The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 804: I can heal you

In fact, Su Yang deliberately let Zhao Ping'an make the decision. He wanted to use the people of the Hu family, and the effect of deterrence by force alone was not particularly good.

The so-called combination of grace and power is the best way to treat the next person.

Killing so many people before was frightening. And now, it is a boon for Zhao Pingan to save the lives and property of the Hu family.

From the expressions of those in the Hu family, Su Yang can see that these people are now completely obedient to Zhao Ping An. There is no doubt that Zhao Pingan is in charge of the Hu family here, and people like the Hu family will definitely have to work hard for Zhao Pingan in the future.

"Okay!" Su Yang nodded: "Since Ping An said so, then do it. Elder Hu, I hope you don't let me down. Next time I come to Lu'an again, it's better that we can sit and drink together instead of It’s not good if everyone is facing each other like today."

The old man of the Hu family flushed with excitement, and said repeatedly: "Master Su, don't worry, Master Su, don't worry. We will definitely assist Mr. Zhao with all our efforts, and we will definitely not disappoint Master Su and Mr. Zhao!"

"That's good!" Su Yang nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand: "If that's the case, then you should stay first. Let other people go back, sort out the accounts at home, and send them over for peace. I don't need to talk about these things. Right?"

"That's for sure, that's for sure! Thank you, Master Su, and thank you, Mr. Zhao." The old man of the Hu family was grateful again and again, and waved his hand to let the people of the Hu family retreat, while he respectfully accompanied him here.

Su Yang ignored the Hu family elder, but let people carry in the enemy first.

All the bones of the enemy were broken, like a pile of mud, lying on the stretcher, looking exceptionally desolate.

This is the fourth-ranked master in Hanxi Province, and he can walk sideways in Hanxi Province. As a result, he suffered such a big loss on Hu's side. Although he saved his life, what is the difference between being alive and dead as he is now?

When the enemy was carried in, his mouth was still screaming: "I have the ability to kill me. If my enemy frowns, I am not a man. Why, I thought I had a broken bone. Can you insult me? Tell you, it's impossible. You can display whatever skills you have. If my enemies say something, I will give your last name!"

The Hu family frowned and said in a low voice: "Master Su, Mr. Zhao, the mouths of these 10,000 opponents are really dirty. Or, should I find someone to block his mouth as well?"

"No." Su Yang waved his hand and asked people to put the ten thousand enemies in the middle of the room. He walked over, circled the stretcher twice, and looked up and down the ten thousand enemies.

Behind the tens of thousands of enemies, they also saw Su Yang's powerful strength, knowing that this was a super master. If he saw it before, he must have been flustered. However, it was like this now. He only wanted to die, but he didn't feel any fear in his heart.

"Su Yang!" Ten thousand enemies looked at Su Yang and said loudly: "I know that you are quick and decisive in doing things. Then, you give me a happy one, and count me owe you a favor. My ten thousand enemies will live in this life. Never begged, this time, just beg you, how?"

"Thousands of enemies, how do you talk?" The old man of the Hu family couldn't help but yelled: "You even called Master Su by name, are you looking for death?"

"Now, do you think I will still be afraid of death?" the enemy shouted angrily.

The Hu family frowned and was about to speak, but Su Yang waved his hand and motioned him not to speak.

Su Yang bent down and squatted down, looking at the enemies on the stretcher, and smiled: "Have you never asked someone in your life?"

"My Wan Enemy is a vulgar person, but there is always one sentence." Wan Enemy said loudly: "I have never asked anyone in my life. This is the first time. You give me a good time!"

"No wonder." Su Yang smiled.

"No wonder what?" Ten thousand enemies looked surprised.

"It's no wonder that you are like a rectum." Su Yang sighed and said: "Helping others do things, and finally folded yourself here. Has anyone ever seen you?"

The enemy was a little embarrassed, and said, "I made friends carelessly, I admit it, you don't need to insult me ​​like this!"

"I didn't intend to insult you either!" Su Yang smiled: "I didn't want to see you joke when I left you, I just wanted to discuss something with you."

"Are you discussing something with me?" The enemy was stunned and his expression turned cold: "Aren't you insulting me?"

"How did I insult you?" Su Yangqi said.

"As I am now, what are you discussing with me?" The enemy said angrily, "Aren't you insulting me?"

Seeing the enraged look of the enemy, Su Yang couldn't help but smile: "What's the big deal about you being like this? You haven't died, you still have the right to speak!"

The tens of thousands of enemies looked extremely ugly, and gritted their teeth: "I have nothing to tell you, you either kill me or throw me out and let me fend for myself!"

"Thousands of enemies, don't you know what's good or bad!" The Hu family elder said angrily: "Master Su personally discussed things with you, but you still have this attitude?"

Ten thousand enemies said angrily: "Then what else is there to discuss? I am like this, saying anything is not an insult to me? I only have one mouth left to move, what? He still wants to ask me to help him curse. ?"

The old man of the Hu family suddenly concluded, yes, all enemies are like this, what else can Su Yang discuss with him? Do you really want to insult this former Hanxi province fourth?

"You are too anxious." Su Yang smiled lightly: "Or, you listen to my terms first?"

"What are your conditions?" Ten thousand enemies said in an angry manner.

Su Yang said: "I can make you stand up and restore the bones of your whole body to normal, just like before you were injured!"

"Huh?" Wan Enemy's eyes widened, and the old man from the Hu family beside him was also dumbfounded.

However, Zhao Pingan's expression was still calm, he completely regarded Su Yang as a god, and there was nothing that Su Yang could not do. Su Yang said this, and he was not surprised.

" can..." Wan Enemy was very excited, staring directly at Su Yang.

"Don't forget, besides being Master Su of Pingnan Province, I am also the leader of the Magical Doctor Alliance!" Su Yang chuckled softly, "Don't say you have all the bones broken, even if your whole bones are gone, I will Can help you regenerate!"

Ten thousand enemies were even more excited, and they trembled: "Master Su, Master Su, I was wrong just now. Please forgive me for the collision. The adults don't remember the villains, no... don't care about me. You... If you can heal me, then...that is the second parent of my ten thousand enemies. The life of my ten thousand enemies is yours, Master Su, and I will do my best for you in this life!"

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