The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1024: Acquaintances of the Ma family

"Brother Yang, long time no see."

At this moment, a somewhat long-lost but familiar voice came from a door of the hotel. Yang Fan looked at it and smiled suddenly.

"Brother Yun."

Yang Fan laughed and walked toward the person.

The visitor was the Majia Ma Yun, whom Yang Fan from the Lower Continent knew at the Fairy Battlefield Auction House. As the young master of the top power in the Lower Continent, it is no surprise that Ma Yun would come to grab Yang Fan from the Upper Continent.

"Haha, Brother Yang, it's been a long time since I saw you. I heard about your Immortal Wuzong. I was planning to ask my father and them for help, but I didn't expect you to kill a dragon in the fairy king realm by virtue of your own strength. ."

Ma Yun looked at Yang Fan with a monster-like look, wondering how Yang Fan did it. After all, strictly speaking, after Yang Fan and Ma Yun separated, it took only 20 years, and Yang Fan's realm soared too fast.

"they are?"

After looking at Yang Fan, Ma Yun noticed Bing Xingwen and his party of seven. As for Zeng Zhuojun, Zhan Tiancheng, and Xiao Chenquan, Ma Yun knew how to say that the three were also the mainstays of Xian Wuzong, especially Zeng Zhuojun, who were also core disciples.

"The descendants of the top of the Ice Temple."

Except for Bing Lu and Bing Yu, Yang Fan already knew the identities of the three Bing Xingwen. They were still Bing Lan's children, and they should not be underestimated. Their father and grandfather were both saints. If they are called from the earth, they should be called the second generation of holy ones.

Ma Yun's expression changed slightly, and an old man behind Ma Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and his gaze swept over the six people one by one.


The three brothers Bing Xingwen and the two sisters Bing Lu frowned, staring at the old man with some unkind eyes. The old man was discovered by five people when he first came to investigate with his spiritual sense.

The old man's face became solemn, and the strength of the five people was comparable to him, which shocked his heart very much.

At a young age, he is already the cultivation base of the fairy king realm, which makes the old man feel ashamed and feel like he has cultivated to the dog.

"Why did you come to the battlefield of immortals? Your father would agree?"

Today's Ma Yun has improved in strength, but he is only in the seventh realm of Heavenly Wonderland. It's just that such a realm is really not enough to see in the fairy **** battlefield, and it may fall at any time.

"If my father disagrees, you won't be able to see me here. As for why I came to the Upper Continent, I think you should know."

Ma Yun sold it off.

"What do you know, what do you know?"

Yang Fan looked confused.

This time Ma Yun looked very surprised, thinking that Yang Fan was playing with him, said.

"You really don't know?"

"I really don't know what you are talking about. Could it be that you have found any treasures here?"

"Almost. Brother Yang, if you expect it well, you don't seem to be in the Lower Continent these years."

"How to put it, indeed, I haven't been in the lower continent for long? What's wrong?"

Intuition tells Yang Fan that during this period of time, something happened in the Lower Continent.

"Let’s tell you, there is some news in the Lower Continent, saying that there is a treasure and a place of inheritance of a quasi-sage strong in the Fairy God Battlefield on the Upper Continent, and there are some maps circulating, so I beg my father. Let me take a look."

"You believe in this kind of thing? If it does happen, I am afraid it has been gone for so many years. How come I feel like a trap, just waiting for these ignorant monks to jump in."

"I have thought about all of what you said, but I'm sure that there have been a lot of monks in the Lower Continent. Whether it's true or not, you'll know when you enter it. Anyway, there are so many unlucky guys to explore the way first."

Ma Yun disagrees, he also knows that this may be a trap, but if it is a place of inheritance for the real quasi-sage-level powerhouse, then this kind of danger is worth going.

"Listen to you, those people have already begun to rush?"

"Of course, it's not just the Lower Continent. After all these years of inquiries, I found out that the Middle Reaches and Upper Continents had such news almost at the same time. As you said, there are indeed some people behind them who are pushing them. Not much."

After speaking, Ma Yun took out a whole map, and Yang Fan looked at it, and there were some densely marked things on it.

"These are the places where the news is disseminated, just like appearing out of thin air."

Just as Jack Ma said, there are people pushing all this behind, and Yang Fan is very curious about what this person or this force wants to do.

"Where is that place of inheritance?"

The preacher asked.

"The Lost Place, I am not very clear about the specific location. The news that circulates is only that it is in the Lost Place."

"This is fun, so many people want to enter the lost place, and it seems we have to enter this lost place."

Xiao Chenquan shook his head.

"what's happenin?"

Ma Yun was surprised, thinking that Yang Fan and his party had encountered some difficulties. If that was the case, he wouldn't mind helping, so that they could build a good relationship.

"We have just become a foreign aid for a heavenly mercenary group. Their goal is also in the lost place, and I personally want to go to the lost place, and now we are all together."

"It's such a coincidence, it seems we do have fate."

Ma Yun smiled and led Yang Fan and his party into the hotel.

"Boss, open some more rooms."

Thousands of the best fairy crystals were thrown high, and a middle-aged man sitting at the counter was drinking tea. Seeing so many best fairy crystals thrown over, he stood up in fright and hurriedly stood up with a wave of his hand. Jing received.

"Master Ma, don't know what else you need?"

Faced with Ma Yun's size, this is something that all bosses like, and I hope to come every day.

"Do you still have those things in your hotel?"

As he said, Ma Yun showed a smirk, and Yang Fan thought that what he was saying was something that could only be understood and cannot be said.

"Yes, it's on sale now, does the young master need it?"

"I think my friend will need it."

Ma Yun cast a look at Yang Fan.

The middle-aged boss glanced at Yang Fan and the others, then looked at Ma Yun.

"Don't worry, they won't say anything."

"Okay, just rush to the fairy crystal that Master Ma just now, I believe you, come with me."

Before long, Yang Fan and his party followed the middle-aged boss to a place tens of meters underground.

"This place... looks like a black market."

Lord Lv opened his mouth wide, and was startled by the scene before him.

In front of Yang Fan, there is a vast underground city, where people come and go, although not one after another, but the whole street is surrounded by crowds.

Because it is underground, the surrounding scenery appears dim, but it does not affect the observation.

"where is this place?"

Zeng Zhuojun sat firmly, feeling that he had come to the gathering place of the wicked. The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system took me to practice txt download address: system took me to practice mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1024 Ma’s acquaintances), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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