Everyone looked at the man in amazement, especially the few people around him, all dumbfounded.

This man was struggling constantly in Su Yang's hands, but he couldn't get away at all.

An old man next to him couldn't help saying: "Master Su, this...this is the Patriarch Cheng of the Cheng family in southern Fujian province, he...he is not a killer..."

"Really?" Su Yang sneered, and added another point to his strength: "If you don't make any more moves, then I will pinch you to death!"

The man was still struggling, and several patrons next to him hurriedly tried to persuade him, but Su Yang just kept moving.

In the end, the man's neck crooked and it went limp.

Everyone around was exclaimed: "This... is this dead?"

Everyone was stunned, and really couldn't understand what Su Yang meant. Is it too cruel to start? They all said that this is not a killer, so you want to kill him directly like this? If you want to add a crime, why not have any trouble?

However, Su Yang didn't regret it at all. He simply took out the Jiuhan Jade Sword and said coldly: "It's quite capable of pretending, then I will divide your body into ten segments. I see when you can pretend to be! "

The Jiuhan Jade Sword slashed straight down, and when it was about to hit the man, the man suddenly moved. Like a ghost, he sprang up suddenly, and instantly came to Su Yang's back, with a bit of cold light in his hand, piercing Su Yang's vest.

This was too sudden, and no one at the scene reacted.

However, Su Yang was faster. The Jiuhan Jade Sword in his hand was directly released, and he reached behind Su Yang in a roundabout. The tip of the sword just collided with that bit of cold light, blocking the fatal blow.

The man was extremely fast, and turned around again, and another cold light attacked Su Yang.

Su Yang's Jiuhan Jade Sword was faster and directly blocked his blow when he shot it. Immediately afterwards, the Jiuhan Jade Sword slashed away and enveloped the man.

The man evaded in a panic, but failed to escape the Jiuhan Jade Sword several times in a row. In the end, he was finally forced to step back a few steps by the Jiuhan Jade Sword, but he didn't panic, dozens of cold glow flew out of his body at the same time, and they attacked the sect masters of the major sects of the Magic Medical Alliance.

"Humph!" Su Yang yelled coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a long sword fell into his hand. With a flick of his finger, the long sword shattered directly, dozens of pieces of iron flew out, directly blocking all those cold glows.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, what kind of response and precision such a move must be. If there is a slight difference, then someone must die here.

The man was also taken aback. He obviously didn't dare to fall in love with him. He played three more cold flashes. He wanted to force Su Yang back, so he turned and ran.

Su Yang didn't fight hard this time, but instead took a backhand and pushed the three cold lights out of the hall at the same time.

Not long after the three cold lights went out, everyone only heard three loud crashes, but these three cold lights burst open. The powerful impact made everyone in the hall shake their bodies.

Everyone exclaimed, and no one thought that the three cold lights that the man threw at the end turned out to be three explosive bombs. Fortunately, Su Yang only pushed out these three cold lights, instead of hard-wired as before. Otherwise, burst into this hall, and I don't know how many people will die!

Everyone now had to admire that Su Yang's strength was really terrifying. The strength of this man is obviously above Wu Qianqian and Zheng Jiuxai.

Moreover, this man's method of murder is simply unpredictable. Even if a master like Wanmingshan Xie Feiyu met, it was inevitable. Even Han Tianyuan couldn't guarantee that he could guarantee that he would not be injured under the unpredictable attack of this man.

And Su Yang made such an understatement and restrained the man, but he had to convince him.

Seeing the man about to rush out of the hall, Su Yang grabbed it in the air and shouted coldly: "Bring me back!"

An invisible force grabbed the man's ankle and directly pulled him back.

The man was not reconciled, so he wanted to attack with his backhand. But Su Yang was one step faster than him, and he hit his chest with a palm.

This time the man was inevitable and could only slap back, wanting to resist the blow. As a result, the palm force collided, his arm broke directly, and Su Yang still hit his chest with this palm. He fell to the ground, vomiting blood continuously, and no longer able to resist!

Everyone around them exclaimed, and a Patriarch said in surprise: "When is Patriarch Cheng's strength so strong?"

Everyone was stunned. The Cheng Patriarch and them knew very well that although they were also capable of the realm of fusion, they definitely did not reach the realm of the venerable. But now, this man and Su Yang are extremely strong in this fight. Even Wu Qianqian and Zheng Jiuxai are obviously inferior to him. What is the situation?

"This person is not Patriarch Cheng!" Han Tianyuan said coldly.

"Not him?" Everyone was stunned, and a man familiar with Patriarch Cheng said anxiously: "How is this possible? I have known him for more than 40 years. This is clearly him!"

Others also nodded. Patriarch Cheng's reputation is not small, and there are many people who have seen him on the spot. This person is indeed Patriarch Cheng!

"Did he change his face?" A Patriarch whispered, and someone next to him simply walked up and tore a few times on Patriarch Cheng's face, but nothing was torn off.

"There is no disguise!" This Patriarch said strangely, and everyone was even more shocked. Without disguise, wouldn't it be Patriarch Cheng?

At this moment, Su Yang came over. He stretched out his hand on Patriarch Cheng's cheek five times, followed closely, and stretched out his hand to gently caress, a piece of skin fell directly on Patriarch Cheng's face, revealing a strange face.

"God!" everyone around them exclaimed at the same time, everyone's eyes widened. If they hadn't seen such a situation in person, they would have never imagined it.

"This...what the **** is going on here?" Even the Sect Master couldn't help but ask in surprise.

"This is one of the more advanced types of Disguise. It changes your facial structure so that this human skin mask blends seamlessly with your own face. Even if you really stretch out your hand to tear it, you can't pull it off." Su Yang said lightly: "As long as these acupuncture points are sealed, his facial structure can be restored to its original shape, and the skin will automatically fall off!"

Everyone around was shocked. If it weren't for Su Yang, who could have imagined that there is such a disguise technique in this world?

"Then who is this person?" a Patriarch asked in astonishment.

Everyone around them looks embarrassed. At this time, do you still need to say? This person must be the killer they invited?

In fact, this time these family alliances, for the sake of safety, did spend a high price to hire a killer. It's just that they have never seen these killers themselves, and they don't even know what form the killers will appear in.

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