The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 328 Shameless Yuan Ying Ancestor, everyone wants to be gay

Chapter 328 Shameless ancestors of Yuanying, everyone wants to rape my daughter

At this moment, inside the cave.

"Thunder is yang, thunder is yin, yin and yang combine to form thunder."

Zhou Sui sat cross-legged on the ground, and many thunder powers emerged from his body, including wooden thunder, water thunder, fire thunder, earth thunder and golden thunder. It seemed that the power of the five elements of thunder gathered together and merged into his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

At this moment, many five-element runes and thunder runes gathered together.

In the end, it condenses into a seed.

This is the seed of supernatural power.

And this magical seed has not entered his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and has been integrated into the power of the five elements of thunder.

His body seemed to be fused with countless thunder powers, penetrating every corner of his body.

It was as if at this moment, his body turned into a body of thunder, containing countless thunder energy.

"It's done."

"It took twenty years to finally refine the Five Elements Thunder Technique."

"Condensed into magical seeds."

Zhou Sui's eyes opened, revealing a frightening light. It seemed that the depths of his pupils contained the terrifying power of thunder, and his gaze alone contained terrifying lethality.

At this time, he also understood what supernatural powers were.

To a certain extent, magical power is actually magic, but it is the highest level of magic.

When monks continue to practice their magic and raise their magic to the highest level, they can transform their magic into supernatural powers.

When this technique reaches the level of supernatural power, it will have the ability to turn decay into magic.

It can also be cast instantly.

For ordinary spells, seals are still required and a period of preparation is required.

But as for magical power, it can explode instantly with just a thought. It can also activate the power between heaven and earth and exert earth-shattering power.

It is somewhat similar to the bloodline magical power of the demon clan.

It's just that bloodline magical powers come from inheritance and are born with it, but magical powers and techniques can only be learned by oneself.

However, only by being promoted to the Nascent Soul realm can one master magical powers.

This is one of the reasons why Yuanying monks are so powerful.

The power of a magical power can cover an area of ​​thousands of miles and erupt with destructive power like a nuclear bomb.

"No wonder I have been unable to make progress in many of the techniques I practiced before when I reached the master level."

"Because this has reached the limit of the technique."

"If it goes one step further, it's magical power."

"It's a pity that this step has hindered many monks."

"Unless you have an epiphany and realize the underlying principles of heaven and earth."

"Otherwise, we would not be able to cross this step no matter what."

"Or you can directly find a magical power and practice it directly, or you can master a magical power."

"Unfortunately, a magical power is not that easy to find."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

After successfully cultivating the Five Elements Thunder Technique, he felt that his understanding of the technique had improved, and he began to understand why he had never been able to make progress in many of the techniques he had mastered before, and was stuck at the master level.

This is because if you go one step further, it is the power of supernatural powers.

To be honest, this is basically the limit of ordinary magic.

Progress is basically impossible.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui flashed and immediately left the cave and came to a deserted area on Xuanhuang Island.


With a thought, he immediately controlled the Five Elements of Thunder.

It seems that at this moment, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and the thunder is flashing, containing golden thunder, wooden thunder, earth thunder, water thunder and fire thunder. It seems that the five elements of thunder are gathered in it, constantly wandering in the void.

Immediately, streaks of thunder fell from the sky, landing in hundreds, covering hundreds of miles in radius.

The next second, it hit the ground hard, immediately causing huge pits to appear on the ground. The gravel was scattered, the smoke was billowing, and the ground was scorched black.

It was like being bombarded by countless falling meteorites.

"As expected of the Five Elements Thunder Technique."

"It's just an entry level, but it can actually cause such power."

"This magical power is the nemesis of many monsters and monsters."

"If deployed, it will cause huge damage to them."

"Even without the power of the Tribulation Thunder Gu, just with its own strength, it can still cast thunder spells to kill the enemy."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly, very happy.

He felt that a magical seed was bred deep inside his body, which was the seed of the five elements of thunder. The runes of golden thunder, wooden thunder, earth thunder, water thunder and fire thunder appeared on it, intertwined with each other and integrated into one. This is the magical seed.

