The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1035: The temptation of gourmet

The ancestor of Qilin snorted coldly.

"Kirin ancestor, Duan Qide, wait a minute."

At this moment, Yang Fan suddenly spoke, and the feet of the two of them were hanging in the air, turning their heads to look.

"What are you doing, kid?"

The Kylin ancestor was a little angry.

"You two want to eat the food inside, don't you?"

If you want to build a good relationship with the two, you must start with the two hobbies, which Yang Fan is very experienced.


Duan Qide became interested and looked up and down Yang Fan. Although he was delicious, he didn't just trust other people to eat. Unknowingly, Duan Qide was wary of Yang Fan and his group.

"What can be delicious here? That meal can't even be compared to giving me a tooth sacrifice."

After all, Duan Qide took out a long metal needle from nowhere, exposed the yellow teeth in front of him, and picked up the residue between the teeth.

"is it?"

Yang Fan raised his mouth and took out a previously cooked dish from the system package. Because there is no concept of time in the system package, it is still fresh after so long.

This is a sweet and sour pork ribs. Just take it out, it exudes a tempting fragrance.

"Huh? What's this smell?"

Duan Qide and Qilin Patriarch, who had turned and walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, sniffing the fragrance in the air, and finally focused on the sweet and sour pork ribs in Yang Fan's hand.

"Brother Seven Virtues, it seems that this thing is coming out."

One person and one beast quickly came to Yang Fan. The two guys opened their eyes wide, staring at them, trying to reach out their hands, but they were worried that there was poison inside, and they were very entangled.


Duan Qide did not answer the Qilin ancestor, but made an instant shot, sucking the plate of sweet and sour pork ribs into his hands in the air, then lightly stepped on the ground with his feet, and then quickly escaped.

"Damn, Daoist, this guy is just like you."

Lord Lu's eyes widened, he didn't expect the old man in front of him to make a move as soon as he said.

"Made, Brother Seven Virtues, you are not kind enough."

Upon seeing this, the ancestor Qilin hurried to catch up, but it was still a step late.

I saw that Duan Qide took the sweet and sour pork ribs and walked away. He appeared a few kilometers away, then took a hairpin from the hairpin, and drew the hairpin into the sweet and sour pork ribs to test. After confirming that it was not poisonous, he went straight. Swallow all the ribs in one bite.

When the ancestor of Qilin came to Duan Qide and saw the empty plate, he immediately became annoyed and cursed.

"Duan Qide, you and I are still not brothers, you actually eat alone."

"What are you in a hurry? It is precisely because you and I are brothers that I have to try poison for you, but I didn't expect my good intentions to be rewarded."

Yang Fan and his party were very speechless, especially the two of the Lord Lü and the preacher, as if they had seen another version of themselves, but this version of themselves was even worse.


The ancestor Qilin snorted coldly, grabbed the empty cross-seat, and looked at it with some soup stained on it, and he showed a look of desire.

When Duan Qide saw this, he smirked and stared at the ancestor Qilin to see if he would do that.

as predicted.

The ancestor of Qilin did not shy away, and in front of everyone, he began to lick the soup on the plate, and his face still showed a satisfied expression.

"I can't watch it anymore. I've never seen anyone lick a plate with such satisfaction."

Sisters Bing Yu and Bing Lu turned around.

This scene was discovered by more and more people, and soon surrounded Yang Fan and his party, laughing at the ancestors of Qilin.

"Who, kid, do you still have this kind of food? The deity still wants to eat it."

After a while, the plate containing the sweet and sour ribs was licked very cleanly, and the ancestor Qilin looked at Yang Fan with a smile.

Yang Fan was a little speechless, this guy was really as cheap as in the original book, and he was also cheeky, so many people watched him and laughed at him, but they didn't care.

"Yes, but why should I give it to you?"

It is Duan Qide that Yang Fan wants to make friends with. According to Xuanyuanlong’s memory, this period of seven virtues is very powerful, and he can quietly arrange a formation that even quasi-sage-level experts can’t break in a short time. Fa, can also escape with Xuanyuanlong, it is worthy of Yang Fan's wooing, in preparation for the future destruction of Tiangongyuan.

The ancestor Qilin's eyes rolled around, and the soup of the food was so delicious that he couldn't stand it, so he said immediately.

"Little friend, no, brother. Meeting is fate, how about finding a place to enjoy the wine? I will pay the fee."

"Just you? It looks like a guy was thrown out just now for eating the king's meal."

When Yang Fan said so bluntly, the ancestor Qilin didn't blush at all, but greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, that's because my wallet accidentally dropped. Just give me a little time and I can find it back. I will buy you what you want at that time. The big deal, I will give you the status of a super elder. "

"The elder too?"

Everyone has some doubts.

"Yes, it's the Supreme Elder. To tell you, I am planning to establish a sect recently. I have already figured out the name, called Mighty Sect. You will call me Mighty King in the future."

The corners of Yang Fan's mouth twitched fiercely. Could it be that the time and space he came to was a long time before the original plot?

With this doubt, Yang Fan said again.

"Aren't you claiming to be the deity?"

At this time, the lord spoke.

"A weird creature with four limbs dared to claim to be a god. It's really shameful."

"Tsk tusk, then what are you, stupid ass?"

The ancestor of Qilin glanced at the lord and said.

The lord was furious and was about to make a move, but was stopped by the preacher.

"Donkey, you are not an opponent of others, it is not easy to be able to be a brother to a strong person in the Immortal Venerable Realm."

The preacher's gaze stayed on Duan Qide, and the temperament that Duan Qide exuded when standing in the wind made him feel like facing an immortal emperor.

"How can you give me that or something..."

The ancestor Qilin scratched his head, unable to name the food he had just eaten.

"Sweet and sour pork ribs."

"Yes, this is the sweet and sour pork ribs. As long as you make a plate for me, I will give myself to you...borrow it for a few days."

There was a black line in the crowd, and no one would have such a request.

"I don't want demon pets now."

Because of Ergouzi's unreliable character, Yang Fan didn't plan to join him, only Duan Qide could consider.

"Don't, I can beat him well, just this old guy, I can beat him in minutes."

Duan Qide was still reminiscent of the sweet and sour pork ribs. Seeing Qilin ancestor belittle himself like this, he was immediately unhappy.

"It's really arrogant. I didn't know who it was at the beginning. I provoked a fairy and got spanked and pissed. In the end, it wasn't me who took the action, otherwise you would have been cramped and skinned.

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