The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 323: The realm of divine transformation, the power of the heavenly spiritual treasure


The leader of the Black Shark Clan, Shark Chen, is still feeling triumphant at this moment, imagining that he will follow the Thunder Eagle Clan army to attack the city and destroy the human race's cities and islands.

He even went straight into the Xuanhuang Sect headquarters, captured the Xuanhuang Sect leader, and cut off his head.

To avenge his son.

But such thoughts suddenly came to an abrupt end.

Because it suddenly discovered that a sword light flashed in front of it and came to it in an instant.

The next second, it seemed to feel that its body was split in half, split in the middle, and the incision was smooth.

"No way, I, I'm already dead?"

"Who killed me?"

The leader of the Black Shark Clan, Shark Chen, was stunned. He was not frightened, but full of doubts.

Because it didn't see where the enemy was at all, or even when the enemy took action.

After all, Zhou Sui was at least a thousand miles away from where they were.

This is a sword from thousands of miles away.

It can be said that this is beyond the scope of its perception.

And because this invisible sword light restrained all the murderous aura in his body and merged into the void at the same time, it did not cause any aura or fluctuations.

So when this power reaches it, it will explode instantly.

Even if it wanted to escape, there was no way.

Because the speed of this sword is too fast.


Suddenly, the consciousness of Shark Chen, the leader of the Black Shark Clan, fell into endless darkness.

Under the frightened eyes of many fourth-level monsters around it, its huge body split from the middle, and then fell from the mid-air, with a large amount of blood pouring into the sea area.

"Damn it."

Seeing this scene, Ying Shisan's face turned extremely ugly.

Because in front of all the monsters, he directly killed Shark Chen, the leader of the Black Shark Clan, but he was unable to save him, so he clearly just slapped him in the face.

But at the same time it was shuddering.

What if the sword just locked was not Shark Chen, but himself.

It is not 100% sure that it can withstand it.

Perhaps if he was not careful, he would be hacked to death with a sword, leaving no body intact.

It can sense how terrifying the enemy who just attacked is, and he is definitely not an easy person.

And even though the leader of the Black Shark Tribe, Shark Chen, died, the sword intent in the air still did not dissipate, and terrifying killing intent was released all around, as if countless sword energies were cutting on their skin.

There is a chilling feeling that if you get even slightly closer, you will be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

"Who? Who killed Shark Dust?"

The pupils of many fourth-level monsters shrank.

They expanded their perception range one after another, trying to find the murderer who killed Shark Chen, the leader of the Black Shark Clan.

If he hadn't found it, I'm afraid Yaoyao would be in danger.

"The human sword cultivator, the human sword cultivator took action, thousands of miles away."

A fourth-level monster roared, seeming to sense something.

Its innate magical power is perception. The so-called perception range is extremely wide, far beyond that of monsters of the same level.

At this moment, it sensed that in the distant sky, a human sword cultivator stood impressively. The opponent's body was filled with terrifying sword intent, as if it were a heavenly sword, piercing the sky.

Even though they are thousands of miles apart, they can still feel the ubiquitous sword intent.

It seems as if just one look at it will pierce its soul.

"Thunder Eagle Clan."

"If you just retreat, you can still survive."

At this time, a voice came over and was transmitted to the sea of ​​consciousness of every fourth-order monster beast.

The one who spoke was naturally Zhou Sui. Even though he was thousands of miles away, he could still communicate with his spiritual consciousness.

His tone was very calm, not threatening, just telling a fact.

As long as you leave, you can survive.

But such an ordinary and simple tone completely angered these monsters and made them furious.

"Fart, who do you think you are?"

"A mere human monk dares to threaten our Thunder Eagle clan."

"Since we know that we are the Thunder Eagle clan, we will kill them if we don't hurry up."

"Otherwise, all human beings in this sea area will die out, leaving no one behind."

At this moment, Eagle Thirteen also sensed Zhou Sui and others in the distance. It was frightened and angry now.

It never expected that a mere human monk would dare to threaten itself like this.

If it really retreats, the Thunder Eagle clan will probably become the laughing stock of the ancient demon world.

In the future, no demon clan will look down on them.

Even for the sake of the reputation of the race, they would not be able to escape in such a dejected manner.

Of course, what's more important is that they are now in large numbers.

At most, the opponent only has a few Nascent Souls.

But they have more than a hundred fourth-level monsters, and they are powerful.

Even if the opponent's swordsmanship is sharp and his killing power is unparalleled, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

As long as they join forces, a few human Nascent Souls are not worth mentioning at all.

