The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 301: Night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, peach blossom spirit body

This time the Wuji Alliance's Nascent Soul meeting also lasted for one day.

Basically, the content of the meeting is to improve various details.

It didn't take long for the news about the Fusion of Worlds to spread throughout the Wuji Alliance's sea area.

Known by countless monks.

Of course, the gossip that Zhou Sui and Master Peach Blossom were about to get married also spread throughout the Canglan Sea like a hurricane.

After all, Peach Blossom Master's reputation is too great.

The reputation of being the most beautiful woman in the Canglan Sea has long been spread everywhere.

Such a stunning beauty actually committed herself to marrying a man. This was simply explosive news.

Even if it's the matter of merging the world, we have to give in to such gossip.

"No way, it's true or not, Master Peach Blossom is actually getting married? Are you kidding me? Which man is worthy of such a peerless beauty?"

Many of Peach Blossom Master's admirers felt as if they were mourning for their heirs. They could hardly accept such bad news, and now they were simply heartbroken.

If they hadn't confirmed the authenticity of this news over and over again, they would have been eager to kill the rumormongers.

"This matter is indeed true. The Wuji Alliance has announced the news of the Taoist Companion Ceremony, and has also asked many fellow Taoists to attend the ceremony."

"What is the origin of the man who has won the favor of Master Peach Blossom?"

"It is said that he is just a casual cultivator. He is not a monk from any Nascent Soul sect. He comes from Xianxia Island in the remote sea. But this person has amazing talent. He is only a hundred years old and has already successfully given birth to a baby."

"That's ridiculous. Is it true to have a baby at the age of 100? Even in the world of immortality in ancient times, there weren't many people who wanted to do this. This is simply the act of transforming into a god."

"Yes, this matter is true. I have confirmed it again and again. The man's name is Zhou Sui. He has always been very low-key. Basically no one has heard of his name. Only when he was promoted to Nascent Soul, he Only then was it exposed to the world.”

"I once checked his experience. He built a foundation at the age of twenty-four, formed an elixir at the age of fifty-four, and had a baby at the age of a hundred. He is a genius. It is conceivable that no one knew about such a genius before he gave birth to a baby. This person is very deep in the city and is not arrogant or domineering. He is an extremely powerful monk and should not be underestimated."

Many Nascent Soul monks were talking about it.

They immediately went to investigate Zhou Sui's many intelligence messages.

But the more information he learned about Zhou Sui, the more he was shocked by this peerless genius.

While this guy has extremely high talents, he is also an ascetic monk who is never arrogant or domineering.

By the time everyone knew his name, he had already given birth to a baby.

At this time, even if you want to kill such a genius, it is already too late.

"And I heard that this week Sui is a married man. He has more than a dozen Taoist companions, one of whom is a Nascent Soul female cultivator, and the rest are all Jindan female cultivators. They are very romantic."

"No way, Master Peach Blossom would rather marry a married man than look at us?"

"Why on earth does this bastard marry so many high-level female cultivators, and even a Nascent Soul Taoist monk."

"It is said that this man is extraordinary in martial arts and energetic, and this is how he gained the favor of Master Peach Blossom and made her want to stop."

"This guy actually made so many high-level female cultivators docile and willing to serve one man together. It's really incredible. How on earth did he do this?"

"I can't help it. He has an extraordinary appearance, is proficient in all kinds of secret arts in the boudoir, and has the appearance of transforming into a god. I wonder which female cultivator wouldn't like such a man. He can be said to be both in the hall and in the boudoir."

"Damn it, I'm also going to practice various secret techniques in the boudoir to see if I can find a Nascent Soul Taoist companion."

"Stop dreaming. This still requires talent. Your thing is like a heat probe. It comes out when you put it in. No matter how much you practice, it has no effect."

"Nima, you bunch of bitches, I'm very talented, and you're all jealous."

Many monks are extremely desperate and helpless.

