The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 306: What man can resist such a promise?

Chapter 306: Which man can withstand such a test if he commits himself to it?

What? !

Hearing this and seeing Zhou Sui's sincere eyes, Qian Ziyun's mouth twitched. She immediately felt that the elixirs and thousand-year-old elixirs in her hands were a bit unscented.

Judging from what this man meant, it seemed that he really looked down upon these elixirs and thousand-year-old elixirs.

In other words, this man must have a large number of thousand-year-old elixirs and elixirs.

Even far more than the number here, that's why they are so calm and relaxed.

No wonder his disciple Chu Die was reluctant to return to Tianmo Sect because he was dependent on others.

They all seemed to have forgotten the existence of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

It turned out that there was no shortage of fourth-level treasure elixirs there.

Even if you return to Tianmo Sect, you won't be able to get too many cultivation resources.

In this case, it is better to stay at this man's house.


This guy is a child of luck. He has acquired so many treasures over the years.

It is even possible to enter multiple deity ruins.

In this way, these elixirs and thousand-year-old elixirs are naturally no longer rare.

How abominable.

Why is my apprentice so lucky? He is only two or three hundred years old, but he has met such a wishful man, and he is also a Taoist monk with great luck.

Following a man like this, I'm afraid there is great hope for becoming a god in the future.

Thinking of this, Qian Ziyun really became more and more eager to get this man.

The pills from the Demon Slayer Sect are nothing.

Getting this man is what matters.

As long as you follow this man, you will never get a mysterious realm like the Demon Slayer Sect.

Maybe you can also get more inheritance from the mysterious realm.

This is the real golden hen.

The kind that keeps laying golden eggs.

"In this case, I am very grateful to Fellow Daoist Zhou."

"After all, I didn't do much good, yet I got so many elixirs and elixirs."

"I really deserve it."

"If you don't mind, you can have fun with me for one night and consider it as reward."

"I can't repay you with my body, I can only pledge myself to you."

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui with charming eyes and a breath like blue.

She even pulled on her clothes, showing off her proud body and amazing curves.

Every move he makes seems charming.

It seemed like he could be pushed down by the man in front of him at any time.

This goblin!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Sui was a little confused. This woman was simply a witch and a goblin. Which man could withstand such a test?

If he hadn't sensed that the favorability in the infatuation Gu was not enough, he might have pushed this woman down immediately.

But he knew that this woman was definitely playing tricks on him.

If you really do it yourself, you will be fooled, which will inevitably reduce the other party's favorability.

And it is impossible for him to succeed.

Just wait for me. When the time comes, I will let you, a fairy, try the power of my dragon-elephant body.

"Fellow Taoist Qian, please respect yourself."

Zhou Sui looked expressionlessly at Qian Ziyun and rejected her directly.


Hearing this, Qian Ziyun was furious. She didn't expect that she would actually put down her tactics like this. This man was unmoved, as if he thought she was an unattractive woman.

He had obviously used various methods, but why was this man still indifferent?

And according to the intelligence, this man has more than a dozen Taoist monks, and he is not the kind of man who sits still in love at all.

By the way, could it be that this man has long been a veteran of many battles, so he will not be charmed by himself.

Even his various methods seemed extremely ridiculous and childish in this man's eyes.

It's like an adult looking at a child.

Thinking of this, she became even more angry. She was the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect. When had she ever been ignored, played with, or looked down upon by a man like this?

Not only did she not feel discouraged, but she became even more motivated.

No matter what means he uses, he must make this man surrender under his pomegranate skirt.


However, Zhou Sui ignored Qian Ziyun and walked towards the Magic Treasure Pavilion.

Because according to the knowledge of the Object-Seeking Gu, the Eight Desolations Tribulation Gold is hidden in the Magic Treasure Pavilion.


At this time, Zhou Sui easily disintegrated the restricted formations in the Magic Treasure Pavilion. These restricted formations were ineffective in front of the fifth-level formation masters, and he found the flaw in the formations in an instant.

Then he opened the door of the Magic Treasure Pavilion directly.

Immediately, many magic weapons appeared inside.

Demon-slaying knife, demon-slaying sword, demon-slaying spear, and demon-slaying bow! ! !

Every magic weapon contains terrifying murderous intent, kill, kill, kill, destroy!

