The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 326 Five Elements Thunder Technique, Increases One Hundred Years of Cultivation

Immediately, Zhou Sui opened the scroll.

He found that it was covered with densely packed mysterious words, like earthworms, but he couldn't understand a single word, which was completely different from the words in the human world.

It's almost like a ghost painting.

"I see, this is a demonic text."

Zhou Sui suddenly realized that he felt a message from the book Gu and had identified that the scroll was written in demon language, so it was completely different from the human language.

The reason why he recognized that it was the writing of the demon clan was naturally because he had received the inheritance from the Demon Slayer Sect.

The inheritance of those demon-slaying sects not only possesses the Immortal-Slaying Sword Technique, but also contains a lot of information about demon clans and demons, and even inherited knowledge about their characters and languages.

After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

As a demon-slaying sect that vows to kill all demons and monsters, it is natural to know them well.

Otherwise, how can we deal with them.

Thinking of this, he immediately threw the scroll to Book Gu to eat.

In just a moment, he felt the message from Book Gu again.

"So this is the Thunder Eagle Clan's supreme magical power, the Five Elements Thunder Technique."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He instantly understood the importance of this magical inheritance, which was definitely one of the highest inheritances of the Thunder Eagle clan.

According to the above introduction, this Five Elements Thunder Technique is of extremely high level and was taught from the upper world.

After the Thunder Eagle clan obtained this magical power, their strength was greatly improved.

Only the core characters can teach this magical power of thunder.

However, Ying Shisan, a fourth-level high-grade demon cultivator, did not expect that he would be killed by a human monk, and that the Five Elements Thunder Technique on his body would also fall into Zhou Sui's hands.

"Generally speaking, the various techniques of the demon clan are not suitable for human practice."

"After all, the demon clan's techniques are all created according to the demon clan's own body."

"If humans force it to operate, there will only be big problems, and they may even go crazy and die."

"But the magical powers are different."

"Essentially, this is just a way to move the power of heaven and earth."

"If the demon clan can use it, then humans can naturally use it too."

"As long as you understand the essence of magical powers, you can apply them freely."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

Because from this inheritance, we can know how powerful the Five Elements Thunder Technique is. It is definitely a magical power technique that directly points to the great road. Its power is simply beyond imagination.

Although he has mastered the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu, this is just a rough use of Tribulation Thunder Gu.

Only by learning an authentic thunder method can one be able to use this power freely.

Obviously, the Five Elements Thunder Method will bring him great guidance.

Let him know more about the use of thunder power.

"Thunder, the command of heaven."

"Once you learn it, you can drive away thunder and lightning, pray for rain and clear weather, cure evil spirits and subdue demons, ward off locusts, and refine ghosts."

"If you want to learn the Five Elements Thunder Method, you need to master the power of the Five Elements."

"This alone has troubled so many demon cultivators from the Thunder Eagle clan."

"Even Eagle Thirteen is like this. He is stuck on the first step and cannot proceed to the next step of practice."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He could feel that this Five Elements Thunder Technique was profound, unfathomable, and infinitely mysterious. It was worthy of being the supreme inheritance of a great clan, and it described the supreme mystery of the Thunder Technique.

However, Eagle Thirteen cannot get started, he is different.

Because he had learned the Five Elements Alchemy Technique before and reached the master level, he had long understood the mystery of the power of the Five Elements.

It can be said that he has already started.

No need to waste a lot of time and effort.

Compared with Eagle Thirteen, it is naturally many times higher.

"Thunder is generated by the qi of yin and yang. According to the number of the five elements, east, three, south, two, north, one west and four, the ancestor of this great number is five in the center. And thunder moves the qi in the heaven and earth, so it is called five thunders."

"If you want to successfully practice this technique, you must introduce thunder into your body."

"The five thunders belong to the five internal organs."

"Only when the Qi of the five internal organs gather together and become one can we reach the great road and master the magical effects of the five thunders."

"The liver is the wood of the east soul, the lungs are the gold of the west soul, the heart is the fire of the south spirit, the kidneys are the water of the north essence, and the spleen is the earth of the middle palace. This is why the saint's eyes do not see, but the soul returns to the liver, and the ears do not hear the essence. It lies in the kidneys, the tongue does not have taste but the soul lies in the heart, the nose does not have fragrance but the soul lies in the lungs, the limbs do not move but the mind lies in the spleen. Therefore, it is called Cuanchu Five Thunders."

Zhou Sui showed a look of enlightenment on his face.

