The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 331: Seeing Zhou Lang miss his life, he is willing to do it for Senior Zhou

Chapter 331: Seeing Zhou Lang miss his life, he is willing to be a concubine for Senior Zhou

"too late."

"My sword is enough to kill monsters."

Zhou Sui looked at the group of demon cultivators indifferently, showing no joy or sadness, as if they were in a state of total emptiness.

Now he is in a ruthless state, just like the way of heaven.


In an instant, the flying sword in his hand slashed towards Jiao Shiqi and other monsters.

That's right, this sword didn't just lock Jiao Shiqi.

Basically, the entire fourth-level monsters on the island, as well as other low-level monsters, are locked.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

The next second, black sword light burst out, seemingly forming a black sword rain. The speed was so fast that even the consciousness could not catch it.

This is a sword that contains the intention to kill all living beings.

Each black sword light seemed to tear the void apart.

Even the power of the earth's polar magnetism was of no avail, and it could still easily cut through the gravity area.

"not good!"

Jiao Shiqi's hair stood up and his pupils shrank. He sensed how terrifying this sword was. Even with his own body, it was impossible to withstand it.

It is simply impossible to resist the sword light as easily as he did just now.

This kind of sword light is not at the same level as the female cultivator before.

It's a pity that even if it wants to escape at this time, it has no choice.

Because its soul and breath have long been locked by the killing sword light.

And it's so fast that even it can't dodge.


At this moment, Jiao Shiqi suddenly found a sharp pain suddenly coming from his body.

It looked down and saw that its huge dragon body had been split in half, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the wound, pouring onto the ground and turning into a rain of blood.

Even its demon soul was split in half with this sword.

Because this black sword light can not only cut through its dragon body, but also its soul.

It caused a double blow.

The proud dragon scales were cut open like tofu, effortlessly.

"How is it possible? I am Jiao Shiqi, how could I die at the hands of a mere human monk?"

Jiao Shiqi's eyes widened, and there was endless fear and regret in the depths of his pupils. If he had known that there were such terrifying humans in this place, he would never have come.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

It is impossible to turn back time.

Not long after, its consciousness quickly submerged into the endless darkness and completely disappeared into the void.

The originally huge body of the dragon also fell from mid-air and hit the ground hard, creating a huge deep pit with billowing smoke and dust.

A large amount of dragon blood gushes out and sinks into the earth, seemingly forming a small blood lake.

"No way, you actually killed this fourth-level high-grade dragon with one sword?!"

Ye Feirou also stood up from the ground at this moment. Her beautiful eyes widened and she could hardly believe what she saw because it was so unbelievable.

Although she sensed that the mysterious unknown Taoist in front of her was indeed very extraordinary, she never expected that she could kill this fourth-level high-grade dragon with just one sword strike.

If this incident spreads, it will definitely shock the entire Canglan Sea area, because it is too exaggerated.

After all, according to the strength of this dragon, it is comparable to the great monks of the late Nascent Soul.

Who would have thought that a human monk could kill it with one sword? This is really unbelievable.

"No, no, it's not just as simple as killing this dragon."

"Even the twenty-five fourth-level monsters present were killed in an instant."

"When did it happen? Why can't I see it?"

At this moment, Ye Feirou's consciousness spread out and she sensed the aura of the fourth-level monsters nearby.

Originally, she was still wary that these fourth-level monsters might jump over the wall in a hurry.

But soon she discovered that the bodies of these fourth-level monsters were also split in half, following in the footsteps of the dragon.

Even those fourth-level monsters were even more miserable.

Because they were just affected.

Just by being lightly passed by black sword light, he was split in half and even his soul was shattered.

She could sense the dissipating aura of souls on these fourth-level monsters.

Even if you want to take the opportunity to escape, it is impossible.

"It's an exaggeration. It's really an exaggeration."

"It's just a sword."

"Not only did I kill this fourth-level high-grade dragon, but I also killed all the fourth-level monsters."

"Even the entire island's monsters were slaughtered in an instant."

"What kind of sword art is this? Even if it is a sword cultivator from Tianjian Sect, no, even if you add in the history of Tianjian Sect for thousands of years, there is no sword cultivator who can compare with Qi Ri. It is really too much. exaggerate."

