Jiang Zi'er stood beside Zhao Ping An, she looked at Zhao Ping An with doubts. I really don’t understand. Why did Su Yang bring back an apprentice after he went out for a few days?

Zhao Pingan grinned at Jiang Zi'er, and said, "Ms. Jiang, if you need any help, please let me know!"

Jiang Zi'er hesitated for a while, and whispered: "Actually, Master Su doesn't need to go there personally. He has to be here and sit in the Alliance of Magical Doctors!"

"If my master doesn't go there personally, it's hard to tell what the result will be." Zhao Ping'an said: "You send someone over now, no matter how fast you are, how fast can you get there? Who can be faster? Go to my master?"

"That's true too!" Jiang Zi'er nodded slowly, and it seemed that Su Yang had to pass by himself if he wanted to rescue those people from Tianzong.

However, everyone in the Magic Medical Alliance was a little flustered.

Someone is already coming to attack the Magical Doctor Alliance, and everyone is waiting for Su Yang to come back to preside over the overall situation. At this time, Su Yang went out to save people first, so how can they deal with this situation?

Su Yang left Zhao Ping An, but everyone didn't know Zhao Ping An, and they didn't know what kind of strength this young man had, and whether he could bless the Magic Doctor Alliance?

At this moment, a person suddenly ran in from outside the door, and said anxiously: "Leader Su, there are hundreds of people breaking into the mountain gate. Our people staying at the mountain gate can't stop them, they will enter the sect soon!"

Everyone stood up together, and everyone's complexion changed. This really means that Cao Cao has arrived, Su Yang has just left, and everyone has just begun to worry, these people have been killed?

Jiang Zi'er's expression also changed. She originally thought that Su Yang would be able to rush back in time, but this situation is completely beyond her expectations.

However, she still followed Su Yang for a long time, and naturally understood Su Yang's style of doing things. She was only flustered for a moment, and soon calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Abandon the mountain gate, everyone will retreat to the sect!"

"Yes!" The man stepped back hastily.

Jiang Zi'er looked at everyone on the scene and said loudly: "Leader Su has already said that, for today's matter, I will not retreat even a bit from the Alliance of Magical Doctors. Therefore, I hope that everyone can advance and retreat together with the Alliance, hold the Alliance together, and wait for the leader to return. Take care of it yourself!"

Everyone looked at each other, and the Huatuomen first said loudly: "Hold the alliance and never retreat!"

Immediately afterwards, many people also shouted. Of course, these sects are those who have suffered heavy losses and are very angry.

Some sects did not respond, after all, their sects suffered little losses. The sect master of one of the sects asked in a low voice: "Miss Jiang, I don’t know how long it will take for the leader of Su League to come back this time? Hundreds of people are here. If we go hard, or we can win, But it will also suffer heavy losses. Moreover, people from all major families and major forces in the southern six provinces are already on the road. I estimate that tomorrow, at noon, we will be able to kill Cumulus Mountain. At that time, if we lose too much , Even if the leader returns, it might be difficult to deal with those people!"

Others nodded one after another, although they were talking about uniting and defending the Alliance of Divine Doctors. However, Su Yang went out to save people at this time, and they were the only ones left. They were very unassuming. Without Su Yang guarding the leader here, everyone was still very frightened.

"Master is going to save people, naturally it won't take long to come back!" Zhao Ping'an stood up and said loudly, "Moreover, you don't need to worry. With me here, these people want to enter the gate of the Alliance of Divine Doctors, they must pass me first. This level. Unless I die, otherwise, they will not be able to enter the genius doctor alliance!"

At this time everyone looked at Zhao Ping'an seriously, many of them didn't know the identity of Zhao Ping'an before. Now that he heard that he was Su Yang's apprentice, everyone was more or less relieved. Although Su Yang left, his apprentice is still here, which also made everyone feel a little more stable.

However, the panic in everyone's heart still exists. After all, Zhao Pingan is not Su Yang. Even if Su Yang is here, he can't stop the joint attack of the major families in the six southern provinces. As for Zhao Pingan, what can he do?

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Ping'an walked out of the hall and came to the gate of the original Medical Sage Gate. This place has now become the gate of the Magic Doctor Alliance.

At the foot of the mountain, visible to the naked eye, a group of people arrived quickly. These people at the head are obviously not weak, there are about thirty or forty people. And behind, there was a large group of people rushing over, about hundreds of people, and they were the real main force of this group.

The thirty or forty people in front of this rushed to this gate in less than five minutes.

Seeing Zhao Ping'an standing at the gate, these people didn't care, and they just wanted to break through the gate.

"Stop!" Zhao Pingan shouted, and rushed up to stop these people.

"Get away!" The leader shouted angrily and punched Zhao Pingan in the face.

Zhao Ping'an was not welcome, and also punched back. When the two fists collided, the man flew out, fell to the ground, vomited blood, and was seriously injured!

There was an uproar at the scene, especially those who rushed up, were stunned at this moment.

This person at the head is not weak, but a master of the integration realm. And now, just like that, he was blown away with a punch?

Moreover, this person looks so young, how is this possible?

These people stopped immediately and looked at Zhao Ping'an vigilantly. One of them said solemnly: "Are you the leader of the genius doctor alliance, Master Su of Pingnan Province?"

"I am Zhao Pingan!" Zhao Pingan said coldly, "Master Su, it is my master!"

Everyone was stunned again. They thought that this person was Su Yang. After all, it was rumored outside that Master Su was young and extremely powerful, which shocked people. These people didn't believe it very much at first, and felt that a young man could be so strong.

And when the person was beaten up just now, everyone's first thought was to meet Su Yang. Who could imagine that they had guessed wrong, that this person is not Su Yang, but just Su Yang's apprentice?

Now that Su Yang's apprentices have such strength, how strong will Su Yang's strength be?

Everyone looked at each other, and they immediately dispersed, quietly fanning around Zhao Ping An.

Zhao Pingan saw it, but he didn't care. Among these people, the strongest is the one he had just beaten to fly. He really didn't pay attention to the rest. Even if you surround him, what can you do!

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