The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 833: Seal memory

In the end, Su Yang did not leave these Japanese people, but let them go as promised.

Seeing all these people leave, Hu Wannian and the others all breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like they had escaped from death. However, when they look at Su Yang again, their faces become more awed.

Su Yang can survive the crisis just now, so what else can threaten Su Yang?

However, on the other side, Patriarch Feng Li and others were completely panicked.

Although Gong Yeliang only uses them as tools, they have no hatred with people like Gong Yeliang, and at best they will only help these people in the future.

But now that Su Yang has won, the problem is serious. ,

Among other things, the daughter and son-in-law of Boss Li bullied Zhao Pingan’s family like that. How could Zhao Pingan forgive them?

Su Yang asked these people to retreat first, leaving Qi Zhishan alone in the attic, and talked to Qi Zhishan about Liao Yuxuan.

Gong Yeliang possessed the power of the sage of medicine, and Liao Yuxuan possessed the power of the three-faced god.

Su Yang had been wondering what the situation was.

Su Yang is not particularly clear about Gong Yeliang's situation. However, Liao Yuxuan knew very well that the two were classmates since childhood.

Liao Yuxuan was an ordinary person since he was a child, and there is nothing special about him. In other words, he is not the three-faced **** himself, but on a certain day, he has the power of the three-faced **** in his body, and he has the cultivation base of today.

But what is the situation?

After listening to Su Yang's words, Qi Zhishan fell silent. After a long time, he whispered: "Will it be reincarnation?"

Su Yang looked at Qi Zhishan in amazement: "You mean that after these two land gods died, they reincarnated and became Gong Yeliang and Liao Yuxuan?"

There are also records about reincarnation and rebirth in the Destiny Book, but this requirement is very harsh. First of all, you must be a land fairy to do it. Moreover, it is necessary to reach the pinnacle realm of land immortals to have this strength to reincarnate and rebirth.

However, ordinary land immortals, even if their bodies are really broken, rarely choose to reincarnate and rebirth, and most of them choose to seize homes. But after the looting, there is nothing to do with the person who was looted, and all the memories, grievances and so on before, no longer exist. The person who was taken away completely became the land fairy himself.

Moreover, after seizing the house, although the power of this land immortal would definitely lose a lot. However, after all, he is still a land god, even if his power drops, he will still be in the realm of land gods, and he will never fall into this realm.

The situation of these two people is definitely not a loss.

And rebirth, unless even the soul is damaged, there is really no way, only to choose rebirth.

There is a big trouble in rebirth. First, the probability of being able to be reborn is too low. Secondly, the cultivation is too slow. That would be tantamount to becoming a newcomer and re-cultivating, although he has the memory of land immortals, his cultivation speed can be faster. However, in the process of cultivating, once you encounter a powerful enemy, you will easily be beheaded, and everything will be wiped out.

There is also the most crucial point, reincarnation and rebirth, it is impossible to retain the power of the previous life.

However, the situation of Gong Yeliang and Liao Yuxuan is obviously not like this!

"The power in the two of them is not their own. This is not the case for reincarnation." Su Yang said: "It shouldn't be reincarnation, right?"

Qi Zhishan thought about it carefully, and shook his head: "It's really not like reincarnation, but it's not taking home. What is the situation?"

Su Yang shrugged: "Not only the two of them, but also the Wu Jianqiu and Mr. Jin Ye, the situation is a bit weird."

Qi Zhishan nodded slowly: "It seems that I have to study these people carefully. I have nothing to do during this time, so let's have fun with them."

"Then you have to be careful, among these people, maybe there are any hidden masters." Su Yang said.

"Don't worry, as long as there is no land fairy to take action, even if I can't fight, I will at least be able to escape." Qi Zhishan smiled: "I live again now, I can live a good life, don't want to die so fast."

Su Yang also smiled and said, "By the way, you said you abandoned it for nearly 20 years. What is the situation? Why have you become so young?"

"What's the matter?" Qi Zhishan said: "Since those twenty years have been spent in vain, then live again. This memory was completely sealed by me, and everything, the mentality is young, and people are naturally young. "

Su Yang suddenly curled his lips: "It's simple to say, how can it be so easy to do?"

"Hahaha..." Qi Zhishan said with a smile: "The cultivators of my generation are themselves going against the sky. If you want to, you can do it. There is nothing impossible!"

"Awesome!" Su Yang gave Qi Zhishan a thumbs up: "I haven't seen him in a few days, I have a higher consciousness."

"It's okay." Qi Zhishan said with a smile: "For so long, there is nothing wrong, just wandering around various famous mountains and rivers. After seventeen years of sitting in the dry meditation, I missed the prosperity of this world, it is time to go again. ."

"By the way, you said that you have lived in vain for these twenty years, why?" Su Yangqi said: "Seventeen years of dry Zen, even if there is no insight, but at least you are still practicing."

"I don't know either." Qi Zhishan said.

"Huh?" Su Yang was stunned: "Don't you know?"

"Didn't I say that, I sealed this memory." Qi Zhishan said: "To be precise, it is a memory that has been sealed for 19 years and eight months. What happened in these nineteen years and eight months , I don’t remember anymore. I don’t know why I sit in dry meditation, and I don’t know what I felt after sitting in dry meditation for seventeen years. My memory, except for seventeen years and eight months ago, is what I saw The one after you. The middle section no longer exists."

Su Yang looked confused, this Qi Zhishan is really not easy, he can do this step!

"I have traveled around the world, and I also want to know why I have to sit for these seventeen years of dry meditation." Qi Zhishan said.

"Huh?" Su Yang almost vomited blood: "Then don't seal so many memories, don't you know?"

Qi Zhishan shook his head: "After this memory is sealed, I don't know what happened during this period. I only know that I have been sitting for 17 years, but I don't know why I want to sit. However, I know very well, Since I was about to seal the reasons for sitting and dry meditation, it means that I don't want to remember the events of that period."

Su Yang scratched his head: "What you said is really profound. Since you have sealed this memory and don't want to remember the events of that period, why should you look for this reason again?"

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