It is simply a magic weapon created to slay demons.

It was simply murderous.

The hatred is overwhelming.

Not even a single defensive magic weapon was found inside.

Each one is a magic weapon for killing and has infinite power.

It is conceivable that this is the belief of the Demon Slaughter Sect, there is death but no life, there is no return, both the enemy and ourselves will perish.


The next second, a majestic Taoist sound immediately sounded in the Magic Treasure Pavilion.

"If you get my demon-slaying sect's magic weapon, you will definitely kill demons in this life. Otherwise, the law of heaven will not tolerate it and the whole world will punish you."

Obviously, this voice was left by a god-incarnation venerable.

Even after tens of thousands of years, it still leaves echoes.


Zhou Sui squinted his eyes. He could sense that these magic weapons were filled with a lot of murderous intent. It seemed that each of them contained the endless killing intent and hatred of the previous owner, and even left traces of the blood of many monsters.

Even after tens of thousands of years, this aura has not disappeared.

One can imagine how fierce the battle between the human race and the demon clan, as well as the demon clan, was in ancient times.

This is a life and death war between races.

Every human monk unites together just to drive away demons and demon clans.

Even if he sacrifices his own life, he will not hesitate.

Therefore, the Demon Slayer Sect did not leave any forbidden formations in the Magic Treasure Pavilion.

They just hope that those who come after them can make proper use of these magic weapons to kill demons.

No matter who it is, whether it is the righteous way or the devil's way, as long as it is about killing demons, they are extremely welcome.

Anyone can get the treasure they left behind.

"found it."

"This is the Eight Desolations Tribulation Gold."

At this time, Zhou Sui's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately sensed that there were not only these magic weapons in the Magic Treasure Pavilion, but also a large number of fourth-level materials and fifth-level materials.

Among them is the Eight Desolate Tribulation Gold.

This is a piece of dark golden gold, filled with the atmosphere of ancient wilderness, and it also contains the power of thunder and tribulation, releasing crackling purple thunder from time to time.

Obviously, even in ancient times, the Eight Desolations Tribulation Gold was an extremely precious fifth-level material.

It is rumored that this is a special material that has experienced a catastrophe.

It contains the power of thunder and calamity.

If a trace of the material of the Eight Desolations Tribulation Gold is added, it can cause huge damage to monsters and monsters.

Can easily break through the physical defenses of demons and beasts.

So it is extremely precious and rare in the world.

"Take it, take it all."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

No matter how many treasures there are in the Magic Treasure Pavilion, just take them all.

This means that the thief will never go short.

Regardless of whether it works for him or not, even if it doesn't work for him, he can still get a large amount of spiritual stones by selling it.

What's more, the Eight Desolations Tribulation Gold is indeed extremely useful.

It can help him repair the Eight Desolations Demon Sealing Array.


Immediately, not long after, he put all the magic weapons in the Magic Treasure Pavilion, as well as various fourth-level materials and fifth-level materials, into his storage bag.

They were even cleaner than their faces, and nothing was left.

He even wanted to take away the doors and windows of the Magic Treasure Pavilion.

Because these doors and windows are made from thousand-year-old spiritual wood, they are also extremely precious.

"By the way, there is also the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion, which contains the inheritance of the Demon Slayer Sect."

"Take them all away too."

Zhou Sui is also very coveted for the inheritance of the Demon Slaughter Sect. After all, this is the former God Transformation Sect. It is obvious that the inheritance of its techniques is precious and is definitely unusual.

Even if you don't learn it yourself, you can still give it to the Book Gu to eat and become the food for the Book Gu.

Without saying a word, he immediately cracked the forbidden formation of the Sutra Pavilion and entered inside.

"The inheritance of my Demon Slaying Sect is for you to be a disciple of the Demon Slaying Sect."

"In the future, you must take it as your duty to kill demons."

"Drive the monsters completely out of our world."

"Otherwise I will wait to die with my eyes closed."

At this time, another voice of Lord Transformation rang out. It seemed to be extremely sad, containing hatred and despair.

Obviously, these were also the last words left by the former Demon-Slaying Sect Master Huashen.

These inheritances do not leave any forbidden formations, and anyone can take them away.

The former monks of the Demon Slaughter Sect didn't care at all that their sect's skills were spread.

He even hopes to spread it to every monk to enhance the strength of each monk.

