The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 317 Nascent Soul Level Puppet, Tongtian Treasure Refining Technique

"Damn, how can you be so poor?"

After looking at the storage bags of these four Nascent Soul cultivators, Zhou Sui was speechless.

He found that there were not many spiritual stones in the storage bag at all. There were only two to three hundred of the best spiritual stones, and there were hundreds of thousands of high-grade spiritual stones. For a Yuanying monk, this was already quite poor.

As for the fourth-level treasure pill, there is not even one.

It is estimated that even if there is a fourth-level treasure pill, it will definitely be eaten by them immediately.

Other than that, he only found some fourth-level materials.

It can only be said that the four brothers of the Li family are incredibly poor.

No wonder that as a Nascent Soul cultivator, he can only be a tribulation cultivator, robbing homes and homes everywhere.

Of course, generally speaking, Yuanying monks would not be so poor.

It's just that they spent most of their money on the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect.

That led to their poverty.

"No, that's not right, they probably spent all their wealth on the Nascent Soul puppet."

"After all, the materials required for Nascent Soul-level puppets are quite expensive."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He thought about it carefully and immediately understood the reason.

In addition to practicing, these Nascent Soul monks also spent a lot of money on these four Nascent Soul puppets.

After all, these puppets are worth a lot of money.

If sold, it would probably be more expensive than a top-grade spiritual treasure.

Because the Nascent Soul level puppet can be immortal for thousands of years, it is equivalent to having the combat power of an immortal Nascent Soul.

If an ordinary cultivating family obtains a Nascent Soul puppet, it can guarantee its long-lasting prosperity for thousands of years.

It can be said that this is simply a treasure of Zhenzong, priceless.

Especially in this era, the technology of refining Yuanying puppets has almost been lost.

"From this point of view, the most valuable thing is the inherited jade slip of the Huashen Sect, the Treasure Refining Sect."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He sensed that there were inheritance jade slips left in the storage bag. They were all obtained by the four brothers of the Li family from the relics of the Transformation of Gods, and came from the inheritance of the Bao Refining Sect.

This is the truly precious treasure.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and immediately threw these inheritance jade slips to Shu Gu, letting Shu Gu swallow them up.

Book Gu who has been promoted to the fourth-level mid-level realm obviously devours and digests the inherited jade slips faster.


Suddenly, a message instantly sank into the depths of his consciousness, and various inheritance secrets about the Treasure Refining Sect appeared in the virtual bookstore inside Book Gu.

He also suddenly learned a lot of inherited knowledge about the Treasure Refining Sect.

Generally speaking, there are two major secret books in the Treasure Refining Sect.

The first one is the Tongtian Treasure Refining Technique, which is a technique for refining magic weapons. Once you learn it, you can smelt various materials and refine different magic weapons, even puppets.

It is said that after cultivating to the highest level, one can even refine heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, which is one of the most powerful treasure-refining techniques in the world of immortality.

With this technique, the Bao Lian Sect has refined a large number of magic weapons and has almost become the main magic weapon manufacturer in the world of immortality.

I don’t know how many monks are proud to use the magic weapons of the Treasure Refining Sect.

The second one is the Dayan Distraction Technique, which is a supreme technique for controlling puppets.

After all, after refining the puppet, you still need to control the puppet.

This technique is the supreme technique used by the divine consciousness. It can split the divine consciousness into countless ways.

As long as you reach the first level of cultivation, you can differentiate into nine spiritual thoughts and control the nine-headed puppet.

Once you reach the second level of cultivation, you can differentiate into eighteen spiritual thoughts and control eighteen puppets.

At the third level, thirty-six divine thoughts can be differentiated and thirty-six puppets can be controlled.

The fourth level can differentiate seventy-two divine thoughts and control seventy-two puppets.

The fifth level is the highest level of this technique. It can differentiate one hundred and forty-four spiritual thoughts and can easily control more than one hundred puppets.

Therefore, the Treasure Refining Sect in its heyday relied on these two techniques to refine a large number of puppets. One person could form an army and control more than a hundred puppets to sweep the world.

Even if the demon clan saw the monks from the Treasure Refining Sect, they would turn around and leave, not daring to compete with them.

"The reason why the Treasure Refining Sect was so prosperous in ancient times was due to the invasion of the ancient demon world."

"Because when refining a puppet, the most important thing is the materials."

"If there are no materials, even a master-level treasure refiner will not be able to refine a magic weapon."

"Due to the invasion of the demon clan, a large number of demon beasts died, and a large amount of cheap puppet materials can be obtained from the demon beasts."

"Coupled with the collision of the two worlds and frequent wars, the demand for magic weapons is increasing day by day."

"As a result, the Treasure Refining Sect naturally grew rapidly and its power continued to expand."

"We also collected a large amount of puppet materials and refined many puppets."

"In its heyday, it even refined several god-incarnation puppets, and it was very popular for a while."

"Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, as demons invaded."

"As a result, the Treasure Refining Sect fell under the catastrophe of demons, leaving only a pile of ruins and the Treasure Refining Sect's inheritance."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

From this inherited knowledge, he knew the past history of the Treasure Refining Sect and the reasons for its rise and fall.

Obviously, the invasion of the ancient demon world did not cause the fall of the Huashen Sect.

Instead, demons invaded, leading to the destruction of many deity sects.

No wonder the world of immortal cultivators in ancient times were more resentful towards demons, but were relatively indifferent to the invasion of the ancient demon world.

After all, although the invasion of monsters brought war, it also brought certain benefits.

The two sides were fighting each other, back and forth.

On the contrary, it promoted the development of the two worlds.

In addition, high-level monks and high-level monsters are actually rational and will not lose both sides.

When the fighting reaches a certain level, they will stop fighting and will not try their best.

But the demon is different, it simply refuses to die.

There is no room for compromise at all.

"The skills of the Huashen Sect and the Treasure Refining Sect are indeed good."

"If it is obtained by other monks, it may be able to create some masters and masters of weapon refining."

“But for me, it’s just the icing on the cake.”

"No matter how powerful the puppet is, it can't compare to my clone."

"This is just superfluous."

"But this knowledge of weapon refining is indeed of great help to me. It can at least help me refine the formation disk and formation flag, and can promote the growth of my formation cultivation."

Zhou Sui was not very interested in the knowledge of weapon refining.

After all, his energy is basically focused on alchemy and formations. As for talismans and magic weapons, their status is naturally secondary.

Of course, that doesn't mean puppets don't work.

If it can be refined, it can also increase the foundation of Xuanhuang Sect.

If it doesn't work anymore, it can be given to a Taoist companion to use to increase the Taoist companion's combat effectiveness.

"By the way, now that the Ivy Vine with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth has been brought back, it's time for Ji Bingyu and the others to practice the Qing Emperor Immortality Technique." Zhou Sui's heart moved. After all, this matter should not be delayed, because the sooner they practice, the better this skill will be. The more benefits the exercise will have to them.

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