"Elder, don't talk nonsense to this human sword cultivator."

"Everyone come together and kill this guy."

Many fourth-order monsters were furious, and they had no intention of talking nonsense to Zhou Sui.

Although they are thousands of miles apart, it is nothing to the fourth-level monster.

Their attacks are also instantaneous.


I saw these fourth-order thunder eagles flapping their golden wings, with dense golden thunder runes appearing on them. The wind roared around them, seeming to form a terrifying storm.

The huge monster body flashed with golden light, and its body was surrounded by thunder.

The next second, hundreds of golden thunderbolts blasted towards Zhou Sui thousands of miles away, like missiles, accurately targeting Zhou Sui's Qi, making it impossible for him to avoid or hide.

It seemed that a golden sea of ​​thunder had formed all over thousands of miles around, and the surroundings were filled with a destructive aura.

The ancient mysterious turtle technique!

At this moment, Zhou Sui was alone, standing in the air. With a thought, he immediately used the ancient mysterious turtle technique.

Before, he only used the power of his clone to perform this technique.

Now it is being used by the main body, and the power is naturally incomparable.

Two layers of dark green black turtle barrier were seen surrounding his body, forming a thick barrier, with dense turtle shell textures appearing on it, and black turtle runes constantly flickering.

The entire black turtle barrier released dark green light, as if a huge turtle shell protected his body, and it was a 360-degree defense with no blind spots.


At this moment, streaks of golden thunder and lightning struck the ancient black turtle cover. The power of each golden thunder and lightning was no less than that of a Nascent Soul cultivator's full blow, which was enough to destroy an area thousands of miles in radius.

The destructive power is terrifying.

Now hundreds of golden thunder and lightning are bombarding at the same time. Even a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage cannot resist them.

However, many golden thunder and lightning bombarded the black turtle cover, but it could only cause the huge black turtle cover to produce ripples. It was like a stone falling into the sea, which could only cause a wave.

Zhou Sui stood there, motionless.

No matter how thunder and lightning struck, they could not shake his body in the slightest.

"Impossible, what kind of magical power is this?"

"Can you actually withstand the thunder power of our Thunder Eagle clan?"

Seeing this scene, Ying Shisan and other fourth-order monsters' pupils shrank. They simply couldn't believe what their eyes saw. It was so unbelievable.

You must know that hundreds of fourth-level monsters attack at the same time. Even the human monks in the late Nascent Soul stage cannot resist them. They will definitely be destroyed in one blow and no one will be left alive.

But now, the human being in front of him relied on a defensive magical power to resist their thunder magical power.

Even if you tell such a ridiculous thing, few demons would believe it.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

"My husband is too strong."

"Is this the magical power that my husband has mastered?"

At this moment, Master Peach Blossom and others were also far away from the battlefield. They all looked at Zhou Sui with admiration.

As Nascent Soul cultivators, they are most aware of the horror of the attack just now.

Even a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage would definitely die if he resisted this attack.

But my husband-in-law was able to resist it easily.

Such defensive powers are simply beyond imagination.

It is obvious that my husband is only in the middle stage of Yuanying, but he still shows the invincible combat power of Yuanying.


"Go to hell."

Zhou Sui also knew that they would make such a choice. If the Thunder Eagle clan was allowed to retreat just because of a few words, then this disaster of monsters would not be so terrible.


At this moment, he was holding the flying sword and running the Immortal Killing Sword Technique.

To be honest, this was the first time he had used this supreme sword technique with all his strength. His sword heart spread around, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in radius, covering this area.

Between heaven and earth, endless evil aura, murderous aura, resentment, anger and other auras all gathered in the flying sword in his hand. Under the pull of the Zhuxian Sword Art, they condensed into one.

At this moment, a look of enlightenment immediately appeared in his heart.

Sure enough, this supreme sword art was definitely born from the battlefield. The more brutal the war, the more terrifying the power of this immortal sword art.

It can gather the murderous aura, evil aura and other forces of the heaven and earth, and explode into a killing sword.

Although Zhou Sui has not yet reached this level of cultivation, he has already begun to take shape.


The next second, Zhou Sui slashed out with his sword, and Fu Ling's heart came to him, and he immediately burst out with more than a dozen Zhuxian sword energy. They turned into invisible sword light, with dense void runes appearing on it.

Suddenly, ripples appeared in the void.

Only creatures with extremely powerful spiritual consciousness can detect such ripples in the void.

It's a pity that this group of Thunder Eagle clan monsters don't have this ability.