It's just that this magical seed is still relatively weak and at the entry level.

If it grows further, the power of this magical seed will become stronger and stronger, and it will explode with more and more terrifying power.

By then, I'm afraid he will be the real God of Thunder, invincible.

It can be said that it took him so long to learn the Five Elements Thunder Method, which is quite correct.

"By the way, let's see if my cultivation has improved."

Zhou Sui's heart moved and he immediately opened the virtual panel on his body.

[Host: Zhou Sui, Cultivation: Middle Nascent Soul (Progress 85 (21,000) years old]

[Qualification: Second Grade Spiritual Root (99%)]

[Swordsmanship: Level 4 High Grade (3%)]

[Rune: Level 4 mid-grade (35%)]

[Formation: fifth level top grade (99%)]

[Alchemist: Level 4 High Grade (80%)]

[Item Refining: Level 4 Middle Grade (45%)]

[Phantom Transformation: Master (99%)]

[Five Elements Alchemy Technique: Grandmaster (99%)]

[Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons: Demon Seeds, Summoning Demons]

[The Exquisite Book of Seven Apertures: The mind’s eye recognizes things, the mind’s eye has insight, and the mind’s eye understands language]

[Zhu Xian Sword Technique: The First Form of Invisible Sword Light]

[Five Elements Thunder Technique: Beginner, Withering Mysterious Light Technique: Dacheng, Ancient Black Turtle Technique: Second Level, Void Soul Thorn: Grandmaster, Fireball Technique: Grandmaster, Wind Blade Technique: Grandmaster, Golden Light Technique: Grandmaster, Ice Technique: Grandmaster, Spring Breeze Transforms into Rain Technique: Grandmaster, Grandmaster of Lightning Drawing Technique...]

[Infatuation Gu: fifth-order middle grade, clone Gu: fourth-order middle grade, wine bug: fourth-order middle grade, gold-eating insect: fourth-order middle grade, book Gu: fourth-order middle grade, dream soul Gu: fourth-order high grade, Dragon Elephant Gu: fourth level middle grade, Golden Light Ten Thousand Poisons Gu: fourth grade middle grade, teleportation Gu, fourth grade middle grade, Formation Heart Gu: fifth grade high grade, Seeking Object Gu, fourth grade middle grade, Tribulation Thunder Gu, fourth grade high grade, medicine Fourth level middle grade Gu. 】

"The cultivation level has actually increased to 90%."

"It seems that the effect of the pure snow lotus pill I refined is really huge."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, normally, even with just twenty years of hard training, it would be impossible for him to improve his cultivation level to 90%.

It takes one or two hundred years of ordinary Yuanying cultivation to reach this level.

The reason why his cultivation level improved so quickly was naturally due to the effect of the Pure Snow Lotus Pill.

He took one fourth-grade high-grade pill, three fourth-grade middle-grade pills, and three fourth-grade low-grade pure snow lotus pills. As a result, he improved his cultivation by at least two hundred years.

It saved him a lot of practice time.

It can be said that after a while, we can try to break through the late Nascent Soul stage.

By then he will be one of the few great monks in the Canglan Sea.

"Judging from the situation of the Five Elements Thunder Technique, if I want to take my Phantom Demon Formation Technique and Five Elements Alchemy Technique further, I have to transform into magical powers, but this is not that simple."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He thought about it carefully and found that he had no clue so far.

Perhaps if you obtain similar magical powers, you may be able to draw parallels.

Otherwise, you can only be trapped in the master realm.

But it doesn't matter, for him, this realm is completely enough.

He is not in a hurry either.

"But the most important thing is that my spiritual root has actually increased to 99%."

"That is to say, I am just a little bit closer to breaking through to the first-grade spiritual root level."

"Unfortunately, this is a huge bottleneck that cannot be broken through in a short time."

"Unless you get a thousand-year elixir that can improve your spiritual root qualifications."

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes.