Although I am very reluctant to get married, it is the decision of Master Peach Blossom and it has been approved by Taoist Wuji. It is impossible for others to object.


A few days later.

The wedding ceremony of Zhou Sui and Master Peach Blossom was held as scheduled, with great fanfare and many Nascent Soul monks were present.

Of course, Leng Yuexi, Lin Yazhu and other fellow Taoists did not reject this matter.

On the contrary, it was extremely welcome.

They had even discussed this matter with Master Peach Blossom a long time ago, but he was the only one who was kept in the dark.

After all, for Lin Yazhu and others, the benefits gained by their husband's marriage to Master Peach Blossom were too great.

It's not just as simple as marrying a beautiful girl.

At the same time, he also obtained such a behemoth as the Wuji Alliance.

In the future, he will be the real leader of the Wuji Alliance.

When the Wuji Taoist life force is exhausted, the Wuji Alliance will belong to them.

So why not marry the Peach Blossom Master?

The wedding banquet was very lively.

Many powerful figures were present.

Even the elders of Tianjian Sect, Piaomiao Palace, Sunset Sect and other sects also attended.

Although many of his admirers were envious, jealous and dissatisfied with Zhou Sui, they did not dare to act wild in front of Taoist Wuji and others. The wedding ceremony was basically completed smoothly.

At night, Zhou Sui also entered the bridal chamber with Master Peach Blossom.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"I'm afraid you can't break my body tonight."

The Lady Peach Blossom is wearing a red dress, revealing her proud figure, with exquisite and convex figures, and her pretty face is crimson. She is extremely beautiful. She is simply a peerless beauty who is the most gorgeous in the world, making people salivate.

I am afraid that any man who sees the current Peach Blossom Master will fall under her pomegranate skirt.

She looked at Zhou Sui shyly.

"Oh, why on earth is that?"

Zhou Sui suppressed his inner impulse and asked patiently.

After all, who can bear it when the cooked duck is about to fly away.

"I have a special physique, and I am a peach blossom spirit body."

"This kind of physique will bring me an extremely fast cultivation speed, and at the same time, I will automatically carry the power of charm."

"Every move, every frown, every smile can make other monks fall into the charm, which is completely natural and unable to extricate themselves."

"Of course what's even more terrifying is that if you practice dual cultivation with a man, you will also drain the man's energy and strengthen your own body."

"That's why, for so many years, I have always kept myself private and never had contact with men."

"Of course, if it's just for practice, you can completely let yourself go and absorb the essence of many male cultivators with your peach blossom spiritual body."

"But if you do this, you will fall into the devil's path and be unable to extricate yourself."

"When the time comes, it will be counterattacked by the Peach Blossom Body."

"In the past, my mother also had such a constitution. As a result, she died from the backlash of the peach blossom body due to overindulgence. In the end, she turned into a peach tree and planted it on Peach Blossom Island."

The Peach Blossom Master revealed his biggest secret.

"Peach Blossom Spirit Body, is there such a physique in the world?"

"The world is so big, and there are so many wonders."

Zhou Sui clicked his tongue in admiration.

In fact, from the very beginning, he sensed that Peach Blossom's body was special and completely different from other women.

He was simply born with the power of charm.

Looking at it now, it turns out that he has a special spirit body.

No wonder the Master Peach Blossom has always lived on Peach Blossom Island. It turns out that his mother was buried on the island.

At the same time, she also wanted to avoid trouble caused by the peach blossom spirit body.

So I have always refused to have contact with other men.

It's a pity that it's still in his own hands now.

"If so, when?"

Zhou Sui asked.

"As long as I advance to become a god, my physical problems will be completely solved."

"Then I won't be troubled by my husband anymore."

"Of course, if my husband doesn't mind, I have three thousand beautiful cultivators on Peach Blossom Island."

"They can all serve as my husband's concubines to meet his needs."

Master Peach Blossom looked at Zhou Sui apologetically.

