is different.

The formation cultivation has already reached the fifth-level high-grade realm.

Coupled with the help of the Formation Heart Gu, all fifth-level formations could not stop him.

Even with the help of the power of Formation Heart Gu, one can manipulate the enemy's fifth-level formation and deprive the opponent of control.

Of course, he would not tell anyone about this kind of thing. It would be best to keep silent and make a fortune.


Suddenly, under Zhou Sui's control, the Formation Heart Gu turned into an invisible light and instantly submerged into the formation, and then endless secrets of the formation poured in.

It seemed that the spiritual vein distribution map of the entire Mingguang Island also appeared in his mind.

He also suddenly knew the secrets of many formations on Mingguang Island.

"Hey, no, this island is more than just a sky demon slaying formation."

"There is also a second fifth-level low-grade formation: the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation."

"This Seven Evils Soul Locking Array can gather the power of the Seven Evils of Heaven and Earth to attack the souls of human monks."

"Once activated, the evil spirit will enter the body and cause death."

"Even the Nascent Soul cultivator can't resist it."

"The demon tribe is actually so cautious?!"

"Not only is a fifth-level formation deployed, but a second one is also deployed."

"Is this the plan to come to the coalition of Yin human monks?"

"Fortunately, I am a fifth-level formation mage, and I have the help of formation heart Gu, otherwise the demon clan's conspiracy would have succeeded."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

There is no doubt that if I were not here today, I am afraid that the human coalition would be in bad luck.

I dare not say that the entire army was wiped out, but heavy losses are certain.

Unfortunately, the time for Array Heart Gu to arrive was still too short.

At present, the most that can be done is to make the formation ineffective. If you want to control the entire formation and make the formation work for your own use, it will take a long time. Unfortunately, there is no time now.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, if the formation fails, it will be a big help, which is equivalent to breaking an arm of the demon clan.

"Stupid humans actually dare to attack my demon clan's island."

"You are really asking for your own death."

"If you leave now, I can spare your lives."

"Isn't it a pity that my many years of cultivation are ruined now?"

At this moment, a huge sound came from the island, like a dragon roaring.

I saw a hundred-foot-long dragon, surrounded by many monsters, appearing in front of many monks. It released a terrifying monster aura and a touch of dragon power.

Ordinary people would be scared to death just by feeling this evil spirit, and would be unable to stand firm at all.

Although its words are very arrogant, it is extremely cautious.

He had no intention of going outside the formation boundary to fight against the human monks.

Instead, he made up his mind to stay within the formation.

Use the power of the fifth-level formation to fight against the human monks.

Anyway, it is the human race that is anxious now, and they are not anxious, so naturally they will not be so stupid.

If you really leave the island, you will be using your own shortcomings to attack your own strengths.


"Monster bastard, either you die today or we die."

"Let's do it, Lord God."

Taoist Chongxu sneered and didn't pay attention to anything the other party said.

Because among the human monks who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul Realm, there is no one who has a strong Taoist heart and is so easily intimidated.


Hearing this, Taoist Tiansuan nodded, immediately stood up, and took out a golden sunburst mirror, a spiritual treasure that reaches the sky.

This is a completely golden mirror, as if it is made of gold.

Under the sunlight, it exudes a brilliant color and a golden light.

The frame of the mirror is engraved with densely packed mysterious runes.

It seemed to be filled with a profound aura.


At this moment, Taoist Tiansuan was holding the Heavenly Treasure Golden Xu Mirror.

I saw that the huge Nascent Soul mana on his body was instilled, and the many forbidden runes on the frame of this golden mirror were like light bulbs, lighting up one by one, blooming with golden light.

The next second, golden rays of light shot out from the mirror, seemingly covering the entire island.


Suddenly, the monsters on the island immediately let out bursts of shrill screams.

The huge and rich black demonic energy that covered the entire island began to melt when it encountered these golden lights, just like ice and snow meeting the sun, and made a sizzling sound at the same time.

Some monsters with weak cultivation levels could not withstand this power, and their own demon souls seemed to be burned by this golden light.

Although it was not a fatal injury, it caused them great pain.

