The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 308 Swallowing the mind-bewitching demon, Dream Soul Gu is promoted to the fourth level

Chapter 308 Devouring the mind-bewitching demon, Dream Soul Gu is promoted to the fourth level of high-grade


Qian Ziyun next to her opened her beautiful eyes wide. She simply couldn't believe what she saw with her eyes, and she was shocked inside.

You must know that this Elder Lingfeng is a famous fourth-level high-grade demon cultivator of the Sea Clan. He is extremely powerful and has dominated the Canglan Sea for countless years.

But now, with just one blow, this man annihilated Elder Lingfeng.

You know, this man is just a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. How can he be so powerful? !

Could it be said that this is the posture of becoming a god?

Such qualifications not only represent the qualifications to be promoted to the god of transformation, but also represent that the opponent is invincible at the same level and has the power to challenge beyond the level.

Only in this way can he be a once-in-a-thousand-year monster.

Now she somewhat understands the meaning of the posture of transforming into a god.

"The power of thunder, you actually master the power of thunder?!"

"How can it be possible for a small human being to master such power? It's ridiculous."

The mind-browsing demon was completely confused.

Even when I beat it to death, I didn't expect that the human monk in front of me would be so terrifying.

Although some human monks in ancient times had mastered the magical power of thunder, they were nothing more than ordinary thunder.

It has a certain degree of lethality against demons and demon cultivators, but that's all.

But the power of Tribulation Thunder is different.

It is a terrifying force coming from between heaven and earth, and belongs to the power of divine punishment.

Able to penetrate their defenses and directly injure one's own body.

Even having strong recovery power is of no avail, because the power of the Tribulation Thunder will prevent their bodies from regenerating, and can even truly kill them.

This is simply not a power that ordinary human monks can master.

Even among the creatures in the spirit world, no one has ever mastered the power of thunder.

At this moment, it immediately improved the evaluation of the human monk in front of him infinitely.

Even the threats from those god-transforming monks in ancient times were far less than this man.

Once this man is promoted to the realm of divine transformation, he might really be able to exterminate the demons in this world.

There is no need to seal the gods and demons at all.

Just the power of thunder that this person masters can destroy the gods and monsters.

There is no doubt that this guy is the biggest nemesis and threat to the demon clan and must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the demon clan will definitely suffer heavy losses in the future, with countless casualties.

"Kill him, please join forces with me to kill him."

The mind-challenging demon shouted, and it immediately issued orders to many sea monks. This human monk must be eliminated no matter what, because the power possessed by this human monk was too great a threat to the demons.

It's almost to the point of being creepy.

"If you want to take action, stop dreaming."

At this time, Qian Ziyun finally took action.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to watch these Sea Clan monks take action against Zhou Sui. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage and the head of the Heavenly Demon Sect, his magical powers were simply earth-shattering.

Top grade spiritual treasure - Qianzhong Peak!

This is one of her powerful top-grade spiritual treasures, with infinite power.


She formed a seal with her hands and immediately offered up this magic weapon. It looked like a mountain peak, was about the size of a palm, and was all black and yellow.

But after she sacrificed it, it immediately rose up in the wind and instantly turned into a thousand-foot mountain, stretching across the sky, filled with the powerful power of thick soil.

The next second, she waved her slender hand gently.

Immediately, the thousand-foot mountain peaks fell down, as if the sky was falling apart. It contained the power of thick soil and was so heavy that it could collapse the earth.

Although this power cannot kill the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, for the monks in the early Nascent Soul stage, it is a fatal force that cannot be resisted at all.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

Dozens of hundreds of peaks fell down, hitting dozens of early-stage Nascent Soul Sea Clan monks hard.

How could they have imagined that Qian Ziyun would be so insidious that instead of dealing with the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, they would come over to torture the vegetables, clearly looking for soft persimmons to pinch.

Immediately, they were caught off guard and were immediately bombarded by mountain peaks.

Even according to the powerful physique of the sea clan monks, it is of no avail.

The entire body was instantly smashed to pieces and turned into countless pieces.

Huge pits instantly appeared on the ground.

An area with a radius of hundreds of miles was blown to pieces, and many potholes appeared. Horrible cracks stretched for hundreds of miles, forming dense cracks like spider webs.

