The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1022: Become a foreign aid

"You seem to be going into the lost place?"

Yang Fan pointed to the banner next to the group of people and said.

"Yes, do you want to join?"

The woman dressed up by the general couldn't help but renew a large number of Yang Fan and his party, and she was vaguely wary in her heart.

If it was as she had guessed, it would be too unusual, because it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the lost place in this way, so it is most likely that they are driving for themselves.

Thinking of this, the woman put a hand behind her and gestured to the team members behind her.

The two members behind the woman saw this, looked at each other, and left silently.

"I don't know what kind of strength you have. I have to make it clear in advance. I won't accept those who are not strong enough."

"Don't worry about this. Those of us who are present, each of us has a golden fairyland."

Yang Fan smiled slightly and said.

Hearing these words, the woman's heart became more vigilant.


The woman pretended to be surprised and her eyes fell on the weakest Bing Xinxin, which meant it was self-evident.

"I almost forgot. She came here to play this time, so don't care."

Bing Xinxin's strength is only in the fairyland, and she is indeed weak in this fairy **** battlefield.

"My name is Su Marie. I am the deputy head of the Hall of Fame. My strength is the fifth floor of Taiyi Golden Wonderland."

Sue Marie hit an inspector, and she didn't know what the purpose was. She directly stated her realm. She might want to warn Yang Fan and the others to a certain extent that they were not easy to provoke.

"Fortunately, my name is Yang Fan. This is my... the demon pet lord."

Yang Fan introduced himself, and then pointed to Lord Lv.

"Damn! What are you doing? You are my favorite. Your whole family is my favorite."

The lord became unhappy at once, burst into a swear word, and shouted loudly.

The preacher was snickering on the sidelines, but fortunately, he was not seen by the lord, otherwise the two might have to fight again.

Then Yang Fan briefly introduced the other people one by one, and the two people got acquainted with each other.

"With that said, this is the first time you have entered the battlefield of immortals?"

Su Marie is very curious that Yang Fan and his party have such a strong strength, and it will take almost one million years to cultivate pills in the current state. Judging from their appearance, it seems that they don't know much about the things in the battlefield of immortals.

This is strange.

"It's the first time we have entered. They have more than one Ice Temple."

The preacher said with a smile, there was something in the words.

"Ice Temple!"

Su Marie murmured, her tone full of envy.

The monks who join the mercenary group like this are basically casual cultivators, otherwise, how could they risk their lives to earn fairy crystals?

"Let me talk about it first, we just joined you as a foreign aid, but not a member of you."

Yang Fan reminded.

"I know this naturally, and even if I think, if so many people with unclear identities join at once, at least my husband's consent is needed."

Su Marie stroked her hair, looked in the distance, and said.

"Are you married? The head of the group is your husband?"

It was Chen Shuyue who spoke.

Sumary nodded.

"Looking at your appearance, I feel very young, like a mortal twenty-year-old appearance."

This is not what Chen Shuyue said deliberately, but sincere praise.

"Really? I'm not telling you, I actually have children."

Having said that, Sumary drew a little boy next to him.

The little boy was the one that Yang Fan had seen before, with a fourteen-five-year-old face, but his strength was quite good, he actually possessed the cultivation base of the Earth Wonderland.

"Hello, uncles and aunts!"

The little boy called out without waiting for Sumari's reminder, his voice was a bit childish and innocent.

"Is he your son? He is strong and also very good. How old is he this year?"

Zeng Zhuojun looked up and down, the strength of Da Luo Jin Wonderland made him see through the little boy's talent.

"Almost fifty thousand years old. In our spare time, my husband and I have been teaching him seriously, but I didn't expect his talent to be so high."

Sumary smiled sweetly, her face full of doting for the little boy.

"It's really good. You have the strength of the fairyland at fifty thousand years. Zhan Tiancheng, I remember when you were fifty thousand years old, you looked like a talented person on the eighth floor of the fairyland."

It was Xiao Chenquan who was speaking, and he said in a provocative tone.

"Every other, you and I have similar talents, and the same age. When you say this to me, you are also talking about yourself. Besides, in our three strength rankings, you are third."

Zhan Tiancheng disagreed, and instead commanded Xiao Chenquan's army.

"What's his name?"

Bing Xingjie asked.

"His name is Tang Haoran, my name."

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a black armor passed by, full of majesty in every move, like a marshal in charge of the three armies.

The middle-aged man has a face with Chinese characters and is unsmiling. With a full-bodied upper lip beard, it gives people a very mature and charming feeling.

There was a long sword hanging from his waist, and there was still some dried blood on the scabbard. I don't know if he didn't notice it or did it intentionally, with a vague killing intent on it.

But these are not important, the key is his cultivation.

The middle-aged man has reached the third level of the Immortal King Realm, and his eyes are piercing, and he is stared at, as if he was stared at by the gods of death.

Everyone looked at it and saw a middle-aged man who was five points similar to the little boy walking with two members, and they had a general idea in their hearts.

"you are?"

Yang Fan asked.

"In Lower Tangzong, he is the head of the Mercenary Corps of the Hall of Fame and his father."

Tang Zong did not smile, his face was sullen, as if someone had offended him.

"It turned out to be the leader, disrespectful!"

Yang Fan arched his hands.

"Is your delegation planning to be a foreign aid for my Hall of Fame?"

"Yes, but we haven't stayed for long. When we leave the lost place, we will leave."

"If you say that, you also want to enter the lost place?"

"Of course, we have to go into the core area."

Tang Zong's figure was shocked, his eyes suddenly sharpened, because this time they were also going to enter the core area of ​​the Lost Land, which had to make him feel that Yang Fan and his party were directed at their employer.

As a heavenly mercenary group, these people don't want to come into dangerous places because of unimportant things. This time I was going to enter the Lost Land, and was also commissioned by a high-level power in the upper continent, and I had to take some people into the Lost Land.

Being vigilant, even if Yang Fan and the others wanted to be their foreign aid for this mission, Sumari did not tell Yang Fan and others the employer's information.

"With you?"

Among Yang Fan's group, only five people made Tang Zong unable to see through his cultivation, but he didn't think these five people were stronger than him. The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system took me to practice txt download address: system took me to practice mobile reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1022 Becoming Foreign Aid) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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