The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1056: Sudden formation

"It seems that it really is."

Lord Lvy glanced roughly and found that there were a lot of monks around, but everyone's eyes were very bad.

Some of the monks noticed Tang Zong's divine flying flying boat, and there was a trace of greed in their eyes.

"Strange, why don't they go in?"

The preacher had some doubts.

"I also feel very strange. When I opened it before, there was no formation here."

At some point, Duan Qide came around the white mist, tried it with his fingers, and found that there was a thin barrier. With the force of his fingers, a rune appeared on the tips of his fingers, and the barrier was actually sunken inward.

"It is indeed a formation, but this formation seems to be a defense against internal things."

Yang Fan stepped out with one foot, and that foot actually penetrated the formation directly and stepped in.

Seeing this scene, the monks outside the barrier were overjoyed, and one of the more beautiful monks spoke.

"Handsome guy, can you take us in?"

The female monk was wearing a tight hip skirt and the owner with long slender white legs. With her arrival, the man on Yang Fan's side, even Elder Zhao couldn't help but take another look.

Yang Fan glanced at the woman, from bottom to top, so that Yang Fan's habit of seeing beautiful women finally noticed her appearance.

How to put it, if it is based on the figure, Yang Fan can give her a full score, but seeing the appearance, although the woman is very beautiful, Yang Fan always feels a little strange.

After watching for a long time, Yang Fan finally knew what it was, just because the woman was so perfect that it was very illusory and very unreal, just like PS's.


What Yang Fan said was why people like them didn't go in by themselves.

"There is a formation here, and the formation cannot be achieved, so you can't get in at all."

The woman's words made Yang Fan a little puzzled. This kind of formation does not require much formation knowledge at all. After all, the strength reaches a certain level, even a cultivator who has never learned the formation method will inadvertently master some.

Perhaps it was worried that Yang Fan would not believe that this beautiful woman walked towards the formation barrier in front of everyone.

The woman came to the barrier and moved forward. Yang Fan found that the thin barrier was actually blocking her from moving forward.

"Duan Qide, what did you find?"

After observing for a while, Yang Fan suddenly looked at Duan Qide, wanting to see how high Duan Qide's formation skills are.

"This formation is very weird. It stands to reason that it is impossible to stop the monk from the outside."

Duan Qide stepped forward and looked around here and there, but couldn't find the problem.

In fact, Yang Fan didn't know the reason, it is very likely that this was the work of a saint.

At this time, in the center of the core area of ​​The Lost Land, on a huge tree canopy with no end in sight, a woman was sitting cross-legged.

Suddenly, the woman opened her eyes suddenly. The woman's eyes seem to be in the universe again, and her spirit will sink into it at the first glance.

"He, finally came."

The woman slowly got up, her eyes passed through the layers of barriers, and she saw the position of the formation barriers in the core area.

At this time, there were roars from below the canopy, and the woman looked down and said.

"You guys, go and play, remember, don't kill."

The woman is Ling Yingyun, the saint of Yaochi, the reincarnated soul of the **** Meiji. The roar just now was from the Taishan clan, one by one was very tall, even so, it was not as big as the tree at the foot of Ling Yingyun.

As Ling Yingyun's voice fell, a few roars came from under the tree canopy, followed by the violent shaking of the earth, like an earthquake.

Looking down, I saw several Taishan tribes stepping forward, slowly moving towards where Yang Fan was.

At this time, the hot-figure woman wearing a hip skirt had come to Yang Fan's side unknowingly, her nose scented from Yuanqu County.

"Bah, shameless!"

Chen Shuyue cursed in her heart.

"Handsome man, as long as you are willing to take us in, I can promise you a request, any request."

The woman said in a seductive voice.


Yang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression seemed to say that he couldn't wait any longer.

"of course."

The woman covered her small mouth, and a gust of heat blew on Yang Fan's cheek. From another perspective, the two of them were very ambiguous at this time.

"That's very simple. Tell me what is going on?"

Anyway, he has already come here, and Yang Fan is not too anxious now.

"You mean this?"

The woman pointed to the formation barrier enveloping the white mist.

Yang Fan nodded slightly.

"Actually, we don’t know too well. It is said that this formation barrier has already appeared when the ancient fairy gods battlefield opened this time, and at least a fourth-level formation mage must be opened to be able to enter. There should be a fourth-level formation among you. Master, right?"

The woman was a little eager to say, she didn't react until this time, and she didn't know if there was a formation mage of this level among Yang Fan's group.

"I am."

It was the preacher who stood up, but it was pushed out by the lord.

The woman turned her head and found that he was a handsome young man, although he was not as good as Yang Fan, but in the eyes of the woman, it was not bad.

Then the woman came to the preacher and said in a voice that a man could not bear.

"Respected Senior Formation Master, can you take us in? That condition is still valid."

As he said, the woman cast a look at the preacher.


The preacher only said one word and hurriedly coaxed Xiao Baiju.

Xiao Baiju's strength is average, and Yang Fan didn't know where the preacher was interested in Xiao Baiju. Facing the peerless beauty, he didn't have the slightest enthusiasm.

"Once it's done, just take them in."

Yang Fan vaguely felt that something in the core area was beckoning him, and he wanted to go in quickly.

Yang Fan guessed that it might be the inheritance that Xuanyuanlong left to him, and the powerhouse who reached his level must have left behind.

When the woman and her teammates heard this, they were overjoyed, and words of gratitude came one after another.

"Friend, can you also let us in?"

Yang Fan was planning to use his methods when an untimely voice came.

When everyone saw it, it was an old man who opened his mouth, wearing a cloth, with a red face, white hair, and a floating dust in his hand. At first glance, it looked a bit like the image of the fairy grandfather in the novel.

"Oh? You want to go in too?"

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth raised.

Previously, Yang Fan could not suppress the conversation with the woman. He just hoped that those who also wanted to enter would hear it. When they wanted to enter, they needed some benefits, and it was impossible for them to have a prostitute.

"This is natural, I think others want to go in too."

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