Only in this way can there be hope of expelling the demons from the world of immortality.

"The wars in ancient times were so tragic that even the Lord Transformation God had to leave his last words."

"But judging from the results, the human race still won."

"Otherwise the whole world would be occupied by demons now."

"Of course, the demon seems to be making a comeback now."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He couldn't help but think of the Blood Demon Tree on Xianxia Island. It was a powerful demon with extraordinary strength.

Even now, I still feel frightened when I recall the demonic aura from the past.

I don’t know what’s going on with Xianxia Island now.

To be honest, he kind of wanted to go back and see the Blood Demon Tree.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still felt that it was okay. He didn't want to take too many risks.

It would not be too late to test him again after he has advanced to become a god and becomes invincible in the human world.

No matter what enemy you encounter, you will be able to deal with it easily.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui waved his hand and immediately collected all the inherited jade slips here.

He also didn't know what skills were in the inherited jade slips for the time being.

After all, now is not the time to study the Demon Slaughter Sect's techniques. Let's go back to Xianxia Peak.

"It was all plundered so quickly? How could it be so fast?"

Qian Ziyun looked at Zhou Sui speechlessly. She felt that this man's hands and feet were so nimble, as if he had done this kind of thing countless times.

In just the blink of an eye, all the treasures in this place were plundered.

Not even a tiny bit of treasure was left behind.

It is estimated that if the demon-slaying sect monks come back to life and see this scene, they will cry.

"Well, practice makes perfect."

Zhou Sui said loudly.


Qian Ziyun looked at this man with a strange expression. As expected, this man had searched the treasures of the God Transformation Relics countless times and gained experience.

It can only be said that this man's luck is so incredible that he has acquired many treasures from the relics of the gods.

Ordinary monks would be extremely lucky to have such an opportunity.

But this man has one opportunity after another, which is really unbelievable.

"By the way, is there any way to control this magical treasure?"

Zhou Sui's power of mind spread out and sensed every palace, but no other treasures were found.

The only treasure left is the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower.

If you get this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, then this action can be considered a complete meritorious deed.

"I'm afraid it's difficult."

"According to the records, if you want to control the Tongtian Lingbao, you need to learn the matching Tongbao Jue."

"The problem is that Tongbao Jue is basically passed down orally and is rarely recorded in writing."

"Except for the direct descendants, it is impossible for others to know."

"So even if the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure that has been passed down to this day is placed in front of you, it cannot be refined and controlled."

Qian Ziyun said helplessly.

Because it is not that easy to refine the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

"Need Tongbao Jue?"

Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that refining the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure would be so troublesome.

If it is an ordinary spiritual treasure, it can basically be refined by divine consciousness, and it can be completely controlled.

But as for the Tongtian Lingbao, the refining difficulty is obviously even higher.

"Of course, there are rumors that there are extremely talented people who can understand the corresponding Tongbao secrets by observing the Tongtian Lingbao, but this is just a legend."

"Even if such a genius does exist, it is only one in a million."

"And even if you really get the Tongbao Jue, you may not be able to refine the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure."

"After all, if you want to truly control the Tongtian Lingbao, you must at least reach the divine realm."

"If it is in the Nascent Soul realm, it will most likely be difficult to refine and control."

"Even if you reluctantly refine it, it may be counterattacked by the Tongtian Lingbao."

Qian Ziyun said in a deep voice.

That is because refining the Tongtian Lingbao will encounter various difficulties.

So she didn't have much idea about the Tongtian Lingbao. This was not a treasure that ordinary monks could obtain.

Unless you are promoted to become a god, you can master the Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

"Observe the Tongtian Lingbao?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui's heart moved, because he might be able to do this.

Because he practiced the Qiqiao Linglong Book and condensed three eyes of mind.

Every eye of the mind has a supreme function.

Using the power of the mind's eye, one might be able to obtain the Tongbao Jue from the Tongtian Lingbao.

He wanted to try it.

Even if you fail, you will not lose anything.

If he succeeds, then this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure - the Eight Wilderness Demon-Sealing Tower will be under his control.


But at this moment, a huge earthquake suddenly occurred throughout the Demon Slaying Secret Realm, as if a magnitude seven or eight earthquake had occurred, spreading to every corner.

Many restricted formations began to tremble.