With one blow, dozens of Hai Clan monks who were in the early stage of Nascent Soul were killed.

This is the power of Qianzhong Peak, a top-grade spiritual treasure, which is simply invincible.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui was also amazed. This woman was worthy of being the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect and had been famous in the Canglan Sea for hundreds of years. This attack alone was enough to show the style of a great monk in the late Yuanying period.

Obviously, even among the many great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, she is enough to be ranked at the forefront.

It's no wonder that a woman suppressed many demon cultivators in the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Without tyrannical strength, it is simply impossible to achieve this.

"You two bitches."

The demon was frightened and angry.

It took a lot of time to confuse so many Nascent Soul cultivators of the Sea Clan.

They were originally its thugs in the future.

But now, this woman and Zhou Sui teamed up to kill so many Sea Clan monks.

If this continues, I'm afraid I will have to stay here.

Escape, must escape!

At this moment, it realized deeply that the power it possessed was no match for this monster human monk.

It is true that the threat from the other party is indeed great.

The future must be a serious concern for the demon clan.

The problem is that I can't defeat this monster. If I continue to force myself, I will lose my life.

Let's leave this monster human to other demons.

Anyway, the demon clan is so huge and has countless capable people.

It is very simple to deal with the little human monks, and there is no need to take action personally.


In an instant, without saying a word, Elder Qingye and Elder Yugu, two monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, were immediately enveloped in a black light, wrapping themselves tightly.

The next second, they flew up on the spot and fled into the distance.

Now he can no longer care about the threat of this human monk.

You still have to save your own life.

"Want to escape? Is it that simple?"

"Thunder Sea!"

There was a cold glint in Zhou Sui's eyes. How could he let these Sea Clan monks escape? Once they escaped, there would be endless troubles. There would be enemies secretly watching him all the time.

For such enemies, he always likes to eliminate them by their roots.

Especially this mind-bending demon is too threatening to the people around him.

There was no way he could let this monster survive.

So at this moment, he immediately activated the huge power of Tribulation Thunder Gu, and the area hundreds of miles above the sky was shrouded in endless black calamity clouds.

What? !

When the heart-challenging demon looked up, he was so frightened that he lost his mind.

The sky was surrounded by endless calamity clouds. Many purple calamity thunders flashed in the clouds, like thunder snakes swimming, exuding a heart-stopping aura, as if a heavenly calamity was coming.

This area turned into an endless sea of ​​thunder.

It never dreamed that this human monk was so terrifying that he could actually summon the sea of ​​thunder.

Is that human being? !

Obviously, it was just a small test.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The next second, hundreds of purple thunderbolts fell from the sky, covering the area and locking in the auras of Elder Qingye, Elder Fishbone and other Nascent Soul cultivators of the Sea Clan.

Like thunder dragons, they roared across the sky and bombarded them at an astonishing speed. It was simply impossible to avoid or hide.

"Damn it."

The expressions of Elder Qingye, Elder Fishbone and other sea monks changed greatly. They had no choice but to use their magical powers, and a huge wall of water blocked them in front of them.

This wall of water flow is covered with dense water runes, which seems to form a water enchantment.

Contains strong defensive power.

Unfortunately, this approach is meaningless and has no effect.

Purple thunderbolts fell one after another, easily penetrating the wall of water and reaching them directly.


The defense of the Sea Clan monks that they were so proud of was now like paper in front of the Tribulation Thunder. It was cut open easily and directly bombarded deep in their bodies.


Suddenly, these Sea Clan monks couldn't help but let out shrill screams, and their bodies suffered from heart-breaking pain. The terrifying power of the Tribulation Thunder crazily destroyed their bodies, making crackling sounds.

With a thud, their bodies couldn't bear it for even one second and immediately fell apart, blood splattering.

Everyone's eyes widened, as if they were determined to die.

They also couldn't believe that they would die tragically at the hands of a human monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely shake the Canglan Sea.

"The power of the Tribulation Thunder Gu is actually so powerful."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui was also secretly surprised.

Although he had long known that the Tribulation Thunder Gu was extremely powerful, he never expected that it could be so powerful that it could kill these sea tribe monks in an instant, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Of course, the reason why this can be done is purely because the power of the Tribulation Thunder is too lethal to the demon monks, and it is simply like a nemesis.

