The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 841: No way to escape

"I didn't say you cooperated with him..." Liao Yuxuan smiled: "It's just that if he didn't kill you, you would be able to return to the country alive. If you return to the country, then the things we worked together before will be exposed. Up."

"At that time, not only the people in the world will know about this, but the people in your faction in the country will also know about it. Isn't this just adding trouble to us? The people in the world will not believe us in the future, and the people in your faction will still find We take revenge, how troublesome it is!"

"But, if we kill you here, then we can plant the money on Su Yang. At that time, the words of the surname Su don't count. He said to let you go, but killed you in an ambush on the way. Furthermore, you send People inside will come to Su Yang for revenge. That really saves us a lot of trouble, doesn't it?"

Sect Master's complexion changed drastically, and he completely understood the sinister intentions of people like Liao Yuxuan. He was also panicked to the extreme. Hearing what Liao Yuxuan said, he knew that people like Liao Yuxuan did not intend to let them go.

Taking a deep breath, the lord quietly said: "Everyone retreat separately!"

Without waiting for these Japanese people to act, Mr. Jin Ye has already taken a step forward and said loudly: "Since you are here, don't leave. This place is beautifully landscaped and suitable for burying you!"

With that said, a dozen golden leaves flew out of Mr. Jin Ye's body, and he arrived in front of the Sect Master in an instant.

The lord stretched out his hand to stop, but Onizuka whispered: "Don't touch it!"

With a neigh, Onizuka Japanese sword slashed over and blocked the golden leaf. However, when the two people around the suzerain used a long knife to block the golden leaf, they were all broken by the long knife, and then the golden leaf passed directly through the bodies of the two people, and both of them exploded and died at the same time.

Sect Master was in a cold sweat, his strength was not much better than these two people. If he had just tried to block these golden leaves, his fate would definitely be the same as these two men.

Those golden leaves came swiftly, and there were seven people left behind the suzerain. The targets of these golden leaves were these seven people.

At this moment, Onizuka came up with a knife, slashed quickly, blocking all the golden leaves back, and saving everyone.

"Mr. Jin Ye, just relying on you, want to kill us, it may not be so easy!" Onizuka held a Japanese sword in his hand, and said coldly: "You can at most fight with me, but I want to kill the people on your side. , You may not be able to stop it. Both lose and lose, is it worth it?"

Sect Master also sneered: "Liao Yuxuan, you are a wise man, and you should be very clear about the current situation. Your name, Wu Jianqiu, was seriously injured. You alone may not kill us!"

"Really?" Liao Yuxuan smiled, glanced at Onizuka, and said coldly: "If you are not injured, then we will just turn our heads and leave, we will not come to ambush you at all. It's a pity that your injury is not light. What qualifications do you have to say such things to us?"

Onizuka's brows frowned slightly. In fact, he had just taken the shot just now, he was also strong, just trying to scare people like Liao Yuxuan. It now appears that it is basically impossible to scare these people. These people obviously know his situation.

"You go, I'll break it!" Onizuka whispered.

"Onizuka..." Sect Master whispered.

"Go!" Onizuka said unquestionably.

Sect Master gritted his teeth, turned and said in a deep voice, "Go!"

Everyone quickly turned around and wanted to leave, but at this time Liao Yuxuan had already brought them to kill.

Onizuka tried to stop him, but Mr. Jin Ye had already rushed to him and fought him. The dozen or so golden leaves of Mr. Jin Ye hovered over and stood in front of the Sect Master and the others.

Onizuka's complexion changed sharply, and he wanted to leave in front of Mr. Jin Ye to help the lord and others. However, Mr. Jin Ye was not inferior to him in strength. Moreover, Onizuka was now seriously injured, and he was not defeated by Mr. Jin Ye. He was completely stopped, unable to help the suzerain and others.

The seven people around the lord were quickly beheaded, none of them left.

In the end, the Sect Master was left alone. He tried his best to avoid those golden leaves, but he was also attacked by Liao Yuxuan, and there were several wounds on his body. Sooner or later, he died in battle.

Upon seeing this situation, Onizuka suddenly roared, tearing the veil on his face, and vomiting blood on the Japanese sword.

The Japanese sword skyrocketed by one foot in an instant, and the powerful sword light forced Mr. Jin Ye to retreat seven steps in a row.

Onitsuka did not pursue Mr. Jin Ye, but rushed to the Sect Master with a widow in his hand, slashing everyone.

"Retreat!" Mr. Jin Ye yelled, and dozens of golden leaves swiftly approached, bumping into the widow one after another, blocking the three fierce moves of Onizuka, and only then did Liao Yuxuan escape their lives.

"He is burning his life to increase his strength. This situation will not last long." Mr. Jin Ye said solemnly: "Hold around, don't let them run, I want to see how much blood he can shed! "

Onizuka's face was gloomy, and his situation, as Mr. Jin Ye said, was to increase his strength at the expense of burning his life.

He led the Sect Master to break through quickly, but with Mr. Jin Ye there, he could not run. Liao Yuxuan and others followed far away, not close at all, just waiting for him to run out of life.

After running for a while, Onizuka knew that he couldn't hold it anymore. He stopped suddenly and sat down on the ground.

"Onizuka! Onizuka!" Sect Master exclaimed.

Onizuka took a deep breath and whispered: "The old sect master is kind to me for nurturing. Today is the time for me to repay my kindness. You stand behind me and I will make a way for you!"

"You...what are you going to do..." Sect Master looked panic.

Onizuka didn't speak, and with a wave of the Japanese sword, a cloud of dark light dragged the lord behind him.

Here, Mr. Jin Ye chased him, and everyone was surprised to see this situation.

"What is he going to do?" Liao Yuxuan asked strangely.

"I don't know!" Mr. Jin Ye frowned, "Anyway, don't get close, this person is still very powerful!"

Of course everyone didn't dare to approach, they could only watch from a distance.

Sitting cross-legged, Onizuka didn't attack these people, just muttering something in his mouth. Suddenly, he opened his mouth and sprayed three mouthfuls of blood at the Japanese sword.

The Japanese sword quickly soared several feet and turned into a giant sword.

Onizuka grabbed the giant knife, his eyes were red, his body climbed in vain, and the surrounding trees were trembling without wind. Everything in this mountain forest seemed to be drawn by an invisible force, all heading in the direction of the giant sword. Even some small stones were rolled up and slowly rolled towards the giant knife.

"This...what's the situation?" Gong Yeliang and the others exclaimed. Have they ever seen such a situation before? Is Onizuka's strength so strong?

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