The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 88: You are not worthy!

Lin Dingkun stayed in the seminar and settled on the busy project. Su Yang left the meeting place by himself from the quiet path behind.

However, as soon as he walked out, he saw Lin Qingru coming angrily: "Su Yang, stop for me!"

Su Yang frowned slightly, ignored Lin Qingru at all, and moved on.

"I asked you to stop, didn't you hear it!" Lin Qingru rushed to Su Yang and said angrily: "I have something to tell you!"

"Say!" Su Yang said coldly.

Lin Qingru said solemnly: "You go back now, tell No.3, let them leave a project for the third hospital!"

Su Yang glanced at Lin Qingru and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"I didn't make a joke with you!" Lin Qingru said loudly, "The deputy dean of the third hospital is my second uncle. Su Yang, did you forget that when you came back, my second uncle ran to our house in person You take the wind. How can you avenge revenge and cause my second uncle to lose his job?

Su Yang couldn't help but sneered: "Did your second uncle go to pick up the wind for me or taunt me, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"Su Yang, why are you like this!" Lin Qingru said angrily: "Why did my second uncle ridicule you, you go to my house for dinner, my second uncle and third aunt will pick up the wind for you, is it their fault? Su Yang, How can you confuse black and white like this!"

"Don't tell me these nonsense!" Su Yang said coldly: "If you can't distinguish black and white, just get out of the way. I'm not in the mood to waste your lips and tongue with you!"

Lin Qingru was even more angry, and said loudly: "Su Yang, you white-eyed wolf, how did our family treat you? You treat our family like this? You are ungrateful! Have you forgotten how good my dad is to you?"

"Uncle Lin is kind to me, I will always remember." Su Yang said coldly: "But, Uncle Lin is Uncle Lin, and the others are other people. You, don't deserve to show me any kindness!"

"Su Yang, I can see through you!" Lin Qingru gritted his teeth and said: "You are not only a white-eyed wolf, but also a small belly. You have no manhood. My second uncle did not offend you. How can you treat him like this? Are you afraid of retribution if you have trouble?"

"Since he didn't offend me, then don't use it to beg me!" Su Yang said coldly: "Also, Lin Qingru, you will remember it for me. We have nothing to do with each other, I'm looking at the face of Uncle Lin , I have repeatedly tolerated you, but it doesn't mean you can be unscrupulous in front of me. I have a bottom line. If you cross my bottom line, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As Su Yang said, he suddenly stepped on the stone slab on the ground and directly shattered both of the stone slabs.

Lin Qingru was immediately frightened and watched Su Yang walk away. After a long while, she said angrily: "Su Yang, how good do you think you are. In my life, it is impossible to marry you!"

"Then I would like to thank you!" Su Yang replied from a distance, and left without looking back.

Bypassing the venue and walking along the path, Su Yang originally planned to turn around here to see if there is any Feng Shui aura.

After turning to a secluded place, Su Yang faintly heard an exclamation sound from a distance. And this voice is the tenth patient just now.

Su Yang frowned, rushed over without any hesitation.

Outside a small forest in front, a black business car rushed out. And in the small woods, lies an old lady with gray hair and a rickety figure, who can't tell whether she is alive or dead.

Su Yang's face was cold, and he rushed forward, blocking in front of the commercial vehicle.

The person sitting in the co-pilot in the car was Hu Ding'an. When he saw Su Yang, his expression changed suddenly and he roared, "Crash me over!"

The driver stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards Su Yang. Seeing this posture, he was ready to knock Su Yang to death.

Su Yang rushed forward, and when he was about to collide, he suddenly jumped onto the roof of the car. Then he grabbed his hands and grabbed the roof of the car suddenly, pierced the roof of the car, grabbed it in, pinched the driver's neck and pressed him on the steering wheel.

The vehicle went out of control and crashed into a tree next to it and stopped.

Su Yang jumped out of the car, opened the door, and found that the tenth patient was being pressed into the car with a few people covering their mouths. She struggled still, tears in her eyes.

"Sue, you dare to ruin my good deeds!" Hu Ding'an roared in front of him: "Kill him to me!"

The big guys rushed out immediately, and Su Yang was not polite, and went head-on, throwing all these big guys to the ground.

Hu Ding'an took a dagger and rushed down, originally trying to deal with Su Yang. Unexpectedly, a few of his men were knocked down by Su Yang so quickly, and he was immediately stunned.

"You... don't come..." Hu Ding'an brandished a dagger and looked at Su Yang in horror.

Su Yang didn't bother to pay attention to him, and whispered to the girl curled up in the car: "It's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

The girl finally recovered, rushed into Su Yang's arms and cried wow.

Su Yang patted the girl's back lightly and saw that Hu Ding'an wanted to run. He kicked a stone with his toes and hit Hu Ding'an's back. Hu Ding'an fell to the ground.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Su Yang comforted the girl a few times: "Go, let's go see your foster mother first."

The girl nodded and hurried into the woods over there to help the old lady, but she cried again.

"Doctor Su, save my mother..." the girl trembled, and the old lady was in a coma now.

Su Yang didn't hesitate, walked over and pierced the old lady with three silver needles, and said, "Don't worry, she has nothing to do with her. It's just that she is malnourished for a long time, just add some nutrition."

"Oh." The girl lowered her head, her expression still embarrassed.

Su Yang originally wanted to leave, but seeing the girl's expression, he vaguely guessed what was going on. It is strange to say that his method of searching for the soul has no effect on the girl. It can be seen that this innate life body is not simple.

"Where are you going?" Su Yang asked.

"I...I don't know..." the girl whispered.

"Aren't you going home?" Su Yanqi said.

"Dad is gone. Mom sold everything in the house in order to cure my illness..." the girl cried: "We have been wandering for several years. Mom always thinks we will die by the roadside. We... We have no home at all..."

Su Yang couldn't help sighing, the girl's life experience is really pitiful.

"If you really don't have a place to go, maybe you don't live in Nanluo City first." Su Yang said, "I will arrange a place for you to live."

"Really?" The girl was overjoyed and quickly said: "Doctor Su, thank you so...thank you so much, I...I will definitely work quickly to earn money and repay you..."

"This is not necessary!" Su Yang smiled, took out his mobile phone and called Hou Shilin, asked Hou Shilin to arrange a house and send a car to pick them up by the way.

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