Ye Feirou's heart was filled with turmoil.

She looked at the mysterious unknown Taoist in front of her in disbelief.

To be honest, even if she were to take action in person, she would probably be killed by this unknown Taoist with a single sword strike.

Such a record is simply too exaggerated.

Under her perception, the entire Tailai Island was covered with densely packed monster corpses.

They were still eating human corpses.

But now, it has also been pierced by the sword energy, extinguishing vitality and losing the breath of life.

It can be said that with one strike of the sword, all the monsters on the island were wiped out, leaving no trace of armor behind.

"No way, is it true or false, these fourth-level monsters are all dead?"

At this moment, the female cultivator of the Piaomiao Palace Golden Pill also saw this scene, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

She had already despaired when she saw the Palace Master being easily defeated by the dragon. She felt that she would not survive this time and would definitely be killed by these monsters.

Who would have thought that this mysterious unknown Taoist would take action.

It was just one sword, and it actually killed all the monsters here.

It's as easy and simple as killing a chicken.

In other words, the strength of this mysterious unknown Taoist is so terrifying that even the Palace Master cannot compare to it.

To be honest, if someone said that this unknown Taoist was a cultivator, she would not have the slightest doubt.

Because this kind of strength is really too terrifying.

It is not something that ordinary monks in the late Nascent Soul stage can compare to.

"Yes, they are indeed dead. I saw their bodies suddenly split into two halves, and they were unable to move."

"No way, that means we are saved this time? We won't be killed by these monsters?"

"I can only say that this unknown senior is really awesome. His combat power is simply beyond imagination."

"Is the unknown senior a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage or a god-transformation monk? How can he be so tyrannical?"

Many Piao Miao palace maid cultivators are well-informed, but they have never seen such a tyrannical cultivator.

Everyone looked at Zhou Sui with great admiration.

This comes from the worship of the strong and admiration for Confucianism.

"Sure enough, the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Technique is still too powerful."

At this time, Zhou Sui was filled with emotion when he saw his masterpiece.

He once again realized how powerful and terrifying the Zhuxian Sword Art was.

No wonder the Demon Slayer Sect used this sword technique to become the God Transformation Sect in the past.

He even became the mainstay of the ancient times, the vanguard of fighting against demons and killing monsters.

Even if ordinary monks only understand a little bit of the Zhuxian Sword Technique, they can grow up quickly and master powerful combat power.

This is simply a sword technique created for war, and its power is unusual.

"However, if this sword art cannot be controlled perfectly, it will easily backfire on your body."

"Even if you use it for too long, the killing intent will enter your soul, and you will become possessed and die."

"So in ancient times, almost all the demon-slaying sect monks did not die well."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.


In an instant, he seemed to hear the voices of countless dead souls.

"Thank you for avenging us. We have no regrets."

"Although the blood feud has been avenged, the monsters are still not extinct."

"We have made a great oath to fight against the demon clan until death."

"The demon clan will never be destroyed, and the revenge will not stop."

The voices of dead souls rang out.

At this moment, he felt that even if the monsters killed the entire island, the killing intent from the death of all living beings not only did not disappear, but was tempered and became purer.

Because revenge is successful.

The will of those dead creatures made up for the regret, unwillingness, anger, resentment and other negative emotions that disappeared.

What replaced it was murderous intent, pure will to kill demons.

Because this hatred will not disappear with the death of the monster, but will become stronger and begin to grow.

At this moment, the flying sword in his hand gathered a huge amount of killing intent.

It seems that at this time, this flying sword turned into a demon-killing flying sword.

It has great lethality against monsters, and can easily penetrate the body of monsters and destroy their souls.

"So it turns out that the monks of the Demon Slaying Sect in the past used this power to forge many demon-slaying flying swords and demon-slaying broadswords? They actually condensed the killing intent of all living beings."

"But ordinary flying swords don't seem to be able to carry so much killing intent."

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes and couldn't help but reveal a hint of understanding.

But he looked at the flying sword in his hand.

At this time, cracks appeared on the flying sword.

If this continues, this flying sword will inevitably break into many pieces.

Obviously, even if it is a low-grade Lingbao-level flying sword, it cannot withstand such a huge killing intent.