One point of strength can cause a lot of damage.

That's why this result was achieved.

If it were other forces, I'm afraid it wouldn't have such an effect.


The next second, a black light suddenly burst out from the smoke, and rushed towards Zhou Sui with lightning speed, rushing into his body in an instant.

"Haha, stupid human being, you finally got fooled."

"Soon you will become my puppet, just accept my control."

The one who spoke was clearly a demon.

Although many sea tribe monks were killed just now, the mind-bewildering demon did not die.

Instead, he took advantage of Zhou Sui's unpreparedness and rushed into his body in an instant, trying to control his soul.

Obviously, it has never forgotten the idea of ​​​​killing Zhou Sui.

"You actually took the initiative to enter my body."

"It's true that there is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you just walk in."

Zhou Sui had a weird smile on his face.

Not to mention that he is just a clone now. Even if he is controlled by the other party, he can't do anything to his true body.

Just because he now has the Dream Soul Gu protecting his body, isn't this mind-browsing demon looking for death when he breaks into his body?


At this moment, Dream Soul Gu seemed to sense something, and an invisible power of dreams instantly enveloped the mind-bewitching demon, sealing all of the mind-bewitching demon's escape routes.

"what happened?"

The mind-browsing demon was instantly confused. Originally, it wanted to quickly pollute this human's soul and mind, dye this human into its own color, and transform it into its own puppet.

But now, it suddenly discovered that a terrifying insect appeared in front of it, just like a giant abyss insect, with colorful colors appearing on its body.

The other party's body seemed to contain dream bubbles, which contained an unknown amount of spiritual garbage.

Compared with him, it was like a pure and flawless white mouse.

And the other party is the real behemoth of the abyss.

Now it seems that I have met the ancestor.

"Damn it, what on earth does this human have?"

"Who is the monster?"

The mind-destroying demon was so frightened that it felt like it had entered a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. It instinctively wanted to run away and escape from this body.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Dream Soul Gu opened his mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp.

"No no no."

The mind-challenging demon screamed and originally wanted to struggle hard, trying to release the demonic energy on his body. Unfortunately, it had no effect on the Dream Soul Gu, and it was impossible to contaminate it.

After a few chirps, the mind-bewitching demon was swallowed by the Dream Soul Gu and became delicious food.

In just a moment, this mind-bending demon was quickly digested and transformed into a black dream bubble.


At this time, after swallowing the inner demon, Dream Soul Gu was like eating a ten thousand-year elixir, gaining extremely huge soul energy.

The soul energy of a Nascent Soul-level mind-bewitching demon alone is equivalent to the soul energy of hundreds of Nascent Soul monks, and the quality is extremely high.

In an instant, the power of Dream Soul Gu increased exponentially.

The internal space on it seems to be further expanded at this moment.

Fourth level top grade!

Immediately, the realm of Dream Soul Gu was upgraded from the fourth-level mid-level to the fourth-level high-level.

Originally, the improvement of its power required a large amount of soul energy and a long time of practice.

But now, after devouring the mind-bewildering demon, the power of Dream Soul Gu has increased significantly in an instant.

"Is there such a benefit?"

"If we swallow a large number of mind-bewitching demons, wouldn't it be possible to quickly increase the power of Dream Soul Gu to the fifth level?"

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He didn't expect that Dream Soul Gu would gain so many benefits after devouring the mind-bewitching demon.

At this moment, the power of the dream world controlled by Dream Soul Gu became more powerful, and its coverage area doubled.

The power to enter dreams has become even more incredible.

However, it is basically impossible to swallow a large number of mind-destroying demons.

Because even among many demons, the mind-dazzling demons are still quite special and extremely rare in number.

Even in ancient times, the mind-browsing demon couldn't find much.

It can be said that devouring such a Nascent Soul-level mind-challenging demon can be regarded as great luck.

Of course, it is basically impossible to kill the mind-bewitching demon by ordinary means.

If it weren't for the power of Dream Soul Gu, I'm afraid he would really be confused and run away.

"Actually all of them were killed?!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Ziyun widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhou Sui in disbelief.

You know, the man in front of you is just a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Normally, even a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul wouldn't be able to defeat him.

