The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1066: Great Elder of the Guixian Tribe

Boom boom boom! ! !

The battle went into fierce heat in the blink of an eye, and the people of the Guixian tribe suffered heavy casualties.

And on the entire battlefield, only the five members of Zhao Lao and Yang Fan did not start to act. The former did not need to participate in such a battle, and the latter Yang Fan was the imperial heir. The ghosts and immortals were very knowledgeable and did not take the initiative to attack Yang Fan.


Old Zhao frowned and turned his head to look away, where he felt a powerful aura, and his strength reached the second floor of the Immortal Emperor Realm.


Time soon came to ten hours, and now there were only tens of thousands of clansmen whose strength was generally above the Taiyi Golden Immortal among the millions of ghosts and immortals.


Zhao Lao murmured and looked over, only to see a small old man with a small stature and a height of only about one meter, with his hands in his cuffs, two slippers and a pair of clogs, stepping on rhythmic footsteps slowly. Come slowly.

After hearing this footstep, the surviving members of the Guixian tribe consciously took a path, and then quickly retreated.

"Huh? Why is it an old man who hasn't fully developed yet?"

It was Bing Xingjie who spoke, and following his words, the one-meter-high old man who was walking in a leisurely mood and squinted his eyes slightly opened his eyes, and an imposing momentum swept across the ice in an instant. Xingjie.


This momentum condensed into substance, and it directly attacked Bing Xingjie, a mouthful of blood burst out, and the whole person was knocked into the air, very fast.

what! ! !

Everyone was shocked, and the lord and the preacher were trembling with fright.

Bing Xingwen and Bing Xingwu, as well as the sisters of Bing Lu, are like enemies, and the Ice God Curse is ready to be sent.

"Could it be the peak powerhouse of the Immortal Venerable Realm?"

Ninth Princess Rong Liting wondered

Bing Xingjie struggled to get up, looked down, his pupils shrank slightly. I saw that the impacted part was deeply sunken, and the bug bones in the ribs pierced the skin and exposed.

"No, nine princesses, he is the Immortal Emperor Realm."

It was Mr. Zhao who answered him.

Mr. Zhao didn't mean to hide, his voice spread throughout the battlefield, making the other monks look amazed.

Not to mention the Immortal Emperor Realm, even if it is just a powerhouse at the peak of the Immortal Venerable Realm, almost everyone here can be wiped out.

"Lao Zhao, do we need to take action?"

The female general wearing silver armor said in a deep voice, Immortal Emperor Realm powerhouse, except for Mr. Zhao, even if the five of them join forces, they are not necessarily the opponents of this meter-tall old man.

"Look at it first."

Old Zhao's eyes were indifferent. With him, the three princes and princesses would not be in any danger.

At this moment, the illusory figure of the spirit guard suddenly appeared next to the little old man, his eyes swept over all the monks one by one, said.

"It's very unfortunate for you to meet the Great Elder of the Guixian Clan."

"What a joke, this guy is actually just the Great Elder of the Guixian Clan, how strong will the patriarch of this race be."

The Kylin ancestor couldn't help cursing.

"But you are lucky again."

Before the others were afraid, the voice of the spirit guard changed sharply.

"The great elder of the ghost and immortal clan has the strength of the second-tier immortal emperor realm, but you can rest assured that he will not take the initiative. What you have to do is to defeat him, not to beheaded."

The corners of the guardian's mouth rose up, showing a smirk, and then disappeared.

Regarding the great elder of this ghost and immortal clan, Yang Fan learned something from the spirit guard that this guy's ordinary means couldn't hurt him at all.

The old dwarf man wearing wooden clogs looked around and squinted his eyes. He didn't feel a bit afraid of the fact that nearly three hundred monks surrounded him.

The expression in his eyes was sending a signal that he didn't put Yang Fan and his party in his eyes at all.


The dwarf old man yawned.

"good chance!!!"

A cold light flashed in Zeng Zhuojun's eyes, and the figure disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already come behind the old dwarf man, with a bright long knife in his hand, the target finger of the old dwarf man's neck.

Since the guardian has already said that the Great Elder of the Guixian Clan will not take the initiative to attack, then for Zeng Zhuojun, this is a good opportunity to experience himself.


The speed of the long knife is very fast, almost reaching the speed of light. If it is cut on the old man's neck at this speed, even the flesh of the immortal emperor will be injured.

However, the dwarf old man seemed to have eyes behind him. Just when Zeng Zhuojun's long knife was about to hit, the old man suddenly bowed his head and escaped the sneak attack.

Zeng Zhuojun's eyes shined, and at the same time he couldn't help sighing that the strong immortal emperor's reaction was so fast. Under this kind of attack, even the powerhouse of the Immortal Realm would not have time to evade.

Without giving the dwarf old man a chance to breathe, Zeng Zhuojun turned the head of the knife and cut off his feet, because the old man was still facing his back, Zeng Zhuojun was sure that he would definitely hit this time.

However, the speed of the dwarf old man was faster, the light of the knife flashed, and Zeng Zhuojun fell through again, and there was no shadow of the old man in the same place, but he stood on the knife.


Zeng Zhuojun couldn't believe it. Just now, he broke out the fastest speed of his flat body, but he still couldn't make a hit.

"Let's go too!"

Zhan Tiancheng and Xiao Chen are all itchy. This will be the first time the three have worked together.


The two joined the battle, and also chose to fight in close hands, with a spear and a long sword, attacking the dwarf old man at a speed not losing to Zeng Zhuojun.

It's just that the old head of the dwarf is like a snake, able to dodge the attack at a critical time every time, and is able to do well in the dazzling attack of the three.

A minute passed in the blink of an eye, and the three of Zeng Zhuojun never touched the dwarf old man once, not even the clothes.

"Brother, let's go too."

It was the injured Bing Xingjie who spoke. The dwarf old man's eyes caused him to be seriously injured, which made him very unwilling.

"it is good!"

Bing Xingwen and Bing Xingwu nodded, and the two sisters, Bing Lu and Bing Yu, were equally unwilling to show weakness, and joined the battle against the old dwarf man.

This seemed to be a signal. The monks of other teams approached one after another. Especially those long-range attacks, if you don't pay attention, they will attack the people of other teams. After a long time, they will have to be directed. Is this an opportunity for people from other teams to get rid of themselves.

"Boy, don't you plan to join?"

The ancestor of Qilin looked at the battlefield and said.

"I'm observing that the great elder of this ghost and immortal clan is a bit uncomfortable. After my observation, any frontal attack will be avoided by him."

Before he knew it, Yang Fan's eyes had become reincarnation writing round eyes, and the third eye on the center of his eyebrows also showed up, observing all the events on the battlefield.

"You mean, if it's a sneak attack, then you can hit him?"

The lord leaned in and raised his long donkey ears.

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