"It seems that ordinary flying swords cannot withstand such huge killing intent."

"Especially as it absorbs more and more murderous intent, sooner or later Feijian will be unable to bear it and will break into pieces and die."

"So to forge the flying sword, you must use extremely special materials to withstand the infinite killing intent."

"I don't know if there is such material in the world of immortality."

"It should probably exist, otherwise where would the Demon Slayer Sect's magic weapon come from?"

Zhou Sui looked at the flying sword in his hand.

He realized that if he still wanted to use the Zhuxian Sword Art and increase the power of the Zhuxian Sword Art, he would need to find a natal flying sword that could carry endless killing intent.

Otherwise, he can only carry it with his own body.

The problem is that this is the stupidest thing to do.

In this way, he will definitely be driven crazy by the murderous intention of all living beings, and no matter how powerful the soul is, he cannot do this.

So he must forge a natal flying sword.

"If I guessed correctly, you should be fellow Taoist Zhou Sui, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect."

At this time, Ye Feirou looked at Zhou Sui with her beautiful eyes and suddenly heard a message from her spiritual consciousness.

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Feirou.

"I'm not a fool either."

"Although there may be some great monks hidden in the Canglan Sea, they are just like fellow Taoists."

"Being able to leapfrog and kill many fourth-level monsters with a cultivation level in the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"Except for Zhou Daoyou, who has the appearance of becoming a god, I can't think of anyone else."

"Not to mention, fellow Taoist's swordsmanship has long been famous in the Canglan Sea."

"The group of fourth-level demon cultivators from the Thunder Eagle Tribe died at the hands of fellow Taoists."

Ye Feirou was very sure of Zhou Sui's identity.

Although the nameless Taoist in front of him looks different from Zhou Sui, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, who doesn't have the means to disguise himself, it's really childish to change his appearance.

Of course, appearance, body shape and breath can all change.

Only the methods and magical powers that you are proficient in are difficult to change.

This skill requires years of practice to master and cannot be changed casually.

That's why she concluded that the person in front of her must be Zhou Sui, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect.

"Palace Master Ye really has a sharp gaze. I didn't expect that I couldn't hide it from you."

Zhou Sui didn't expect that his true identity would be discovered by the other party like this.

Of course, if he refuses to admit it, the other party will have nothing to do with him.

After all, the other party was just guessing and there was no evidence.

But he had no intention of hiding his identity.

Because the mistress of the Misty Palace in front of her, Ye Feirou, had fallen under his infatuation spell and had long been his potential Taoist companion.

Now it is not a bad idea to improve the relationship and improve the favorability.

"I really didn't expect Fellow Daoist Zhou to come to the waters of my Misty Palace. I wonder why Fellow Daoist came here?" Ye Fei's soft eyes flickered uncertainly, and her heart was also filled with turmoil.

To be honest, she was just guessing, and she was only 80% sure.

The identity of this unknown Taoist is not 100% certain.

But now that she heard the other party admit it, she was still shocked.

She has long heard of the reputation of being the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect.

As a famous Yuanying monk in the Canglan Sea, the youngest Yuanying ancestor has the ability to transform into a god. He has also married more than a dozen Taoist couples and even helped Taoist couples have babies.

All kinds of things have become legends in Canglan Sea.

Let countless monks talk about it.

Even when I was far away in the Canglan Sea, I had heard similar stories.

Originally, she thought this guy was just a pervert, no different from other male cultivators.

It's just good luck that he was able to advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul so quickly.

But now take a look.

This guy's cultivation level is simply terrifying. To be honest, the number one Nascent Soul cultivator in Canglan Sea is not an exaggeration.

With just one sword strike, he killed twenty-five fourth-level demon cultivators.

There was also a fourth-level high-grade demon cultivator among them.

Such fighting power is simply breathtaking.

Some people say that this week, Sui used the power of the Tongtian Lingbao to defeat the group of fourth-level demon cultivators from the Thunder Eagle clan.

But looking at it now, even without the power of the Tongtian Lingbao, this man's power is beyond imagination.

This doesn't look like a mortal at all, it's like banishing an immortal to the mortal world.

"Well, I'm here specifically for this group of fourth-level demon cultivators."

"I found out from a certain channel that these demon cultivators have the treasures I want."