There are only two elixirs in the entire Xuanhuang Island that can improve spiritual root qualifications, one is Xi Ling Tang and the other is Buddha Flame Root.

Each of them would be priceless to the outside world.

Unfortunately, he has taken both of these elixirs.

If you take it again, it will have no effect.

Therefore, he needs to find new elixirs to enhance his spiritual root qualifications.

Thinking of this, he moved his mind and activated the power of the Seeking Object Gu. He wanted to use the energy of the Seeking Object Gu to find the elixir that would improve his spiritual root qualifications.


In an instant, a message immediately sank from Seeking Object Gu into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"That's it, the fourth-level elixir Dragon Beard Ice Fire Fruit."

"This is a spiritual fruit that can improve spiritual root qualifications."

"But this kind of spiritual fruit does not exist in the immortal world. It only grows in the ancient demon world."

"Does it mean that if you want to get the Dragon Beard Ice Fire Fruit, you need to get it from those monsters?"

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

To be honest, he is quite curious about the ancient demon world, which is also a world equivalent to the world of immortality.

A world dominated by monsters like this naturally breeds many natural and earthly treasures.

And it is unique to the ancient demon world.

If the two worlds could communicate with each other, it might be possible to enhance the strength of the creatures in the two worlds.

It is a pity that there is no such news at all in the ancient demon world.

Because in the eyes of these monsters, humans are not qualified to negotiate with them.

The prerequisite for peace is that the strengths of both parties are on the same level.

If there is an imbalance in strength, the other party will naturally not be able to live in peace with you, and will definitely attack or even enslave you.

"According to the direction indicated by the Object-Seeking Gu, the Dragon Beard Ice Fire Fruit seems to be in the northern area of ​​the Canglan Sea."

"That place seems to be the sea area ruled by Piaomiao Palace."

"And the base camp of the demon clan is also in that place."

"I'm afraid it's not as easy as you think to get the Dragon Beard Ice Fire Fruit."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

But no matter how difficult it was to get, he wanted to try.

Anyway, only the clones were dispatched, so there was no need to worry about any accidents.

Once successful, his spiritual root qualifications will quickly be upgraded to the first-level realm.

His spiritual root qualifications will also become closer and closer to the Tianling Root.

And he will also have the most advanced cultivation qualifications in the world of immortality and become a true peerless genius.


At this moment, the Wuji Alliance token on Zhou Sui's body suddenly rang: "Sir, the Wuji Alliance held an emergency meeting, and it may have a lot to do with the demon clan."

This is the message from Master Peach Blossom.

"Monster clan?! Could it be that we found out the demon clan's plan?"

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, the demon clan has not expanded significantly in the past twenty years. They have only occupied various realm gates.

With the realm gate as the center, build your own city and stabilize your territory.

Continuously compressing the living space of the human race.

But they never launched an attack on the human race, which is very unusual.

He has always suspected that the demon clan has a huge conspiracy, but he has never found it.

Perhaps many Yuanying forces joined forces and finally found the demon clan's conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui did not hesitate and immediately sent one of his clones to Wuji Island.


Half an hour later.

Zhou Sui's clone appeared in Wuji Hall on Wuji Island.

At this moment, more than thirty Nascent Soul elders from the Wuji Alliance are also attending this meeting, and Master Peach Blossom is also here.

As for Leng Yuexi and others, they did not participate and stayed on Xuanhuang Island to practice.

After all, it is enough for Zhou Sui and Master Peach Blossom to attend such a meeting.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, you are well."

"It's really an honor for us to finally meet fellow Daoist Zhou again."

"We have heard about the Samsung Island Group before. Fellow Daoist Zhou is simply promoting the prestige of our human race."

"Isn't that right? Killing so many fourth-level monsters can be regarded as a complete shock to the monster clan. During this period, the monster clan did not dare to invade our Wuji Alliance sea area. All this is the credit of fellow Taoists."

"By the way, Fellow Taoist Zhou, I also have a daughter who is as beautiful as a flower. Maybe she can be your concubine, and our two families can also become in-laws. I don't know what you think of her."

