The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 320: Dacheng Kurong Xuanguang Technique, Taoist Couple Gets Baby

At this moment, Xuanhuang Island, Xuanhuang Peak, is a quiet room.


Zhou Sui sat cross-legged on the ground, and a black and white light appeared on his body. It seemed that the Tai Chi Bagua symbol appeared on his back, flickering on and off, as if his body contained a huge power of life and death.

The forces of life and death are constantly flowing, forming a perfect balance.

Vaguely, it seemed as if a mysterious and powerful force was gestating in his body, exuding an unfathomable aura.


The next second, a gray light erupted from Zhou Sui's body, shot out into the distance, and bombarded the wall, but it did not cause any damage and dissipated instantly.

But his eyes showed excitement and satisfaction.

"It's done. I have finally cultivated the Kurong Xuanguang Technique to a great level."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

It seemed that runes of life and death appeared in the depths of his pupils, merging together.

After decades of hard training, the power of his Ku Rong Xuan Light Technique has also been greatly improved.

From the previous Xiaocheng realm, he has been promoted to the Dacheng realm.

Don't underestimate this little bit of progress.

In the past, there were only a few people in the entire Kurong Sect who could do this. There were only a handful of people who could practice the Kurong Xuanguang Technique to a great level.

Once you reach the level of Dacheng in cultivation, you can exchange one year of your life for the enemy's two years of life.

It can be said that this is simply a qualitative improvement.

Although it still hurts others and hurts oneself, at least the price paid is not as high as before.

If you are still in the Xiaocheng realm, you can only use one year of your own lifespan to exchange for one year of the enemy's lifespan, which is equivalent to an equal exchange.

"Yes, if you can practice to the master level, then the power of this technique will be even more terrifying."

"One year of life can be exchanged for ten years of the enemy's life."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

To be honest, he felt that only by cultivating to the master level could he fully demonstrate the power of the Kurong Xuanguang Technique.

If you encounter an unbeatable enemy, you can trade your life for a life.

Spending a hundred years of life can give the enemy a thousand years of life.

If the enemy's lifespan is short, he may die immediately and be unable to resist.

It can be said that in the past, the Kurong Sect was simply invincible with this magical power.

No monk dares to fight with the Kurong Sect unless he wants to die.

"After twenty years of practice, my cultivation has improved a lot."

At this time, Zhou Sui's heart moved and he immediately opened the virtual panel on his body.

[Host: Zhou Sui, cultivation level: mid-stage Nascent Soul (progress 20%), life span: 165 (20,500) years]

[Qualification: Second-grade spiritual root (95%)]

[Swordsmanship: Fourth level mid-level (90%)]

[Rune: Level 4 mid-grade (25%)]

[Formation: fifth level top grade (99%)]

[Alchemist: Level 4 High Grade (50%)]

[Item Refining: Level 4 Middle Grade (25%)]

[Phantom Transformation: Master (99%)]

[Five Elements Alchemy Technique: Grandmaster (99%)]

[Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons: Demon Seeds, Summoning Demons]

[The Exquisite Book of Seven Apertures: The mind’s eye recognizes things, the mind’s eye has insight, and the mind’s eye understands language]

[Zhu Xian Sword Technique: The First Form of Invisible Sword Light]

[Withering Mysterious Light Technique: Dacheng, Ancient Black Turtle Technique: Second Level, Void Soul Thorn: Dacheng, Fireball Technique: Grandmaster, Wind Blade Technique: Grandmaster, Golden Light Technique: Grandmaster, Ice Technique: Grandmaster, Spring Breeze and Rain Technique: Grandmaster, Leading Master of Thunder Technique...]

[Infatuation Gu: fifth-order middle grade, clone Gu: fourth-order middle grade, wine bug: fourth-order middle grade, gold-eating insect: fourth-order middle grade, book Gu: fourth-order middle grade, dream soul Gu: fourth-order high grade, Dragon Elephant Gu: fourth level middle grade, Golden Light Ten Thousand Poisons Gu: fourth grade middle grade, teleportation Gu, fourth grade middle grade, Formation Heart Gu: fifth grade high grade, Seeking Object Gu, fourth grade middle grade, Tribulation Thunder Gu, fourth grade high grade, medicine Fourth level middle grade Gu. 】

Obviously, Zhou Sui's various immortal cultivation skills and the techniques he mastered have been greatly improved.

Although no qualitative changes have occurred, considerable progress has been made.

"I didn't expect that after twenty years of practice, I would only improve my progress by 20%."

"Sure enough, practicing in the Nascent Soul Realm is too difficult."