It was as if his body had been scalded by boiling water.

As these golden rays of light enveloped the entire island, all the demonic energy dissipated, and the forbidden formations of the Heavenly Demon Slaying God Formation and the formation eyes were revealed in the mirror.

"Is this the Heaven-Bearing Spiritual Treasure Golden Xu Mirror in Xuanbao Tower?!"

"It is said that it can reflect the world and even reveal the true form of the demon clan?!"

Jiao Wuwei and other demon cultivators had serious expressions on their faces.

Although they have long heard about the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure owned by the human race, after all, the human race has not used the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure for a long time.

Ordinary monks have no idea about the power of this level of magic weapon.

I just know that the power of this kind of treasure is very huge, but I don't have any idea of ​​how huge it is.

Of course, Zhou Sui's Eight Wastelands Demon Sealing Tower taught the demon clan a lesson before.

Let them have a certain level of understanding of treasures of this level.

But until the power of Jinxu Mirror fully explodes, they don't know to what extent it will reach.

"Go ahead."

Taoist Tiansuan sensed the many formation eyes of the fifth-level low-level formation, the Heavenly Demon Slayer God Formation, and immediately manipulated the Jinxu Mirror, which immediately inspired rays of golden light to attack these formation eyes.

As long as these formation eyes are destroyed, the formation will naturally collapse.

"Want to destroy the Heavenly Demon Slaying Formation of our demon clan? It's not that simple."

"Guard me the formation."

Jiao Wuwei shouted and gave orders to his men.

Suddenly, many fourth-level demon cultivators guarding the formation eye used their bloodline magical powers. A huge black barrier instantly formed around the formation eye, and countless demonic writings circulated.


Unfortunately, this does nothing.

Rays of golden light descended from the sky, blasting down. The black barrier was completely unable to withstand it at all. Suddenly, the black barrier instantly collapsed and fell into pieces.

The surrounding demon cultivators also let out shrill screams, and their entire bodies seemed to be pierced by golden light and torn apart.

The formation eye here was shattered instantly.

The formation flag that was originally buried here was instantly torn apart and shattered.

"It's over."

The faces of Jiao Wuwei and other demon cultivators changed greatly. Although they knew that the fifth-level formation they had deployed could not withstand the human race for a long time, they did not expect that it would be broken by the human race cultivator at the beginning.

It can only be said that they still underestimated the strength of human monks.


Due to the destruction of various formation points, the fifth-level low-grade formation covering the entire island also collapsed instantly, and the entire barrier was torn into pieces, shattering like glass with a rattling sound.

The true face of the original island was immediately revealed to many human monks.

A huge black demonic energy was immediately released from inside, soaring straight into the sky, as if huge black clouds had formed in the sky.

Vaguely, countless monsters roared deep in the clouds.

"The rest is up to you."

"I don't have much mana at the moment."

At this time, Tiansuan Taoist's face turned pale, and the aura on his body weakened rapidly.

The Heavenly Spirit Treasure Golden Xu Mirror on his body was also taken back.

Obviously, even if he is a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, it is still extremely troublesome to activate the Tongtian Lingbao.

Just launching one attack consumed most of his mana.

If it continues to be activated, it may drain his blood essence and consume his lifespan.

"That's enough."

"Lost the fifth-level low-grade formation, the Heavenly Demon Slaying God Formation."

"The demon clan on this island has lost more than half of its threats."

"The rest is up to us."

Taoist Chongxu was very satisfied.

Because he invited Taoist Tiansuan to take action in order to crack the fifth-level formation on this island.

Otherwise, with the protection of the fifth-level formation, they would have suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, the human monks in another area of ​​Mingguang Island immediately noticed that the formation failed, and they were all ecstatic.

"Let's take action. The fifth-level formation has been broken. There is no formation to intercept us anymore."

"I didn't expect that this old ghost is really capable."

"Haha, I just rely on the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure. If you give me the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure, I can do it."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Who allowed the ancestors of Xuanbao Tower to accumulate virtue and leave the Tongtian Lingbao? I can't envy you."

"Let's go give this group of monsters a good look. Even the monsters dare to run wild in our human territory."