"That's why we traveled thousands of miles to reach the sea area of ​​Piaomiao Palace."

"As for rescuing all the misty palace ladies, it was just a coincidence."

Zhou Sui explained.

"I see, this can be considered the luck of my Piaomiao Palace disciple."

"I didn't expect to meet fellow Daoist Zhou."

"Otherwise, they will definitely die tragically at the hands of these demon cultivators."

Ye Feirou said with emotion.

She had completely believed Zhou Sui's words.

After all, if it wasn't a coincidence, how could I have met these ethereal palace maids by chance?

Even the misty palace maid Xiu would not know that she actually sent an avatar outside her body to come to the rescue.

All I can say is that the female cultivators in the Piaomiao Palace are indeed very lucky.

Otherwise, this time he would definitely die tragically in the mouth of the monster, leaving no trace of his body.


At this time, Zhou Sui waved his hand and immediately collected all the corpses of the twenty-five fourth-level monsters underground and put them into his storage bag.

At the same time, he also got the storage bags on these fourth-level demon cultivators.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he suddenly sensed the existence of the Dragon Beard Ice Fire Fruit in Jiao Shiqi's storage bag.

Obviously, his efforts were not in vain this time, and he still got the Millennium Spirit Fruit.

If Jiao Shiqi knew that he had lost his life because of the Dragon Beard Ice Fire Fruit, he would probably regret it so much that his intestines would turn green.

Of course it's too late to say anything now.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, let's leave quickly."

"You have killed so many level four monsters."

"There is also a fourth-level high-grade dragon among them, which will definitely anger the demon clan."

"If you continue to stay here, you will definitely be targeted by the demon clan."

"It's better to go back to Misty Island first and then make plans."

Ye Feirou invited.

"Okay, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

Zhou Sui nodded.

He really wanted to find a safe place to set up the teleportation array and then return to Xuanhuang Island.

Maybe Piaomiao Island is a good place.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh~~~

Immediately, Ye Feirou took out a fourth-level flying boat from her body and took away all the misty palace maids present.

Not long after, they disappeared into the sea.


At the same time, Mingguang Island and Dragon City.

Many dragons seemed to have sensed something. At the moment of Jiao Qiyi's death, they all sensed the aura of Jiao Qiyi's death, because Jiao Qiyi's soul lamp went out.

"What's going on? Why did Jiao Shiqi die suddenly?"

"Didn't it lead a large number of fourth-level demon cultivators out to collect formation materials?"

"Did something unexpected happen?"

The dragons were astonished, it was simply unbelievable.

They know the importance of Jiao Shiqi. The other party is definitely a genius of the Jiao Dragon clan and one of the candidates for the future leader of the Jiao Dragon clan, because the other party has awakened the magical power of the earth's polar magnetism.

As long as you are promoted to the God Transformation, you will definitely be the top God Transformation Demon in the ancient demon world, with unparalleled combat power.

Therefore, Jiao Shiqi's status in the Jiao Long clan is very important, equivalent to the status of a prince.

But now, Jiao Qi's soul lamp is extinguished, which means that Jiao Qi is dead.

This was an unprecedented earthquake for the Jiaolong clan.

If this matter were spread back, it would definitely cause a huge shock to the Jiaolong clan.

Caused a reshuffle of many forces.

"Human monk, it was the human monk who killed Jiao Shiqi."

"The moment the soul lamp goes out, you can barely see part of the scene of Jiao Shiqi's death."

"There is no doubt that when Jiao Shiqi went out to collect formation materials, he was attacked and killed by the human Nascent Soul."

"As a result, he died."

Jiao Wuwei said quietly, it expressed its judgment.

To be honest, not only did it not have any anger at Jiao Shiqi's death, but it had a touch of joy.

Because the existence of Jiao Shiqi is indeed a bit of a threat to his position.

If this guy continues to live, he may not be able to become the clan leader in the future.

Who would have thought that Jiao Shiqi, who had mastered the magical power of the earth's polar magnet, would be killed by a human monk.

It's just God helping me.

This is equivalent to removing a huge resistance for it and paving the way for it to reach the top.

Of course, on the surface, it does not reveal any joy, but instead shows a sad and angry expression.

