The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 942: Reconsidered primary

"He also explained a fart, I see, this time, even his family has to be affected, so they went in and squatted together!"

"Hey, this is really cheating. It's just that it's normal to cheat like you!"

Everyone laughed constantly, as if they were in a very good mood after Su Yang was cleaned up.

The man sneered and looked at Su Yang: "It seems that there are still a lot of people who testify to me. I don't think you need to talk about your test results, right?"

Su Yang had a calm expression on his face. He slowly said: "If they say it, it can prove that my test scores are invalid, then can I find some people to come over to testify to prove that my scores are valid?"

"That also depends on whether what everyone said is fair!" The man said directly.

"Oh, isn't it?" Su Yang said coldly: "So what is fairness?"

"It is fair if it conforms to the facts!" the man said.

"In line with the facts?" Su Yang sneered: "If you want to say that it is in line with the facts, how do you know that I can't get this score?"

The man frowned and said solemnly: "Su Yang, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Since you don't admit it like this, well, let's speak with facts. Here I happen to have a set of test papers, which I wrote out myself. Test paper. No one has seen this test paper and no one knows the answer. I came to test you specifically, and it is within the scope of what you learned in high school. If you can achieve 700 points, no, 600 points up , Even if you didn't cheat, how about it!"

"Leader, aren't you embarrassing him? If this kid doesn't cheat, he won't have six points in the test, but six hundred points!" A student laughed, and everyone else immediately laughed.

The man sneered and looked at Su Yang: "How about it, dare you to try it?"

Su Yang didn't rush to answer, he just smiled and looked at the man: "Let me ask first, who ordered you to come here this time?"

The man's face was slightly startled, and he said coldly, "What are you asking about this?"

"I just want to know whether you came here by yourself or by orders." Su Yang smiled lightly: "In this way, I know who I should look for to settle the ledger!"

"Do you want to scare me?" The man said coldly, "I came here by myself. I just don't believe your score, so I personally investigated..."

"Okay, then this is our personal grievance!" Su Yang nodded: "Come on, bring your test paper to me. I will show it to you now. It will be done in one hour. If it is less than 700 Points, even if I cheat, I kowtow to admit my mistakes and apologize. If it is higher than 100 points, huh, not only do you have to kneel here and kowtow to admit your mistakes and apologize, but I also want to knock you out of your mouth so that you will not dare to speak up in the future. !"

The man was furious: "Are you serious?"

"How about it?" Su Yang asked back: "You ran to me and you are going to slap me in the face in front of everyone. Am I going to save you face?"

The man was extremely angry and shouted: "Okay, then I will convince you today."

The man took out a wax-sealed portfolio, took out a few test papers from it and handed them to Su Yang: "Come on, you will fill it out! One hour!"

Zhao Qupeng glanced at him, and suddenly became anxious: "I rely on, four subjects, the amount of questions is about the same as the college entrance examination, one hour, what's a joke?"

"He said it for an hour. If you can't do it, don't brag!" The man said directly.

Su Yang smiled faintly, took the test paper, and waved his hand: "Everyone, please let me please!"

"Why do you want us to let it?" a boy shouted.

At this time, Fang Zhong sneered: "Everyone, let's give in, lest this kid can't pull out the **** for a while. The earth has no gravity. Let's just watch it here, don't talk, don't disturb him, don't let him find excuses. , I want to see how good he is, and answer these questions in an hour!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they stepped aside, and they all stared at Su Yang with breathlessness. They were fierce and vicious, all wanting to see how Su Yang had lost this time.

Su Yang was very calm, took the test paper, placed it on the table, and immediately started to do it.

This time, Su Yang also used the secret method to speed up the secret method of writing. Said it was an hour, but in half an hour, it was all done.

All the people around just looked at Su Yang's pen like wind, as if they hadn't read the content of the topic, they were all surprised. This silly writing, what on earth do you want to do?

The man sneered and watched all this. For an hour, so many points, this is completely impossible!

"Come on, correct the answer!" Su Yang said.

"I convince you!" The man took the test paper and directly took out the answers sealed in another portfolio and compared them one by one.

Everyone looked at the man together, the man's sneer from the beginning, gradually turned into disdain, and then disdain, gradually turned into surprise, and gradually turned from surprise to fear. At the end, the man was trembling all over, his complexion became extremely pale.

He held the test paper in one hand and the answer in the other, and the expression in his eyes was incredible. For a long time, he stretched out his hand and pinched himself vigorously. The intense pain made him have to admit that this was indeed a fact.

But how is this possible?

After a long silence, one student finally couldn't help it: "He... how many points did he score on the test?"

The man sat down on the ground. At this moment, the people behind him took the test papers and compared them, and were shocked: "This... how is this possible?"

"What's the situation?" the student said anxiously.

" question is not bad..." the person trembled.

"Huh?" The audience exclaimed at the same time, everyone's eyes widened, all shocked, looking at Su Yang inconceivably.

More than half an hour, four sets of test papers, one question is not bad?

Now, who else dares to say that Su Yang cheated?

Could it be that Su Yang is really the top pick in the college entrance examination? Is his academic record really so hidden?

Su Yang smiled lightly and walked in front of the man, and slowly said: "How about it, now, do you accept my achievements?"

The man was dumbfounded, nodded dumbly, and said in a trembled voice: " are really your own are the top pick in the college entrance examination of Pingnan Province..."

There was a sudden shock. Someone looked at Fang Zhong and some looked at Lin Qingru. The scene was very embarrassing.

At this time, Fang Zhong couldn't accept it anymore. He said anxiously: "Impossible, impossible, this is all false and impossible. Damn, you rubbish, how can you get such a score? It's impossible. I'm the top student in the college entrance examination!"

"Hey, how do you scold someone!" Zhao Qiupeng was angry: "You bastard, scold again, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Lin Qingru was also confused. She didn't expect that Fang Zhong, who was usually courteous, would be so swearing.

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