"Twenty years is just a blink of an eye."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

Although he knew that his cultivation had not improved very much in the past twenty years, and he had been mentally prepared for it, he did not expect that he had only improved by 20%.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

The further your cultivation reaches the later stage, the slower your progress will naturally become.

To be honest, a 20% improvement in twenty years is already an astonishing cultivation speed compared to other Nascent Soul monks, enough to make many Nascent Soul monks envious and jealous.

Because even if they spend three to four hundred years, they may not be able to cultivate to the perfect state of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But judging from Zhou Sui's cultivation progress, he might be able to try to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage within a hundred years.

This speed is simply incredible.

"The reason why cultivation is so slow has something to do with spiritual root qualifications."

"Now my spiritual root qualification is only at the second level."

"For ordinary monks, it's naturally pretty good."

"But in the realm of Yuanying monk, it is a bit weak, very sparse and ordinary."

"If you want to improve your cultivation progress, then you can only improve your spiritual root qualifications."

"The best thing is to upgrade to the realm of first-grade spiritual roots."

"In this way, the efficiency of daily practice can be greatly improved."

Zhou Sui fell into thinking.

After all, his spiritual root qualifications have reached 95% progress. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can be promoted to the realm of first-grade spiritual roots, and amazing changes will definitely occur by then.

Although he also wanted to quickly transform his spiritual roots, he also knew that haste makes waste.

It is better to practice step by step.

Unless he gets a thousand-year elixir that can transform his spiritual roots, he will not be able to improve his spiritual roots.

But how could such a magical medicine be so easy to obtain?

Even in the Kurong Sect's medicine garden, so far he has only found elixirs like Buddha Flame Root that can enhance spiritual roots.

One can imagine how rare this kind of elixir that enhances spiritual root qualifications is.

Even if the Huashen Sect wants to get it, it is extremely difficult.

"Not bad."

"The speed at which skills like runes, alchemy, weapon refining, etc. are improving is pretty good."

"Of course, the most powerful thing is naturally the formation cultivation, which is already at the fifth level."

"Even the fifth-level high-grade perfect kind."

"Basically, I know all the fifth-level formations in the human world like the back of my hand."

"Now even if I say that I am the strongest formation mage in the human world, there is a high probability that no one will dare to refute it."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

He sensed that dense knowledge about fifth-level formations emerged from the depths of his consciousness, seemingly forming a book of formations, and he knew many fifth-level formations like the back of his hand.


Half an hour later.

Zhou Sui ended his practice and walked out of the quiet room.

I saw that his Taoist companions were also gathered in the Xuanhuang Peak Palace, chatting.

All of them were dressed in cool clothes, showing their proud figures, fair skin, and slender legs, just like gods descending from heaven.

If outsiders saw it, they would think they were in the backyard of the palace.

There are absolutely beautiful female nuns everywhere.

It’s also a joy to watch.

"How does it feel after being promoted to Nascent Soul?"

Zhou Sui looked at Leng Yuexi and others and asked.

In fact, in the past twenty years, it was not just his cultivation that had improved.

The four sisters Leng Yuexi, Shen Biqian, and Chuntao also gave birth to babies successfully and survived the catastrophe.

The Tribulation Thunder Gu also swallowed up a large amount of Tribulation Thunder energy instantly and benefited a lot.

It can be said that except for Ji Bingyu, Xia Jingyan and Mu Ziyan, the other Taoist couples have all given birth to babies.

Of course, the outside world doesn't know about this yet.

After all, they all gave birth to babies on Xuanhuang Island.

Covered by the fifth-level formation, outsiders didn't know that Leng Yuexi and others had successfully given birth to a baby.

This is also Xuanhuang Sect’s trump card.

“It feels so natural and amazing.”

"I can only say that it is indeed the Nascent Soul Realm, much more powerful than the Golden Core Realm."

"Not only the lifespan has been increased, but the combat effectiveness has also been increased many times."

"It's just that the cultivation is slower."

"Fortunately, my husband is a fourth-level alchemy master and can refine fourth-level elixirs."

"Otherwise, our cultivation will progress at a snail's pace."

Leng Yuexi said with emotion.

As a monk with first-grade spiritual roots, her efficiency is extremely fast even when she is practicing in the Golden Core Realm.

But after she was promoted to Nascent Soul, she realized how slow her cultivation speed was.

It was simply impossible to move even an inch.

No wonder many Yuanying monks are extremely eager for the fourth-level treasure elixir.

The elixir is really too precious

A pill can save more than ten years of hard work, which is equivalent to extending one's life in disguise.