Due to his mastery of the Thunder Tribulation Gu, his affinity for the power of thunder is many times higher than that of other monks. To a certain extent, he is the son of Heavenly Thunder.

His body itself can accommodate a large amount of thunder power.

According to this technique, if you want to successfully practice the Five Elements Thunder Technique, you must bring thunder into your body and integrate the Five Elements Thunder Power between heaven and earth into your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

Once the five internal organs are integrated into the five elements of thunder, the five thunders become one.

Then you can resonate with the five elements of divine thunder between heaven and earth, and you can use the five elements of divine thunder of heaven and earth freely.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to do this.

First of all, the body is extremely strong and can accommodate the power of thunder, so that the internal organs will not be destroyed by the power of thunder.

Otherwise, it is not practicing magical powers, but seeking death.

In fact, every year, demon cultivators from the Thunder Eagle clan die because of practicing the Five Elements Thunder Technique. Their bodies cannot withstand the power of the five thunders. As a result, their bodies self-destruct and die, and their internal organs are destroyed.

Because of this, even among the Thunder Eagle clan, there are still only a handful of demon cultivators who can truly learn the Five Elements Thunder Technique.

However, once the cultivation is successful, the power of this magical power is extraordinary and can be said to be invincible at the same level.

"Those demon cultivators from the Thunder Eagle Tribe are indeed money-giving boys."

"Not only did he bring me so much monster flesh and blood, but also monster materials."

"He actually brought me a magical power of thunder. It was a blessing from God."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

He felt that this magical power fit perfectly with him, and they were a perfect match.

If he learns the Five Elements Thunder Method, his combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly improved.

"Ms. sir, did you get some treasure? Why are you so happy?"

At this time, Master Peach Blossom and others looked at Zhou Sui curiously.

"That's right, this time I got a thunder magic power, which is extremely powerful."

"Today is a great harvest. Congratulations."

Zhou Sui laughed loudly and hugged his wives and concubines.

Hearing this, Master Peach Blossom and others blushed. They had no idea what this bad man was thinking. He clearly wanted to cause trouble. However, they did not refuse, but were ready to make a move.

All of them had pretty faces and blushed, and looked at Zhou Sui with charming eyes, sending out a very obvious signal.

Not long after, Zhou Sui took them into the hot spring.

There were also bursts of Taoist sounds coming from inside.

A few days later.

Xuanhuang Island.

Above the sky, there were dark clouds and thunderstorms.

There was a roar.

In an alchemy room.

Obviously, Zhou Sui was refining an elixir, and the one he was refining was naturally the fourth-level treasure elixir, the Pure Snow Lotus Pill.

For this kind of elixir that can increase cultivation, the more the better.

So he didn't waste any time and started refining it right away.

"It's done."

"Haha, you can actually make a pure snow lotus pill."

"Now I can be considered a fourth-level high-grade alchemist."

At this moment, Zhou Sui looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him with a smile, and nine round elixirs immediately appeared. The whole body was like crystal, crystal clear, and filled with a strong medicinal fragrance.

Just one whiff is enough to prolong life and eradicate all diseases.

Without saying a word, he immediately swallowed one of the pure snow lotus pills into his stomach.


At this moment, Zhou Sui activated his Gu nerves and began to refine the pure snow lotus pill. Suddenly, the huge medicinal power was instantly refined, and then transformed into wisps of Nascent Soul mana.

The Nascent Soul in his Dantian Qi Sea was also greedily absorbing the medicinal power of this pure Snow Lotus Pill.

The Nascent Soul mana in the body is increasing at a geometric rate.

He didn't know how long it took before he finally stopped.

"A fourth-level low-grade pure snow lotus pill can actually increase my cultivation by twenty years."

"Unfortunately, after just three pills, drug resistance develops."

"No matter how much you take, it won't make your cultivation progress."

"But even so, it is quite astonishing. After all, it is equivalent to an increase of sixty years of cultivation."

"For ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators, saving sixty years of hard training will simply increase their life span by sixty years."

"In the future, you can also spend more time to attack the gods."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

To be honest, if you just rely on hard work, it will take too long.

As a monk, you still have to rely on elixirs to improve your practice efficiency and quickly increase your cultivation.

Generally speaking, there are three stages in the Nascent Soul Realm, and each stage requires hundreds of years of cultivation.

Without the aid of elixirs, it would take a long time of hard work.

Otherwise, it is impossible to improve your cultivation.

"Overall, it's been a huge profit."