"It's impossible. How can a mere human monk kill Jiao Shiqi?"

"That's right. Jiao Shiqi is a fourth-level high-grade demon cultivator, and he also has mastered the magical power of the earth's polar magnetism. How could a small human Nascent Soul cultivator possibly obtain it? There must have been some accident."

"Stupid, you still underestimate the human monks too much. If the human monks were really that weak, the human race would have been destroyed by our monster race in ancient times. How could we wait until now?"

"That's right. Let's not talk about the ancient times. Just now, none of you would have imagined that hundreds of fourth-level demon cultivators from the Thunder Eagle clan would be slaughtered by a Xuanhuang Sect master."

"I can only say that the human monks are too unfathomable. Although they cannot be our opponents in a single fight, the problem is that the human monks have many methods. They can poison, form formations, and curse. It is simply No matter how hard it is, even the body of our demon clan may not be able to withstand such an assassination."

"In other words, Jiao Shiqi died in the conspiracy of the human monks?"

The faces of many dragons were extremely ugly.

Although they are reluctant to admit it, they have to admit it.

Human monks are indeed more powerful and more troublesome than imagined.

Even though there are many of them now, it is still very difficult to destroy human power.

If you are not careful, you may be ambushed by the opponent, causing heavy casualties.

"I told you a long time ago that you need to be careful when going out."

"Although we have occupied many places in the Canglan Sea, this is the territory of the human race after all."

"Who knows what traps they have left in these places. If you are not careful, you may fall into the trap of despicable human monks."

"From now on, you should not leave Jiaolong City casually, stay here first."

"We can only leave after the ancient demon transformation formation is completely arranged. This time our plan must not be ruined by humans, otherwise our demon clan's many years of hard work will be ruined, and we will even lose the energy of the ancient demon."

"I believe that you will not want to see the wrath of Lord Transformation God."

Jiao Wuwei said with a solemn expression, sweeping through many fourth-level demon cultivators.

"Yes, Lord Fearless, we understand."

Hearing this, many fourth-level demon cultivators nodded in unison.

Originally, their personalities were quite unruly and they would not easily obey Jiao Wuwei's orders.

But now Jiao Shiqi's death has been a wake-up call for them.

Now it is a war between the human race and the demon race, and they are on the battlefield.

No matter who died, it was very likely.

A few days later.

Piaomiao Island, Piaomiao Palace.

This is an island shrouded in mist, like a fairyland. The island is planted with dense green plants, lush and full of vitality.

Those who live on the island are basically disciples of Piaomiao Palace.

Of course, they are basically all female disciples.

It's not that there are no male disciples, it's just that they can only become peripheral disciples and act as coolies.

After all, Piaomiao Palace is a female cultivator sect.

"Have you heard? This time, the Palace Master sent out his incarnation to rescue the sisters on Yongtai Island. I originally thought that one of his incarnations must have been lost this time, but I didn't expect to meet Zhou Sui, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect."

A misty palace lady cultivator talked about this gossip with great interest.

"I did hear about this."

"It is said that a large number of monsters came to Yongtai Island. At least twenty-five fourth-level monsters were dispatched, as well as tens of thousands of low-level monsters. Basically every elder said that Yongtai Island is hopeless."

"But the Palace Master still defied all opinions and sent an avatar to rescue him."

"Originally, the palace master was prepared to lose a clone, but he happened to meet the master of the Xuanhuang Sect."

"Then the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect killed the entire Yongtai Island monsters with just one sword strike."

"Including twenty-five fourth-level monsters, this swordsmanship is simply shocking in the past."

Another female cultivator in white from Piaomiao Palace said with emotion.

When she heard the news before, she thought it was a joke.

But after repeated confirmations and approval from the Palace Master, she had to admit that it was true.

Because too many people saw this scene, it was impossible to fake it.

"I have heard before that the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect personally killed hundreds of fourth-order monsters in the waters of the Wuji Alliance. I didn't expect that he would still be so powerful when he came to the waters of the Piaomiao Palace."

"And this time, Senior Zhou did not use the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure. He only relied on the power of his own sword. One can imagine how tyrannical this Sect Master Zhou is. Even if he is said to be the number one monk in Canglan Sea, it is not an exaggeration. ."

