The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 951: Kill the fairyland


Long Yuan's eyes were red, and there was a trace of demonic energy on his body. At this time, he was completely controlled by the inner demon and turned into a monster that no one knew.

With a roar, Long Yuan rushed towards the nearest Yang Fan. In the blink of an eye, a huge dragon body of more than 100 meters appeared, and a huge claw came. If it was photographed, even Yang Fan would be seriously injured.


Yang Fan drew back, blasted a punch in the air, and the air suddenly burst, containing Yang Fan's full blow, which actually only caused Long Yuan to pause slightly, and then immediately killed him.

Yang Fan frowned and competed against his physical strength. Human Race was definitely not an opponent of the Dragon Race. What's more, the current Long Yuan had lost his mind and had only the instinct to fight. Obviously he was at a disadvantage when he exchanged injuries for injuries.


Long Yuan shook his wings and approached at an extremely fast speed. His speed was so fast that Yang Fan could barely see his flight trajectory. The sharp claws came with a cold light. Before the claws arrived, Yang Fan felt the strong killing intent.

Suzuo Nenghu!

As soon as his mind moved, the golden energy giant wrapped Yang Fan in it. Suzuo can reach a height of three hundred meters, and there is no Butu Yuhun Sword at his waist, but as long as Yang Fan wants, Yuhun can still change into its original appearance.

The three-hundred-meter-high Susano and Long Yuan stood together, just like Guo Jingming and Yao Ming's gap.

At the center of Susano's eyebrows, there is a hexagonal crystal in which Yang Fan is suspended. Lifting one foot, stepped on Long Jun's head, who knew that Long Yuan could easily block it with just one hand, and also turned Susanoo over.

"Royal Soul!"

Yang Fan shouted.

"Roger that!"

After all, a part of Yuhun is also seeking Daoyu, so to a certain extent, Yang Fan and Yuhun can communicate with each other without hindrance. As soon as the thought in Yang Fan's mind appeared, Yuhun received it, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a huge long knife of nearly two hundred meters.


The sword light and blood shadow flashed, and Yang Fan shot out the sword very fast, directly cutting off one of Long Yuan's arms. However, Long Yuan, who was controlled by the heart demon, did not scream. Instead, he used his other hand to catch the blood that was slowly left behind, and then swallowed it in one bite, revealing a devil's smile.


A group of flames appeared on Long Yuan, and when Long Jinfeng saw it, his pupils suddenly tightened.

"Long Yuan actually burned Dragon Ball."

The so-called dragon ball is a kind of energy core unique to the dragon clan, similar to the monster pill of the monster beast, but the value of the dragon ball is higher.

The second floor of the fairy king... the third floor of the fairy king!

A terrifying coercion enveloped Yang Fan, and Yang Fan felt as if he was in a quagmire, unable to move.

Susanoo was also affected, and the joints made a clicking sound.

In the next second, Suzuo almost disappeared, and Yang Fan narrowed his eyes as he controlled his hands with difficulty, pinching complicated seals one by one.

Ice God Curse·The Ice God Rebirth!

An invisible avenue of ice emerged, but different from ordinary ice avenues, in this avenue, there were also some curse seals, and it was precisely because of these curse seals that the current Ice God Curse appeared.


A blue phantom figure over fifty meters high appeared behind Yang Fan, the phantom figure turned into a female, graceful and graceful. There was an inexplicable force that prevented some low-powered people from seeing the ice god's face clearly.

On a branch far away from Immortal Wuzong, a slender woman looked at Yang Fan quietly. From Yang Fan's appearance to the current battle against the Immortal King Realm, all the battles were seen in her eyes.

"It's actually an Ice God Curse. Damn Bing Xuexin, you bitch, I didn't expect such a talented descendant to appear."

That person was Ling Yingyun, the saint of Yaochi.

It's just that the current Lingyingyun realm has reached the fifth level of the Great Luojin Fairyland, with a terrifying accumulation of cultivation resources, and it is expected that the realm will rise so quickly.

"But it's weird, the master of the hall of dignified pharmacist alchemists, how could the Supreme Saint come here?"

Ling Yingyun glanced at the Supreme Saint on the side, except for her and Yang Fan, none of the people present actually spotted him.


The Supreme Sage felt a little bit, his eyes swept towards the location of Ling Yingyun, but when his eyes came over, there was nothing in the same place.

"Did I feel wrong? Someone was spying there just now."

The appearance of the Ice God instantly attracted everyone's attention. The name of the Ice Temple in the Upper Continent was like a thunderous ear. Only the descendants of the Ice God could have the Ice God Curse. Unconsciously, Yang Fan was labeled as the person who went to the Ice Temple.

As soon as the ice **** appeared, he first looked at Ling Yingyun, then at the Supreme Saint, and finally noticed Long Yuan, who was burning the dragon ball.

As if feeling that he was being despised, Long Yuan turned into a ball of flames and rushed towards him. The terrifying flames on his body distorted the surrounding space.

The ice **** threw out an extremely cold ice flame, instantly freezing Long Yuan.

But it didn't take long for the extremely cold ice flame to be chapped by the flame.

At this moment, Yang Fan quickly pinched the tactics, and the majestic water avenues were used to assist the extremely cold ice flames to freeze those flames.

A slightly surprised expression appeared on the Ice God's face, and Yang Fan felt more and more that the Ice God phantom he had summoned was alive.

The powerful water avenue and the ice curse completely froze Long Yuan, and then a small flame condensed in Yang Fan's hand. Although the flame was small, it exuded a fiery high temperature.

Shaking his hand lightly, the frozen Long Yuan was instantly ignited. In less than ten breaths of time, his soul was burnt to death.

"Ding, kill a cultivator on the first floor of the Immortal King Realm, gain 160,000 experience, 1.6 million exercise essence, and 2,000 points of luck."

Following the death of Long Yuan, a group of golden light shot out from the spot, and quickly penetrated into Yang Fan's body at a speed that Yang Fan could not respond.

Yang Fan was taken aback.

"What is this?"

"This is the soul light that people of the Dragon Clan Immortal King Realm and above will attach to the murderer after death. If you encounter the Dragon Clan, you will be able to sense that you have killed the Dragon Clan strong, and you will be endlessly hunted down."

Unknowingly, the Supreme Saint came to Yang Fan with a kind tone.

"Who are you, do we know?"

Seeing the old man in front of him was amiable, with a sacred breath exuding his body, Yang Fan's vigilance was relaxed.

"Old man, it's too common."

The Supreme Sage stroked his long beard and said.

"Too commoner..."

Yang Fan's mouth twitched, isn't this the author of the anti-routine question?

"You look like a person."

Yang Fan looked at the Tai Chi gossip patterns painted on the body of the Taishang Saint, and a figure appeared in his mind-Taishang Laojun.

"who is it?"

Too sage came to be interested.

"The incarnation of the Tianzun Taiqing morality in the heavens, the old monarch Taishang."

Bing doubting the possibility of not letting go, Yang Fan said his guess, because there is no Tai Chi gossip pattern in the heavenly fairyland.

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.

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