Naturally, he was unable to detect the timing and power of Zhou Sui's sword attack.


The expressions of Ying XIII and other fourth-level monsters changed drastically. They sensed that the human monk in front of them had taken action again, and the sword intent that tore the sky had no intention of concealing it. It simply soared into the sky.

"Thunder Shield!"

Immediately, the fourth-level monsters of the Thunder Eagle tribe immediately took out a low-grade defensive spirit treasure from their bodies. Many thunder runes appeared on it, which looked like many golden thunder and lightning intertwined to form a thunder net.

Their bodies were immediately wrapped in a golden thunder barrier.

Three hundred and sixty degrees with no blind spots.

This is the unique defensive treasure of the Thunder Eagle clan.

It contains the power of thunder, is engraved with thunder runes, and is forged from feathered thunder gold, a unique material in the ancient demon world, which contains powerful defensive power.

Even the attacks from the fourth-level monsters are difficult to break through the thunder shield's defense.

Although it is not as good as the defense of the Ancient Black Turtle, compared with other defenses, it is definitely among the best.


But in the next second, the expressions of these fourth-level monsters changed drastically, their hairs stood on end, and their livers and gallbladders burst.

Because the invisible sword light easily cut through the low-grade defensive Lingbao Lei Shield, just like cutting through tofu, it split directly from the middle.


Many of the fourth-level Thunder Eagle Clan monsters were stunned, their eyes widened, almost in disbelief.

They think that maybe the Lingbao Thunder Shield they own cannot block the enemy's attack, but it is not like they can't block even a sword. It is really ridiculous.

But this is the terror of the Zhuxian Sword Qi. It is unparalleledly sharp, indestructible and indestructible.


In an instant, a dozen fourth-level Thunder Eagle tribe monsters let out a shrill scream, and their bodies were split in half by the Immortal Killing Sword Qi.

A large amount of golden blood sprayed out as if for free.

The demon bodies they were so proud of were nothing short of scum in front of the Zhuxian Sword Qi.

What's even more terrifying is that an invisible Immortal Killing Sword Intention penetrated their bodies, cutting their demon souls into countless pieces and completely turning them into powder.

Normally, level four monsters are not that easy to kill.

They are the same as the human Nascent Soul.

Even if the body is cut into countless pieces, as long as one's own demon soul and demon elixir escape, they can be reborn again by taking the bodies of other demon beasts.

This is also the life-saving method for fourth-level monsters.

But now, the moment this Zhuxian Sword Qi entered their bodies, the infinite sword intent exploded, instantly shattering the demon souls in their bodies, making it impossible for them to escape.

This is why the monks of the Demon-Slaying Sect in ancient times were all so terrifying, capable of slaying monsters and killing demons.


It is the terrifying sword intention from the Zhuxian Sword Art that can kill gods and Zhuxian.

"Dead? Killed the fourth-level demon cultivator of my Thunder Eagle clan with just one sword?"

"That's ridiculous. Are human sword cultivators so terrifying? Why can't even the demon soul escape?"

"Damn it, this guy is no ordinary human swordsman, but a peerless swordsman."

"I remember, the Thunder Eagle Clan once recorded that in the ancient world of human immortality, there was a sect of transforming gods, called the Demon Slayer Sect. All the monks in this sect were peerless swordsmen, capable of slaying demons. Ordinary demons and demon cultivators will be killed instantly if hit by one of their swords, without any resistance. Could it be that this human cultivator has the inheritance of the Demon Slayer Sect?"

"If this is really the case, this person must be our greatest enemy in the ancient demon world."

The hairs of the remaining fourth-level monsters stood on end as they looked at Zhou Sui holding a flying sword in the distance with great horror.

Obviously there is only one person on the other side, but they feel as if their group of fourth-order monsters are surrounded by thousands of troops. No matter where they hide, they have nowhere to escape.

The cold sword energy that filled the air made them feel like rays on their backs.

It seems that in the next second, this peerless swordsman of the human race will cut off their heads with one sword.

No wonder this human sword cultivator is so arrogant and dares to stop them with one sword.

Judging from the strength just shown, he definitely has such capital.

Now it was their turn to tremble.

"Set up the formation."

Ying Shisan's expression turned extremely ugly.

It originally thought that a few fourth-level Thunder Eagle tribe demon cultivators could take action against this human Nascent Soul cultivator.

But looking at it now, if this continues, I'm afraid they will all be killed by this human swordsman.

