The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1039: Deep in the lost place

"Co-authored with the old man, the strength of my Immortal Realm is just to pave the way?"

Duan Qide was a little bit angry, blowing his beard and staring.

"No, when I'm about to start destroying the Tiangongyuan, the strength of your Immortal Venerable Realm is really not enough to see."

Yang Fan didn't mean to conceal, he said directly.

"Well, let's talk about how powerful the Tiangongyuan is. Even the Immortal Realm is an ant."

"As far as I know, there are at least six saints in the Tiangongyuan. Four of them belong to the Tiangongyuan team. They are very powerful. I have inquired that the master of the Demon Gate broke into the Tiangongyuan to ask for an explanation At that time, it was repelled by the saints of the Heavenly Demon Team."

The black line on Duan Qide's face and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. He just said casually, is it necessary to be so serious?

"Of the remaining two saints, I only know one of them, what is called a ruthless saint, who is good at causal avenues. Now I am being wanted by the people of Tiangongyuan, it is his handwriting."


As soon as the voice fell, the ancestor of Qilin left Yang Fan immediately, afraid of being involved.

"So, boy, don't tell me, just rely on you to destroy the Tiangongyuan."

"Of course not, and I also summoned other saints. After I step into the holy realm, it is the time to settle the cause and effect."

"Boy, how many saint helpers do you have?"

When Duan Qide heard it, he showed a solemn look. The Qilin ancestor's ears were very good, and he gradually leaned over.

"Six, I'm looking for other helpers recently. Heavenly Emperor Ling Xiao is very good, presumably he has been trapped in the Quasi-Sage Realm for a long time."

The information contained in Yang Fan's sentence was a bit big. After several years, the Kylin ancestor and Duan Qide reacted and their eyes widened.


Duan Qide shuddered, and before finishing speaking, Yang Fan nodded.


As Duan Qide was struck by lightning, his brain went blank.

"Well, if you say that, I suddenly feel that you have great hope of destroying the Tiangongyuan. But why do you need me? My strength is not good, the sage breathes, I will die."

"It's very simple, the remnants of the Tiangongyuan can't be let go, at least the high-level people must be killed. So you will need to take action at that time, and there will be other people to help.

"Why don't you add me?"

At this time, the Qilin ancestor jumped out and showed off his strength, only the fifth or sixth level of the Immortal Realm.


Yang Fan glanced at it and said casually.

"Boy, since you are going to enter the core area of ​​the Lost Lands, I suggest you don't go in now."

Duan Qide thought for a moment, then said solemnly.

"Recently, it's not very peaceful there. Not long ago, two powerful monsters fought, and I didn't know the cultivator inside. It can be said that very few cultivators came out."

"How long was it not long ago?"

Yang Fan frowned, this somewhat planned his plan.

"Just when the battlefield of the fairy gods opened, it came very suddenly, at least there were hundreds of thousands of monks, and there were also some immortal monks with powerful bloodlines and supernatural powers."

Hearing this, Yang Fan was shocked, with a bad feeling that the time was just right.

"Okay, let's wait for a while."

Duan Qide showed an imperceptible smile.

At the same time, in the core area of ​​the Lost Lands, there is a small hill surrounded by mist, and there is a huge villa inside the hill.

There was a burst of **** in the villa, and the air was filled with hormones.

In the main hall of the villa, there is a huge bed in the center, with a man and a woman on the bed.

In front of them, there are also some items for entertaining guests.

"Mei Ji, why did you bring me to this place, don't you know it's dangerous recently?"

A man with green hair sits beside the woman, stroking her hair. In addition to the smell of hormones in the entire villa, there are also women's body scents.

Whenever he smelled this body scent, the man was extremely excited.

The man is the wood forest of the Wood Spirit clan that Yang Fan had previously appeared on the battlefield of the Immortal Gods, a powerful man in the dignified fairy king realm.

And the woman is Ling Yingyun behind Yaochi, and the soul-separated reincarnation of God King Meiji.

At this time, the glamour dress is very revealing, just like the bikini beauties on the beach, and Mu Lin has only one shorts left and his upper body is naked.

In this rare place, the lone man and widow in the room is a normal person who knows what will happen.

"There is a place I need here, and don't you think it's more exciting to do that in this place?"

Mei Ji smiled charmingly, and accompanied by the surging waves in her chest, Mu Lin's heart was surging.

"In that case, what are you waiting for, let's just start."

Can't help Ling Yingyun's pitiful begging eyes anymore, Mu Lin finally couldn't sit still, and rushed forward, but Ling Yingyun dodged it.

"what's happenin?"

Mu Lin Qiang refrained from using strong thoughts and asked.

"No hurry, before starting, can you let me see the capabilities of your wood spirit clan?"

"Heh, what is it? No problem."

At this time, Mu Lin didn't have the slightest defense against Ling Yingyun. When he got out of bed and walked out of the villa, Ling Yingyun's face suddenly turned gloomy, who was still smiling.

The two of them came to the outside of the villa, Wood Lin walked to the edge of a big tree, raised a hand, pressed it tightly to the trunk, and turned his head.

"Our wood spirit clan originated from the growth of grass and wood spirits, so we are born with the ability to control plants. As long as our strength does not exceed our own, we can control it. Just like this."

After all, there was a slight glow in the hands of the wood forest, followed by the crazy growth of this big tree, as if it was stimulated by something.

"Very good ability, I can feel that the vitality of this newly grown part is abnormally flourishing."

Although Ling Yingyun was the reincarnation of the Divine King's Soul Dividing, it was the first time to see this kind of race and was very interested.

"Not only is vitality strong, but also a good helper for fighting. You can try to attack this tree."

The corners of Mu Lin's mouth raised, and men wanted to show off in front of beautiful women in order to attract attention.

Ling Yingyun did not hesitate, and flung out a flame.

The big tree in the middle of the flame was not ignited as expected. On the contrary, the flame was actually absorbed by the big tree. In the end, the fairy power was exhausted and turned into sparks and disappeared.

Just when Ling Yingyun thought that the matter would be over here, the countless branches of the big tree grew wildly, and then struck Ling Yingyun, with a strong wind, violently drawn.

"Very good ability, it can make plants shoot like a monk, just like becoming a fine."

Ling Yingyun nodded in satisfaction, but was disappointed in her heart.

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