The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 819: Gong Yeliang reappears

Su Yang slowly nodded, put down the tea cup, and whispered softly: "It seems that these three families, which two do not agree with you, and the one who didn't send anyone over at all, has another backer!"

Zhao Ping'an scratched his head and whispered: "Master, those two companies don't agree with me, so forget it. But, the one who didn't send anyone over, really has a backer?"

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled faintly: "After the battle last night, these well-informed big families must have heard of the events of last night. Under such circumstances, if someone refuses to accept you, the Patriarch will not show up in person. This is normal. However, if someone does not show up at all, it is not as simple as disagreeing with you."

"Why?" Zhao Pingan said strangely.

"You are in charge of Lu'an City. This is a certainty. The two families do not accept you, but they still send people to them. Even if you really pursue them in the future, their Patriarch can find excuses to reply to this matter."

"However, no one from that family came here, so there would be no excuses. In other words, they are not willing to make excuses at all. This is their intention to head-on with you!"

Su Yang looked at Zhao Pingan and smiled lightly: "The ten largest families in Lu'an, the Wu family and Hu Jiajia, far exceed the other eight families. In other words, the other eight families cannot be compared with the Hu family. After the first battle last night, even the Hu family bowed their heads, and this family dared to face you head-on, do you think they have backing behind?"

Zhao Pingan suddenly realized that he took a deep breath and whispered: "Master, it seems that their backer is not easy. Otherwise, they dare not do this!"

"Then see who their backer is!" Su Yang stood up, walked to the window, looked at the lake in the distance, and said softly: "Today, let Lu'an City reshuffle the cards again!"

Zhao Pingan was shocked. He didn't know what Su Yang was going to do. However, it is not easy to reshuffle a city. Only his master can say such words so easily.

Turning hands for the clouds and hands for the rain, this is the real big shot!

Not long after, Hu Wannian hurried over, and he had already brought the information of Li Ling's family.

Li Ling's father, Boss Li, was originally a local snake in Lu'an City. When Li Ling married Wang Jianjun, he was not old enough. Later, I caught the line of a big man and gradually developed. And Li Ling and Wang Jianjun have become more arrogant and domineering with the strength of Boss Li!

During this time, Boss Li caught up with several big families in Lu'an City, and what he did was getting bigger and bigger. Looking at the posture recently, Boss Li still has the meaning of becoming the underground leader in Lu'an City!

And the three big families that Boss Li caught up with were exactly the three families that didn't go to the hospital this time. Two of them just sent someone from the family over, while the other one, no one even went over.

There is no doubt that this matter has already reached Boss Li.

Zhao Ping'an frowned. He originally planned to hide the news so that Boss Li would not know it, lest Li Ling and Wang Jianjun were scared away. Unexpectedly, the news passed!

"Where is Li Ling and Wang Jianjun now?" Zhao Pingan asked in a deep voice.

"At Mochizuki Villa." Hu Wannian said: "Not long after this incident, they all went to the Moonlight Villa, and even Boss Li also went to the Moonlight Villa."

Zhao Ping'an frowned: "Mochizuki Villa?"

Before Hu Wannian could answer, someone suddenly ran in from outside the door: "Master Su, Master Zhao, Patriarch Hu, and Mrs. Li sent an invitation to invite Master Su and Master Zhao to have a banquet at the Moon Tower tonight!"

Zhao Ping An and Hu Wannian turned their heads and looked at them at the same time. They were both stunned. This old man Li is so bold, he dare to invite Zhao Ping to over?

But Su Yang, he was relatively calm, standing at the window with his hands on his back, as if he hadn't heard the news.

Hu Wannian didn't know what Su Yang meant and didn't dare to make his own claim. He could only wave his hand at that person and said, "Let that person wait, just say Master Su is busy."

"Yes!" The man ran out hastily.

Zhao Pingan walked to Su Yang and whispered: "Master..."

Su Yang turned his head and said with a chuckle: "It seems that the background behind that family is not simple. Knowing that I am here, I still have to invite me over. It's a feast for a feast!"

Zhao Ping'an was startled and quickly said, "Master, let's not go there..."

"Why don't you go?" Su Yang smiled: "I'm still worried about who these people's backgrounds are. They personally invited us, so of course I have to check it out!"

Zhao Ping'an was silent immediately. Since Su Yang said he was going, he would naturally not refuse. With Su Yang, he felt as if he had a spiritual support in his heart, there was nothing to fear!

Hu Wannian immediately said: "Then I will tell him, we will go to the banquet tonight!"


Full Moon Villa.

This villa is the property of the Feng family in Lu'an City.

The Feng family is in Lu'an City, although it is one of the top ten families. But in fact, the strength of the Hu family is very average, and it can't be compared with the most powerful Wu family.

However, this time, the Feng family was precisely the family that did not send anyone to the hospital.

In the middle of the villa, there is a loft on the top of the mountain. This is the quietest place in the villa and the best scenery.

In the attic, Patriarch Feng was standing respectfully in front of a man.

If Su Yang were here, he would naturally recognize that this man was Gong Yeliang who had escaped from the Sage of Medicine.

Gong Yeliang's injury has completely recovered, he is slowly holding a wine glass and tasting it carefully.

Patriarch Feng stood bent over, dare not say a word, his face was respectful.

After drinking a glass of wine, Gong Yeliang said slowly: "So, are they coming to the banquet tonight?"

"I have agreed, unless the surname Su dare not come!" Patriarch Feng said respectfully.

"Don't dare to come?" Gong Yeliang sneered: "In this world, there are only things that the surname Su doesn't want to do, and nothing he doesn't dare to do. Do you know why I didn't let you send someone to the hospital? "

Family Master Feng quickly said: "The master is wise, and the master must have done this because of the master's reasons. How can the little ignorance try to figure out the master's magic!"

Gong Yeliang ignored Patriarch Feng's flattering, and said coldly: "I just want that Su to know that behind your Feng family, there is a powerful force supporting you."

Patriarch Feng was obviously stunned, wondering why Gong Yeliang wanted Su Yang to know about this. Shouldn't this be a concealment and killing Su Yang by surprise?

Gong Yeliang glanced at Patriarch Feng and said with a sneer: "Only in this way, this surnamed Su will come to Wangyue Villa honestly. If there is no challenge, he will not come in person!"

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