If there were a few more sword strikes, they would all be dead, leaving no trace of their armor behind.

So it made a decisive decision and immediately planned to set up its formation.


At this moment, many fourth-level Thunder Eagle Clan demon cultivators looked at each other, and they instantly formed a huge formation.

Dense golden thunder patterns appeared on the wings on the body.

The auras on their bodies were intertwined with each other at this moment, forming a battle formation almost instantly.

This is also the unique power of demon monks.

Since they have the same blood and the same strength, their powers can be fused with each other to form a battle formation, bursting out with power similar to the formation.

And in this case, the power of the battle formation formed by them will be dozens of times more powerful than fighting alone.

Even if the number of ordinary human monks is several times more than theirs, they cannot be their opponents in battle.

Earthly Evil Yin Thunder Formation!

This is the famous battle formation of the Thunder Eagle clan.

It can gather the earthly evil thunder to form an endless sea of ​​thunder, manipulate the power of heaven and earth, and turn it into a formation field.

Wherever he went, he simply swept everything and was invincible.

Suddenly, there were more than a hundred remaining fourth-level Thunder Eagle Clan demon cultivators scattered in various areas. They were filled with terrifying demonic power. The sky with a radius of thousands of miles was shrouded in the evil spirit, forming thick clouds.

Vaguely, deep in the black clouds, earthly evil thunder emerged one after another, appearing black and winding like dragons and snakes, surrounded by a destructive aura.

"go to hell."

Eagle Thirteen shouted loudly. As the controller of the Earthly Evil Yin Thunder Formation, it controlled the power of the entire battle formation. With a wave of its hand, Earthly Evil Thunderbolts immediately fell from the sky.

Each one is like a beam of light, falling from the sky, and its power is terrifying. The power of any earthly evil thunder is enough to destroy an island and cause the land to sink.

Even the monks in the late Nascent Soul stage had to retreat when faced with this power and did not dare to resist.

It's too late, but it's soon.

Hundreds of earth evil thunders fell down and locked onto Zhou Sui's aura.

They seemed to tear the sky apart, like black dragons, slaying at them at an unbelievable speed.


Zhou Sui looked at this scene indifferently. He did not move and immediately controlled the Tribulation Thunder Gu.

Suddenly, a purple Gu worm appeared out of thin air and sat on top of his head, like a purple divine dragon, filled with an indescribable aura.

Dense purple tribulation thunder runes appeared on its body, and numerous traces of tribulation thunder appeared. It seemed that a sea of ​​thunder pattern covered its body, containing infinite mysteries.

To be honest, if the Thunder Eagle clan used other powers to deal with him, maybe he would have to spend a little more effort.

But using the power of thunder to deal with oneself is just like wielding a sword in front of Guan Gong and selling articles in front of Confucius.

The Tribulation Thunder Gu, which has been promoted to the fourth level of high-level realm, can not only swallow the Tribulation Thunder, but also all the thunder energy in the world is the food in its belly.


Just as the Earth Evil Yin Thunder bombarded them one after another, the Tribulation Thunder Gu opened its mouth wide and seemed to form a huge purple whirlpool, like a Kunpeng, and began to devour it.

Hundreds and thousands of Earth Evil Yin Thunders all entered the belly of Tribulation Thunder Gu.

It became the food in the belly of Tribulation Thunder Gu.

It also burps by the way, which can be regarded as a dessert after the meal.

Although it is not as good as the quality of Jie Lei, it is better in terms of quantity and capacity.

The boundless thunder sea disappeared instantly.

At this moment, crackling purple thunder and lightning appeared on its body, and it seemed to be very happy.

"so funny."

Seeing this scene, many fourth-level Thunder Eagle Clan demon cultivators were stunned, and a burst of absurd expressions could not help but appear deep in their hearts.

The Earth Evil Yin Thunder Formation is the battle formation that the Thunder Eagle clan is famous for.

With this battle formation, the Thunder Eagle Clan became famous in the ancient demon world.

But now, facing this mysterious human sword cultivator, it has no effect.

Hundreds and thousands of earth evil thunders were actually swallowed up.

Who would believe this ridiculous thing if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes? It's so ridiculous.

"Thunder comes."

With a thought, Zhou Sui immediately controlled the Tribulation Thunder Gu and released the terrifying power of Tribulation Thunder within the Tribulation Thunder Gu.

The so-called coming and going but not reciprocating is also disrespectful.

He also wants these monsters to try the power of Jie Lei.