But now, he was actually able to kill the three late-stage Nascent Soul Sea Clan monks, as well as many middle-stage Nascent Soul Sea Clan monks. The combat power displayed was simply jaw-dropping.

Who would believe such a ridiculous thing if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

"Well, they're all done."

"After all, I am somewhat accomplished in fighting skills."

Zhou Sui nodded and said calmly.

"A little accomplished?!"

Hearing this, Qian Ziyun's mouth twitched and she was speechless.

If this is just a slight attainment, then other Nascent Soul monks will live like dogs throughout their lives.

With his cultivation in the early stage of Yuanying, he crossed the level to challenge and defeated three great monks in the late stage of Yuanying.

No matter which era it is placed in, it can be called a monster in battle.

Even a swordsman who is famous for his fighting skills would probably find it difficult to do such a thing.

All I can say is that this man is indeed a monster beyond imagination.

"And being strong in fighting skills doesn't mean anything."

"What we monks pursue is always to achieve immortality."

"It's just a means of fighting, not worth mentioning at all."

"Essentially speaking, I am not a violent monk. I love peace very much."

"He's not good at fighting either."

Zhou Sui sighed.

If possible, he would naturally not want to take action.

He never actively provokes other monks.

If the enemy hadn't bullied him too much, he wouldn't have killed him.

Of course, if those sea monks who died tragically and were torn apart heard these words, they would definitely be furious.

If they are not good at fighting, then how did they die?

"In other words, Zhou Lang is indeed a peace-loving monk and not good at fighting."

"It seems that Zhou Lang is quite powerful in all aspects."

"I wonder if my abilities in boudoir are satisfactory to female cultivators?"

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui with charming eyes and a breath like blue.

There are waves of fragrance exuding from her body, which touches the heart and mind.

It seemed that he wanted to eat the man in front of him.

Just like a thousand-year-old fox.

"Ahem, this is it."

"I also have some knowledge in this aspect."

"Of course, because the method is too advanced, it is inconvenient to display."

Zhou Sui looked like a gentleman and didn't look sideways.

After all, this woman is so alluring, exuding charm all the time, making it hard to resist.

"Gee, isn't it convenient to show it?"

"I just want to see if it's really that powerful."

"To be honest, our Heavenly Demon Sect has recorded many related secret techniques."

"If Mr. Zhou is interested, we can discuss it with my concubine later. It may also be helpful."

Qian Ziyun chuckled, her beautiful eyes showing a look of wanting to resist but to welcome.

It seemed that Zhou Sui could be dragged into the boudoir at any time to discuss various secrets of the Demon Sect and discuss the ways of yin and yang together.

"Next time."

"If there is still a chance, as for now, we must first deal with the rioting demons in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm."

At this moment, Zhou Sui's heart moved, and he seemed to sense something.

Throughout the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm, many demons swarmed from all directions and gathered near the Eight Wilderness Demon-Sealing Tower.

They seemed to want to attack the Bahuang Demon-Sealing Tower and save the demons inside.

It can be said that the threat of these demons is greater than the threat of the sea monks just now.

Because the number of demons that appeared was too many, densely packed, exceeding hundreds of thousands.

It is simply not something that human beings can resist.


Hearing this, Qian Ziyun's beautiful eyes couldn't help but reveal a glimmer of coldness. The power of her consciousness spread over a thousand miles, and she immediately sensed the demons swarming around her.

She was shocked for the first time. She didn't expect so many monsters to come here.

It was clear that he wanted to break through the Bahuang Demon-Sealing Tower.

"There are so many monsters, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with them."

Qian Ziyun's face was very solemn.

Although the strength of these demons is not particularly strong, there are only dozens of Nascent Soul level demons, and most of the demons are only at the Golden Core level, Foundation level, etc.

But there are too many of them.

The mana in the body of the Yuanying monk is limited.

I'm afraid I won't be able to destroy these monsters before my mana is exhausted.

Once their magic power is exhausted, they will be dead and will definitely be torn into pieces by the monster.

No bones remain.

"It doesn't matter."

"It's just a monster, not worth mentioning."

"As long as you activate the fifth-level high-grade Big Dipper Demon-Slaying Array in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm, you will naturally be able to destroy them."