"A fourth-grade low-grade demon pill can be refined into a fourth-grade low-grade pure snow lotus pill."

"The fourth-level mid-grade demon elixir can naturally be refined into the fourth-level mid-grade pure snow lotus elixir."

"The fourth-grade high-grade demon pill can be refined into the fourth-grade high-grade pure snow lotus pill."

"Basically, the level of the Pure Snow Lotus Pill mainly depends on the level of the Demon Pill."

"You can only take three pills of each level of Purifying Snow Lotus Pill. Any more will be of no use."

"And the fourth-level middle-grade pure snow lotus pill can increase one's cultivation by fifty years."

"The fourth-grade high-grade pure snow lotus pill can increase one's cultivation for hundreds of years."

"Looking at it this way, those monsters are simply the best supplements for monks."

"As long as you hunt down a fourth-level monster, your cultivation will be greatly improved."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To a certain extent, the invasion of the ancient demon world is naturally a disaster.

But if the strength is strong enough, then this disaster can actually be turned into an opportunity.

If there are monks who can hunt down a large number of fourth-level monsters, they may be able to attack the realm of gods in a short time.

Many Nascent Soul Ancestors who were struggling in their original realm have now been given the opportunity to advance by leaps and bounds in their cultivation.

Of course, the same is true for demon cultivators.

They can also quickly improve their cultivation by swallowing human Nascent Soul.

"This time, I obtained a total of one fourth-level high-grade demon pill."

"Twenty-three fourth-level middle-grade demon pills, and one hundred and four fourth-order low-grade demon pills."

"If it is refined into a pure snow lotus pill, it can at least increase one or two hundred years of cultivation."

"I'm afraid I will soon be able to try to break through to the late Nascent Soul stage."

Zhou Sui clenched his fists.

He felt that this invasion of the ancient demon world was indeed an opportunity for him.

If there had not been an invasion from the ancient demon world, he would not have been able to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage even with the help of his Taoist companions, and it would not have taken him hundreds of years.

Of course, that also requires strength.

Without strength, it is impossible to turn crises into opportunities.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui did not hesitate and continued to refine the remaining demon pills into pure snow lotus pills.

The sky over the entire Xuanhuang Island was also covered with dark clouds, and from time to time the sound of lightning strikes could be heard.


Twenty years later.

Time is like running water, and twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Samsung Island Group, the outermost area.

On the sea, huge ships appeared.

There were hundreds of these ships, forming a vast fleet filled with monks and mortals alike.

They are migrating towards the Samsung Island Group.

The monks and mortals on the ship were all sallow and thin, with weathered faces, as if they had been tortured by the disaster and were transformed into human beings.

But his eyes were full of hope, and he looked at the sea in the distance from time to time, as if he was looking forward to reaching his own paradise.

"After sailing for several years, we are finally arriving at Xuanhuang Sect."

"Isn't it? The suffering is finally over. Once we enter the sea area ruled by Xuanhuang Sect, those hateful monsters will not dare to invade. We are completely safe."

"Alas, in the past few decades, due to the invasion of the ancient demon world, too many demon beasts have appeared, forming a tide of beasts and attacking islands one after another. These islands are no longer suitable for human habitation. Only the ancestor of Nascent Soul can protect our safety. "

Many human monks were talking about it with sad expressions on their faces.

Originally, they lived well on their original island. They occupied a second-level spiritual vein and could become a foundation-building family.

No one can even control them.

Life is very free and abundant.

But the invasion of the ancient demon world completely changed this situation.

A large number of monsters rushed out from the gate and scattered throughout the Canglan Sea area, burning, killing and looting.

How can weak human beings resist?

They were slaughtered almost instantly.

Even the Foundation Establishment Family and the Jindan Family would have difficulty resisting such a tide of beasts.

Therefore, they had to abandon their ancestral property and move to a safer place with a large number of mortals.

For them, the safest place in the nearby sea is undoubtedly the Sanxing Island Group occupied by Xuanhuang Sect.

This place has also become a haven for countless refugees.

Legend has it that as long as you enter the Sanxing Island Group, you will be completely safe and protected by the Xuanhuang Sect, and monsters will not dare to set foot easily.

Otherwise, they will definitely be slaughtered by the monks of Xuanhuang Sect.

Because of this, many monk families united and led a large number of tribesmen to migrate.

Even if it took several years and resulted in numerous casualties, they still had to move to a safe place.

Otherwise, their family will definitely be slaughtered by monsters.

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