After all, as a Taoist couple, it is indeed derelict to be unable to meet the needs of my husband.

But there's nothing we can do about it.

Her peach blossom spirit body does too much damage to men.

If they really had a relationship, they would probably devour the essence of their man.

In the long run, big problems will definitely arise.

Of course, she had already thought of a solution to this matter, which was to ask the female cultivators on her Peach Blossom Island to help. Anyway, these maids were all adopted by her and were loyal to her.

No matter what they say, they will do it.

Moreover, I believe they would be very happy to marry their husband-in-law as their concubine.

After all, my husband is in the form of a god.

If he really becomes a cultivator of gods in the future, he will be the Lord of the Canglan Sea.


"There is no woman in the world who can compare with you."

"I don't want anyone but you."

"You actually want to evade your duties as a Taoist monk. I think you want to make me angry."

Zhou Sui looked at Master Peach Blossom.

How could he let the cooked duck fly away? Never in his wildest dreams would that happen.

Of course, if he has reached the stage of perfection in the early stage of Yuanying, he may be able to break through the bottleneck and advance to the middle stage of Yuanying with the help of Master Peach Blossom's huge Yuanyin power.

But Zhou Sui didn't need to do such troublesome things at all.

Even if you don't need to rely on the power of Yuan Yin from the Taoist companion, you can still break through this bottleneck.

The most important thing in cultivating immortality is to enjoy yourself in time and have clear thoughts.

However, the Peach Blossom Spirit Body is indeed a troublesome physique.

To other male cultivators, Master Peach Blossom is like a witch. After one night of love, she will definitely die, and all the essence in her body will be sucked clean.

Of course, a male cultivator with profound cultivation can naturally resist many times, such as Taoist Wuji.

In this way, Master Peach Blossom was born.

But Zhou Sui was not afraid of the peach blossom spirit at all.

After all, he has the body of a dragon and an elephant, and the energy and blood in his body are so rich that it is beyond imagination. No matter how powerful the Peach Blossom Spirit Body is, it is impossible for him to drain all the energy from his body.

More importantly, the power of the infatuation Gu is extraordinary and can turn decay into magic.

The things that Master Peach Blossom is worried about are actually all unfounded worries.

"No, I, I'm not..."

Master Peach Blossom wants to say something else.

But Zhou Sui didn't give her any chance to speak, and instantly blew out the candles in the room, and the room immediately fell into endless darkness.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of Taoist sounds came from the dark room.


Early the next morning, the sun rose brightly.

Master Peach Blossom lay lazily on Zhou Sui's body, her pretty face flushed, and her beautiful eyes looking at Zhou Sui with a mixture of tenderness and annoyance. She did not expect that this man was so tough and did not give her a chance to refuse.

But as this man said, his peach blossom spirit body did not have any side effects on this man.

Because she found that the essence in this man was really huge beyond imagination.

If the aura of other male cultivators is just a well, then the aura of this man is like a Yangtze River, so vast that there is no end in sight.

So even if she was completely exhausted, it seemed that she could not hurt the man's fundamentals.

No wonder this bad man has so much energy every day, and his energy and blood are so amazing.

From this point of view, I and this man are indeed a perfect match.

The physical fit is incomparable.

Because the peach blossom body absorbs the essence of a man, if it is a different man, the essence will be confused and the essence will be impure, which will lead to impure mana impurities in the body and damage to the foundation of practice.

This was the case with her mother in the past.

But it's different now.

If you just absorb the essence of a man, then there is no problem of mixed essence.

On the contrary, you can rely on this ability to quickly improve your cultivation and improve your cultivation efficiency.

The premise is that this man's energy is infinite and will be absorbed infinitely by himself.

She originally thought that such a man did not exist in the world.

But looking at it now, she still underestimated the men in the world.

At least my husband is the kind of monster with unlimited physical strength and energy.

After practicing for a whole night, the energy in my man's body not only did not feel weak, but became more powerful.