"But before that, let's send you out to the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm first."

"Lest the power of the formation activates and accidentally injure you."

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice.

What? !

Hearing this, Qian Ziyun wanted to say something, but the next second she immediately felt her body being wrapped by an invisible force of void, and she had no power to fight back.

In the blink of an eye, she was moved out of the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm, left this secret world, and came to the exit of the secret world.

Of course it's not just her.

Many Nascent Soul cultivators throughout the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm were moved out almost at the same time.

This is the power of void movement possessed by the fifth-order high-grade formation.

Of course, only by completely controlling this fifth-level formation can it be possible to exert this level of power.

Just now, the formation heart Gu has completely controlled the forbidden formation of this secret realm, which is equivalent to the master of this secret realm.

Nature can do this easily.

"What's going on? Wasn't I fighting a demon just now? Why did I suddenly leave the demon-slaying secret realm?"

"It was the secret world, and it was the power of the secret world that moved us out."

"No way. Is the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm alive? Why were we moved out for no reason?"

"Of course it's impossible to be alive. I think it may be the mechanism of the Demon Slaying Secret Realm itself. Once the demons riot, all the human monks inside will be moved out, leaving the demons alone and then annihilated. If we still stay in the Demon Slaying Secret Realm, If you enter the Demonic Secret Realm, you may be accidentally injured."

"In that case, we have to thank the mechanism of the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm. If it weren't for this power, we might have died in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm this time."

"Damn it, which bastard thing actually destroyed the sealing formation inside, released a large number of demons, and caused a demonic disaster. Why did it do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself?"

"It was not the monks from our three major demon sects who did it, but the Sea Clan monks. Previously, the Sea Clan monks sneaked into the Demon Slaying Secret Realm. They used various means to destroy the forbidden formation inside and released the demons inside."

"Are these Sea Clan monks completely crazy? If these demons escape from the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm, even the Sea Clan will be slaughtered by the demons."

Many Nascent Soul cultivators were talking about it and their expressions were very ugly.

"Obviously, those Sea Clan monks did it on purpose."

"They just want to destroy the forbidden formation inside and release the demons in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm."

"Anyway, we, the human race, are the masters of Canglan Sea Area."

"Even if something happens and a demonic disaster occurs, it will definitely be our human race that bears the blame."

The one who spoke was the Qi Qing Demon Lord, the leader of the Xuanyin Sect, and he was extremely angry.

He had no idea that he would almost capsize this time, and that he might even die in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm.

Because once the Nascent Soul Demon inside, or even the Soul Transformation Demon is released, then even according to his own cultivation level, he will probably die this time.

Therefore, his hatred for the Hai Clan could not be washed away by even the water of three rivers.

"Sure enough, they are not from my race, so their minds must be different."

"Fortunately, the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm still has the protection mechanism left by our humanized god sect."

"Otherwise, we will all die inside."

"These sea tribe monks thought that the world was about to merge and that the world of immortal cultivation would be dominated by the demon tribe in the future, so did they start to be so unscrupulous? We are really being underestimated."

"This time we must come back with revenge and let these sea monks know how powerful our demon sect is."

The Lord of the Black Evil Palace, the Sea-Splitting Demon Lord, is murderous.

He originally had a cooperative relationship with the Sea Clan to a certain extent, but he didn't expect that the Sea Clan wanted to kill him this time.

Obviously, the Sea Clan’s desire to kill the Human Clan will never die.

Even though he is a demon monk, he is still a human race in essence.

Naturally, it has become a thorn in the side of the Sea Clan.

"That's right, otherwise we would really be regarded as soft persimmons."

"While the Realm Gate has not yet been completely formed, eradicate this group of Sea Tribe traitors first."

"Lest we wait for the demon cultivators from the ancient demon world to invade and cooperate inside and outside, causing us serious damage."

"Sect Leader Qian, I wonder what you think?"

The leader of the Xuanyin Sect, the Seven-Emotion Demon King, was also angry. He already had a blood feud with the Sea Tribe monks.

If he doesn't come back with revenge, he won't be the Seven Emotions Demon King.

"Of course I agree with that."

"The Sea Clan is indeed too arrogant. Injuring them first will be a good thing for future wars."

