The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 900: Su Yang's ultimate move

Seeing all the people at the foot of the mountain rushed up, Zheng Jiuchai who surrounded Su Yang couldn't help but sneered: "Master Su, it seems that you, the genius doctor alliance, will completely disappear. How about it, or you surrender first. Or, can we kill fewer people?"

Both Wan Mingshan and Xie Feiyu sighed, and they both stepped back at the same time and said in a low voice: "Leader Su, what we said before is still worthwhile. If you have someone who needs us to take out, say their names, we two Even if I fight for my life, I will help you take twenty people out!"

"Thank you!" Su Yang replied calmly. Facing such a situation, he didn't even feel the slightest panic.

"Master Su, why don't you take someone to retreat first, and I will take someone to guard!" Huo Zihen rushed over and shouted loudly.

"No!" Su Yang replied still simply.

"Huh?" Huo Zi was stunned, why didn't Su Yang panic at all?

"Master, the star formation has already dispersed, these people really can't believe it!" Zhao Ping'an anxiously said, "Do you want me to kill someone?"

"No." Su Yang replied again.

Everyone was stunned. At this time, why is Su Yang so calm?

At this moment, a phantom suddenly appeared behind Su Yang. As soon as the phantom appeared, it directly absorbed the power from the two venerables and transferred it into Su Yang.

"Ah!" With the powerful force entering the body, Su Yang also let out a roar. A hideous color flashed across his face, he suddenly raised his head and roared, and a dark cloud suddenly gathered above his head.

"This kind of useless move..." Han Tianyuan scolded, but just halfway through the words, he felt that something was wrong.

Among the dark clouds, there was a thunder pillar that was about ten feet thick. The momentum was so great that it seemed to separate the world from the earth.

The expressions of everyone at the scene changed, and they all turned around to avoid them. Two of the venerables slowed down, and after all they were struck by the sky thunder, and even the scum that was directly bombarded was not left, and they died on the spot!

And Su Yang took this opportunity to fly the Yujian into the air. He slowly raised his hands and shouted: "The four elephants rise!"

With Su Yang's big drink, there are four pillars of light in the four directions, southeast, northwest and northwest of Cumulus Mountain, rising up into the sky and meeting in the air. Immediately afterwards, this converging beam of light shrouded, covering the entire Cumulus Mountain within the scope of this aperture.

Su Yang stood at the top of the aperture, reciting the six-character mantra: "Om Mani Padme Hum!"

Su Yang's body expanded rapidly and soon turned into a two-foot-tall giant. And the phantom behind him became bigger, like a hill, shrouded behind Su Yang.

"Magic swallows the world!" Su Yang shouted.

The phantom opened his mouth and sucked, and there were seven nobles and more than fifty masters of fusion realm underneath, and the phantom was sucked into his belly at the same time.

The others looked terrified, who has seen such a situation!

All the absorbed power was transferred to Su Yang's body. At this moment, Su Yang's body became even bigger, and his whole body was full of blue veins, and his face was densely covered with a dozen red veins, and the meridians all over his body seemed to be bursting.

Su Yang gritted his teeth and withstood the pain against the sky, and used all this strength to pour into the Jiuhan Jade Sword under his feet.

The Jiuhan Jade Sword soared into the air, quickly transforming into the air, densely dividing the sky full of long swords!

Wan Jian Jue!

The secret technique that Su Yang learned on the Wu's tablet in Lu'an City finally came in handy at this moment!

Of course, this tactic of Wan Jian Jue requires too much power, and Su Yang alone cannot do it.

However, Su Yang raised his body's endurance to the extreme, and then brought the Demon Swallowing World to the extreme, swallowing the power of seven venerables and more than fifty fusion realm masters, and only then gathered the power to use the Ten Thousand Sword Art. !

From this it can be seen that Wu Jianqiu's use of this trick is definitely not his own power, but the special power in him.

Su Yang had never tried this trick before, and this time he tried it personally, and he became more curious about Wu Jianqiu's situation.

Once the Ten Thousand Sword Art was opened, although there were no ten thousand long swords, there were definitely five or six thousand long swords. These five or six thousand long swords enveloped everyone below. There is nothing fictitious about this, it may land at any time!

Everyone at the scene screamed, everyone was stunned, who could have imagined that Su Yang would have such an attack against the sky!

Han Tianyuan's expression changed for the first time, and he yelled anxiously: "Kill, don't let him have a chance to shoot!"

Han Tianyuan rose into the sky and headed straight for Su Yang, trying to defeat Su Yang first. The other venerables did not dare to neglect, and rushed in one after another, trying to defeat Su Yang before Su Yang could take action.

At this time, Su Yang pressed it down with one hand, and the light curtain in the air pressed down along Su Yang's hand. Those who rushed up were directly suppressed by the light curtain. Even with Han Tianyuan's strength, he couldn't break through this light curtain for a while, making him roar with anger.

These people didn't know that this light curtain was laid out by the four divine beasts and jade that Su Yang had buried in the surroundings earlier. Su Yang had long guessed that some of these people in the Magic Doctor Alliance might betray. But he was not in a hurry to start, instead, he took the plan and put out such a star formation.

This star formation is actually called the Sixiang Bagua Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

After Su Yang simplified it, it became the four-like star formation.

Su Yang only talked about the Star Array to the people of the Magical Doctor Alliance, but didn't talk about the Four Elephants Array outside, just left behind.

Now that the Taiyi Sect had betrayed, Su Yang no longer hid, and sacrificed the Four Elephants.

The power of the four sacred beasts and jade was all inspired by Su Yang, how powerful is it. It was people like Han Tianyuan who didn't want to rush out for a while. As for the people at the bottom of the mountain, they were all trapped inside, so I can't even think about it.

Power poured into the Jiuhan Jade Sword, and the veins on Su Yang's body finally dispersed. He let out a long sigh of relief, and then said coldly: "Family alliance? How many people do you have, and how many swords can you stop me? Today, I will attack you with ten thousand swords to cut the grass and roots in the southern six provinces, without you anymore. These families!"

Everyone below was trembling with fright. Everyone had no doubt that Su Yang would definitely be able to kill so many of them this time. After all, these long swords hanging in the sky cannot be faked!

Han Tianyuan's expression changed sharply, and he said angrily: "Su Yang, you are bold. These people here are from all the big clans in the southern six provinces. Do you want to kill them all by your own strength?"

"Why not?" Su Yang said coldly: "They want to kill my genius doctor alliance, how can I give them a chance? Today, I want to kill them all, so what!"

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