The Tribulation Thunder Gu releases a huge Tribulation Thunder Domain, and the Tribulation Thunder Gu has been promoted to the fourth-level high-level realm, and its strength is no less than that of any great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Countless calamity clouds appeared in the sky, all black, seeming to gush out from the void.

The next second, purple thunderbolts as thick as buckets fell from the sky, blasting towards the group of fourth-level demon cultivators.

This power is many times more terrifying than the Earthly Evil Yin Thunder, and it contains the power of disaster.

It is simply the nemesis of monsters.

Every monster that wants to advance to the fourth level needs to encounter a thunder disaster. This is a fear engraved in its bones.

"Damn it, this is thunder."

"This human monk is not just a peerless swordsman."

"He actually also mastered the magical power to control the thunder."

Eagle Thirteen's hair stood on end as he sensed a fatal crisis. He didn't even expect to kill it. It was beyond imagination that this human monk was so terrifying.

But at this time, even if you want to escape, it's too late.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Purple tribulation thunder fell from the sky one after another, releasing the brilliant power of heaven. The area with a radius of thousands of miles seemed to be covered by heavenly tribulation, and no living thing could escape.

Suddenly, these fourth-level demon cultivators were unable to dodge, and their bodies were hit by a purple thunderbolt.

The terrifying power of thunder easily penetrated their powerful monster bodies.

A destructive force penetrated their bodies, crackling.

Even the demon soul was destroyed by the power of thunder at this moment.

At this moment, the fourth-level low-grade Thunder Eagle clan demon cultivator was unable to withstand the blow and was killed instantly.

Their eyes widened, their bodies were scorched black, and the aura on their bodies dissipated instantly.

The huge monster body lost all its strength, and then fell from the mid-air, hitting the sea hard and splashing a lot of waves.

Only the fourth-level mid-level and fourth-level high-level demon cultivators can resist.

But even so, their bodies were severely injured, their internal organs were destroyed by the power of the thunder, a large amount of golden blood flowed out of their bodies, and dense cracks appeared.

Even the power of Tribulation Thunder prevents their bodies from healing.

Unless the power of the thunder is driven away, the injuries on the body will not heal.

This is the terrifying part of the power of thunder.

"My husband is so awesome."

At this moment, Master Peach Blossom and other Taoist monks also saw this scene, and all of them opened their beautiful eyes.

There was also a huge wave in their hearts.

To be honest, they didn't expect such a thing to happen.

It was clear that they had encountered the Thunder Eagle Clan's army, and the situation was in a precarious position.

If you are not careful at all, you will be wiped out.

But now, Xianggong took action personally, with one man and one sword, and he actually stopped the Thunder Eagle clan's monster army.

Even now, many fourth-level monsters have been killed.

So far, there are only twenty-four fourth-level demon cultivators left in the entire Thunder Eagle clan legion.

It can be said that this is definitely an unprecedented loss for the Thunder Eagle clan.

"Human monk, I, Ying Shisan, will completely remember you."

Eagle Thirteen stared at Zhou Sui fiercely. Now its huge monster body had dense scars. Due to the power of the thunder, its wounds could not heal and kept bleeding.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will bleed to death.

It's not just that either.

The same was true for the other fourth-level demon cultivators of the Thunder Eagle tribe. They were hit hard by the power of thunder and were seriously injured one by one.

If they are not treated in time, they may be in danger.

Because of this, they did not want to continue fighting with Zhou Sui, a human monk.

After all, it was just a human monk sent out to defeat them, leaving them unable to fight back.

If a few more of these human monsters appeared, they would be dead.

Even not every human monk is this terrifying.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

It's better to retreat temporarily. After understanding the situation here clearly, it won't be too late to come back for revenge.


In an instant, many fourth-level Thunder Eagle Clan demon cultivators flapped their wings, with cyan wind runes appearing on them, and a huge storm swept around them.

The wind gathered.

Wings vibrate.

The green light flashed and turned into a stream of light, escaping from here.

They didn't bother to care what happened to other monsters.

Anyway, as long as these fourth-level monsters can escape, they can come back at any time.

No matter how many low-level monsters there are, they can't compare to the importance of their fourth-level monsters.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui's face was very calm. He had long expected that these fourth-level monsters wanted to escape.

But trying to escape in front of him is simply a fool's errand.

If they really escape, then Xuanhuang Sect may be watched by them all the time in the future, and everyone will have to worry about the revenge of these fourth-level monsters.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately took out a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure - the Eight Wilderness Demon-Sealing Tower.

The pagoda is now only the size of a palm, placed in the palm of his hand.

