The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 101: Dying

Tochimura and Shunzhu live in the heart of killing.

知道 He knows that this is not the beginning of the rejuvenation, and it is not possible to kill people casually. And his strength is far from being able to kill casually and escape the arrest of Japanese violent agencies.

But being upright does not mean that you cannot kill. There are many ways to silence each other.

I wondered, he snorted, "In other words, the back door of the sports warehouse is locked by you."

"What backdoor?" Nishiyama Chiyoko froze.

"Don't you know?" Kimura and Shushu frowned. "Don't you wonder why Ito Junji could burn all the people in Class Two (4) with a fire? Even if Ito Junji went to the same place, but four The class did not escape by themselves, and it was too mysterious. "

The strangest thing is that when people burned to death, the school's talents found out.

For dozens of people, no one shouted for help. It was as if they collectively went to the sports warehouse to die.

"I don't know. As for the gate of the sports warehouse, I didn't lock it." Nishiyama Chiyoko snorted. "But you're right. Why didn't I think of locking the door at first. But fortunately, all people died. Now. "

Tochimura and the tree looked at Chiyoshi Nishiyama coldly, this guy ... really demented. But he believed in the words of Chiyoshi Nishiyama. After all, the other side said a lot of things, so he concealed him without reason.

"It's finally more comfortable to say this," said Chiyoshi Nishiyama with a smile, "I have been in my heart for five years and have been trying to find someone to share with. I didn't expect to meet you today."

Tochimura and the tree looked indifferent. He watched Nishiyama Chiyoko stood up and walked towards the toilet without stopping.

He didn't even choose to call the police ... because this was what Chiyoshi Nishiyama told him alone. Even if the police came, Nishiyama Chiyoko denied it, which was why the other party was so mad. And he will not call the police, let alone say that he is posing as a police officer ... even if Nishiyama Chiyoko is arrested? Isn't it too cheap for the other party?

Just when Kimura and Shu were going to leave, Yamamoto Xiaoyang came to the living room. He looked confused and looked at Kimura and Shu. "Mr. Kimura ... what happened? You haven't ..." He didn't say anything later.

Tochimura and Shuki shook his head slightly. He didn't say much. This guy is also a poor man, maybe he was infected. However, in the spirit of being able to save one, he intends to explain the situation to Yamamoto Xiaoyang.

However, he has not spoken yet. When he saw Xiaoyan's face change dramatically, he exclaimed, "What are you doing, Nina! Don't be impulsive!"

When Tokimura and Shuki heard, he got up and came to the position of Xiaoyang Yamamoto. With his eyes fixed, his pupils shrank. At this point, Chiyoshi Nishiyama was already sitting on the edge of the balcony, looking up at the starry sky. When she heard the voice, she turned her head and glanced at her with a charming smile. "My body is already sick. However, it can be regarded as death without regret if I can give you some trouble before I die. My punishment. "

After speaking, Chiyoshi Nishiyama did not wait for the two to talk back. She leaned forward and jumped straight from the eleventh floor.

"Rena ... No!" Yamamoto Xiaoyang's face was pale, and his heart was terrified and confused. He came to the balcony and looked down, but even if there was light, looking down from the eleventh floor, he couldn't see anything. Cold sweats emerged, "Why ... how could this ..."

Yeah ... yeah!

Xiaoshan Benyang looked at Kimura and the tree next to him. He was distraught and said incoherently, "Kimura ... you ... you also saw that Pina had committed suicide by jumping off the building, which has nothing to do with me."

"I'm not a policeman." Kimura and Shu snorted in their hearts, and did not expect that Chiyoshi Nishiyama committed suicide, and was so decisive. It seems that the other party already had a plan to commit suicide, but because of his own reasons, he told the other party to reveal what happened five years ago, so the other party didn't think there was any good nostalgia, and finally chose to jump off the building and commit suicide? And ... this guy didn't live well before he died.

As Chiyoshi Nishiyama just said, when the other party dies, he and Yamamoto Xiaoyang are in trouble. After all, the two of them were on the scene, so they cannot be witnesses for each other.

The police are here, how can you explain?

Tochimura and Shu secretly hate that this guy will kill others before they die.

Yamamoto Xiaoyang was stunned when he heard the words of Kimura and Shuki. "Are you not a policeman? Then ..." Then, he couldn't help getting angry, his voice was sharp, "Why aren't you a policeman?" Then wait for the real police to come over, how will they explain.

What's more ... Kimura and Shuki aren't policemen, so why are you here? What are you doing here?

For a moment, Yamamoto Xiaoyang felt like he was caught in a weird event, and terrible thoughts appeared in his mind, making him sweat cold, "You ... Is it you who killed Pinai ..."

"Calm down." Kimura and Shu Leng sighed. "Everyone has jumped off the building. The police will come sooner or later. You might as well be thinking about what you are doing in this hysteria."

Yes, yes, yes ... Some way, Yamamoto Xiaoyang looked at Kimura and the tree with a calm face, but also awake. Then his eyes lit up. "By the way ... I installed a pin-point camera in the living room. Your video and sound should be recorded."

Tokimura and Shuji's eyes lighted, and he was still thinking about what to do. However, he did not expect Xiaoyang Yamamoto to install a camera in the living room ... Before he was all focused on Nishiyama Chiyoko, he really didn't pay attention to observation.

But ... what does this guy do to install a pinpoint camera in his home?

Xu Shi felt the strange eyes of Kimura and Shuki, and Yamamoto Xiaoyang embarrassed, "I will call other women besides Nai. I have a hobby, that I like to shoot down and admire myself. But those people are not allowed I filmed, so I secretly installed a pinpoint camera at home. "

Tochimura and Shu are speechless ~ ~ He didn't expect it to be this reason, which got him out of trouble.

"You deleted the transcript of our previous conversation."

After all, when talking to Yamamoto Xiaoyang, he impersonated the police. The distance of this image can not be seen by the police.

I heard that Yamamoto Xiaoyang only reacted. The guy in front of him was not a police officer at all, but pretended to be a policeman ... but then he nodded, "OK!" Now he just wanted to get out of trouble, and Sui Nai jumped off the building and committed suicide, making him Until now a little did not respond. So he just wanted to let this matter be resolved quickly. As for Kimura and Shu, he didn't want to worry about it anymore.

Then the two came to the bedroom. Yamamoto Xiaoyang controlled the computer and quickly transferred the video. Kimura and Shu watched the other party delete the video of the conversation between him and the other party, and they were relieved.

After that, Yamamoto Xiaoyang looked at the video of the chat between Kimura and Shuki and Chiyoshi Nishiyama.

After reading it, he couldn't talk for a long time, his heart was filled with resentment, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept flowing, he rejoiced, "I said why this vicious woman keeps me from taking a condom ... It turns out, it's so good ... ... okay ... "

It seems that this guy is not infected ... After hearing that, Kimura and Shu secretly said in his heart, but he still reminded, "After this incident, I suggest you go to the hospital for a check."

"Sure!" After speaking, Yamamoto Xiaoyang saw Kimura and the tree go out, and could not help asking, "Where are you going?" Now Kimura and the tree are his backbone, and Rina just jumped off the building, he felt a bit scary at home.

Tochimura and Tree's voice was cold. "Go down and see if she is dead."

"I'll go too."

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