The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 982: Beat her for me

"What are you doing?" Huo Qianfang glared at Wang Qing and said coldly: "I am a person who hates the kind of scumbag who has a glib tongue to deceive girls. And you, even want to cheat me, how can I forgive you!"

"I...I didn't lie to you, I...I really like you..." Wang Qing said quickly.

"Really?" Huo Qianfang said coldly: "I heard you have a girlfriend!"

"That's all nonsense, it's not my girlfriend, just a girl I know!" Wang Qing said quickly.

"But I heard that you are very close to her!" Huo Qianfang said coldly: "It is said that you are a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. In other words, if you have a girlfriend, you still come to me. What do you think of me? Think I'm a fool, can I be fooled by you at will?"

Wang Qing panicked, and quickly said: "Miss Huo, you have misunderstood. I really don't have a girlfriend. That's really not my girlfriend. If you don't believe me, ask her!"

As Wang Qing said, he hurriedly greeted Xiaoqi who had been stunned next to him, and said anxiously: "Xiaoqi, tell Ms. Huo what is the relationship between us! Tell Ms. Huo that you are not my girlfriend."

Xiaoqi's face was pale, she looked at Wang Qing, she was obviously unwilling, but in the end she said according to Wang Qing's words: "I...I am not his girlfriend..."

"Really?" Huo Qianfang sneered: "Do you think I would believe this?"

"Miss Huo, what we're saying is true, nothing deceives!" Wang Qing said anxiously.

"Oh?" Huo Qianfang suddenly smiled charmingly: "Wang Qing, you said you like me, are you willing to do anything for me?"

Seeing Huo Qianfang's charming look, Wang Qing only felt that his soul was about to fly, and quickly said: "Of course, I...I can do anything for you, everything is fine!"

"Really?" Huo Qianfang smiled charmingly again: "But why don't I believe it?"

Wang Qing was anxious: "Miss Huo, as long as you say it, I will definitely do it. Even if it's fierce, I will never frown!"

"There is no need for a sea of ​​swords and fire." Huo Qianfang glanced over the people around him, and finally fell on Xiaoqi, suddenly said: "I don't like this woman, you help me beat her!"

"Huh?" Wang Qing was stunned. He didn't expect Huo Qianfang to make such a request.

"Miss Huo..." Wang Qing whispered: "She... she didn't recruit you either..."

"Are you willing to do things for me or not?" Huo Qianfang said coldly: "If you are not willing, then it means that what you just said was lying to me. Humph!"

Huo Qianfang snorted coldly, making Wang Qing shudder and almost didn't urinate. The machetes of the people next to him were raised again. Seeing that posture, as long as Huo Qianfang gave an order, these people would chop off his legs immediately.

At this time, Xiaoqi also felt that the situation was not right, and immediately turned around to run. However, Huo Qianfang's people had stopped her long ago, and it was completely impossible to run.

"Miss Huo, dare I lie to you!" Wang Qing's face was pale, and he trembled: "I...what I said is true, I really won't lie to you..."

"Then you fight or not?" Huo Qianfang smiled lightly.

Wang Qing looked at Xiaoqi, then at Huo Qianfang, this time he was really crying.

Although he pretends to be a love sage, that is just a lie next to every girl. He deceived Xiao Qi, saying that after he had dealt with Huo Qianfang, he took Huo Qianfang's money and flew with Xiao Qi, so Xiao Qi was so kind to him.

Now, Huo Qianfang let him play Xiaoqi. Seriously, he didn't feel distressed at all. The key issue was that so many people watched the scene. Everyone knows the relationship between him and Xiaoqi. If he hit Xiaoqi for Huo Qianfang's word, his reputation would be completely ruined.

But the current situation is very embarrassing. If he doesn't hit Xiaoqi, Huo Qianfang will chop off his legs.

At this moment, Wang Qing simply regretted it to the extreme. He was fine to provoke Huo Qianfang to do. Huo Qianfang is playing tricks on him now, deliberately letting him beat Xiaoqi and lose his reputation. But the problem is that although he can see Huo Qianfang's mind, he dare not listen to Huo Qianfang's words, otherwise Huo Qianfang would really chop his legs, so he is now in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Seeing that Wang Qing did not move, Huo Qianfang said slowly: "Are you not going to fight?"

Wang Qing shuddered with fright. How dare to neglect any more, he could only stand up and walk to Xiaoqi's side.

Xiaoqi stared at Wang Qing with wide eyes, her expression panicked: "Wang Qing, you...what are you going to do?"

Wang Qingchao Xiaoqi winked, and whispered quietly: "acting!"

Xiaoqi looked at Huo Qianfang behind, knowing that the situation was really troublesome, and in the end she could only grit her teeth and stay silent.

Wang Qing took a deep breath, raised his hand and slapped Xiaoqi on the head, kicked Xiaoqi again, and yelled: "Miss Huo doesn't want to see you, so hurry up!"

These two strokes seem to be very heavy, but in fact, when he fell on Xiaoqi, he immediately regained his strength.

Xiaoqi wanted to turn around and leave, but was directly stopped by the Huo family.

"It looks like you are reluctant to beat her, you are lying to me!" Huo Qianfang said coldly: "In that case, let's forget it, I won't let you beat him. Come on, take his legs, I chopped two more hands!"

Wang Qing was so scared that he was about to urinate, and said anxiously: "Miss Huo, I...I didn't lie to you, I...I'm real, I...I...I'll hit her..."

After saying this, Wang Qing did not dare to hesitate, turning around and slapped Xiaoqi on the face. At this time, he didn't stop at the slightest, slapped Xiaoqi with half of his face flushed.

Xiaoqi was stunned. Didn't she say good acting? Is this acting?

"Wang Qing, you dare to hit me!" Xiao Qi roared.

Wang Qing was so depressed that he was about to cry, and he couldn't help it. If he didn't fight, Huo Qianfang would never let him go.

"Why did you stop?" Huo Qianfang said slowly: "Still reluctant?"

"'s not..." Wang Qing didn't dare to think more, and quickly slapped Xiaoqi's face again.

Xiaoqi originally had grievance and anger on her face, but she wanted to cry for a while to arouse the guilt in Wang Qing's heart. Unexpectedly, before she squeezed out the tears, Wang Qing slapped her face again. She was stunned, and roared: " you still dare to fight?"

"Hey, did I tell you to stop?" Huo Qianfang said dissatisfied behind: "Look at him for me. I didn't say to stop. If he wants to stop, he chops it for me!"

The people behind immediately surrounded Xiaoqi. Faced with such a situation, Wang Qing dared to say something. He raised his hand and cracked and struck Xiaoqi's face vigorously.

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