"Fart, with your daughter's beauty, how can she be worthy of fellow Taoist Zhou? Let my daughter marry fellow Taoist Zhou. My daughter is famous for her beauty and big butt. She will definitely give birth to ten children for fellow Taoist Eight sons.”

Seeing Zhou Sui arriving, all the Yuanying monks came forward to say hello with a respectful attitude.

After all, Zhou Sui's reputation is too great now.

With his own strength, he killed more than a hundred fourth-level monsters. This kind of combat power can be regarded as the best in the Wuji Alliance.

Even Taoist Wuji, the leader of the Wuji Alliance, cannot compare with him.

He even vaguely has the title of the strongest person in Canglan Sea.

And Zhou Sui is still so young.

There is still hope to become a powerful person in the realm of gods in the future.

It can be imagined that their attitude towards Zhou Sui was not like treating fellow monks, but treating their seniors.

All of them are flattering, fawning over and slapping their beards.

He even wanted to marry his daughter to the other party.

After all, once the marriage is successful, he will have a future son-in-law.

No matter how you look at it, it's a good deal.

In short, these Nascent Soul elders were so enthusiastic that even Zhou Sui couldn't resist them.

"Okay, okay, don't be polite."

"Now is our Wuji Alliance meeting, stop talking so much nonsense."

"Everyone calm down and the meeting will begin immediately."

In the end, Taoist Wuji came to Zhou Sui's rescue, and only then did the other Nascent Soul monks stop.

He glared at these shameless Yuanying elders, all of whom wanted to curry favor with their own sons-in-law. It was simply unreasonable.

Isn't it obvious that he wants to rape his own daughter?

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that these guys were elders of the Wuji Alliance, I would have slapped these shameless people to death. Fortunately, I was still a Yuanying monk, so I didn't expect to be so thick-skinned.

He didn't even care about the dignity of being the ancestor of Nascent Soul, he just wanted to rely on his daughter to rise to the top.

Of course, fortunately, he got the first opportunity and allowed his daughter to marry the other party in advance, which can be regarded as an in-law relationship.

"Father, I don't know why you asked us to come over for a meeting."

Master Peach Blossom asked immediately.

She wanted to know what happened and why her father summoned them so urgently.

This is very unusual.

"The reason why we called you here is actually because we discovered the demon clan's plan."

"The reason why the demon clan has not launched a war for twenty years is not because they are afraid of us humans."

"But they have been building the ancient demon transformation array."

Upon hearing this, Taoist Wuji's face suddenly became serious, and he glanced at all the Nascent Souls.

"The ancient demon transformation formation? What is this?"

Many Nascent Soul cultivators looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Because they really don't know what kind of formation this is.

"Oh, it's normal that you don't know."

"In fact, if it weren't for the Tianjian Sect, we wouldn't know."

"You also know that Tianjian Sect has recorded a lot of history about ancient times."

"I also know a lot of information about the ancient demon world and the ancient demon world."

"So they know more than we do."

"This time it was also discovered by Elder Yuanying of the Tianjian Sect."

"The so-called ancient demon transformation formation is actually the demon cultivators using the energy of the ancient demon to pollute the spiritual veins of our world of immortality. Such a plan is very insidious and vicious, and it can be called a desperate plan."

Taoist Wuji clenched his fists with an angry look on his face.

"The aura of the ancient demon?"

"Could it be the original aura of the ancient demon world?! Even a wisp of ancient demon aura can pollute the spiritual veins of our immortal world and turn the spiritual veins of our immortal world into demon veins?!"

A Nascent Soul cultivator's face changed drastically. He immediately thought of something and was shocked.

He has read many ancient books.

Naturally, we know the difference between the world of immortals and the world of ancient demons.

Why the world of cultivating immortals is where the human race is at its peak, while the ancient demon world is where the demon race is at its peak? It’s because the original energies of the two worlds are different.

The world of cultivating immortals contains the energy of the immortal source, while the ancient demon world contains the energy of ancient demons.