No matter where you are, you can feel this strong vibration.

"what happened?"

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes. He instinctively realized that something was wrong, as if something big had happened in the Demon Slaying Secret Realm.

At this moment, the secret realm of demon slaying.

All the sea tribe monks were extremely excited.

Because they had just taken action, destroying the many restricted formations in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm.

It is not just the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower that imprisons demons in the entire Demon-Slaying Secret Realm. In fact, every area is covered by a large formation, sealing demons one after another.

But at this time, these sea tribe monks took action, broke these restricted formations, and released all the demons inside. They swarmed out like a tide and began to wreak havoc on the entire demon-slaying secret realm.

"Elder Lingfeng, Elder Qingye, Elder Yugu, you are really amazing."

"None of the three major demon sects were able to destroy the fifth-level forbidden formation here, but it was easily destroyed by you."

"How on earth did you know about the flaw in the forbidden formation here?"

Many Sea Clan monks looked at these three fourth-level high-ranking Sea Clan elders with admiration.

They originally thought it would be difficult to destroy the forbidden formation here.

But these three elders seemed to be familiar with the task and destroyed it easily.

It seems that I have been familiar with this place for a long time, which is incredible.

To be honest, before they were worried about any accidents, they didn't expect things to go very smoothly.

"Haha, it's just pediatrics."

"The prohibition formation here has been in disrepair for a long time. It is no longer what it used to be, and there are many flaws."

"In addition, this time we brought the fifth-level forbidden talisman and many forbidden breaking materials."

"It is simply a piece of cake to dismantle the forbidden formation here."

Elder Lingfeng laughed.

But no one saw it. There seemed to be wisps of terrifying demonic energy deep in its pupils, and the soul deep inside its body had long been eroded by the demonic aura.

It’s not just Elder Lingfeng, but also Elder Qingye and Elder Yugu.

This is because the last time they entered the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm, they had been controlled by the Nascent Soul-level demon and the mind-bewitching demon.

The mind-destroying demon is the most special kind among countless demons.

It is intangible, soundless and colorless, and is good at charming people's hearts and controlling their minds.

Even Nascent Soul cultivators have difficulty resisting their control.

Elder Lingfeng and others entered the secret realm of demon slaying in the past, and were accidentally controlled by the mind-bewitching demon, so they became its thugs.

The reason why the mind-browsing demon chooses to control them.

Naturally, because the entire Demon-Slaying Secret Realm has the Big Dipper Demon-Slaying Formation, the demons cannot escape.

Once you try to escape, you will be bombarded by the formation, and you will die without any body parts.

Therefore, it can only use these sea tribe monks to help itself out of trouble.

Apparently, the plan went very smoothly.

These three Sea Clan elders were bewitched and led a large number of Sea Clan monks in to help the demon out of trouble.

After all, many of the forbidden formations in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm are extremely capable of restraining demons.

But he did not restrain the human monks and demon monks.

Therefore, the demons can only use the power of others to help them break the restrictive formation and escape from the prison.

It is precisely thanks to the help of the mind-bewildering demon that these sea monks can break the forbidden formation here so easily.

"Go ahead."

"Go to the Bahuang Demon Sealing Tower immediately."

"Destroy the forbidden formation there and release all the demons in the Eight Wilderness Demon Sealing Tower."

"Only in this way can we escape from the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm."

At this moment, the mind-challenging demon was hiding deep in Elder Lingfeng's heart and immediately issued orders to these sea tribe monks.

In fact, during this period of time, these Sea Clan monks were eroded by the power of the Mind-Deceiving Demon, their minds were changing unknowingly, and they had completely ignored all kinds of changes.

Each and every one of them turned into a puppet of the mind-bending demon.


Many Sea Clan monks were filled with deep murderous aura and immediately flew towards the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower.

It's not just them, the surrounding monsters are also coming like a tide.

"It's great. We have been trapped for so long, and we finally got out of it."

"Demon Slayer Sect, no matter how powerful you are, you still can't withstand the passage of time."

"The famous Human Race God Transformation Sect in the past is not in ruins now."

"But only we demons will live forever."

"Just wait for me. After I escape, I will definitely exterminate the human race and transform this world into a world of monsters and demons, so that the human race will never be able to succeed."

The demon's body is filled with deep evil aura, which makes people shudder.