"In order to fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home."

Of course Qian Ziyun had no intention of refusing.

But now her mind has long drifted to the secret realm of demon slaying, and she is filled with shame and anger.

This dog man really doesn't know how to show mercy to women.

It's really abominable that he ignored himself even though he had given so many hints.

Now, he directly moved himself out of the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm without consulting him.

It was too overbearing to throw him out as if he were a living creature.

But I don't know why, this man is so domineering and rude.

Not only did she not feel any disgust towards this man, but she became even more excited.

This was a feeling she had never felt before in her more than seven hundred years of life.

It seems that at this moment, my heart is beating fiercely, like a girl pregnant with spring.

"Very good, since Master Qian has agreed, then our three major demon sects will join forces this time."

"The Sea Clan will definitely suffer heavy casualties."

The leader of the Xuanyin Sect, Qi Qing Demon Lord, looked at Qian Ziyun's expression. He was also secretly surprised in his heart. What was going on with this woman? She suddenly showed the appearance of a young girl, as if she had fallen in love with a certain man.

However, this expression must be fake. As the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, the famous Qianhuan Witch, how could she be the woman with such an expression.

It can only be said that the Heavenly Demon Strategy skill practiced by this woman is even more terrifying. Every move she makes is completely natural and charming, making it impossible for people to distinguish between true and false.

Thinking of this, he became more and more afraid of this woman.

"But what about the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm?"

"We finally entered the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm once, and now we left so quickly."

"Nothing good was gained."

Some Yuanying monks complained.

"It's good to be able to come out alive, what are you asking for?"

"I just hope this demon riot won't last too long and the demons inside don't break free."

The Lord of the Black Evil Palace, the Sea-Splitting Demon Lord, is worried.

Hearing this, Qian Ziyun's beautiful eyes flickered, and she naturally knew the whole story. The reason why monks like them were able to leave the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm was because of that man's actions.

She felt that with that man's ability, he would definitely be able to annihilate the demons in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm.

But she didn't know when this man actually took control of the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm.

Or is this man lying from the beginning?

In fact, he came to the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm on purpose, not accidentally.

Thinking of this, she became even more excited.

The more powerful and mysterious this man is, the more sense of accomplishment he will feel when he conquers it.


At this moment, in the secret realm of demon slaying.

Just now, Zhou Sui moved all the human monks out through the prohibition formation of the Demon Slaying Secret Realm.

There are only a large number of demons left in Nuo Da's secret realm of demon slaying.

"let's start."

With a thought, Zhou Sui immediately activated the fifth-level high-grade formation that covered the entire Demon Slaying Secret Realm - the Big Dipper Demon Slaying Formation.


In the sky, seven huge stars immediately appeared, spanning the starry sky, like seven suns shining together, blooming with endless blue light, extremely bright.

The endless power of stars gathers in the sky.

An invisible star barrier enveloped the entire secret world.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The next second, terrifying blue star lights fell from the sky, locking the aura of every demon like a divine punishment.

In just an instant, thousands of them landed, just like countless meteors falling, releasing terrifying destructive power.

Suddenly, the many demons that were still approaching the Bahuang Demon Sealing Tower seemed to feel the crisis of life and death, and they couldn't help but look up to the sky.

But from this look, it seems like an eternity.


Immediately, these demons were instantly destroyed by the light of the stars, and huge pits immediately appeared on the ground.

Debris flew everywhere and smoke billowed.

It was like countless missile bombings.

They are simply helpless.

No matter how powerful the body is, it can be easily penetrated by the power of the stars.

In just half an hour, the entire demon-slaying secret realm had been destroyed dozens of times by the Big Dipper Demon-Slaying Array, and basically no demon could survive.

This secret world has also returned to its previous calm.

All the demonic energy also dissipated at this moment, seeming to leak out from the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm and dissolve into the dimensional void.

"too strong."

"Is this the fifth-level Big Dipper Demon-Slaying Array?"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui was also amazed.

Originally, it would take a lot of time to annihilate all these demons.

But in front of the Big Dipper Demon-Slaying Formation, it was so easy to annihilate them.

The power is so huge that it is simply astonishing.

I am afraid that no Nascent Soul cultivator will be able to survive in front of this fifth-level formation.

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