Of course, since my husband is a fourth-level alchemy master, he also cultivates a large number of fourth-level elixirs.

Therefore, she has not experienced the pain of other Yuanying monks for the time being.

Although the cultivation efficiency is not as good as that of my husband, it is still many times faster than other Nascent Souls.

"I really envy my sisters for being promoted to Nascent Soul."

"We don't know when we will be promoted."

Mu Ziyan said with envy.

"Don't worry, according to what my husband said, your natal spiritual plant, the ivy, is growing very fast."

"It is estimated that it will take several decades to advance to the fourth level."

"When the time comes, you will naturally be promoted to Nascent Soul, which may be even smoother than ours."

Shen Biqian comforted.

But this is indeed the case.

Ji Bingyu, Mu Ziyan and Xia Jingyan practiced the Qingdi Immortality Kung Fu very successfully.

Their ivy is planted in Xuanhuang Peak, and now the ivy covers an area of ​​more than 100 kilometers.

In other words, their range of activities has also expanded to an area of ​​100 kilometers.

Although the range of activities was limited, Zhou Sui also stayed here and practiced with them day and night.

So they didn't think it was anything.

Anyway, my life is similar to my previous life, but I feel more comfortable.

At least there's nothing else to worry about.

As long as you follow the steps, you can have a baby naturally.

"Ms. sir, I wonder what's going on in the Canglan Sea area now?"

"It is said that over the past few years, a large number of realm gates have appeared in the Canglan Sea."

"From time to time, monsters break into the Canglan Sea, causing a lot of noise."

Chu Dieyi asked very curiously.

Since he stayed on Xuanhuang Island to practice for a long time, he was completely isolated from the world, so naturally he was not as well-informed as Zhou Sui.

After all, there are many clones of my husband, scattered throughout the Canglan Sea, and they have learned a lot of top-secret information.

"Well, since the Realm Gate was completely formed, monsters will run out from the Realm Gate from time to time."

"But overall, it's relatively stable."

"It seems that the ancient demon world is also a little afraid of the immortal world and dare not rush to send a large number of demon beasts to attack."

"For a short period of time, the Canglan Sea area is still very calm, and there is no sign of war breaking out."

Zhou Sui thought carefully and told the information he knew.

Since the realm gates were completely formed, many Yuanying sects in the Canglan Sea area have been very nervous, and they are always paying attention to these realm gates, for fear that a large number of monsters will escape from the realm gates, thus forming a beast tide.

However, the ancient demon world seems not to be interested in the world of immortality.

So far, there have only been a few monsters running through the gate.

It only caused a certain degree of ripples, but did not reach the level of triggering a war.

"Why does this happen?"

"Is the ancient demon world really afraid of our cultivating immortal world, so it doesn't dare to send demon beasts to invade?"

Chu Dieyi narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, this situation was indeed beyond the expectations of many monks.

Originally, they thought that when the realm gate appeared, it would immediately trigger a war between the human race and the demon race.

But who would have thought that they actually stood still and had no intention of trying to invade the world of immortality.

"No, how is this possible?"

"They are not afraid of our world of immortality, but they are collecting information about our world of immortality."

"I also caught some demon cultivators from the ancient demon world before. They seem to be called shape-shifting demons."

"These demon cultivators have transformed into human cultivators and are looking for information everywhere."

"Once they obtain enough intelligence and discover that our Canglan Sea area is very weak, I'm afraid they will take action without hesitation and start a war."

Zhou Sui's face was very serious.

His clone also caught some shape-shifting demons, but unfortunately there were too many shape-shifting demons.

With the help of the power of the Realm Gate, they are scattered all over the world.

Even if some are captured, it will not help the overall situation.

That's why he felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Once the demon cultivators in the ancient demon world obtain enough information, they feel that the strength of the immortal world is no more than this.

I am afraid that a war will be launched immediately and the flames of war will be ignited.

"No, if that's the case, what should we do?"

Master Peach Blossom said a little worried.

Because the more cautious these demon cultivators are, the more troublesome they are.

If you want to deal with these demon monks, it will probably become more and more difficult.

"It doesn't matter."

"there is always a solution to a problem."

"No matter how powerful those demonic cultivators are, if they dare to come to our territory, they will definitely never come back."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes, revealing a deep murderous aura.

You know, things are different now.

Now his cultivation is many times stronger than before.

As long as the Lord Transformation God doesn't take action, no matter how many fourth-level monsters he encounters, they will never be his opponent.

As many as come, as many as die.

It's almost like dying.

On the contrary, you can take advantage of this opportunity to scare the demon clan.

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