The energy of the immortal source can breed countless spiritual energy of heaven and earth, as well as spiritual veins, and then transform the entire world into an environment suitable for human cultivation.

As for the ancient demon's energy, it can breed demon veins and transform the world into an environment suitable for the demon clan to practice.

Many monsters are bathed in the aura of ancient monsters, and their cultivation will progress rapidly.

Even some irrational monsters will awaken their spiritual wisdom and embark on the path of cultivation if they swallow the energy of the ancient monsters.

This is the origin of the demon clan.

"That's right, this is the demon clan's plan to drain the flames from under the cauldron."

"To be honest, it doesn't matter even if the monsters occupy a large number of our islands. They all belong to the world of immortality anyway. Even if they occupy them for a period of time, we will be able to take them back sooner or later."

"But if the evil plan of the demon tribe succeeds and the ancient demon's energy erodes the spiritual veins, the entire Canglan Sea area's cultivation environment will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"At that time, if we human monks devour the energy of the ancient demon day and night, we may transform into demons and become demon cultivators. We may even lose our minds, be corroded by the energy of the ancient demon, and become wild beasts."

Taoist Wuji gritted his teeth.

He realized how vicious the demon clan's plan was, and he must not let the demon clan succeed.

Otherwise, the human race will be completely finished.

"Transform into a demon cultivator?"

"It is rumored that the life span of demon cultivators is longer than that of us humans."

"If something like this really happened, wouldn't there be monks who would add fuel to the fire?"

"After all, if you transform into a demon cultivator, it will be equivalent to extending your life span in disguise."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes and pointed out this.

He never doubted the monk's character.

Especially those immortal cultivators who are about to run out of life. If they knew that there was such an opportunity, they would probably transform into demon cultivators without hesitation and continue on the road to immortality.

"It's not that simple."

"We humans have been corroded by the aura of ancient demons, and there is only one person in a million who can truly transform into a demon cultivator."

"It does not mean that the higher the cultivation level, the higher the success rate."

"If the compatibility is not compatible, the soul will be eroded by the ancient demon's energy, and then it will become an irrational monster."

"So no monk would bet on that."

"Of course, for the demon clan, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not the demon clan monk who died."

Taoist Wuji shook his head.

After all, humans and monsters are different races. If you want to transform into a monster, the price you pay is huge. Even if you succeed, there will be powerful side effects.

"I heard that not only demons, but also demons have polluted the spiritual veins of the world of immortality."

Zhou Sui suddenly thought of Xianxia Island.

Because Xianxia Island once had fourth-order spiritual veins, but due to contamination by the demonic aura, the fourth-order spiritual veins completely collapsed, causing Xianxia Island to drop to the level of a third-order island.

From then on, no more Nascent Soul cultivators could be born on Xianxia Island.

He felt that the demon might have the same power.

"That's right, the ancient demon world invaded in ancient times."

"These demons have brought the aura of ancient demons."

"There is no doubt that the aura of the ancient demon is more terrifying than the aura of the ancient demon, and it pollutes the spiritual veins to a greater extent."

"Once the spiritual vein is contaminated with some ancient demon energy, the entire spiritual vein will be completely destroyed."

"Why have almost all of our fifth-level spiritual veins in Canglan Sea disappeared?"

"It is because of the demon disaster in ancient times that their ancient demon energy invaded our fifth-level spiritual veins in the Canglan Sea."

"The result can be imagined. In order to interrupt the pollution of the ancient demon's aura and prevent the entire world of immortality from being eroded by the ancient demon's aura, the monks in the ancient times had no choice but to destroy the fifth-level spiritual veins."

"After all, no matter how terrifying the battle between the God Transformation monks is, it is impossible to destroy every fifth-level spiritual vein."

"It was only because of the erosion of the ancient demon's energy that the monks from ancient times made this move."

Taoist Wuji said helplessly, telling a secret from ancient times.

The reason why many fifth-level spiritual veins disappeared was not due to the battle of transforming gods, but just because of the pollution of the ancient demon's energy.