It can be said that this is the power of the Tongtian Lingbao. It can be large or small, and can be expanded and contracted freely.

Since refining this heavenly spiritual treasure, it has been kept by his side and has never been used.

So now he took it out and wanted to test the power of the Tongtian Lingbao and see if the power of the most powerful treasure in the human world was as powerful as the legend.

At this moment, the huge Nascent Soul mana was poured into Zhou Sui's body.

Immediately, the Bahuang Demon-Sealing Tower seemed to have not been watered by the Nascent Soul's mana for a long time. It suddenly seemed like a creature that had been thirsty for an unknown period of time, greedily devouring every drop of the Nascent Soul's mana.


Zhou Sui squinted his eyes. He felt that the huge Nascent Soul mana in his body was being consumed rapidly, as if he wanted to drain the mana from his body. There is no doubt that if this heavenly spiritual treasure wants to be activated, it will take a lot of mana. It is simply not something that ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators can afford.

After all, this is a treasure that only the Reverend God Transformation can manipulate at will.

Ordinary Yuanying monks want to urge it, just like a child trying to wield a sword.

Naturally it is extremely difficult.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary Nascent Soul cultivator, he cultivates Gu Nerve.

This also makes his mana more than dozens of times that of Nascent Soul monks of the same level.

It is not difficult to support the consumption of Tongtian Lingbao.

Sure enough, as he expected, after only devouring one-tenth of his mana, the Bahuang Demon-Sealing Tower stopped devouring it, and a burst of golden light bloomed from its body.


In an instant, an invisible domain force spread out, covering an area thousands of miles in radius.

Demonic realm!

This is the unique domain power possessed by Tongtian Lingbao Bahuang Demon Sealing Tower.

You must know why the Reverend God Transformation is so powerful, he can be called a god in the human world.

It is because after being promoted to the realm of transformation, the power of the Nascent Soul Domain will transform into the power of the domain.

This is the realm of transformation.

After reaching this state, once the Lord Transformation God exerts the power of the domain, the creatures in the domain will be like ants, and can only be slaughtered by others and unable to move.

Therefore, no matter how many Nascent Soul cultivators there are, they cannot threaten the Lord Transformation God.

The difference of one level is simply a world of difference.

As for the Tongtian Lingbao, it possesses a power similar to that of the Master Transforming God.

Once the Tongtian Lingbao is activated, a powerful domain will be released, which is equivalent to temporarily possessing the unique ability of the Lord Transformation God.

Therefore, some powerful Nascent Soul monks, if they hold the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, can also compete with the Lord Transformation God.

Of course, because the mana required to activate the Tongtian Lingbao is too much.

Often, after a few activations, the Nascent Soul cultivator will run out of mana.

As a result, he could only fight the Lord Huashen in two moves.

But even so, being able to possess the power of the God-Transforming Lord for a short period of time is already quite astonishing.

Even if he couldn't beat the real Master Transformation God, he could still torture the Yuan Ying Ancestor with ease.


In an instant, an invisible domain force covered an area of ​​thousands of miles.

Every monster, including the fourth-order monster that was escaping, felt the power of the domain restraint.

They were horrified to find that it was as if they had been cast on a body-holding technique. Their entire bodies were bound by an invisible force, and they were imprisoned in this place, unable to move.

This is the demon-sealing domain of the Bahuang Demon-Sealing Tower, which can suppress and seal demons.

If you can suppress even monsters, then suppressing a group of monsters will naturally not be a problem.

Of course, the more creatures that are suppressed and the greater the strength, the more mana that needs to be consumed.

However, the Nascent Soul's mana in Zhou Sui's body was beyond imagination. Every Gu worm could provide him with powerful mana, and he could naturally activate the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower without restriction.

"The realm of divine transformation, this is the realm of divine transformation."

"Damn it, there's a human god ambushed in this place."

Ying Thirteen sensed this familiar realm of divine transformation and was instantly frightened.

It had only sensed this domain power of becoming a god in the ancestor of the Thunder Eagle clan.

Who would have thought that even when you come to this place, you can feel the power of the realm of the transformed god.

Isn't it said that the Canglan Sea Area is a barren land in the world of immortality, and there is no such thing as the Supreme Transformation God?

What's going on now?

Could it be that someone deceived them and wanted them to enter the world of immortality and die? !

It was so regretful that its intestines were turning green.

I should have known that this place was so terrifying, and that there would be an ambush by the Reverend God Transformation.

Even if you beat it to death, it won't come over.

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