The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 970: Broke the record

While talking, Bing Hanzi's figure disappeared in front of Great Elder Bing Hao, Bing Hao didn't take it seriously, knowing that this was an expression of the Palace Master's anxiety.

At this moment, not far from the detection pool, Bing Hanzi walked out of the void, and as soon as he appeared, his eyes fell on Yang Fan who was sitting in the pool.

"It is indeed a descendant of the Ice God. I can feel the strong atmosphere of the same race in him."

In fact, Bing Hanzi was wrong. To a certain extent, Yang Fan was the ancestor of the descendants of the Ice God, because even the blood of the Ice God was lower than that of Yang Fan. And the ice gods have been ascending to the gods for millions of years, and the descendants don't know how many generations they have reached.

"Hall Master!!!"

Bingxue noticed that someone was coming, turned his head to look, somewhat frightened, and hurriedly saluted.

Bingxue is just an ordinary elder, and his strength is only in the fairy king realm, which is incomparable with Bing Hanzi.

"Well. How much has he absorbed?"

Bing Hanzi nodded and asked.

"Back to the Hall Master, there are already twenty-eight."

Bingxue respectfully said.

Bing Hanzi looked intently, and only then discovered that there were only two remaining Ice God Crystals floating above Yang Fan's head, one of which was about to disappear. Only because of the blue light radiating from Yang Fan's body, Bing Hanzi didn't let Bing Hanzi notice it.

Upon seeing this, Bing Hanzi gently wiped the ring on his left with his right hand, and fifty ice crystals appeared in his hand.

Just as Bing Hanzi took out the fifty Ice God Crystals, the last one on Yang Fan's head was about to disappear, and his eyelids were also beating, as if he was about to wake up at any time.

Upon seeing this, Bing Hanzi didn't dare to neglect, he knew that once Yang Fan woke up, he would not be able to evolve the bloodline again, even if he was the Lord of the Ice God Temple, it would be of no avail.

With a big wave of his hand, all fifty Ice God Crystals went into the detection pool.

The suction came again, and it was all suspended above Yang Fan's head. Until this time, the suction appeared again, and these ice **** crystals were rapidly diminishing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After another five or six minutes, only three of the fifty Ice God Crystals remained in the blink of an eye. Bing Hanzi was shocked, even if it was him, he had only absorbed 48 of them when he was evolving the bloodline. Now these ice **** crystals are basically gone, plus the subsequent fifty crystals, Yang Fan has almost absorbed 80 of them, breaking the record since the establishment of the ice temple.

With a trace of distress, Bing Hanzi once again took out fifty Ice God Crystals. Each Ice God crystal needs one hundred thousand years of gestation time. The fifty in his hand are already the entire Ice God Temple. The only remaining, if these are not enough, then he has nothing to do.

Soon, these ice **** crystals were thrown into the detection pool again, and the blue light around him became even more dazzling.

"Even if I don't use Divine Sense, I can feel the breath of the Ice God bloodline in his body."

The great elder Bing Hao also arrived at this time. His strength is very powerful, reaching the sixth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm. It is only that Bing Hanzi is his senior uncle, and he is very talented. The previous palace lord is naturally. He chose to inherit the position of the Lord of the Palace.

As one of the several high-level forces in the Upper Continent, the Ice Temple is not inferior to the previous Yin-Yang Temple to a certain extent. The only difference is that there is no real powerhouse. The top forces in the Upper Continent are afraid of the powerful Ice God in the past, and they are worried that the Ice God will have a back hand. There is no top power who dares to take action, even if it is Tiangongyuan.

Time came to the twentieth minute when Yang Fan entered the detection pool. At this time, Yang Fan had absorbed ninety-nine crystals of the Ice God, and the hundredth one was slowly being consumed.

"I wonder if it can break through one hundred?"

At this time, Yang Fan's speed of absorbing the Ice God Crystal dropped significantly. Judging from the current speed, it would take at least five minutes to absorb one.

When the hundredth piece disappeared completely, Yang Fan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and the suction also disappeared because of opening his eyes.

Yang Fan got up, the blue light emerging from his body was gone, but the water in the pool was still transparent.

Suddenly, Yang Fan looked at the location of Bing Hanzi and Bing Hao, and Yang Fan felt the powerful aura exuding between them. This was not known through divine consciousness investigation, but from the suppression of the bloodline. Yang Fan could use this bloodline suppression to make the two kneel down.

Bing Hanzi smiled and nodded towards Yang Fan.

When Yang Fan got out of the detection pool, Bing Hanzi stepped forward, and the disciples of the Ice Temple surrounding the detection pool quickly gave way.

"You are very good. You actually absorbed a hundred Ice God Crystals. I'm afraid no one will break such a record in the future."

Bing Hanzi had a relieved look, but because of his very young appearance, in Yang Fan's eyes, Yang Fan thought that Bing Hanzi was just a descendant of a certain elder.

"What is your name? Today's incident must be recorded in the genealogy."

Bing Hanzi laughed and said.

When everyone heard it, they were immediately shocked, and it was a very glorious thing to be recorded in the genealogy. It can be said that every disciple who can be recorded in the genealogy later became a high-ranking senior, such as Bing Hanzi. At the beginning, he was recorded in the genealogy by absorbing the second place in the number of ice **** crystals, so he was discovered by the previous palace master and personally accepted as a personal disciple, laying the foundation for the future as the palace master.

"Yang Fan."

Yang Fandao.

As soon as these two words came out, Bing Xinxin, who had already arrived, immediately felt cold. She had warned Yang Fan as early as when she separated in Zhongyouzhou that in the Ice God Temple, she could never say that she was a foreign surname, because the Ice God Temple was very exclusive.

The faces of many Ice God Temple disciples instantly stiffened, and even if Yang Fan's bloodline was high, he would not give a good expression when it came to foreign surnames.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just an ice surname.

Bing Hanzi's face changed slightly, and his face was full of smiles.

"It's okay, you just came back, the last name is normal, so let's be your last name Bing Fan from now on."

Bing Hanzi speaks very skillfully, just memorizing a few words will ease the embarrassment.

"I reject."

However, before the others could breathe a sigh of relief, Yang Fan's voice of refusal sounded.

The scene fell into silence again.


Bing Hanzi asked subconsciously.

"Because my father made this name, I don't want to change it, and I won't change it."

"It's just a change of surname."

"You all said it was just a change of surname, and there is no difference if it is changed or not. Isn't my surname Yang a descendant of the Ice God?"

Bing Hanzi was speechless, and Yang Fan's heart was already unhappy. If Bing Hanzi insisted on changing his name, he would leave immediately, and would never step into the Ice Temple again. In his heart, no one could have the status of a daddy. Shake.

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