The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 809: Little Overlord

" did you hit you..." Li Chunhua's voice was a little trembling, and her heart felt very sad when her child was beaten like this.

However, thinking about the situation of Xiaobawang's parents, she really didn't dare to say anything, she could only swallow that breath.

"We didn't hire him." Zhao Ping said, "My sister and I finished our homework at home. When I saw that you didn't bring pickles, we wanted to bring them to you. When we walked to the alley, Xiaobawang brought a group of children. Play, we listen to you and walk around him. But this little bully made us stop directly. As soon as we stopped, he ran over and broke our pickle jar."

"Huh?" Li Chunhua couldn't help being annoyed, isn't this bullying?

"We remembered what my mother said, the jar was broken and we didn't dare to speak. However, the bully had to show his newly bought golden hoop, so he told me to stand and let him hit with the golden hoop... …"

Speaking of this, Zhao Pingshun was a little choked: "He hit me with a golden hoop a few times, and it hurts very much. But I...I didn't dare to speak, but he said I... said I was not afraid of him. , Just... just hit me on the head with a golden hoop, hitting a big bag..."

Looking at the big bag on his son's head, Li Chunhua couldn't help crying.

Zhao Pingshun whispered: "My sister saw that I was beaten, she couldn't help it, and ran over to push Xiaobawang away. When Xiaobawang was angry, he pushed... and pushed his sister down, and several of them ran away. Come here and step on my sister with my feet. I... I ran over, pushed the bully away, and ran over with my sister..."

Li Chunhua was already in tears at this time. She hugged her son and daughter and sobbed: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yes... it's because my mother has no ability, and my mother can't protect you..."

Hearing his mother's cry, Zhao Pingshun sensibly helped Li Chunhua wipe the tears from his face, and whispered: "Mom, I...I'm fine, doesn't hurt anymore..."

Looking at the big bag on his son's forehead, Li Chunhua's tears couldn't stop.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the alley: "They are there!"

Li Chunhua turned his head to look around, and saw Xiao Bawang running over with a group of children.

The brothers and sisters Zhao Pingshun paled with fright, Li Chunhua quickly stood up and blocked his son and daughter behind him.

Xiaobawang ran over, ignoring Li Chunhua at all, holding a toy golden cudgel, and hitting Zhao Pingshun.

"Do you dare to hit me? Do you still dare to hit me?" The bully cursed while beating: "I killed you! I killed you! What are you doing in a daze? Kill him for me!"

The children he brought over looked at Li Chunhua, but didn't dare to come up. How could they have the courage of Xiaobawang.

Li Chunhua blocked it and found that the toy golden hoop was actually solid steel. No wonder she hit a big bag on her son's head.

"Oh, don't fight, don't fight..." Li Chunhua hurriedly said: "If you have something to say, beating people is not a good boy..."

"Get out of the way, or I'll fight with you!" The little bully roared loudly, completely like a heavenly king.

Li Chunhua was taken aback. She knew that Little Overlord was always domineering, but she didn't expect to be so arrogant. Don't be afraid to see the beating, but still beating the children in front of the adults?

"Don't fight, otherwise...or I will go to your parents!" Li Chunhua shouted.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you!" Xiaobawang was obviously irritated, so he didn't hit the child behind at all, and smashed at Li Chunhua with a golden hoop: "I'll kill you first!"

Li Chunhua was beaten twice, and seeing the boy getting more and more vigorous, he knew that it wouldn't be a problem to keep going like this. She gritted her teeth and grabbed the golden cudgel from Xiaobawang's hand.

Xiaobawang is still a child after all, how can he compare with adults. He was taken aback when he was snatched from the Golden Cudgel. He had obviously never encountered such a situation before, and no one dared to do this to him yet!

After a moment of stunned, the little bully jumped again and again, ran to the side, grabbed a brick, and smashed it at Li Chunhua.

Li Chunhua's leg was smashed by a brick, and it was also painful. The next two children even cried directly.

However, the little bully seemed to be energetic, picking up the brick again and preparing to come and smash Li Chunhua.

Seeing this posture, Li Chunhua dared to throw him over again, ran directly, grabbed the brick in Xiao Bawang's hand, fell angrily to the ground, and roared, "You do it again, I'm not welcome!"

"I want to kill you!" The bully picked up the bricks on the ground again and smashed Li Chunhua's back.

Li Chunhua was completely angry. Seeing Xiaobawang picking up the brick again, she grabbed the brick and pushed the Xiaobawang directly to the ground.

The little bully fell on the ground and was stunned at first, then suddenly crying, turned over, and shouted: "You dare to hit me, I want my dad to kill you..."

"I... I didn't mean it..." Li Chunhua panicked. If Xiaobawang's parents came, would it be worth it?

The little bully didn't pay any attention at all, turned around and wailed and ran away.

Li Chunhua was stunned. If Xiao Bawang's parents came, how could it be done today?

After a moment of silence, Li Chunhua quickly turned around and took his son and daughter, trying to escape. However, standing at the entrance of the alley, she was confused. The world is so big, where can she go?

Besides, she is reluctant to support her two children here. Will you still be alive after leaving this place?

After pondering for a long time, Li Chunhua finally put down the two children and whispered: " go to your brother's martial arts gym first, I...I will pick you up at noon..."

"Mom..." Zhao Pingshun was already sensible, looking at Li Chunhua with a worried expression.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll call the police in a while, and there will be nothing wrong with the police uncle's arrival." Li Chunhua whispered comfortingly: "You don't stay here, children are here. It's not easy to handle, it will be very troublesome!"

Zhao Pingshun is a child after all, so he nodded, and took his sister away crying.

Li Chunhua stood there, took a deep breath, and sat down against the wall.

Of course she would not call the police, because Xiaobawang's dad Wang Jianjun is a local snake in this area.

Besides, she doesn't believe in how much Wang Jianjun can make the trouble with this child. At most, it was scolded by that **** or beaten by Wang Jianjun a few times. She bowed her head and admitted her mistake, regardless of her face, couldn't she apologize by herself?

No matter what, the family still has more than one thousand yuan, and I apologize for buying something. As long as you can pass this hurdle, you will walk around far away when you see Xiaobawang in the future. Isn't that OK?

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