The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 790: The blind cat met the dead mouse

After a while, the Hu's side only reacted.

Family Master Hu stood up first, with an incredible expression on his face.

Although the guy on the field is not particularly strong in the Hu family, he is definitely not a weak one. Looking at the masters of the martial arts halls in Lu'an City, there is no more than 10% better than him.

Patriarch Hu really did not expect that this man would be defeated by this little-known Zhao Ping An.

Especially after he was defeated so badly, he was knocked into the air with one blow. What kind of strength is Zhao Ping'an?

"This... how is this possible?" someone from the Hu family whispered.

"Look, this kid... this kid's strength is improving, he... he's now in the realm of Qi training!"

"Oh my god, is this kid pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Just pretending to build a foundation, it turned out to be fooling us!"

"Even in the realm of Qi training, he can't have such a powerful force?"

While everyone in the Hu family exclaimed, everyone else was whispering in shock.

The Dewei Wuguan was the most shocking, because they knew Zhao Ping'an's strength very well.

"This...what's going on here?" An apprentice said in astonishment.

The others looked at each other, who knows what happened. It has only been more than a month for Zhao Pingan to go to their martial arts gym to learn martial arts. Why has he suddenly become so strong?

"The blind cat met a dead mouse!" Fu Qinglan said indignantly, "Why is he strong? Obviously the man is too weak. The Hu family looked down on him, so he sent such a guy who was nothing. Go up and fight him, let him take advantage of it!"

The other apprentices did not speak. In fact, they knew very well that it was not as simple as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

This guy, but he defeated Fu Dewei personally and beat Fu Dewei to vomit blood. Moreover, even if this man is really too weak, but Zhao Ping's shot him so far at once is enough to explain the problem.

This guy is at least one hundred and fifty catties, and he flies more than ten meters away. Is this something ordinary people can do?

In the stands, those Hu Jiawan were also dumbfounded. Hu Jiawan's complexion became very ugly. He frowned and said in a deep voice: "This surname is Zhao, who plays as a pig and eats a tiger, so he still has such an ability?"

Dog legs looked at Min'er and said, "Sister-in-law, you have been with the surname Zhao for so long, why don't you remind Brother Hu?"

Min'er's complexion changed sharply, and she quickly said, "I...I really didn't know he could martial arts. He used to be a waste of money and didn't dare to go out and fight with others. He...he should have learned this recently, right? "

Hu Jiawan glanced at Min'er, and said coldly: "You learnt this time, you regard him as a fairy? Can you make such a big improvement in just one month? Those who learn martial arts pay attention to It’s accumulated over time. With his strength, he can’t do it in less than ten years!"

Min'er was even more panicked and said anxiously: "I...I really don't know. He has never said this in front of me before. I...I really don't know he can martial arts. Husband, I... How could I lie to you?"

Hu Jiawan was in a bad mood, waved his hand to push Min'er away, and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense with me, this **** dares to play with me. Today, I want him not to get out of this North Bay Manor!"

"Brother Hu, why are you angry!" Dog legs laughed quickly: "This is the first game. The Hu family also randomly sent someone to try the water. Now that this kid is hiding his strength, then next, Hu family I won’t be polite to him anymore. Let’s not be angry, and look at this kid for a while, how could he be beaten to death in the ring, that’s fine!"

Hu Jiawan was finally pleased, and smiled: "That's right, why am I angry? Even if he has the greatest ability, can he escape the palm of my Hu family? Let him die in the next one! "

The scene was also full of uproar. Although everyone was surprised at Zhao Ping's strength, everyone did not care. After all, the Hu family just randomly sent someone to play, and Zhao Pingan only played one game. Next, there are two more games, and the Hu family has begun to pay attention to him. How many games can he hold on?

Sure enough, as everyone expected. Patriarch Hu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Second Uncle, I will trouble you for the next one!"

An old man walked out of the Hu family, without seeing how he moved, and came to the top of the ring lightly, with a sense of immortality.

Everyone at the scene suddenly applauded, and many who knew this old man were secretly surprised.

This old man is the second best player in the Hu family. The No. 1 master of the Hu family is in fact no different. Even if he is against Li Changtian, he is definitely worth it.

He acted personally, which shows that the Hu family attaches great importance to Zhao Ping An. As for the result of this battle, everyone doesn't even have to think about it, Zhao Ping An has no chance at all!

Everyone at Changtian Wuguan also clenched their fists. They lost, but they didn't want Dewei Wuguan to win. Otherwise, their faces would be completely swept away.

Especially Li Siyuan, he almost gritted his teeth and cursed: "This time, it's better to let this surname Zhao die here!"

On the ring, Zhao Ping'an had a calm face. In fact, the power in his body was still rushing wildly, constantly impacting every part of his body. This kind of pain made Zhao Ping'an no longer in the mood to care about what everyone was saying.

His only thought now is to finish three games and win three games to help Dewei Wuguan solve this matter. Then, even if he died, he didn't care!

The old man looked at Zhao Ping'an up and down, and said with a faint smile: "Young man, it really is hidden. The strength of the peak of Qi training is hidden so deeply. It seems that our Hu family really underestimates you. But, you start. It's too ruthless, it hurt my nephew so badly. Today, I want to teach you how to behave!"

Everyone at the scene applauded, almost everyone supported the old man one-sidedly, and no one applauded Zhao Ping An at all.

After all, Zhao Pingan has no hope of winning, and the Hu family is in control of the situation. This is already a certainty. At this time, of course everyone was thinking about how to please the Hu family. Who cares about Zhao Ping An, who is about to die on the spot!

Zhao Pingan gritted his teeth and looked at the old man, and said coldly: "Just hit it, what so much nonsense!"

The old man looked cold, and said coldly: "The old man, you are so many years old, and you should be taught you. You child, not only impolite, but also lacking quality. Today, I will teach you a good meal, let You know what it means to respect the elders!"

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