Who could believe such a thing if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.


At this moment, Zhou Sui felt the rich Nascent Soul mana in his body.

The Nascent Soul deep in the Dantian Qi Sea has also grown. From the original state of a 0-year-old baby, it has actually grown to the state of a one-year-old and eight-month-old baby. The huge Nascent Soul mana gushes out of it.

Like a vast river, it flowed through every corner of his body.

A tyrannical Nascent Soul Domain spreads around, controlling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth everywhere, and is extremely tyrannical.

It has to be said that Master Peach Blossom is indeed a female cultivator in the late Yuanying period. She has been single for more than five hundred years, and the power of Yuanyin in her body is incredibly strong.

After obtaining this energy, his cultivation level was actually raised to 70% of the early stage of Nascent Soul.

This kind of cultivation progress is really exaggerated.

It was equivalent to saving him more than a hundred years of hard work.

If he waits until he reaches the early stage of Nascent Soul and then obtains this energy, it will definitely help him break through the bottleneck and successfully reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Unfortunately, he couldn't wait that long.

A delicious meal is placed in front of you. Wouldn't it be foolish not to eat it now but to eat it later?

And it can save yourself more than a hundred years of hard work, which is pretty good.

Anyway, he didn't think that the bottleneck in the early stage of Nascent Soul could trap him.

Even without the help of Master Peach Blossom, he could break through the bottleneck and advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"How about it? I'll just say that your peach blossom spirit body won't do any harm to me."

"I finally believe it now."

Zhou Sui hugged the peerless beauty Peach Blossom Master, smiled slightly, and felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He was very emotional. After waiting for so long, he finally got the Peach Blossom Master and turned her into his own woman.

This can be considered a good thing.

Obviously, his marriage to Master Peach Blossom this time is considered high-profile and will definitely arouse the jealousy of many Nascent Soul monks.

But so what.

Today is different from the past. Now he has enough strength to deal with all jealousies.

As long as you stay in the Sanxing Island Group, even if the great monks from the late Nascent Soul stage come to kill you, you will still have to die.

"I never thought that the energy in my husband's body would be so powerful."

"Even my peach blossom spirit body will not harm my husband at all."

"It may even help your husband absorb the excess pure Yang essence, which may also be beneficial to your husband's practice."

Master Peach Blossom looked at Zhou Sui lovingly, and she said with emotion.

She also didn't expect that there were actually men with such strong energy in the world.

No matter how much he sucked, even when he was full, the other person was still so energetic.

I can only say that my choice is indeed the right one.

"By the way, sir, I have one more thing to tell you."

Master Peach Blossom seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Zhou Sui with a very serious expression.

"Oh, what is it?"

Zhou Sui looked at Master Peach Blossom curiously.

"Master Peach Blossom is not my name, it's just a Taoist title."

"Actually, my name is Zhao Taoyao."

"This is a name that only those close to him know."

"So this is something I want you to know."

Master Peach Blossom looked at Zhou Sui affectionately and said seriously.

"Taoyao? It's indeed a good name."

"You can move to Xianxia Peak after that."

"You can't live in two places just after getting married."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and looked at Zhao Taoyao's big watery eyes, which seemed to be full of charm.

It was as if after a practice, her peach blossom spiritual body was completely developed.

Her charm seemed stronger now than before.

It can only be said that the Peach Blossom Spirit Body has endless potential.

In terms of talent, it should be many times more powerful than even her mother.


Hearing this, Master Peach Blossom blushed. As the saying goes, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. Now that she is Zhou Sui's Taoist companion, of course she needs to live with Zhou Sui. This is a matter of course.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Sui hugged Master Peach Blossom, and while there was still time, the two parties practiced hard practice again.

This can be regarded as being happy and reluctant to miss Shu.


A few more days passed.

Zhou Sui and Master Peach Blossom also returned to Xianxia Sect. After the wedding ceremony, the storm over this matter gradually dissipated.