"No way. Didn't you say that Senior Zhou's current cultivation level is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul? How could he be so tyrannical? This would be too exaggerated."

"Otherwise, how can we say that he is the first genius in the Canglan Sea in thousands of years? This is a monster with the appearance of a god, and he is only over a hundred years old now."

"It's too exaggerated. At just over a hundred years old, he is already an ancestor in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Normally, it is natural for him to be stuck in the Foundation Establishment Realm at this age. He is already a Nascent Soul."

"There is nothing we can do about it. The gap between people is really too big, so big that it is beyond imagination. I can only say that Senior Zhou's qualifications and talents are incredible."

Many misty palace maids and cultivators were talking about it.

They also discussed Zhou Sui's past deeds, and they were all impressed by him.

It can be said that this is already a legendary figure.

He is only over a hundred years old, and he is already an ancestor in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

And with his own strength, he killed so many fourth-level monsters, which can be said to be a brilliant record.

There is no doubt that this senior Zhou will leave unprecedented achievements in the Canglan Sea.

He will even leave his own legend behind.

"By the way, I heard that Senior Zhou is unparalleledly handsome and can be called the most handsome man in the Canglan Sea. I wonder if this is true? I wonder which sister has seen Senior Zhou's appearance?"

A female cultivator from the palace called Piao Miao asked very curiously.

She was still more interested in gossip, especially gossip about legendary figures like this.

It piqued her curiosity even more.

"At the beginning, Senior Zhou seemed to want to disguise his identity."

"So I used the disguise technique to change my appearance."

"But later, the Palace Master discovered Senior Zhou's true identity, and as a result, Senior Zhou stopped hiding it."

"It directly restored its original appearance."

"To be honest, at that moment I felt like I was falling in love."

"Just looking at me made me feel like I was about to ovulate while sitting on the floor."

"I have seen a lot of handsome men, but one like Senior Zhou is simply unheard of."

"Although I dare not say that Senior Zhou's cultivation is the best in Canglan Sea, but in terms of appearance, he is definitely the first."

"Of course it's not just me who comments this way."

"In fact, every sister who has seen Senior Zhou thinks so."

A misty palace maid wearing a green skirt said swornly.

She swore to God that what she said was absolutely true.

"No, this would be too exaggerated."

"Is there any man in the world really so handsome?"

Many of the misty palace maids still looked suspicious.

After all, they had never seen Zhou Sui's appearance, so naturally they didn't believe such words.

It's not like they haven't seen handsome men before, that's all.

"What do you know?"

"Facts speak louder than words, and I'm too lazy to say anything to you ignorant sisters."

"As long as you meet Senior Zhou, you will know that other men in the world are ordinary."

"Other men will never be able to see us again."

"One sight of Zhou Lang leads to a misfortune for life. This is a proverb that has been circulating in the Wuji League for a long time."

"If possible, I would like to give Senior Zhou a baby. One and a half daughters would be enough."

The nun in the green dress showed admiration in her beautiful eyes, as if she had fallen in love.

"I've heard about this before."

"It is said that Senior Zhou was a casual cultivator in the past and did not have much background."

"But just because of his handsome appearance and unparalleled beauty, he was attracted by some female cultivators."

"There are many saints from the sect among them."

"They were like bees and butterflies, swarming in."

"I would rather fall in love than have a romantic relationship with Senior Zhou."

"If you think about it carefully, Senior Zhou's charm was so amazing during his Qi training period."

"Isn't it even scarier now that we are in the Nascent Soul Realm?"

"As expected, he is a genius with the ability to transform into a god. Even if he is only in the Qi training period, he has already been spotted by others."

"There is no way. There are many Nascent Soul Ancestors in the entire Canglan Sea. None of them were amazing and brilliant when they were young. They were ordinary and unremarkable when they were young. Later, there are still too few monks who are late bloomers. They can only be counted on one finger."

Many female cultivators were talking about it.

They also found out a lot of gossip about Zhou Sui.

After all, Zhou Sui has become famous in the Canglan Sea since he killed more than a hundred fourth-level monsters.

Many high-level monks began to study Zhou Sui's life, wanting to know Zhou Sui's growth trajectory, and wanting to know why Zhou Sui grew up so fast and had such combat power.

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