It can't wait to leave here and start killing people.



At this time, with the destruction of many forbidden formations, many demons escaped from their prisons, and the endless aura of demons swept in all directions, affecting the entire secret world.

The entire sky was shrouded in black demonic aura, and it was like dark clouds covering the sun.

The temperature all around was dropping sharply, making a roaring sound.

There was even a thick layer of ice on the ground.

Many demons were running around like a tide.

It's like Sun Monkey breaking free from the seal.

Fortunately, this is the secret realm of demon slaying, not the human world, otherwise a large number of mortals would definitely suffer.

Immediately, the faces of the monks from the three major Nascent Soul sects, namely Tianmo Sect, Heisha Palace and Xuanyin Sect, changed greatly.

They noticed this movement immediately.

"Damn, what happened? Why did a large number of demons escape? Now there are demons in all directions. They want to kill us all. How could such a change happen?"

A Nascent Soul cultivator's expression turned extremely ugly.

He originally thought this was a safe treasure hunt without too much danger.

But who could have imagined that a large number of demons would start to riot and wreak havoc in the demon-slaying secret realm.

Even according to the strength of Nascent Soul Realm, it may not be able to withstand it.

"I don't know. It seems that something terrible has happened in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm. Did someone touch the forbidden formation here to release these monsters?"

"Now is no longer the time to think about this. I just discovered that the door to the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm is completely closed, which means we can't get out for the time being."

"No way, are you kidding me? There's still more than half a month left? Why is the door closed?"

"There is no way, this should be an emergency measure for the Demon Slaying Secret Realm. This place itself is a prison for demons. Once the demon tries to escape, the door to the secret realm will be closed. No one is allowed to go out, unless it is to solve the demon crisis. Otherwise, the secret realm door will not be opened again."

"Damn it, don't let me find out which bastard released these monsters, otherwise I will never let him go."

"Stop talking about this, let's run away quickly. If we continue to stay here, we will definitely be surrounded by demons and die."

Many Nascent Soul monks were talking about it, their faces as dark as coke.

They didn't care about treasure hunting anymore.

Everyone is running away in all directions to avoid the pursuit of monsters.


At this moment, the barrier around the Bahuang Demon-Sealing Tower instantly collapsed and fell into pieces.

Elder Lingfeng, Elder Qingye, Elder Fishbone and other sea monks came over to kill them. With the help of the mind-bewitching demon, they found the flaw in the forbidden formation here, and then used the fifth-level forbidden breaking talisman to break it easily. The formation here.

Suddenly, the buildings around the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower appeared in front of many sea tribe monks.

They also saw a giant tower thousands of feet high in the distance, extremely majestic and majestic.

"Haha, right in front of you is the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower."

"As long as we break through this giant tower and release the demons imprisoned inside."

"Then our plan is complete."

Elder Lingfeng laughed, very happy.

Especially the evil spirit hiding in the dark. It has been planning for thousands of years and is finally coming to an end here.

Once the demons inside are released and the power of a large number of demons is gathered, the fifth-level formation of the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm can be broken through.

At that time, it will be able to regain its freedom, go on a killing spree in the human world, and restore its glory as a demon.

"Well, wait."

"This place seems to have the aura of human monks."

"Has someone already entered here in advance?"

At this time, Elder Qingye's expression changed. It immediately sensed the auras left by Zhou Sui and Qian Ziyun.

After all, Zhou Sui and Qian Ziyun did not deliberately hide their whereabouts, and they did not expect that besides them, there would be anyone who could break through the restricted formation here.

"not good."

"They are two human monks, one male and one female."

"I don't know what means they used to get in here, but they must not be allowed to control the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower."

"The power of a Tongtian Spiritual Treasure with an owner and an unowned Tongtian Spiritual Treasure are completely different."

Elder Yugu's expression was extremely ugly.

It didn't expect that there would be a human monk who could get there first. It was really unbelievable.

But regardless of whether the opponent can control the Eight Wastelands Demon-Sealing Tower, they cannot take this risk.

After all, kill the two human monks and eradicate the roots.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

In an instant, this group of Sea Clan Nascent Soul cultivators flashed across many palaces and immediately arrived in front of the Eight Wastelands Demon Sealing Tower. At this moment, Zhou Sui and Qian Ziyun also happened to arrive at this place.

