Although Han Tianyuan used his fists and feet, in fact, this battle has become more dangerous. Every punch and kick of Han Tianyuan is not to be underestimated, and the power is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, in Su Yang's Destiny Book, there is no shortage of martial arts in close combat. In a melee confrontation with Han Tianyuan, Su Yang was not afraid, struck with all his strength, blocked all of Han Tianyuan's offensive, and even continued to counterattack. For a time, the two were completely in a hard fight, which was inextricably difficult to distinguish.

The battle lasted for nearly ten minutes, and everyone around only saw two figures constantly shooting, but only a few people could clearly see their offensive.

Wan Mingshan was stunned. Although Xie Feiyu closed his eyes, his perception was clearer than others.

As for Wu Qianqian, the enchantress of the poisonous hand, and Zheng Jiuxai, the iron masked king, both frowned. Seeing the battle between Su Yang and Han Tianyuan, they were completely discouraged, and they knew the gap between them and the two.

Ten minutes later, the two punched each other and at the same time stepped back and stepped away.

Han Tianyuan's eyes were cold, and he couldn't see whether it was a win or a loss. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I now believe that you can really step on the Qi family of Wanhu. Your strength is Qi Zhishan's exit, and you can't help it. !"

"That's not necessarily!" Su Yang sneered: "Qi Zhishan's strength is far more powerful than you think!"

"Really?" Han Tianyuan was stunned: "Could it be that he has improved after 17 years of sitting in meditation?"

Su Yang didn't speak, just turned his head and looked behind. At this time, everyone in the Magic Medical Alliance had already returned to the mountain.

"Mr. Han, why don't we go up the mountain first!" At this time, a Patriarch spoke.

This Patriarch is the person who personally invited Han Tianyuan out. Han Tianyuan owed favor to this family, so he had to act.

Han Tianyuan nodded slowly: "Okay, it's okay for you to advance to the mountain. I don't know how long it will take for the battle between me and Master Su to be determined!"

"Thank you Mr. Han!" The master nodded, waved his hand, and said loudly, "Everyone go up the mountain!"

Everyone had already scratched their hands and fists, and upon hearing this, they immediately screamed and ran to the gate.

Su Yang frowned slightly, while Han Tianyuan took a few steps forward, blocking him. Seeing that posture, it is to stop him.

"Since everyone must go up the mountain, let's talk on the mountain!" Su Yang yelled, turning around and rushing into Cumulus Mountain first.

Han Tianyuan didn't stop, as long as Su Yang didn't stop everyone from going up the mountain, he would follow.

The crowd entered the Cumulus Mountain aggressively, but when they reached the middle of the mountain, they suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Where is there so much fog in here?"

"Yeah, it's sunny. I haven't seen any fog just now. Why is it coming out now?"

"What's the situation?"

"Don't talk about the fog, how do I feel that I have been wandering in one place?"

"The same is true for you, and so is me, what's the matter? Why can't I get out of this place!"

Everyone kept exclaiming and fell into the star formation, of course they couldn't get out.

The only ones who can really go out are those above the integration realm. It's just that these people just went out, and they couldn't bring so many people out together.

Han Tianyuan was the first to rush to the mountain, and when he saw Su Yang waiting for him on the mountain, his brow furrowed: "What have you done under the mountain? Why can't those people get out?"

"More than 5,700 people have come to attack and kill me, can I not make preparations?" Su Yang said coldly: "Mr. Han, if it is you, you will sit and wait for death?"

Han Tianyuan's expression changed: "So you were prepared. If I guessed correctly, this should be a mountain-guarding formation, right? Humph, are you planning to wipe out the big families in the six southern provinces at once?"

Su Yang said coldly: "I have no grudges or grudges against the big family in the six southern provinces. They are the first to destroy my genius doctor alliance. As the saying goes, killers must be prepared to be killed. They come to me. Cumulus Mountain wants to kill people, so you should be prepared to be killed, right?"

"If you want to kill them, then you have to ask me if I agree first!" Han Tianyuan shouted angrily, and was about to go down the mountain, but Su Yang directly stopped him.

"Han Tianyuan, your opponent is me!" Su Yang said coldly.

"Can you stop me?" Han Tianyuan sneered. After punching Su Yang, his expression suddenly changed, and he said angrily: " just hid your strength?"

"If you don't hide your strength, how can you deceive you to go up the mountain?" Su Yang sneered, this time he stopped hiding, and shot with all his strength to defeat Han Tianyuan.

Han Tianyuan's complexion changed drastically. He originally thought that Su Yang's strength was equal to his own, but he didn't expect to be stronger than himself. This made him really unacceptable.

In fact, if Su Yang had been stronger than Han Tianyuan before the battle at Mochizuki Villa, he would not be much stronger. However, after that battle, Su Yang's strength greatly increased. After the first battle in Hanxi Province, especially after a battle with land gods, Su Yang's strength once again improved a lot.

Su Yang's current strength has actually reached its peak, and he can enter the land immortal realm at any time. It's just that he can't enter at will, he has many enemies in the land immortal realm.

Therefore, Su Yang can only accumulate strength now. And the aura he absorbs is also abundant, so he can only improve his strength in battle. Every time he fights, his strength can be improved!

Now playing against Han Tianyuan, Su Yang has no pressure.

However, it didn't take long for the two to fight, and several people came out under the mountain. It was Wan Mingshan Xie Feiyu Wu Qianqian Zheng Jiuxai and others.

Seeing such a situation, they were also shocked. These people obviously did not expect that Han Tianyuan would be beaten by Su Yang.

Han Tianyuan was furious. After beating for a while, he couldn't help but said, "What are you doing in a daze? This kid hides his strength, and the mountain is a big formation. If you don't take action anymore, these family alliance people will all die in the big formation. Up!"

These people recovered and looked at each other. Wu Qianqian and Zheng Jiuxa rushed up first: "Mr. Han, let's help you!"

The two joined the battle group and joined forces with Han Tianyuan to fight Su Yang.

Su Yang was not afraid, with both hands out, fighting with the three of them, always having the upper hand.

"Hey, you two, are entrusted and loyal to others, do you want to watch the theater here all the time?" Zheng Jiusha cursed.

Wan Mingshan and Xie Feiyu sighed, and whispered at the same time: "Leader Su, I'm sorry, it's offended to be entrusted and loyal to others!"

"It's okay!" Su Yang was very calm. When the two men shot, Su Yang had a flying sword beside him, it was the Jiuhan Jade Sword.

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