It can be said that the trauma caused by that battle to the world of immortality has not been healed until now.

"Is it true that only the Ancient Demon Realm and the Ancient Demon Realm have their own unique source of power?"

"Isn't it possible that we don't have any in the world of immortality?"

"Can't the power of our immortal world erode the spiritual veins of other worlds?"

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He felt that such a method could not be unique to the ancient demon world and the ancient demon world. The world of cultivating immortals should also have similar methods.

"Of course we have them in the world of immortality."

"In fact, the energy of the immortal source is the original energy unique to our world of immortality."

"In the ancient times, the ancient demon world wanted to use the energy of the ancient demon to pollute the spiritual veins of our world. As a result, the god-forming monks from our immortal world invaded the ancient demon world and spread the energy of the immortal source everywhere."

"As a result, the demon veins in many areas of the ancient demon world were completely destroyed."

"There was a war between the god-transformation monks from the two realms."

"Later there was no winner between the two sides, and then a peace agreement was signed."

"It is not allowed to spread the aura of ancient demons and the aura of immortal sources in their respective worlds."

"After all, this will only hurt both sides."

"But times have changed, and it is obvious that the demon cultivators of the ancient demon world have torn up this agreement."

Taoist Wuji gritted his teeth.

"But why do these demon cultivators do this?"

"Even if the fusion phenomenon does occur, it will only last for three thousand years."

"Once the time is up, the two worlds will still leave."

"This does no good to them at all. It is purely harmful to others and not beneficial to themselves."

Zhou Sui felt that it was meaningless and time consuming for the demon cultivators in the ancient demon world to do this.

It's just destroying the environment of the world of immortality.

It doesn't do them much good either.

"No, no, that's not the case."

"Once two-thirds of the spiritual veins in our world of immortality are transformed into demon veins."

"Then the integration of the two worlds will not only last for three thousand years, but may even last for thirty thousand or three hundred thousand years."

"If it is completely transformed into demon veins, then the two worlds will be completely integrated into one."

"In this way, the level of the ancient demon world will be rapidly improved."

"It is equivalent to the ancient demon world annexing the entire world of cultivating immortals, expanding the size of its own world, and at the same time raising the level of its spiritual veins."

"Even the God-Transforming Lord who facilitated this matter will be rewarded by the origin of the world to cleanse the marrow and lay a solid foundation for becoming an immortal in the future. It can be said to have many benefits and endless uses."

Taoist Wuji said in a deep voice.

Originally, this was supposed to be top-secret information in ancient times, but with the passage of time, in this era, it was nothing and was easily leaked by the Tianjian Sect.

After all, Tianjian Sect also hopes that the monks in the Canglan Sea area will clearly realize the seriousness of this matter.

Whether it is a righteous sect or a demonic sect, they are all members of the human race.

If the demon clan succeeds, then the human race will be completely doomed.

If we do not unite as one, then the human monks will definitely die.

"You can actually annex the world of immortality directly?"

Hearing this, many Nascent Soul cultivators were shocked.

They originally thought that the invasion of the ancient demon's energy would only erode a few spiritual veins and would not have much impact, but now they see that the ambition of the demon clan is even more terrifying than they imagined.

If the demon clan really succeeds, then the entire world of cultivating immortals will fall into the hands of the ancient demon world.

At that time, the human race will inevitably be enslaved by the demon race, and there will never be any chance to stand up.

At this moment, their expressions were extremely serious, and they immediately realized the seriousness of this matter.

Obviously this is a life and death battle.

There is no room for error.

"How do you get the Qi of Immortal Source?"

Zhou Sui asked.

He was very curious and didn't know where the so-called immortal energy, ancient demon energy, and ancient demon energy came from.

"Well, according to the Tianjian Sect's introduction, the Qi of the Immortal Source comes from the fifth-level high-grade spiritual veins."

"It is said that the fifth-level high-grade spiritual vein is the highest level of spiritual vein in the world of immortality."

"A spiritual vein like this directly communicates with the origin of the world, so it becomes a fifth-level high-grade spiritual vein."