After all, monks have their own things to do and cannot always care about such things.

The most important thing is that the phenomenon of melting the world is getting more and more intense, and more and more signs of void appear.

This also attracted the attention of a large number of monks.

Many Nascent Soul forces began to take action and build cities one after another in these places where signs of void appeared.

Once the boundary gate is formed and a monster runs out of it, it will immediately carry out a thunderous strike.

Of course, these void signs have not yet formed a complete realm gate, and no monsters have escaped from the realm gate yet, so it is relatively safe for the time being.

"I didn't expect to be so unlucky that I encountered a world-melting phenomenon that only happens once in tens of thousands of years, and also suffered an invasion from the ancient demon world. It seems that there will be no peace for the next hundreds of years."

"Although for the time being, fifth-level monsters cannot come through the realm gate, it will happen sooner or later. It seems that we still need to improve our cultivation quickly to cope with the catastrophe in the future."

At this moment, in the quiet room, Zhou Sui was quietly thinking about future plans.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in his heart.

Although his current cultivation level is already at the early stage of Nascent Soul, facing the invasion of the ancient demon world, this level of cultivation is not enough. He must at least be in the realm of transformation into gods and be invincible in the human world in order to have a little sense of security. .

Otherwise, he may not be able to withstand the siege of many fourth-order monsters, or even fifth-order monsters.

“Don’t worry about victory, think about defeat first.”

"It seems it's time to find a way out for ourselves."

"After all, no one can know what will happen in the future."

"If the Canglan Sea area is invaded by a large-scale monster beast, and many Nascent Soul forces cannot resist it, I am afraid that they will have to abandon the foundation of the Wuji Alliance and start over somewhere else."

"Although something as bad as this may not happen, we still have to prepare in advance."

"By the way, even if we can't stay in the Canglan Sea area, we may not be unable to stay in other areas."

"For example, the Eastern Wilderness Continent, the Western Wilderness Continent, the Northern Wilderness Continent, the Southern Wilderness Continent, etc."

"These places are the center of this world, where a large number of immortal cultivating sects gather."

"It is said that the Huashen Sect still exists."

"If you go to these places, the Lord Transformation God can definitely protect the safety of the place."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and thought about his retreat plan.

Of course, wanting to cross such a huge distance.

Even the fourth level teleportation Gu can't do it.

The only thing that can do this is the ancient teleportation array.

This is a fifth-level high-grade formation with endless mysteries.

In the ancient times, the Kurong Sect relied on this ancient teleportation array to teleport to all parts of the world and connect with the surrounding world of immortality.

If you activate this ancient teleportation array, you might be able to teleport yourself to other worlds of immortality.

"It's a pity that for now, the ancient teleportation array has not been repaired yet."

Zhou Sui was a little helpless.

He originally thought that he could quickly repair the ancient teleportation array.

Apparently he underestimated the difficulty of repair.

Even if he knows the principles of the ancient teleportation array, it will still take a lot of time to repair this damaged teleportation array. This cannot be done in just a few years.

"Well, the next goal is simple."

"That is to repair the ancient teleportation array and the Eight Desolations Demon Sealing Array."

"After all, the Eight Desolations Demon-Sealing Array sealed the god-transforming demon. If this god-transforming demon escapes, the disaster it will cause will not be much worse than the invasion of the ancient demon world, and it may even be more terrifying."

"Once the ancient teleportation array is repaired, you can go to other areas to have a look."

"Find a way out."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes and made a decision immediately.

He is already used to it, taking one step at a time and calculating it three times.

Such a bad situation may not happen in the future.

But who can say for sure.

It would be best if it didn't happen.

If it happens, he can also run away with his wife and concubines.

Anyway, the world of immortality is so big that you can live anywhere you go.

There is no need to confront the enemy head-on.

After he is promoted to the God Transformation, it will not be too late to come back.

Thanks to book friend Haoyang Zhengqi and book friend 20230709121840630 for the reward

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