The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 968: Isn't she too low price

"It's okay, you haven't seen it a few times, and others have never seen it. That is to say, she basically has no acquaintances at school. Then, say hello in the past, and you'll be familiar with a few words. , You introduce her a rich and second generation, she still cannot thank you in the future?"

Li Chuan whispered: "If this is done, you will be covered by Lin Shao in this school in the future, so don't walk sideways!"

Li Chuan’s words made Lin Qian's face full of excitement. She nodded vigorously, "You are right, then leave this to me. After a while, I went to town and saw her. I went to find her immediately. She definitely made arrangements for Lin Shao!"

"That's right!" Li Chuan smiled: "If this is done, Lin Shao will definitely look at us with admiration. Moreover, the **** surnamed Su, I don't know how to meet Huo Xiaohua, tonight He's done all the show. If we don't bring Hu Xiaohua over, wouldn't it be despised by him? No matter what, we can't be stepped on by this kid!"

"Yes, that's right, absolutely can't let this **** step on it!" Lin Qian said angrily: "I don't know if Huo Xiaohua is blind or not, how could he fall into such a bastard? Look. Last time he was rude and didn't even help us with a luggage. Is this what a man should do? Huh, I see, that Huo Xiaohua, probably has no brains, I don’t know why he was surnamed Su I was deceived. She actually fell in love with a man who all the girls in the school looked down on. Doesn't she feel like a price drop?"

Li Chuan sneered: "The radish and the greens have their own loves. Dogs are willing to eat shit, and we can't control it. However, if we can have Hu school flowers here, we can compare them. You think, this surnamed Su Neng What kind of venue is arranged, it must be far worse than Lin Shao's side. Hu Xiaohua followed Lin Shao, it must be gorgeously dressed, and the scene is particularly beautiful. And the surname Huo, followed by Su Yang, I don’t know where it is. What a shabby party. Then let’s compare it and see what the surname Huo feels like!

Lin Qian nodded again and again, but suddenly wanted to do something, and said anxiously: "By the way, you said, Huo Xiaohua, will she help Su Yang arrange the party? Huo Xiaohua's family seems to be very rich, and if she really is If it’s Huo Qianfang, then you might find a lot of celebrities. By then, wouldn’t the party surnamed Su be very beautiful?"

"Don't worry, even if Huo Xiaohua is willing to help, there is not much time left." Li Chuan sneered: "She is going to arrange the party, the staffing, and the stars and so on. They can get it in an hour or two. Qi? This is simply impossible!"

"Will Huo Xiaohua arrange for him in advance?" Lin Qian worried.

"You didn't hear it just now. Huo Xiaohua only knew he was here when he saw him. How could he arrange for him in advance?" Li Chuan smiled.

Lin Qian breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "Well, let's arrange more people in a while, and go to this Su Yang party first. When that happens, let him talk in public. No matter what, you have to. Speaking of his rude things in public will not only embarrass him, but also embarrass the surname Huo!"

"That's a must!" Li Chuan sneered, "This surnamed Su thought that if he hooked up with Huo Hua Hua, he would be able to walk sideways in the school in the future? Huh, today, I let Hu Hu Hua Hua be ashamed with him, and let him be I don’t have the face to meet people in school!"

The two smiled at each other, they were all extremely excited, and they couldn't wait to take a group of people to Su Yang's party right away to mock Su Yang.

The arrival of Huo Qianfang did not make them realize the power of Su Yang. On the contrary, Su Yang's low-key during this period made them feel that Su Yang is not very capable at all.

But tonight Su Yang was so in the limelight again, which made them even more angry, and they couldn't wait to step on Su Yang immediately to get rid of the hatred.

The thinking of the two is actually quite normal. If a person has been bullied by them and stepped on their feet, they will feel used to it. However, when one day, this person suddenly stood up and suddenly performed better than them, they couldn't stand it anymore. They felt that this person shouldn't stand taller than them, so they should be stepped under their feet.

The shortcomings of human nature are vividly reflected in these two people.

After half an hour, everyone arranged almost everything. All the vehicles that Lin Shao called had also arrived. Of course, not many people could pass by Lin Shao's car.

Because of Lin Qian's relationship with Hu Xiaohua, Li Chuan was lucky enough to sit on the BMW arranged by Lin Shao and go to town. Of course, this BMW, worth more than one million yuan, is completely incomparable with Huo Qianfang's luxury car worth tens of millions.

Even so, Li Chuan and the others were all excited, all of them arrogantly, as if they were particularly honored to be Lin Shao's doglegs.

Once in the town, the vehicle went directly to the club where Lin Shao had the party.

After getting out of the car, Li Chuan and others were immediately shocked by the gorgeous scene.

This club was originally extremely luxurious, but Lin Shao spent a lot of money to arrange it. The scene was even more beautiful than anything else, just like the stage seen on TV.

Li Chuan and others were full of emotion. Members of the Lin Qian Sisters' Association took out their mobile phones one after another, taking selfies and taking pictures together. Anyway, they were taking pictures of themselves with the scene, and then showing off in their circle of friends. I wish I could let everyone know that I was in such a tall place now, with all excited eyes shining.

"This is the real arrogance!" Li Chuan sighed with emotion, and said with a sneer: "How can the surname Su compare to Lin Shao?"

A young man next to him said excitedly: "That is necessary, I just asked, the lighting here alone cost more than 700,000 yuan, which is completely arranged in accordance with the high-end stage specifications of the TV station!"

"Awesome!" Li Chuan was very excited and said excitedly: "Don't say anything else, the lights here alone are enough to kill the person surnamed Su in seconds. Alas, hey, I really want to see, those people surnamed Su, What kind of reaction would it be when seeing the lights on our side?"

Everyone laughed, and Su Yang's party had already become the laughing stock of the whole school.

Seeing Lin Shao's arrangement here, people even laughed at Su Yang. Compared with Lin Shao, is he worthy?

Look at the scene that Lin Shao has set up here. The word "luxury" can't describe this place. This is the embodiment of real wealth. What kind of party can Su Yang arrange?

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