"If a great formation of the Immortal Source is arranged in the fifth-level spiritual veins, then a ray of Immortal Source Qi can be extracted in a thousand years."

"Those demon clans are probably also extracting the ancient demon energy from their own fifth-level demon veins."

Taoist Wuji explained.

"Alliance leader, what is the function of the Qi of the Immortal Source?"

"Why does it sound so mysterious? It seems to have been recorded in ancient books."

"Basically every Nascent Soul cultivator wants it."

Someone asked out of curiosity. He wanted to know what the effect of Xianyuan Qi was.

"The Qi of the Immortal Source is naturally of infinite use, and it can be called one of the most precious treasures in the world of immortality."

"One of its biggest functions is to help Nascent Soul monks advance to become gods."

"It can at least increase the probability of being promoted to a god by 50%."

"The reason why there are so many god-transforming monks in ancient times is because of the effect of the Qi of the Immortal Source."

"The Shen Transformation Pills that appear in our era now only simulate the power of the Qi of the Immortal Source."

"Why is it that after we lose the fifth-level spiritual veins in Canglan Sea, we can no longer give birth to gods."

"The fifth-level spiritual veins can not only improve the training environment, but more importantly, they can extract the energy of the immortal source."

"After losing the energy of the immortal source, we will no longer be able to give birth to the ancestor of the gods."

"Of course, I heard that there are still fifth-level spiritual veins in the Eastern Wilderness Continent, the Western Wilderness Continent and other lands."

"So they can also use the power of the immortal energy to become gods."

Taoist Wuji said in a deep voice.

What? !

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of many Nascent Soul cultivators revealed a terrifying light.

They didn't know the importance of fifth-level spiritual veins before.

Now it seems that the fifth-level spiritual veins can actually extract the energy of the immortal source, and can also help the Yuanying monks advance to become gods.

It’s no wonder that without fifth-level spiritual veins, it’s almost impossible to give birth to a god. It turns out that fifth-level spiritual veins can actually produce such an important treasure.

"In this case, doesn't the ruins of the Kurong Sect provide an opportunity for Yuanying monks to be promoted to the gods?"

Many Nascent Soul cultivators couldn't help but think of this.

Everyone's heart was pounding.

"That's right."

"The problem is that the island has long been occupied."

"There is also the protection of the fifth-level high-grade formation."

"Even if Lord Transformation wants to attack, it will be very difficult."

"It is basically impossible for us to seize the Kurong Sect island."

Taoist Wuji shook his head.

At the beginning, the reason why many Yuanying forces in the Canglan Sea swarmed over was naturally not only for the treasures of the God Transformation Relics, but also for the fifth-level spiritual veins above.

Unfortunately, this island has long been occupied, and there is nothing they can do.

It is estimated that the monk who occupied the island of Kurong Sect also understood it very well.

How much treasure does he occupy, so if he doesn't become a god, he may not come out.

Only by becoming a god can you keep that fifth-level spiritual vein, and no one dares to steal it.


Hearing this, Master Peach Blossom blinked her beautiful eyes, because the island has long been occupied by them, and they are basically practicing on the fifth-level spiritual veins.

Of course, she won't tell anyone. After all, she also knows what it means to make a fortune silently.

"The fifth-level spiritual vein actually has this effect?"

Zhou Sui's eyes flickered.

He still knew too little.

It can only be that these ancient Nascent Soul forces are not good enough. They know many times more ancient secrets than I, a casual cultivator.

If it weren't for the invasion of the ancient demon world, they would not be willing to leak this information if they planned to unite every monk.

After all, the less people know about secrets, the better.

"Okay, let's not talk about things like the Qi of the Immortal Source for now."

"Now you should also know the dangers our world of cultivating immortals faces."

"If we don't stop the demon clan, we will all die, whether we are on the righteous path or the demonic path."

"So this time we will unite all the Nascent Soul monks to attack the city built by the demon clan."

"We will never allow the ancient demon to successfully deploy the transformation formation."

Taoist Wuji's face was very serious.

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