The clamor of Lord Donkey kept coming from the sky, and the preacher's face was a little unsightly.

At this moment, the preacher noticed the two metal discs in Yang Fan's hands and curiously said.

"What is this, is it also that kind of armor?"

This sentence attracted everyone's attention, but not many people believed that, after all, the volume of this metal disc was only that large, how could it be possible to pack an armor that could cover the whole body.

"Yes, this is also Mark armor, but I have a more advanced version. Would you like to see it?"

In the last four words, Yang Fan looked at Chen Shuyue.

Chen Shuyue was stunned and nodded quickly. The curiosity of the woman was also very heavy.

With a knowing smile, Yang Fan directly attached a blue metal disc to Chen Shuyue's chest, and then moved his fingers lightly on it.


An almost inaudible metal collision sounded from Chen Shuyue's body, and everyone saw dense and small metal blocks pouring out of the blue metal disc, and then quickly covering Chen Shuyue's whole body.

In just one second, Chen Shuyue became a blue metal man with a height of two meters.

It's just that this set of Mark's armor is different, the figure is even thinner, even there are two spherical bumps on the chest, but at first glance, the individual knows what it is.

This is Tony’s female steel armor for Little Pepper, numbered Mark 49.

It is slightly different from Tony's armor. The whole is mainly blue, supplemented by white gold. From the side, some purple can be seen in the blue part. The overall appearance is relatively thin, with a beautiful assembly line, and the back of the armor can also open four small wings like a dragonfly, giving people a sense of science fiction at first glance.

"I'm going, Brother Yang, you are not friends enough. This armor is obviously better than mine. It can be deployed with such a small size."

The lord did not know when he found the steel armor of Mark 49, which fell directly on the side and looked up and down.

"Really, I have more advanced ones."

It may be that Yang Fan wanted to stimulate the lord. He put another metal disc on his chest and moved his fingers quickly on it. At the same time, Yang Fan was still learning the movements Tony did when he first saw Ebony Throat.

In just one second, the steel armor of Mark 85 was instantly dressed, gold and red fused together, and even the Ark reactor on the chest turned into a diamond shape.

And slightly different from Mark 49, Mark 85 has three pairs of wings of different sizes, and each small wing has three jets that emit energy.

Lu Ye: "..."

"Try firing an energy cannon at me."

Yang Fan beckoned to Lord Lv, Lord Lv snorted and directly used the maximum power.


When the energy cannon that exceeded the speed of sound was only one meter away from Yang Fan, it was blocked by a light blue barrier, which was an energy shield.

"There is actually this kind of operation!"

Lord Lv's eyes widened, and he was unwilling to directly use the missile that comes with the steel armor.

Nothing happened to finger-sized missiles hitting the energy shield.

"It's me."

Yang Fan shot out from the palm of his palm, and the iron armor of the Lord Donkey couldn't be stopped at all. The powerful kinetic energy shattered the upper body of the armor, and the huge inertia dragged the Lord Donkey back and forth until he was about to fall into the weak water.

"This Nima is not fair!"

The lord stood up in embarrassment, the clothes on his chest were also scorched, and he pointed to Yang Fan's Mark No. 85 and yelled loudly.

"Lord Lord, now the times have changed."

Yang Fan showed a smirk, and with a movement of his mind, No.85 with nanotechnology changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a handheld air cannon-shaped cannon, aimed at the lord.

"not good!"

The lord cursed secretly in his heart, and began to run wildly after spreading his legs.

Although Lord Lu didn't use the immortal power, he ran surprisingly fast, and the energy cannon fired from the barrel could not catch up with him.

Time flow, time reverse! !

Yang Fan's pupils shrank slightly, and Lord Lv's figure moved back quickly as if he had been pressed the back button.

"No... Brother Yang, there is no need to use time spells."

Lord Lü retreats uncontrollably, anxiously seeing that the barrel has been aimed at him.


The lord is like a kite with a broken line, which falls quickly in an irregular route.

"Mad, I'm going to get into the weak water."

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the weak water beach, Lord Lu shouted loudly, but no one would help him here at all. The preacher's strength was too low and he could not chase him at this speed.


The lord really fell into the weak sea, like a person who couldn't walk, struggling constantly in the weak sea.

"I'm going to... die, hurry up... Gu Gu... save me."

"Why are you so stupid."

Yang Fan came to the beach and shook his head. The armor on his arm was about to deform and turned into a pole to grab Lord Donkey ashore.

However, at this moment, Lord Lv's eyes were glowing with golden light, and he grabbed the long pole and dragged Yang Fan into the weak water.

"Haha, demo, I still want to tease me, so that you can taste the taste of weak water."

The lord laughed and slapped one hand against the sea. The whole person seemed to get rid of gravity, soaring into the air, and falling back to the ground safely, without the sense of weakness that ordinary people would have when they fell in.


Just when the lord laughed, he suddenly found Yang Fan thumping in the water, like a drowning person.

"Brother Yang, stop making trouble, come up quickly, you can't get through such a shallow place, who are you lying to."

It's just that Yang Fan stayed unmoved. Instead, he headed towards the deep water area, leaving only one head exposed on the surface of the sea, but it went up and down from time to time.

"Boy, don't you really get through it, do you?"

Duan Qide came to the beach, frowned, said.


Chen Shuyue paced anxiously on the beach, trying to go to the sea to rescue Yang Fan, but was held back by Bing Xinxin.

What a joke, Chen Shuyue only has the strength of the Golden Wonderland, if he falls into the sea of ​​weak water, he will be drowned immediately. Even the immortal king and the strong immortal realm do not dare to rush into the sea of ​​weak water.

"Lao Zhao, or you can save him."

The sixth princess Ye Xuantong pulled the corner of Zhao Lao's clothes, her voice was very small, and she seemed afraid that the third party would hear it.

"Princess Six, this kid doesn't need me to save him at all."

Zhao Lao stroked his beard, his tone was kind, and he didn't know that he thought the two were grandparents.


The sixth princess Ye Xuantong was surprised. Although she did not travel frequently, as the son of a peak powerhouse in the Immortal Emperor Realm, she knew a lot about the strength of the weak water.

It is said that there was once an immortal emperor who was given a special weak water. He was poisoned to death within a few months of drinking it. One can imagine how toxic the weak water is.

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