The System Takes Me to Practice

Chapter 1017: Six-character mantra reappearance

"Jiejie, I can feel the strength of your physical body."

A pair of white eyes of the Immortal Realm Ghoul who dominated the body of Lord Lure revealed fiery heat.

Just as he was about to make a move, a discordant voice sounded again.

"Great Compassionate Good Fortune Palm!"

The long eyebrows of the monk with long eyebrows have disappeared, leaving only a bald area, looking a little embarrassed.

When the voice fell, the monk with long eyebrows folded his hands together, and the seven faint paths behind his head burst out with dazzling golden Buddha light at this moment.

These Buddha lights gather together, and finally form a palm of normal human size.

"Come again!"

The ghoul was a little impatient, raised his right foot, and kicked the palm of his hand into the sky.


An attack erupted from the ghoul's right foot and hit the golden palm.


After the explosion, the golden palm was intact, and the ghoul was a little disturbed, and Yu Guang looked at the monk with long eyebrows.

I saw the long eyebrow monk sitting paralyzed on the ground, his whole person as if he ran for several kilometers, gasping for breath, the Buddha light behind his head was completely dimmed, and it was a tragic word.

Fearing that he would be counter-killed, the ghoul did not hesitate and was about to leave. But at this moment, a water system magic trick flew from nowhere, not slow, and it didn't mean to hide it.


The ghoul snorted coldly, without the slightest intention of resisting it, as if it was an insult to him to resist such an attack by using tactics.


The water system magic formula hit the ghoul without any hindrance, and the ghoul had already pinched the magic formula and was about to leave.

But at this time, a feeling of severe pain came from behind him, this heart-piercing pain that reached the soul, even the strong of the Immortal Realm could not bear it.

When Yang Fan and his party looked at it, their expressions shrank slightly. They saw that the body was corroded by the water system tactics and riddled with holes. From a distance, it was as if someone had been pierced with a spear for thousands of times. As a result, every part of the ghoul has a small hollow.

These corroded holes are densely packed and connected together. They are so permeating that normal people can't stand it when they see it.

"Ah! It's holy water, the **** bald donkey, unexpectedly attacked the deity!"

The ghoul roared, and the damage caused by the sudden water system tactics caused him to suffer so much that the long eyebrow monk exhausted the palms of the Buddha's light all over his body, and the ghoul couldn't avoid it.


The huge palm almost exploded at the moment when it touched the ghoul, exploded into a dazzling Buddha-like light, and enveloped the ghoul.

Suddenly, a more screaming scream came, and this screaming scream contained the pressure of the soul of the strong immortal realm.

For a while, everyone, except Yang Fan, was crushed to the ground by the pressure of the soul. The weak cultivator was even shattered to death on the spot.

"Ding! The passive effect of Lingxi Heart is triggered, and it enters a one-month cooldown."

Yang Fan stood there, looking at everyone, some of them didn't react.

"What a strong soul pressure, this is at least the tenth-tier peak powerhouse of the Immortal Venerable Realm."

Bing Xingwen on the eighth floor of the Immortal King Realm was very pale, and his expression was a little frightened, said.

It's just that when he looked at Yang Fan's things, his pupils shrank even more. He didn't understand that Yang Fan was just a monk in the Fairyland of Great Luojin, how could he resist the soul attack of the peak powerhouse in the Fairyland at such a close distance. And it looked as if nothing had happened.

Not far away, the monk with long eyebrows exhausted his Buddha's light, and his own strength was somewhat affected. Now he was attacked at close range by this coercive force, and was shocked to death on the spot.

Soon, the light of Buddha's nature disappeared, and the ghoul in the same place was motionless. The other nineteen monks gave a sigh of relief and planned to check the injuries of the long eyebrow monk.

At this moment, a sharp sneer came, and the fallen ghoul stood up again, but he was very weak at this time, and it was obvious that the attack just now hurt him a lot.

The ghoul's figure is somewhat transparent, and if you look closely, you can still see the figure of the lord.

"Jie Jie, really... I almost died under the light of the bald donkey, but it's still a little bit worse. If the Buddha of the Immortal Realm made the move, I should have died."

The metal voice of the ghoul was filled with ridicule, and after speaking, he slowly turned around and looked at Yang Fan. Only after seeing Yang Fan, his expression was obviously taken aback.

"You... why are you still as good as ever?"

"Is this the soul pressure of your mere Xianzun realm?"

Yang Fan showed contempt.


The ghoul was so angry that he didn't know what to say for a while.

"But if you only have this level, then you can go to death."

When the ghoul heard it, he burst into laughter.

"Let me die? Just ask your poor Daluojin Wonderland's strength?"

The ghoul was amused, and it was the first time he heard such blatant remarks after so long alive.

Yang Fan had no chance of a ghoul, and he didn't know where to take out a pen.

A huge brush with a length of half a meter, the tip of the brush is somewhat white, and the whole body is brown, and there is a trace of obscure Buddha nature lying on it.

"Boy, don't tell me you plan to beat me with this pen?"


Yang Fan nodded and admitted directly.

"Okay! I'm standing here, if you can really beat me with this pen, I'll call you Dad."

I don't know if it was amused by Yang Fan's ignorance, or the ghoul wanted to play with Yang Fan before devouring Yang Fan's body, the ghoul actually stood directly on the spot.

"as you wish."

Yang Fan didn't say much nonsense, picked up the pen and wrote a word directly in the air.


This word has just been written, and the pronunciation of this word is heard in the sky.

The voice resounded across the sky, hitting the hearts of all monks.

The word "Ba" can purify the mind, and purify all negative influences from the soul. The more karma, the lower the degree of purification, which will trigger a passive effect and affect one's own Qi luck.

However, among the killings that Yang Fan created in this world, there was not a trace of karma attached to Yang Fan, and the effect of the word "Ba" almost reached the limit that Yang Fan could achieve at this time.


The huge golden "B" character resembled a beast that found its prey, and quickly moved towards the ghoul.

The ghoul's pupils tightened, and he recognized what kind of attack the word "Ba" was. It was the secret of the word "Ba", one of the six-character mantra secret techniques unique to Buddhism.

"It's the Secret Art of Mantra, is the pen in that person's hand a Mantra Pen?!!!"

Among the remaining nineteen monks, the monk on the third floor of the Immortal King Realm who had accepted Yang Fan's bribe opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

Since Buddhism was founded, I don’t know how many outsiders want to practice Buddhism, but they have not succeeded. Just because the most important factor in the practice of Buddhism is the need for Buddhism, otherwise, what you learn will only be in vain. The system takes me to practice the latest chapter address: system takes me to practice the full text reading address: system took me to practice txt download address: system took me to practice mobile reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1017 Reappearance of the Six-Character Mantra Secret Technique) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The system takes me to practice", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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