Seeing this scene, the two late-stage Nascent Soul monks, the Demon Lord of Seven Emotions and the Demon Lord of Split Sea, knew immediately that it was time to launch an attack. If they missed this opportunity, they didn't know how long they would have to wait.


At this time, under the orders of the two sect masters, Xuan Yin soldiers and flying zombies rushed out instantly, forming a huge legion and killing towards Mingguang Island.

Immediately, these Taoist soldiers and flying zombies started fighting with many monsters on the island.

"Let's take action too."

At this time, Piaomiao Palace and Sunset Sect were in the western front area, and they took action immediately.

I saw thousands of airships from the Piaomiao Palace appearing in mid-air. They were extremely fast, with black muzzles exposed on the airships, and then they bombed the monsters on the ground.

These cannonballs are the Five Poison Cannonballs refined by the Sunset Sect.

Once it explodes, it is not only extremely powerful, but also releases five poisonous smoke.

Any creature that smells the smoke will be poisoned to death.

Suddenly, five poisonous cannonballs fell down one after another, and the battlefield was instantly filled with colorful poisonous mist.

Many monsters were caught off guard and smelled the poisonous mist, and they died suddenly.


The Heavenly Demon Sect and the Wuji Alliance in the southern area also took action. The Heavenly Demon Sect monks led a bunch of low-level extraterrestrial demons and blasted towards many monsters.

These demons were invisible and incorporeal. After penetrating the bodies of these demonic beasts, they actually directly swallowed their demonic souls.

The low-level monsters didn't know what happened, and fell to the ground one after another, their bodies and souls destroyed.

As for the monks of the Wuji Alliance, they used battle formations to gather the power of many monks to kill these monsters. They specifically targeted low-level monsters, and they fought vigorously and vigorously.

At this moment, the faces of Jiao Wuwei and other demon cultivators who were staying at the altar of Jiaolong City were very ugly.

Although they are in the Dragon City, the information sent back by demon cultivators from various places still allows them to have an overview of the overall situation and know the situation in every part of the battlefield.

Obviously, the current situation is not good for the demon clan.

Although there are many demon beasts in the demon tribe, most of them are just stragglers.

Compared with the uniform legions of human monks, I still don't know how far behind they are.

If this continues, no one knows how many monsters will be wiped out.

Throughout the island, tens of millions of monster armies collided with many human monks.

It was like a meat grinder, with a large number of monsters and human monks dying all the time.

Of course, more monsters died.

Because human monks use magic weapons, puppets, flying boats and other powers to fight monsters from a distance.

Not fighting the enemy head-on at all.

In this way, the casualty rate of human monks will naturally be greatly reduced.

"Damn it, even though our demon race is large in number, when it comes to the use of magic weapons and formations, we are still not as good as the human race. They are too good at using foreign objects."

"This is enough to make up for their various disadvantages."

"Despicable and shameless humans know how to use foreign objects."

"With bare hands, there is absolutely no way he can be our opponent."

A fourth-level demon cultivator looked very ugly.

It now understands why in the ancient times, when the demon clan was at its peak, it was still unable to capture the human race's world of immortality.

Although the human race has a short lifespan, it is good at cultivating immortals and various arts.

Even though his physical fitness is not as good as that of the demon clan, he can still compete with the demon clan with the help of various weapons.

Even above the demon clan.

"Haha, a bunch of human idiots, they were completely fooled."

"If we finally enter the island, won't we all step into the trap I set?"

"This time I will catch all these stupid human monks."

Jiao Wuwei suddenly burst into laughter, showing the look of his treacherous plan succeeding.

"Master Wuwei, don't you have any backup plans?"

Many fourth-level demon cultivators looked at Jiao Wuwei curiously.

"Of course, there is more than just a fifth-level low-grade formation on this island."

"To be on the safe side, I also set up a second fifth-level low-grade formation - the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation."

"Even if the human monks break through the first level five formation."

"But how can we resist the second level five formation?"

"Now that these human monks have entered the island, they have nowhere to escape."

"It's like catching a turtle in a urn."

"Let's see how I destroy this human army."

Jiao Wuwei was proud of himself.

