And with that, Tan Lidou dragged Shimen Tai and left the street.

The closed doors of multinational restaurants.

Open slowly.

Immediately, the store manager Chiyoko Shiraishi, and Binai poked their heads out a little cautiously and glanced at the street outside.

When seen on the wall.

That obvious, spider-silk-like crack mark.

Shiraishi Chisako couldn’t help but say suspiciously.

“Outside: What happened? ”

Hearing this, Binet also looked very confused, but then she suddenly thought that she saw it on her mobile phone yesterday.

There are rumors about monsters.

I couldn’t help but be shocked.

Could it be that the movement just now was that the monster appeared?!

Subconsciously, Binet thought again.

The monster arm named Anku, who possessed her brother, became heavy in her heart, but then she shook her head.

Pulling Chiyoko Shiraishi, he closed the door of the store.

Whatever the case.

Anyway, close the door first!

And the other side.

Eiji Nano and Anku are walking aimlessly through the streets.

It’s different from just now.

At this moment, Anku was eating three popsicles in his hand.

It’s like just eating popsicles.

In order to suppress the unhappiness and irritability in the heart.

And Eiji on the side.

His face was full of sorrow, holding his burnt pants, which did not need to be folded at all, and inside he bought these three popsicles for Anku.

Already, not a dime left!

It’s down-to-heart.


In his heart, he was worried about the fleeing cat devourer.

Eiji thought as he went.

Today, how to live….

Words for sleeping.

Just find a park chair or lie down under the overpass, although it is a bit wasted, but it is better than not coming.

But in terms of eating, it seems urgent.

Now he even has a piece of bread.

Can’t afford it!

You know, yesterday came out of the collapsed Hongshang Art Museum, and until now, he has not eaten a single bite of decent staple food.

The only one that falls on the belly.

It was Anku, stuffing himself with two popsicles.

At the moment, it is said that it is hungry.

It’s not too much!

In this way, let alone destroy the Devouring Monster, I am afraid that I will starve to death on the street.

No, no matter how it is today!

All have to drag Anku.

Go and get a temporary job.

With the reason that if you don’t have money, you can’t buy him popsicles, Anku will most likely agree, right? Even if you don’t say yes.

I can only forcibly pull it!

Thinking of this, Eiji just wanted to say something to Anku.

Suddenly, overhead position.

The sound of breaking the air sounded.

I saw that a mechanical bird quickly flew down and shouted twice at Anku and Eiji.

“Found it?”

Suddenly, Eiji Nano raised his head.

And Anku on the side.

He snorted coldly, quickly crushed and swallowed the three popsicles in his hand, and then turned around and grabbed Eiji’s collar.

He said warningly: “Hey Eiji, listen to me!” ”

“Or just now, this time the cell coins must be collected! Otherwise, I will simply take back the Oz drive and abandon you! ”

“If that human appears and robs us again, you must strike at him!”

After speaking, Anku let go of his hand.

Follow the mechanical bird and quickly walk towards the front.

Leave the location in place.

Eiji was stunned for a moment, as if he was making some decision.

The next moment, his eyes became firm.

Take the same step.

Caught up.

For the shapeshifter of Kamen Rider Birth, who gave his holy emblem sword, he naturally would not strike at him!

But.. If only to get the cell coin.

He will do his best after defeating the Devourer.

Grab enough of it!

Most importantly, he will try his best to find a way to get Anku away from Mr. Prosecutor so that the other party can stay alive.

Return Mr. Prosecutor to Binay intact!

Time passes minute by minute.

Led by a mechanical bird.

Soon, Anku and Eiji Nano came to the bottom of a nearby overpass, and they could clearly see the fat man who was boarded by cats.

Leaning against a stone pillar.

It seems, looking around with fear and fear on his face.

The most conspicuous.

It was the other party’s body, and there were some scars that could be clearly seen.

“This is: What’s wrong? ”

Seeing this scene, Eiji Nakeno’s face showed.

An expression of great surprise.

Anku, on the other hand, quickly looked around, after making sure that there was no Kamen Rider Birth.

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart.

Didn’t come?

Very good!

It was also at this moment, the position in front of the stone pillar.

The ventral door was also discovered.

Eiji and Anku, who were not far away, were stunned for a moment, as if they had found a target, and their bodies suddenly bloomed.

In an instant, the cat devourer drilled out of his body!


After letting out a roar.

With his stride, his bloated and heavy body rushed towards Eiji and Anku!

It’s like, already waiting for each other.

It’s been a long time!

Seeing this, Anku immediately took out three core coins.

It’s the classic eagle tiger locust!

“Hurry up and solve it!”

Saying that, he tossed the three core coins at random.

He immediately retreated towards the back.

One took the coin.

Eiji also found out that the Kamen Rider Birth, who had not yet appeared.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s best not to get into conflict with each other!

Then next, as soon as possible.

Destroy this Devourer!


“TAKA (Eagle)! TORA (Tiger)! BATTA (locust)! TATOBA (Eagle Tiger Locust)! TATOBA! TATOBA! ”

Tri-colored rings cover the whole body.

Kamen Rider Oz.


And at the moment of transformation, the cat devouring monster had already rushed in front of him!

Face an imposing attack.

Oz, subconsciously wave out the tiger claw on the back of your hand!


With a large spark splashing around.

Several cell coins were spilled.

The cat devoured the monster and was directly repelled a few steps, which made Oz a little surprised.

“Nani? Worked out? ”

It is clear that before, whether it was with the holy emblem to cut the sword.

Or this pair of tiger claws to attack.

None worked!

And, somehow, he always felt that this cat devourer seemed to be much weaker.

But the next moment.

Oz quickly rushed forward and attacked again.

Since tiger claws work.

Then as soon as possible, solve it!


With loud shouts, Oz kept swinging tiger claws, interspersed with kicks!

The tiger’s claws streaked through, splashing large sparks.

Kick in its body.

A green ring emerges.

Powerful force, the cat eater kicks back continuously.

Soon, it was knocked out under the overpass!

Not the slightest bit at all.

Leeway to fight back!

Stopping the attack, Oz shook his hand and couldn’t help sighing: “It’s so easy!” ”

Well, it’s time to end too!

The next moment, he removed the scan ring on the right side of the drive!

Sweep over the three core coins!

Launched a special move!

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