"Qian Ziyun, the leader of the Tianmo Sect, and Zhou Sui, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect."

"It's actually you two."

"When did you hook up together?"

The moment Elder Lingfeng saw Zhou Sui and Qian Ziyun, a lot of information immediately appeared in his mind and he recognized their identities.

Among them, it goes without saying that Qian Ziyun, the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, has been traversing the Canglan Sea for hundreds of years and is known to everyone among the Yuanying monks.

Especially among the Sea Clan, this woman is even more vicious. She has killed countless Sea Clan monks. It can be described as a blood feud.

As for Zhou Sui.

Although Zhou Sui is very young, he has the potential to become a god because he recently married Taohuashangren, the daughter of the leader of the Wuji Alliance, and also gave birth to a baby at the age of 100.

It can be said that Zhou Sui's reputation has long spread throughout the Canglan Sea.

Although the lower-level monks may not know, how could they, the higher-ups of the Sea Tribe, not know.

The information about Zhou Sui was collected by them immediately.

It is also included in their must-kill list.

A human monk who is very likely to be promoted to a god in the future will be a serious problem in the future.

However, it did not expect that the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect was actually together with the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect. This was information that no one knew, and it was really unbelievable.

It can only be said that the methods of the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect are indeed powerful. He actually started to hook up with such a man who has the appearance of becoming a god. It is simply an old cow eating young grass.

"It's none of your business."

"It turns out to be Elder Lingfeng of the Sea Clan. I thought he was some old antique."

"The movement that happened in the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm just now must have been caused by you."

"How on earth did you enter the secret realm of demon slaying?"

Qian Ziyun narrowed her eyes and looked at this group of sea monks, and immediately felt very troubled.

Because this group of Sea Clan monks is simply overwhelming in numbers.

Three monks in the late stage of Yuanying, a dozen in the middle stage of Yuanying, and dozens in the early stage of Yuanying.

To be honest, this is already the top combat power of ordinary Nascent Soul forces.

Now they are all out in force.

Even based on her fighting ability, she couldn't say she could survive such a battle.

What's more, she sensed that a large number of demons were swarming in the distance.

If you are not careful at all, you will be surrounded and die without a burial place.

"Haha, yes, we made it."

"Now the demons in the entire Demon-Slaying Secret Realm have been released by us."

"Soon, the formation of the Demon-Slaying Secret Realm will be completely broken by these demons."

"At that time, not only you, but the entire Canglan Sea area will be plunged into a demonic disaster."

Elder Lingfeng laughed, very happy, and his eyes showed the pleasure of revenge.

Nor does it mind revealing its plans now.

After all, they are now on the map and the general trend is inevitable. Even if they are exposed, no one can stop them.

"I see, you actually have such an idea."

"Is this an attempt to use the power of demons to weaken the power of our human monks?"

"It's a good plan."

Qian Ziyun narrowed her eyes.

As a demon monk, she naturally knew the other party's plan immediately.

Of course, there's nothing surprising about her.

As a monk of the Demon Sect, I have executed even the most vicious plans before, so I have long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

It couldn't even cause any waves in her.

"You humans have ruled this world for too long."

"It is also our turn to be the overlord of this world."

"When our demon cultivators from the ancient demon world enter this world, they will sooner or later drive out all of you human cultivators."

"Of course, I'm afraid you won't be able to see this scene."

"Because now we're going to operate on you."

"I believe that before the fusion of the world begins, the death of two Nascent Soul cultivators will definitely weaken your power greatly."

Elder Lingfeng stared at Zhou Sui and Qian Ziyun with murderous intent.

Obviously, they are already obsessed with each other.

There wasn't much animosity between the two sides.

It’s just that those who are not of my race will have different minds.

For the survival of the race, these human monks must be killed.

"That's right, you are unable to fly today."

"No one can save you."

The cold light in Elder Qingye's eyes shone brightly.

"Jiejie, I really didn't expect to be able to drink the blood of two human Nascent Soul monks today. It's such a pleasure."

"Especially one of them has the appearance of becoming a god."

"It's almost like God is helping us, the Sea Clan."

"Just accept your death."

Elder Yugu Jie laughed strangely, and the murderous aura in his body burst out, erupting into the terrifying Nascent Soul Law Domain, covering thousands of miles.

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