It felt that it had the pearl of wisdom in its hands and was toying with the group of human monks.

He just used a little trick, which was enough to destroy this group of human monks.

It can only be said that humans are humans after all.

In terms of wisdom, how can it be compared with their dragon clan?

After all, they are just an inferior race.

"As expected of a fearless Taoist, he actually has such a back-up plan."

"What are you waiting for? Launch the formation immediately and destroy this group of human monks."

Many demon cultivators shouted excitedly.

They couldn't wait to see the tragic death of these human monks.

"Activate the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array for me."

At this time, Jiao Wuwei took out an formation flag from his body and immediately wanted to activate the Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation.

But soon it discovered that after the demonic power in its body was instilled, the array flags flickered, but the Seven Evil Soul Locking Arrays arranged on the entire island did not react at all, as if they were dead.

No matter how much it is urged, it is of no avail.

This is also a matter of course.

The Seven Evil Soul Locking Formation has long been controlled by the Formation Heart Gu sent by Zhou Sui, which is equivalent to changing its master.

No matter how the other party pushes it, it is impossible to push it.

Suddenly, half of Jiao Wuwei's face turned green.

It still doesn't know where it is now, this formation must have had an accident.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array to fail to activate.

"Master Fearless, what is going on?"

"Why haven't you urged us yet? Too many of our companions have died."

"If we continue like this, we will soon be killed."

Many fourth-level demon cultivators looked at Jiao Wuwei in confusion. Didn't they say there was a second fifth-level formation? Why are you still so indifferent now?

"He Feng, what is going on? Why can't the Seven Evil Soul Locking Array be activated?"

Jiao Wuwei shouted angrily and immediately questioned a fourth-level high-grade demon cultivator next to him.

This is the elder of the Yaohe Clan, a well-known formation cultivator among the Yaohe Clan, and is extremely good at formations.

Basically, the formations of the demon clan come from the demon crane clan.

After all, many races know nothing about formations, they are just good at fighting.

At this time, a white crane demon came out, and it was also full of confusion: "Master Wuwei, I am not sure what is going on? Maybe the formation is arranged wrongly.

Or maybe the spiritual environment of the immortal world and the ancient demon world are different, which leads to errors in the formation. In short, give me a certain amount of time to check, and I will definitely be able to find out the reason. "

It was also puzzled and had no idea what was happening.

It was obviously fine before, so how could something suddenly go wrong?

"Shut up. Now that we've reached this point, there's no time for me to check you out."

Jiao Wuwei gritted his teeth. He was so angry that his face turned completely green.

At the critical moment, something went wrong. There is nothing worse than this.

Fortunately, it was prepared with many hands.

Otherwise, he will definitely be killed by this old fool.

Now it wants to strangle this old fool to death.

They are just like teammates like pigs.

"Master Fearless, what should we do now?"

Some demon cultivators couldn't help but ask.

After all, if the second level five formation cannot be activated, then they may have difficulty dealing with the group of human monks.

"Don't be afraid, it doesn't matter even if there isn't a second fifth-level formation."

"When it comes to fourth-level demon cultivators, we still have the upper hand."

"There are only a few hundred human monks, how can they compare with us."

"As long as we kill those few human Nascent Souls holding Heavenly Spiritual Treasures, victory will still belong to us."

"To capture the thief, capture the king first, and kill Taoist Chongxu, the leader of Tiantian Jian Sect, and Zhou Sui, the leader of Xuanhuang Sect."

"If we kill them, the remaining Nascent Soul will naturally collapse without an attack. There is no way they can be our opponent."

Jiao Wuwei is full of murderous intent.

Although it doesn't really want to fight the human monks in its true form, after all, it's hard to say whether there will be an accident, but now, there is a high probability that it can't help it.


In an instant, Jiao Wuwei and dozens of other fourth-level high-grade demon cultivators soared into the sky, flew out of Jiaolong City, and headed directly towards Taoist Chongxu, Zhou Sui and others.

They had long locked onto the auras of Zhou Sui and others, and knew that they were the greatest threat.

As long as these human monks are killed, the remaining Nascent Soul will naturally have nothing to fear.

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